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Webcurios 11/03/22

Reading Time: 35 minutes

Whilst on the one hand it’s good to see that one or two of the iffily-plutocratic Russians who’ve spent much of the past three decades effectively buying Kensington brick-by-brick are now being scrutinised, it’s also fair to say that a) this should possibly have happened a while ago; b) this doesn’t in any way remove uncomfortable questions about the Tory party’s relationship with said iffy plutes, and we should continue asking them; and c) it still doesn’t make the constant attempts of Certain Sections of the UK (ffs Carole!) to make this all about Brexit any less tedious.

Still, at least the potential shuttering of Chelsea Football Club provides a lightly-comedic side to the inevitably-utterly-fcuking-horrific spectacle of hospitals being shelled (and I say that as a Chelsea fan who’s quite looking forward to getting a seat at the Bridge again for the big glamour tie against Wealdstone in the National League next season).

Everything is confusing, mad, slightly-scary and increasingly jagged – so why not make it worse by consuming an entire week’s worth of web in one thick, clotted throatful?

I am still Matt, this is still Web Curios, and, honestly, there’s probably a good few hours’ respite from the news contained in the following words’n’links, which is probably no bad thing right now.

By Yan Pei-Ming



  • The Games Bundle For Ukraine: We kick off this week with a chance to do A Good Thing for small, ludic reward – Itch has pulled together a quite incredible collection of indie games, tabletop RPGs, books and the like and made them all available for the frankly insane price of a tenner, all of which goes to charities assisting Ukrainians on the ground. It shouldn’t take a ‘quid pro quo’ arrangement to get people to donate to people currently being bombed, fine, but if you need a reason to chuck another few quid at the war-ravaged, and if you can spare £10, this is a quite astonishing deal which will keep you amused and distracted long into the third year of the nuclear winter (I don’t know why I keep making ‘jokes’ like this, sorry – they are trite and not very funny and I think I will try and stop now).
  • Connect Vermeer: ANOTHER wonderful website using AI and machine learning to do FUN ART TAXONOMY (what do you mean ‘we appear to have wildly-divergent concepts of what constitutes ‘fun’, Matt’?). “Through a series of interactive visualisations, this website allows users to discover the network of connections between Vermeer and his sixteen contemporaries. Users can discover the strength and likelihood of relationships between the seventeen artists, the impact of an individual artist’s paintings on the work of his contemporaries, as well as how artists adopted, adapted and disguised elements, from their peers’ work, in their own paintings…For the purposes of this project, connections between paintings are any similarities in subject, composition, style and technique; these similarities between paintings were taken as indicators of an artist’s knowledge of another one’s work. Additionally, any evidence that the artists travelled to each other’s home towns or knew each other in passing is considered a ‘connection’ in this project. The rich content of the RKD databases (]) was mined to identify these many connections either through examination of historical documents and literature, or through visual analysis of the paintings. All connections were then recorded in a single database which allowed us to analyse and visualise them in a more comprehensive and historically correct way than was hitherto possible.” Honestly, this is fascinating – the interface, if I’m quibbling, isn’t necessarily the shiniest or most-intuitive, but once you start clicking and investigating you quickly get an idea for how it works, and the way you can leap around the works contained within the collection using specific compositional details or common scenes as linkpoints between works means you quickly find yourself down all sorts of rabbitholes you wouldn’t necessarily when exploring the collection in more traditional, linear fashion. Obviously I have no idea whatsoever whether the thematic connections here are valid or simply another example of our endless desire to seek pattern and order in a world increasingly-defined by incomprehensible chaos, but, well, let’s presume that they are.
  • The Hendrix Axis: In a week in which both Ed Sheeran and Dua Lipa are being pursued with plagiarism suits relating to their songwriting (there’s an interesting breakdown of the latter case here, should you be interested), it seems timely to share the Hendrix Axis, a webtoy that lets you plug in any YouTube url you like and get an OFFICIALLY-SANCTIONED readout of exactly how much the song in question resembles the work of Mr Hendrix (rendered as a percentage, so you can see exactly how much of a ripoff any particular track is). Sadly the particular song I wanted to test it on isn’t on YouTube (it was this one, for the avoidance of doubt, whose initial guitar riff feels like it should score a comfortable 93%), but Ms Lipa should be reassured that when I ran ‘Levitating’ through the software it appeared reasonably-confident that at least she wasn’t ripping off Hendrix when she wrote it. This takes…some time to work its magic, but thankfully while you’re waiting you can open the rest of the site in another tab – it’s called ‘Hendrixiana’, and is basically a huge and VERY in-depth guide to Hendrix’s guitar-playing style, should you wish to bookmark another IMPROVING PROJECT to enjoy when we’re all back in lockdown in 6m time (I mean, let’s hope that doesn’t happen, but would it surprise you?).
  • All Hours Radio: I really, really like this. In a week in which Amazon announced that IT TOO was going to reinvent radio (and seriously, all the headlines about this this week leaned into the whole ‘Amazon does Clubhouse a year after everyone stopped caring about audio, lol’, which I personally think massively misses the opportunity that Amp gives people to literally play at doing radio, with actual music – I could totally imagine pulling together a weekly radio show with music, etc, when I was a kid using this stuff, and I am personally slightly-hopeful that lots of interesting new and different voices and personalities might emerge and we might get something of a revival of music-and-voices programming and that, perhaps, podcasts might fcuk off for a bit), this is a really cool little project by musician Anz as part of the promo for her record All Hours. It’s a simple idea – a few days of Spotify programming, basically – but with the nice twist that it’s geolocated so as to ensure you’re getting time-appropriate programming wherever you log in from. Simple and rather lovely, it made me wonder what else you could use this trick for – between this and the Feral Earth site from last week, I now really want to make some sort of hyperlocalised website that serves up different content based on incredibly granular and intrusive datacollection about where you are and what time it is and what the weather’s like and how much free space you have on your hard drive, etc.
