This week we’re doing things slightly differently (or at least I am – I presume that the vast majority of you will just ignore this newsletterblogtypething as you ordinarily do) – HOW EXCITING!
I mean, look, it’s probably not VERY exciting, but I’ve been forced into a slight change of format this week due to Circumstances Beyond My Control which meant that I had to spend all of yesterday in hospital (not for me) and had to ask for a copy deadline extension for Actual Paying Work, which meant that I spent three hours this morning writing that instead of Curios, which meant that, honestly, I simply haven’t got the energy to sit here and spaff out 10,000 words of HIGH-QUALITY (ahem) links’n’prose.
BUT! I feel a completely-unwarranted sense of responsibility towards YOU, my unknown-and-in-all-likelihood-vanishingly-small readership, to provide LINKS and DISTRACTION, and as such this week we are doing an EXPERIMENT!
Below you will find Curios in its RAW, UNFILTERED STATE – this is what lives in my GDoc and what every Friday morning at 6am I sit and stare at and then attempt to turn into a newsletter. ALL OF THE LINKS, NONE OF THE DREADFUL PROSE!
Obviously there’s a bit more of a ‘lucky dip’ vibe doing it this way – my notes aren’t exactly fulsome, it’s fair to say – but, on the plus side, you don’t have the unasked for side-order of MattWords ruining all the interesting stuff.
SO! Without further ado, here are A LOAD OF LINKS with literally FCUK ALL CONTEXT! ARE YOU HAPPY NOW? ARE YOU?
Normal service will be resumed next week – thanks for your patience, and sincere apologies to any of you who are wrong-headed enough to be somehow disappointed by the lack of overwrought prose in this week’s edition.
I am still Matt, this is (sort of) still Web Curios, and if you prefer it this way I’d really prefer it if you kept that to yourself if that’s ok.
- RealtimeGaza https://map.snapchat.com/@31.446727,34.312580,10.15z
- BlackGPT https://www.latimer.ai/
- Grok https://x.ai/ ANDhttps://grok.x.ai/
- Molly Soda https://mollysoda.hotglue.me/
- AIsongs https://www.aisongcontest.com/
- Sound designsite https://unmt.dev/
- Saigon boy LOVE THIS SO MUCH https://saigonboy.me/
- Origamis https://origami-archive.com/wod/
- Dogs tographyawards.com/awards-2023/
- Nature to-contest/2023-winners/”>https://www.nature.org/en-us/get-involved/how-to-help/photo-contest/2023-winners/
- Paperfid https://www.pulpatronics.com/
- Videoedtimachine https://twitter.com/c_valenzuelab/status/1720487169997824163
- Libraries https://www.allthelibraries.com/
- Tree equity https://www.treeequityscore.org/
- London (featured four years ago when beta) https://colouring.london/
- Whimsyweb https://whimsical.club/
- Quilt https://www.quilt-bot.com/about
- NASA https://worldview.earthdata.nasa.gov/
- Fonstapaceviz https://font.fish/
- Vidlink community https://www.poetv.com/
- Newgames https://aftermath.site/ AND to-wind-92467346
- Pills or hobbits tolkien.vercel.app/
- Clingfilm https://quantumstretch.com/
- More Bay https://needsmoreboom.com/
- Train fares uk https://github.com/FedericoBotta/railfares/tree/main
- Offgridhols giuseppe https://darkhotels.co/
- Multimodalshopsearch https://shopdeft.com/hello
- Future house https://www.futurehouse.org/
- C64glitches rene torial64.com/ GOOD INTERNET SUBSTACK
- Comicsinfo https://comicsdevices.com/
- Portugal also rene https://www.portugaltheman.com/
- Posters https://www.loc.gov/pictures/collection/wpapos/
- Rank stuff https://chorus.fm/rank
- Villains https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLkpvfd3IhdOccc8ybisPqLW-Phi68HqN1
- SFMusic https://baybeats.sfpl.org/
- Wordfind b3ta https://cortextual.net/
- Refugees https://www.lrb.co.uk/the-paper/v45/n22/leila-farsakh/the-refugee-problem
- Free will? Fcuk off https://archive.ph/20231103152328/https://nautil.us/yes-we-have-free-will-no-we-absolutely-do-not-431904/
- Computational thinking ruliad to-think-computationally-about-ai-the-universe-and-everything/
- Social media writing setups http://textcasting.org/
- AI warmodel tory%2Fculturepulse-ai-israeli-palestinian-crisis%2F
- Executive order https://hai.stanford.edu/news/decoding-white-house-ai-executive-orders-achievements
- GPTbots tom-developer-platform AND https://openai.com/blog/introducing-gpts AND https://www.oneusefulthing.org/p/almost-an-agent-what-gpts-can-do
- Style tuning https://docs.midjourney.com/docs/style-tuner AND https://cookbook.openai.com/articles/what_is_new_with_dalle_3
- Pebblessons to-pebble-the-rise-challenges-and-lessons-of-building-a-twitter-alternative-553652f1d1e7
- AIbombs https://www.nytimes.com/2023/11/06/us/politics/ai-startups-pentagon-weapons.html
- Kidprivacy to-privacy
- Looksmax tok-dillon-latham.html
- Beastville Bourneville town-greenville-creator-economy”>https://www.washingtonpost.com/technology/2023/11/03/mr-beast-money-hometown-greenville-creator-economy
- Rats https://www.janelia.org/news/rats-have-an-imagination-new-research-suggests
- Fans top-earners-creator-economy/”>https://www.washingtonpost.com/technology/interactive/2023/onlyfans-bryce-adams-top-earners-creator-economy/
- Non-Western future https://www.nytimes.com/interactive/2023/10/28/world/africa/africa-youth-population.html
- Domains https://www.technologyreview.com/2023/11/02/1082798/tiny-pacific-island-global-capital-cybercrime/ AND https://joinreboot.org/p/domains
- Disney https://www.reuters.com/graphics/DISNEY-100/HISTORY/znvnzmzgjvl/
- Louis armstrong https://www.thenation.com/article/culture/louis-armstrong-archive
- FC2 https://www.theringer.com/video-games/2023/10/20/23924419/far-cry-2-15th-anniversary-clint-hocking-ubisoft-open-world-fps
- Heroine https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bSE0d1F_1NU
- Moth wings https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=otPBQuxQHOo
- Gorgonn https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=r0jlxP7whhg
- Gecs https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YcGO8HGStqc
- Tamaotchi https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7fDR-P__9To
- Electtroface https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xLJs4e9sBSY
- Trapstar https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5Vk1W-heSIE