all curios

  • Webcurios 21/01/22 - Reading Time: 32 minutes I’m normally far too resigned and fatalistic to get particularly angry about politics – life, after all, is something that happens to one, regardless of one’s desires, rather than something that we have any meaningful power to affect, and the quicker we all accept that then the…well, not happier, exactly, but at the very least…

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  • Webcurios 14/01/22 - Reading Time: 30 minutes Gah! I am late! I am so sorry! I could explain exactly why, but I can’t imagine you care that much – after all, it’s not like any of you sit there on a Friday morning, sweaty palms worrying up and down your denimclad thighs as you bite-rip at your inner lip, waiting for your…

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  • Webcurios 07/01/22 - Reading Time: 37 minutes HAPPY NEW YEAR EVERYONE HAPPY NEW YEAR! Did you all have nice breaks? Did you all have nice Christmases? I do hope so, because that’s OVER and all there is to look forward to now is basically darkness and cold and root vegetables for the foreseeable. Thanks heavens, then, for Web Curios, which, like a…

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  • Webcurios 03/12/21 - Reading Time: 37 minutes WELCOME TO DECEMBER! I would ordinarily say something about how this is the HOME STRAIGHT and we’re ALMOST THERE, but frankly I know how many of you work in agencyland, which means that’s what actually happening is that you’re all dealing with 30 incredibly important and valuable pitches which are all conveniently taking place between…

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  • Webcurios 26/11/21 - Reading Time: 34 minutes HAVE YOU BOUGHT ENOUGH STUFF HAVE YOU BOUGHT ENOUGH STUFF HAVE YOU BOUGHT ENOUGH STUFF? No, you haven’t, because it is impossible to ever buy enough stuff, because the flywheel needs to spin ever-faster and there is never a limit to the amount of money to be made or units to shift or VCs to…

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  • Webcurios 19/11/21 - Reading Time: 34 minutes Is it getting FESTIVE in London? I ask only because I’m experiencing a mild degree of cognitive dissonance between my Twitter feed (Christmas adverts, christmas jumpers, turkey shortages, etc) and my physical existence in Rome (as of today: 22 degrees, sunshine, no fcuking hint of even a secretive Santa), and it’s quite hard to tell…

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  • Webcurios 12/11/21 - Reading Time: 34 minutes HELLO AGAIN! God that was a nice break. My girlfriend and I went to pick olives, like it’s the most natural thing in the world, and I now have a bottle of insanely-green gloop sitting proudly on my kitchen countertop, made by my own FAIR HANDS (actually not made by me AT ALL – the…

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  • Webcurios 22/10/21 - Reading Time: 37 minutes Will it be Meta? Will it be Horizon? WILL IT MAKE A BLIND BIT OF DIFFERENCE TO ANYTHING AT ALL? Yes, that’s right, Facebook’s continued infrastructural importance to the world was once again demonstrated by the fact that literally every news media outlet in the world wrote up a story about how the company might…

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  • Webcurios 15/10/21 - Reading Time: 34 minutes Hi everyone! Hi! Welcome back to Web Curios, which this week is eschewing the traditional ‘vaguely topical introparagraph’ in favour of just getting straight on with the links and stuff because, well, I’ve had a long week, you’ve had a long week, and I don’t for a second imagine that any of you subscribe to…

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  • Webcurios 08/10/21 - Reading Time: 33 minutes Did you enjoy the scenes from Tory Party Conference this week? Back in the day when I used to have to attend those things annually because of work, the Tories was always in many respects the least-awful of the lot – the politics and people stank, fine, but this was in the New Labour era…

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