  • Dreampire: It is a truth that has long been self-evident that there is nothing on earth – nothing, literally nothing, not watching paint dry, not sitting through a ‘trends’ presentation by a moron in fancy designer glasses, not having to feign interest and engagement as the PR manager for a pharmaceutical manufacturer talks to you about their ‘content strategy’ (can you tell how much I hate what I do for a living? SO MUCH, I HATE IT SO MUCH!) – so dull as listening to someone else tell you about their dreams (there are occasional exceptions to this rule, fine, but they tend to be closely-linked to the extent to which you’re willing to rub mucous membranes with the person doing the telling). With that caveat, then, let me introduce you to my new least-favourite portmanteau term in the world – THE DREAMPIRE! This site has been going for AGES, turns out, collecting the stories of people’s dreams for the analysis and curious explanation of strangers worldwide. The site is…quite shonky, but the blurb is as follows: “Dreampire is a dream sharing movement, an online video-based dream archive and a networking space. Whether you share dreams for fun, to gain knowledge or for self-development purposes, Dreampire brings thousands of people together from around the world by providing a space to share their stories. Let our dreams connect us!” So, if you’ve ever harboured an inexplicable desire to hear a 30s anecdote by a middle-aged woman about how she once dreamed about being on a French exchange trip chaperoned by Michael Gove, say (yes, someone really did spontaneously choose to share that – WHY WOULD YOU OUT YOUR SUBCONSCIOUS SO?) then, well, fill your boots! There are seemingly hundreds of pages of video on here, and huge amounts of (let me reiterate, almost certainly incredibly-tedious) dream memory to sift through if you choose – as someone who hasn’t had a dream (literal or figurative) for decades as a result of persistent marijuana abuse, this is sort-of fascinating (and, also, VERY BORING). If nothing else, the freetext search function is worth a play – there is exactly ONE dream in the database tagged with the word ‘custard’, in case you were curious (it also involves firemen – for many of you this could well be a powerful erotic awakening).
  • Seems Unreal: If you’re into GAN-ish AI art, this gallery of work produced in collaboration between Brooklyn-based artist Mark Forscher and some software might be of interest – and, obviously, there’s an NFT sale too! The work here on display isn’t personally that interesting to me – I don’t mean to sound jaded, but I’ve been looking at GAN stuff for a few years now, and there’s seemingly not that much innovative on display here in terms of output or aesthetics – but I do find the NFTness here moderately-interesting; there’s a significantly-more-interesting project in here somewhere based around giving anyone the tools to create and mint their own GAN-imagined artwork series as NFTs, neatly-skewering the complete lack of artistic and creative merit inherent in most such projects. ‘One-Click AI Art NFT Collection Creation’ seems to me like quite a fun thing to explore building, should any of you be minded to take on a large and unwieldy project for no obvious commercial gain whatsoever.
  • Pooping Ladies: It’s been a long year of scraping, but I think we might just have reached the bottom of the NFT ‘art’ barrel. Pooping (I really don’t want to write that word again – it’s right up there with ‘titties’ as a term that makes me recoil almost physically) Ladies is a series of ‘hand drawn and unique’ images of women on the toilet, available for sale as NFTs. Except, quite obviously, these are neither hand-drawn or unique – they are instead quite obviously pictures ripped from the web (I don’t want to think about where they come from) which have had a pretty simple 2018-era image style transfer applied to them; you too could make your very own Pooping Lady (dear God, NEVER AGAIN) simply by engaging in some ill-advised Googling. At the time of writing, these have been traded to the value of 12 grand, which isn’t much and yet is far, far more than I might have expected. Is this maybe the start of the beginning of the end of the NFT hype train? Please?
  • SoundOn: Thankfully I long ago unhooked Web Curios from the miserable train of ‘tech and social media platform news’, meaning I don’t tend to bother covering platform announcement stuff, but this announcement from TikTok this week struck me as interesting – SoundOn is basically TikTok’s play to encourage all artists to use it as a distribution platform, offering ‘100% rights and 100% royalties’ (inevitable legal asterisks apply here, but still) to anyone uploading tracks for licensed use. Basically if you or anyone you know makes music it seems sensible to add this to your list of places where you attempt to flog it.
  • Africa Is A Country: This is a brilliant website which I am slightly-annoyed I haven’t stumbled upon before now. Africa Is A Country is an online journal/magazine which has been going for 13 years now and which basically exists to collect left-ish writings from and about the continent by a collection of global writers. If you want Afro-centric perspectives on the war in Ukraine, global economic trends, the digital economy, etc, then this is a really interesting place to explore – as you would expect from a self-declared left-wing publication with ties to Jacobin amongst others, there’s quite a lot of theory in here, but there’s also stuff like an essay about ‘The Afropolitism of Ted Lasso’ so, well, something for everyone!
  • Kylie’s Moods: Not, for the avoidance of doubt, anything to do with the diminutive antipodean popstar – the Kylie celebrated on this website is a dog. A dog which, judging by the likely age of the site, probably isn’t with us any more (NO TEARS SAZ!) but whose life is lovingly preserved on this website which lets users select from a number of different emotions and then see Kylie embodying said emotion in photographic form, rather like a canine Emotion Eric. Ever wanted to see what a dog looks like when it’s doing ‘blase’? GREAT! I now rather like the idea of creating a template site that lets pet owners easily create similar tributes to their own pets, with the eventual aim of creating a universal taxonomy of pet emotion, but I appreciate I might be alone in this ambition.
