all curios

  • Webcurios 26/07/24 - Reading Time: 36 minutes Hi everyone! Hi! Can…can we all please stop talking about the US election for a bit, please? There’s ages left and you’re not going to be able to keep this level of discourse up for another three months, unless he really DOES fcuk his couch. Tell you what, let me distract you with something different,…

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  • Webcurios 19/07/24 - Reading Time: 36 minutes Propriety be damned, we’re allowed to feel a faint twinge of regret, right? Please take it upon yourselves to determine exactly which of last Sunday’s major news events I am referring to. Anyway, given the fact that the world’s digital infrastructure appears to have decided to fall over this morning and that therefore a lot…

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  • Webcurios 12/07/24 - Reading Time: 34 minutes Welcome, one and all, to the very first Web Curios EVER not to be written under a Conservative government! What do you mean ‘it all looks dispiritingly familiar, you’ve not even given the place a lick of paint ffs’?! Ok, so the election wasn’t all good news – loads of people simply couldn’t be bothered…

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  • Webcurios 28/06/24 - Reading Time: 38 minutes HELLO I AM BACK HELLO! How are we all? I mean, I say ‘all’ – as is inevitable at this time of year, my already-vanishingly-small audience is further thinned by what I imagine is a significant number of you being in a field in Somerset, and a large proportion of the rest of you still…

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  • Webcurios 14/06/24 - Reading Time: 36 minutes Hello everyone, hello hello – firstly THANKYOU to everyone who shared the Tiny Awards link over the past week, it is HUGELY appreciated and I would thank each and every one of you personally if that wouldn’t involve a degree of stalking that would almost certainly make you exceptionally uncomfortable. If you would like to…

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  • Webcurios 07/06/24 - Reading Time: 36 minutes HELLO EVERYONE! Ordinarily I use the bit at the top here for some p1ss-weak attempt at topical satire or an op-ed, but I hope you will forgive me this week for giving it over to some MINOR SELF-PROMOTION. Kris and I are once again running The Tiny Awards in 2024! TELL THE WORLD! In case…

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  • Webcurios 31/05/24 - Reading Time: 34 minutes When I was 20, in the Summer of 2001, I spent an afternoon at my friend Paul’s house in Swindon along with my other friend Jim. As we got gently drunk in the sunshine, we found ourselves lamenting the fact that ‘there isn’t any big news happening at the moment’ (yes, I know, but in…

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  • Webcurios 24/05/24 - Reading Time: 41 minutes Are you excited? Are you tumescent with rising anticipation! THAT’S RIGHT EVERYONE, WE GET TO DO ANOTHER DEMOCRACY!!! Thing is, my obvious happiness at getting rid of this shower of dreadful cnuts who have fcuked the country in half over the course of the past 14 years is somewhat mitigated by the p1ss-weak nature of…

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  • Webcurios 17/05/24 - Reading Time: 38 minutes Do you ever get the feeling, maybe, that you perhaps don’t quite have the same…checks and balances as other people? That perhaps your moral compass is somewhat askew? I ask only as a I did a thing this week which involved standing up in front of people and talking about Things I Did In The…

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  • Webcurios 10/05/24 - Reading Time: 36 minutes SUMMER HAS COME TO LONDON! Or, more accurately, it is not currently raining and that is good enough for me. I would imagine that you’re all excitedly preparing your spangly pants and protest songs in anticipation of Eurovision, so I will keep this intro short and encourage you to dive right in, as otherwise there’s…

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