  • Magic Hour: A Twitter bot which punts out old cinema ads from the 20th Century London press, so you too can reminisce about The Good Old Days when you could pay ninepence to go and see “The Leather Boys” at the International Film Theatre in Bayswater (rather than, er, just logging onto Scruff like you might do now).
  • Cars Shaped Like Friends: Another Twitter bot, this one with the sole purpose of blessing your timeline with pictures of incredibly-friendly-looking motor vehicles. “But Matt,” I hear you ask, “how can a car be friendly?” All your doubts will be dispelled upon clicking and being confronted with the BEAMING GRILLES of the vehicles in question, all rounded angles and hopefully-wide-eyed headlamps and, honestly, if you grew up reading ‘Cars and Trucks and Things That Go’ then this is basically every car from Scarryville brought to life.
  • Lamplight: Should you be worried about the fact that inflation, rising energy costs and the prospect of bread rising to a tenner a loaf as the grain crisis starts to bite is going to make it harder to get to the end of the month (FCUKING HELL IT’S THE 1970s ALL OVER AGAIN), you might be interested in Lamplight, a website which offers TOTALLY FREE films and TV series which you can watch on YouTube and which might mean you can ditch one of the threehundred separate entertainment subscription services you’re currently signed up to. Fine, ok, so most of the stuff available on here looks awful, and there’s not that much of it (such small portions!), but there’s also quite a lot of indie scifi filmmaking and animation which looks like it could be worth a punt, as well as a load of comedy series available for free, and some truly awful-sounding horror films (there is no way that Cannibal Troll isn’t one of the worst films ever made, for example). If you fancy getting very stoned and laughing at terrible telly, this is potentially a few evenings worth of free ‘fun’.
  • The Index of Fictional Liveability: Are YOU dissatisfied with your current living arrangements? Would YOU like to spend a bit of time futilely imagining what it might be like to instead escape into a fictional world? If the answer to either or both of those questions is ‘yes’ (and if it isn’t, HOW???) then you might appreciate this site, which ranks a bunch of fictional places in terms of their likely livability – you may be unsurprised to discover that Gotham doesn’t rank particularly highly, but I confess to having never previously considered how nice it might be to live in Smurf Village (slightly-weird gender dynamics and constant threat of Gargamel aside).
  • Flat Social: A real throwback, this, to THE EARLY DAYS OF LOCKDOWN – a browser-based v2d virtual environment for chatting and screensharing and hanging out! God, remember when we briefly thought these were going to be A Thing? My favourite of these platforms continues to be Skittish, but Flat seems like a reasonably-fun, reasonably-lightweight version of the same type of idea – as a free way of spinning up a marginally-more-fun Zoom call, it’s pretty good. I am including this, though, mainly as the latest in my near-constant stream of reminders that this is exactly the same as all the metaverse w4nk that people are currenty flogging, except free and in 2d! You don’t need to spend money on an exciting-but-basically-clunky-sub-Second-Life 3d interface! You really don’t! No matter what Gavin from WT says (HI GAVIN!). Once again, for the people in the back and in the cheap seats – ANYONE ATTEMPTING TO SELL YOU A METAVERSE RIGHT NOW IS A HUCKSTER AND A SHILL AND DOES NOT HAVE YOUR BEST INTERESTS AT HEART!
  • Watch Seinfeld: Seinfeld is a series that never felt like it quite got the love that it deserved in the UK due to the weird scheduling that saw it occupy a variety of very obscure late-night broadcast slots back in the 90s, and I have only seen sporadic episodes here and there, and so was slightly-thrilled to discover this site which, as far as I can tell, is just streaming the whole series directly, start to finish, possibly on a loop. I obviously have no idea whether it is in fact the whole run – that would seem…bold, from a copyright point of view – but let’s presume that it is and rejoice at the fact that you can now guarantee that wherever you are in the world, whatever time it is, you can log onto this site and enjoy a bunch of New Yorkers being self-obsessional and intensely-90s at each other (and some killer slap-bass).
  • PianoVision: THIS IS THE FUTURE! I love this – one of those occasional things I stumble across that make me feel like the fun bits of Tomorrow’s World actually came true. PianoVision is an AR app designed to help teach you to play Rach 3 at pace (it is unlikely to help you play Rach 3, sorry) – or, perhaps more accurately, to turn the experience of learning and playing the piano into a Guitar Hero-style ludic experience, with you being presented with an overlaid note cascade descending towards your waiting fingers ,showing you where to hit, when, with what pressure, etc. This looks SO MUCH FUN and like it would make piano practise legitimately enjoyable (I say this as someone who has never enjoyed practising anything, ever, and who as you are all probably aware can’t even be bothered to proof his writing before publishing it, so know that this is some BIG endorsement) – the Oculus AR app is still to come, but you can sign up for updates should you so desire (and you should, this looks GREAT).
  • Pockit: Do you remember that much-cooed-over (and inevitably eventually vaporware) modular mobile phone that the web got all frothy about in the mid-10s (and which, I have just remembered, Google was briefly exploring)? Well this is like that, but for simple computing. Basically (very basically – take my simplification here with a pinch of salt, as I am obviously a know-nothing bozo with very limited technical understanding) like a Raspberry Pi but with a more user-friendly user interface, the idea is that you can integrate a whole bunch of different plug-and-play components with the central processor – so adding dials and displays and sensors and the like to cobble together a range of different small computing devices for whatever you like. This is VERY early in development and mostly just a proof-of-concept at the moment, but the concept is fascinating and feels like it should work – although I thought that about the phone, so obviously you shouldn’t listen to me at all.
  • South Korean Election Graphics: South Korea held elections this week. This is a Twitter thread compiling some of the graphics used during their version of the marathon electoral telethon that all democracies must now engage in by law (do all countries also have their own Jeremy Vine figure, capering gamely amongst the CG? And have all their Jeremy Vines also pivoted to being bizarrely, insanely hawky about the war? Just wondering really) – honestly, if you didn’t catch this doing the rounds this week then let me assure you that it is a TREAT. My personal favourite bit is the utterly-inexplicable (to me at least – there may well be excellent reasons that I simply don’t understand by simple dint of my being too stupid and lazy to speak Korean) decision to render the two principal candidates as computer-generated speedskaters, but you may prefer the strangely-KAWS-like faceless bear. BBC, take note please.
  • The World Nature Photography Awards: This year’s ‘NATURE IS AMAZING AND ALSO VERY VERY VERY VIOLENT’ photo awards (that’s what they should be called) are as astonishing and, er, violent as ever – this is occasionally at the ‘red in tooth and claw’ end of the natural photography spectrum, so be aware that clicking through will get you pictures including buffalo eyeballs being pecked, and penguins about to be dismembered by hungry seals (the caption on the seal photo is bleakly-hilarious – “Each time, the seal chased after the penguin again, as if it was enjoying the game. The terrified penguin tried to escape as the game continued. But soon, the end came.” Give whoever penned that last line a prize). Still, if you don’t mind the death and blood then these are STUNNING, and there are loads of really cute ones too – if the picture of the small arctic fox struggling through a blizzard doesn’t make you do a small ‘awwww’ then you are deader inside than I am, well done.

By Atelier Olschinsky



  •  DeepMind Ithaca: I’m…uncertain as to the number of you with a working knowledge of Ancient Greek, but I can’t imagine it’s a number significantly higher than ‘one’. Still, for that LUCKY Web Curios reader I imagine this will be like Christmas come early, so, you know, thank me via the usual channels. Regardless of whether or not you’re able to read Aristophanes in the original, though, this is properly-impressive – DeepMind, Alphabet’s AI shop, has developed this quite magical AI tool which is designed to recompose Ancient Greek texts from fragments based on machine learning analysis of thousands of sources pulled together from museums around the world – you give it your text, marking out the gaps, and it will spit out its best-guess approximation of what the complete copy might have been, as well as in which part of Attic Greece it was composed in based on stylistic cues. Which, honestly, is MAGICAL – the idea that we can reach into the past and do stuff like this is mindblowing to me, and is in many respects the perfect illustration of what machine learning is really good at (to whit, brute force cryptography). This is in no-way shiny, but it is hugely-impressive.
  • British Book Covers of the Year: I always find the US equivalent of this list (and featured this year’s a few weeks back), but I haven’t til now come across the UK equivalent – here, though, is the Academy of British Cover Design’s shortlist of the best book cover design of the past 12 months, and there are some beauties in here – personal favourites of mine include a beautiful version of Animal Farm (no really, it is still possible to come up with innovative designs for classics!) and one for a novel called ‘The Child’ by Kiersti Skomsvol, but you pick your own (THESE ARE MINE).
  • The March 2022 Covers Tourney: Throughout the month of March, this website is running a contest to find the BEST cover version ever, using the tried and tested ‘March Madness’ bracketing style popularised by American sports tournaments and now used worldwide to help determine What Is The Best Thing. This was interesting to me less because of its attempt to find THE BEST COVER and more because of the selection of tracks included in the bracket – there are a bunch ofGREAT songs included in here (Luna’s cover of ‘Sweet Child of Mine’, for example, is AMAZING and I can’t believe I’d never heard it before), many of which might be new to you and which deserve a bit of exploration.
  • The Sinai Collection: If you’re in the market for some religious artefact exploration then LUCKY YOU! “This platform makes available for study, teaching, and research the vast collection of icons, manuscripts, and liturgical objects from the Monastery of Saint Catherine at Mount Sinai. The website brings together for the first time the photographic archives from the Michigan-Princeton-Alexandria Expeditions to Sinai in 1956, 1958, 1960, 1963, and 1965, now held in the Visual Resources Collections at Princeton University and the University of Michigan. The images display the scans of the 5 x 7 inch Ektachrome transparencies and the 35mm slides in color and black and white from the Sinai archives at both institutions.” If nothing else there’s an interesting art project in here somewhere based around downloading the several thousand examples of Christian iconography housed on here and then getting a machine to mess with them in various iconoclastic ways (but, er, you may wish to consult a priest after so doing).
  • NoseID: This is either very clever or very silly, and I can’t quite work out which. Apparently each dog’s nose has a shape that is unique to them, like a human fingerprint, and as such missing animals can be identified by the shape of their scnozz. This INSIGHT, coupled with the fact that loads of dogs go missing each year in North America, led Mars Petfoods to create this website which lets pet owners upload pictures of their missing dogs noses to help identify them if found – photos get uploaded to an app, which can be used to scan the noses of found pets to match them with their nasal counterparts in the database. On reflection, this feels like a nice bit of branded app CONTENT, and, as far as the map on the website suggests, it’s actually being used by real dog owners, so well done everyone involved. Two thoughts – firstly, this is totally stealable in the UK, and second WHAT THE FCUK IS GOING ON IN NASHVILLE WHY ARE ALL THE DOGS DISAPPEARING? (seriously, check out the map – there’s a DARK STORY here, I am sure of it).
  • Inversion: This, though, this feels very silly in a spectacularly-future sort of way. Now that we have spacecraft jetting off into the upper atmosphere on what feels like an hourly basis thanks to Elon et al, and with the presumed continued boom in private sector interest in all things extraplanetary, we will also have the inevitable raft of industries seeking to piggyback off said boom via complementary services. Which brings us neatly to Inversion, a company which as far as I can tell is basically trying to invent ‘lockers, but IN SPACE!’. The idea here is that the company will produce pods which can be loaded up with goods stored on space stations or, who knows, storage satellites or something, and then fired back down to earth with laser-guided precision. The idea being sold here is ‘get medical supplies to people in remote areas VIA SPACE!’ and that sort of thing (anyone in their 40s or older reading this will be forgiven for getting strong flashbacks to Bill Hicks’ ‘shoot bananas at hungry people’ Gulf War routine here), which is on the one hand interesting and on the other is so madly, batsh1tly (yes, that is a word) far-fetched that it boggles the mind. Still, a potential version of the future, where rather than getting your fast fashion containerized to you from Shenzhen you can instead get it sat-dropped to you from low-orbit. Progress? Of a sort, I suppose.
  • Perma: The general conversation about digital impermanence has come round again in recent weeks, partly as a result of the immense volume of digital stuff coming out of Ukraine in the past couple of weeks, most of which is being posted on socials and is therefore likely to be utterly ephemeral. Which makes Perma a timely service to feature – aimed at professionals and academics, Perma offers a service, backed by various academic institutions, designed to offer a ‘permanent’ (insofar as that means anything at all) record of information by creating separate copies of the information linked to: “You give the URL of the page you want to preserve and cite. Our software visits that URL, preserves what’s there, deposits it into our collection, and gives you a unique URL (e.g. “”) – a “Perma Link” – that points to the record in our collection. You then can use that Perma Link in your citation to give readers access to a stable, accurate record of the source you referenced, even if the original disappears from the web.” Smart and useful and the sort of thing that reminds you quite how much of what we’ve said and done and thought and made over the past two decades is going to disappear utterly (and in fact has already).
  • Jesse’s Ramen: The personal portfolio site of Jesse Zhao, who has crafted this lovely small ramen stand to display her CV and project work. I am including this partly because it’s very cute, partly because I am a sucker for creatively-presented personal websites (would you rather hire Jesse Zhao, or would you rather hire someone who posts thought leadership on LinkedIn? WELL QUITE!), and partly because I discovered that Ms Zhao works as a management consultant at EY as her dayjob and made me feel so utterly disgusted with my relative lack of skills and endeavour that I felt I ought to link to her site as penance.
  • Digital President Whitfield: ‘Senior Academic In Mismanagement Of Funds SHOCKER!’ is a headline so hoary and overused that it barely raises an eyebrow anymore, but even my jaded eye was caught this week by the stories of the University of Nevada, whose President (Mr Whitfield) has somehow seen fit to shell out a reported $160,000 on a VIRTUAL VERSION OF HIMSELF to act as a creepy, CG guide to the university to new students and the internationally-curious. Click the link, LAUNCH PRESIDENT WHITFIELD, and marvel at how little useful tech you seem to get for your six figures. This is such a spectacular waste of money that you feel perhaps President Whitfield might face one or two questions about appropriate allocation of funds at the next trustees meeting, but well done to the sales team who convinced him that no, really, chatbots are worthwhile, but only if you pay for the expensive CG avatar to go with it! This is so broken, so barely-functional, and so obviously a complete waste of everyone involved’s time that it feels almost like some sort of parody of academic and administrative idiocy – WELL DONE EVERYONE INVOLVED!
  • Threads By Me: There is an argument to suggest that, Zola aside, Threads on Twitter have been a scourge on humanity. “Buckle up!” – NO I DO NOT WANT TO! “Time for some game theory!” – NO DEAR GOD PLEASE STOP I BEG YOU! However, if for whatever reason you don’t agree, and if you instead think that YOUR threads are different – that they are wise and informative and that you are dropping wisdom left right and centre (you are not, this is hubris) – then you might relish this incredible vanity service which lets you pin and compile all your BEST threads into one handy page which you can then share with anyone you like on a single URL so that they can see easily see all the reasons why you’re a dreadful person who they should never sleep with in a million years.
  • The Micropedia: Vocabulary is a tricky thing. It’s unfortunate that so many terms associated with the liberal left have become punchlines for a certain type of moron over the past few years, as it means that quite important stuff has become easy to dismiss with airy appeals to the chimerical beast that is ‘wokeness’ or ‘snowflakes’ – and so it is with ‘microagressions’, a term which now feels freighted with scorn when used by pr1cks in the right-wing commentariat. Which is a shame, as it means that this website, which exists to explain what they are and how they work and the impact they can have, may not carry the weight which it perhaps ought. Offering information and resources about different categories of microaggression (race, age, gender, class, etc), this is a really interesting tool to help consider how we use language, to whom, in what context, and what impact it has. As the website states, “we know that our actions and the things we say matter – they have an impact on whether people feel included and respected, and they can sometimes play a role in upholding stereotypes and biases. Each of us has a responsibility to be mindful of how our words and actions impact others. This means addressing microaggressions in our everyday lives.” And, honestly, if you don’t agree with that statement then you are a bit of a cnut.
  • The Legacy Quilt Project: The website accompanying a new exhibition being held at Brooklyn’s Museum of Food and Drink which explores African American influences and contributions to the culinary history of America. “African American contributions to our nation’s culinary culture are foundational and ongoing. For over 400 years, African Americans have inspired our country’s food through their skill, creativity, and entrepreneurship. Black foodways have shaped much of what we farm, what we cook, what we drink, and where we eat.” The website collects digitised panels from a collaborative quilt whose panels each illustrate the different ways in which black people have contributed to US food culture, from the pre-Civil War experiences of the enslaved to more recent elevations of diasporal cuisine to the forefront of culinary discourse. Fascinating history and stories in here.
  • Open Reel Ensemble: “Open Reel Ensemble is a group where they perform by manipulating reel-to-reel tape recorders. The music was performed by placing their hands directly on the reels and tapes. The ensemble was constructed by using the sounds and voices recorded onto the tape right on the spot.” I know that this makes very little sense when written down, but click the link and scroll down the page and then play one of the videos and marvel at quite how good this sounds when it really has no right to do so whatsoever. How in the name of Christ do you discover that this is possible?
  • Almost Pong: Pong, but you are the ball. This is basically Flappy Bird but small and monochromatic, but that’s no bad thing in my book.
  • Who Are Ya?: I’d made a small personal vow to stop including Wordle clones in here because, well, there are too fcuking many of them tbh, but then this cropped up (and the next link) and I was forced to reconsider. Who Are Ya? Takes the wordle template and tweaks it so as to make the game ‘work out which footballer playing across Europe’s top leagues the game is referring to’ – this is HARD, be warned, and you will need a pretty encylopaedic knowledge of players and their clubs and their ages, and frankly I got annoyed yesterday at my inability to guess Dimitri Payet and so probably won’t play this again as I am sulking.
  • Heardle: I have a longstanding belief that women are simply better at divining songs from the first few bars than men are – though this may simply be to do with the fact that I am very, very bad at it, and my girlfriend always gets them first. Anyway, you can now test that with Heardle, Wordle but where the game is ‘guess the song title within six guesses, with each guess letting you hear slightly more of the track in question’. This is VERY good, and will make you very angry with yourself on a daily basis (if you are me).
  • To A Starling: Finally this week, a small-but-perfectly-formed platformer built in Pico-8 – this is, be warned, quite hard, but given as you’re all currently getting eviscerated in Elden Ring I imagine you’ll be used to that by now. I got stuck for about 5 minutes on the third screen, to give you an idea, but perhaps you are less stupid and bad at games than I am.

By Yuko Shimizu



  • Autogerechte Stadt: As far as I can tell, this German-run Tumblr collects photos of people parking like d1cks. No idea why, and I am quite happy that I am ignorant as to the motives of whoever runs it – it’s just nice seeing Germans being disorderly and chaotic every now and again.
  • People Getting Kinda Mad At Food: Horrific content sourced from 4Chan’s ‘food’ board. You can sort of imagine the kind of thing you’ll find on here, but, equally, it’s always nice to be reminded that, however many your myriad failings, you’re still probably doing better at life than most of the people whose culinary ‘creations’ and questions and musings are featured on here.


  • A Smith: Mr Smith makes miniature models of old music venues in Toronto that are now shut down, and posts photos of them on his Insta feed. These are lovely, simply from a technical craft point of view, but there’s also something quietly elegiac about these small memorials to nightlife and fun that no longer exists.
  • Geomorphological Landscapes: Just beautiful shots of natural landscapes, because sometimes you need something uncomplicatedly-pretty to stare at as you wish your actual life away.
  • Springfield Palettes: Colour palettes derived from individual frames from the Simpsons. No word on whether the palettes in the first 10 seasons were superior to those of the subsequent 23.


  • Long Distance Thinking: Or, more simply-put, why trying to make everything really simple sometimes isn’t necessarily A Good Thing. This is an essay that resonated with me a lot this week, as for the nth time in my professional life someone attempted to force me to turn perfectly good written thinking (oh, ok, fine, ‘good’ is perhaps an exaggeration, but it was at the very least adequate(ish)) into slides. “But, hang on, this stuff is quite complicated and needs words to explain it properly”, I attempted to reason, “and it’s something that’s going to be sent to a client and then read without context and, as such, perhaps attempting to excise all the explaining bits in favour of replacing them with URGENT-LOOKING ARROWS AND PYRAMIDS isn’t necessarily the smartest idea here?” Reader, it may not surprise you to learn that I did not win that argument (except to a certain extent I did, by telling the person in question that they could make the slides themselves, in that case, because it was a poor use of my time and a stupid idea that I didn’t agree with – so EVERYONE lost!). Anyway, this essay by Simon Sarris looks at why perhaps complexity and contemplation are not in fact to be avoided after all, and that maybe, just maybe, thinking longer and harder, and not trying to skip straight to the end, might well be beneficial. The sort of thing that all of you with ‘strategy’ in your laughable job titles will absolutely LICK up, and which everyone else will look at and go ‘Christ, people with ‘strategy’ in their laughable job titles really are self-important pr1cks, aren’t they?’.
  • War 101: I don’t know that I like this necessarily – it did feel a little bit glib and a little bit high-theoretical when there’s some, you know, actual dying happening right now, but it was definitely interesting – it’s the second in a three-part examination of practical combat advice given to US Marines, specifically imagining how it might be practically-deployed in the current Ukrainian conflict. I obviously haven’t spent any time at all thinking about the practical reality of How Fighting Works, being as I have never a) been in the army cadets; b) been into paintball; c) spent hours imagining myself as a Navy SEAL whilst playing CS:GO, so this was hugely-informative as to the ways of thinking employed by soldiers in combat, and the relationship between strategy and tactics when fighting. As I said uptop, though, there’s equally something a bit…off, to my mind, about the slightly-glib tone employed here, but your tolerance will inevitably vary.
  • Иди Hаxуй: On the weight of swearing in foreign languages, and the untranslatability of phrases such as that uttered by the Ukrainian soldiers on Snake Island in defiance of the Russian warship that was threatening to reduce them to so much pulpy mist. This is wonderful – especially so if you’re fortunate enough to be able to swear in multiple languages, but even if not as an exploration of language and meaning and the particular weight of each tongue’s worst possible words.
  • OSINT: Amongst all the froth and furore over THE SOCIAL MEDIA WAR (none of which aside from TikTok’s primacy is new, per se) one of the most interesting aspects of the web’s response to the past two weeks’ events has been the role of amateur intelligence operatives in determining what’s actually happening on the ground in Ukraine. This is a really interesting overview in Rest of World on how the Open Source Intelligence (OSINT) community works and is rallying around the war – on the one hand, this is quite amazing and wonderfully-future, and, broadly, can be argued as A Good Thing with regards to transparency and the ability to get through the propagandafog; on the other, there’s something slightly odd here about the extent to which this sort of activity builds on the extant trend of ‘we are all detectives now!’ evidenced in the rise of the true crime podcast and the mad investigative work of TikTokers, and our need to see ourselves as useful protagonists in any event that occurs anywhere, regardless of our actual relationship to it. Still, some incredible work being done by an insanely-disparate group of curiously-minded people.
  • Spice DAO Now What?: The ill-fated attempt by a bunch of cryptowankers to buy the rights to Jodorowsky’s adaptation of Dune so they could make their own film of it seems like it happened several decades ago – in fact it was only a few weeks, but, well, THERE IS A LOT GOING ON. This wrapup piece in the Verge looks at what happened after they realised that simply buying the rights to someone’s adaptation of a work doesn’t give you the rights to the work itself, and that their Dunefilm probably wasn’t going to happen anytime soon – it’s a bit schadenfreude-y, fine, but it’s also a useful practical overview of some of the problems inherent in the idea of DAOs, their limitations as governance vehicles (sexy, I know!), and the difficulties inherent in getting creative endeavours off the ground when said creative endeavours are effectively at the mercy of a multiheaded hydra of competing interests and concerns and vastly-different levels of interest and engagement. Really interesting, though mainly as a cautionary ‘this is why DAOs won’t solve your corporate governance and investment headache’ tale.
  • The Environmental Impact of The Cloud: Look, I know there’s a lot going on right now, and that you probably don’t need something else to worry about, so if you’re feeling a little bit overwhelmed and doom-y then you can probably skip this one, it’s ok. The rest of you? WELCOME TO THE CLOUDPOCALYPSE! Well, ok, fine, that much be a touch hyperbolic, but not that much – the upshot of this article is basically ‘the cloud isn’t real you morons it is all built on very real and very physical machines that require increasingly-vast quantities of very real energy to power and where is that going to come from then, eh?’. This is…sobering, not least the slightly-terrifying predictions about water scarcity in the 2040s which make me increasingly-glad that I am quite unlikely to live that long.
  • How BlackRock, Vanguard, and UBS Are Screwing the World: I could probably have shortened the title, but I think it’s important to state these things in full. The world’s three largest asset management firms “have quietly taken up a central role in our economic and political life. The Big Three cast more than 25 percent of votes at corporate shareholder meetings, meaning they “exercise something akin to state authority over the largest corporations that account for the vast bulk of economic activity in … the world economy,” as investment strategy analyst Anusar Farooqui put it last year. It’s not just corporate governance, either: Major political decisions around the construction of crucial public infrastructure like the building of roads and hospitals have been structured in order to eliminate risk for asset managers and their clients as part of “public-private partnerships.” In 2020, professor and finance law expert William Birdthistle went as far as to call BlackRock a “fourth branch of government,” after the U.S. Federal Reserve again enlisted it to prop up the entire corporate bond market.” None of the information contained in this piece was news to me, exactly, but it was sobering to be reminded of the fact that, yes, money literally does control everything in ways that we don’t always bear in mind when thinking about policy, and that these companies have unconscionable levels of power based on the funds at their disposal, power which is often silent and faceless and near-invisible. “The really scare plutes are the ones whose names you never hear” is the precis, but there’s lots in here that will cause you to think (and, possibly, to scream).
  • Google Radar: Or ‘how your telly will be able to tell from your gait whether you just need to watch 6 uninterrupted hours of cat videos this evening’ – this is really quite cool, in a sort of ‘domestic scifi’ sort of way, and only moderately creepy (I think as of the now this is the minimum setting – ‘not in fact creepy at all’ was disabled sometime in 2017). Basically Google’s working on all sorts of sensors, designed to eventually be included in all sorts of domestic devices, which will be able to accurately track and measure movement and posture and direction and that sort of stuff to, er, be able to work out whether it should automatically kill the audio on your smart speaker when you leave a room. Which, fine, sounds pointless and frivolous – and it is! – but is also basically magic. There’s also some interesting thinking here about how one might go about designing such systems, and the considerations you have to apply in terms of user behaviour and need – how, for example, can you tell whether the person leaving the room is going to be back in 10s vs 60s vs 10 minutes?
  • OnlyFans Boundaries: Ah, parasociality, what a weird and wonderful world. This article looks at people who use OnlyFans with clearly-defined personal boundaries (no fisting, say, or nips-only) and whose ‘Fans’, despite that, don’t actually want to accept what those boundaries are and get quite annoyed when said performers stick to them. This isn’t about bongofans being particularly entitled (or at least not entirely) so much as it’s about the very weird relationship that entails between a provider of a good that’s sold at scale and the purchaser of said good who feels like it’s bought personally – it’s this disparity in perception that I think is at the heart of much of the parasociality problem, that you as the buyer feel you’re transacting individually with the creator (bongo or otherwise), whereas to them you’re just A N Other mook subbing to their ish (I obviously don’t think of any of YOU that way, come back!).
  • The Video Essay Boom: Or “why are all YouTube videos about seemingly-inconsequential topics now inevitably six hours long?” – the answer, basically, is THE RISE OF THE VIDEO ESSAY! There are a few interesting things here – in part, the power of the web to enable to anyone to GO DEEP and GO LONG on anything they choose, no matter how trivial-seeming, and the ability of said people to find an audience for their obsessions, no matter how small; but also the increasingly post-YouTube videoandinformationliteracy (catchy!) of a whole generation, for whom dense, intensely-hypertextual explorations of online phenomena and cultural tropes have been a thing since fandom explorations on Tumblr bitd. I like to think that there will be one person who reads this in Curios this week who uses this article as the opportunity to pitch a whole series of two-hour branded content deep dives into, I don’t know, toast or something (you know what? That’s not a totally terrible idea imho – if I were Warburton’s then I would totally explore a 120-minute moderately tongue-in-cheek toast explainer. I would also get sacked almost immediately).
  • The Gender Bias of GPT-3: Another one to file under ‘examples of how machine learning and artificial intelligence are only as good or as useful as the sources they are trained on, and unfortunately we probably didn’t pay as much attention to said sources as we ought to have done when building the current crop of best-in-class ‘AI’ tools and toys’, this is a neat-if-slightly-miserable exploration of the inherent gender bias deep-coded into GPT-3.
  • Hedge Bongo: I’m including this less because it’s a great read and more because I am very much of the generation who lived in hope of finding a slightly-rain-damaged bongocache in a hedge every time they went to the park with their friends in the late-80s – there was one particular occasion on which we discovered a cache of copies of a particular niche publication called ‘New Direction’ which was…somewhat experimental in its contents and meant I was significantly more familiar with some of the more outre’ aspects of borderline sexuality than I might have been expected to be at age 10. Anyway, this article has a) reminded me of that, for which, er, thanks!; b) accurately captured the very real sense of titillated-but-also-scared confusion that I felt as a young boy confronted with very explicit and anatomical sex photos; and c) alerted me to the existence of this website which lets you buy old copies of vintage grot mags, which raises SO many questions, the greatest of which is, surely, “PLEASE GOD, NO, THESE CAN’T BE…SECOND HAND???”.
  • A Review of the Donda Stem: Kanye West is once again going through a manic episode in public while we all point and laugh, which doesn’t feel particularly ok. This article, reviewing his Donda Stem music player, feels fair, though, focusing less on the poor man’s mental state (to be clear, I say ‘poor man’ in a general not specific context – I don’t feel particularly sorry for West) than the baffling decision to create his own, apparently-not-very-good, music player. This is both funny (in a non-cruel way, promise), curious (I mean, you and I are never going to touch or see one of these things, so I am curious to read at least one account of what they are like) and slightly-sad.
  • Skeleton Brunch: Or, “How Anyone Can Make Up Any Old Sh1t Now And Have It Become A Thing In Approximately 10 Minutes”. This is, on the one hand, just A Silly Internet Anecdote about how someone made a meme out of nonsense, but, on the other, is a neat encapsulation of how, with enough imagination and a bit of luck, literally anyone, anywhere, can make their mark on the soft, malleable clay of popular culture with nothing but a phone and a wifi connection. I feel that there’s something fun you can do with this – if you’re someone (or something) with a significant bunch of enthusiastic followers (remember, kids, EVERYTHING’S A CULTZzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz) then you could perhaps experiment with this power (for good or, let’s face it, most likely ill).
  • Death is a Feature: A profile of Hidetaka Miyazaki, the creator of the Dark Souls series of videogames which recently saw its latest incarnation, Elden Ring, released to universal critical acclaim. This is fascinating as a bit of auteur-profiling, and does that thing you always get in interviews with Japanese creative geniuses of making Miyazaki sound simultaneously like a genius, like a child and like an incredibly deep soul – you simply don’t get this vibe when they interview Peter Molyneux, is what I’m saying. This will be of varying interest depending on your familiarity with the games in question, though I would say that it’s a pleasingly-thoughtful profile even if you have little interest in games or this series in particular. I am nowhere near patient or coordinated enough for the Souls games, by the way, but have gotten massively into watching people stream Elden Ring on Twitch over the past couple of weeks – it’s an almost-perfect streaming title, if you find a Twitch creator whose persona isn’t too SHOUTY – I’ve been very much enjoying this guy fwiw.
  • How I See Numbers: The most amazing thing about the web, for me at least, is the way that every single hour of every single day it forces us (well, ok, forces me) to confront the fact that not everyone’s brain works like mine, and that I should stop automatically assuming that they do. This is a short essay that neatly-illustrates this concept – in it, Cameron Sun writes about how they think of numbers, what shapes they have, what sounds they make when you add them together, how they feel…which, obviously, is not how I experience numbers AT ALL, but which gave me proper frisson-y braintingles when reading. So so so so so interesting, and will make the edges of your consciousness fizz slightly (if you’re anything like me. Which, we’ve just agreed, you’re probably not. FFS HUMAN SUBJECTIVITY!).
  • They Carry Us With Them: A glorious piece of visual storytelling, all about how trees migrate over time (they do!) – this is so nicely-made, and the combination of imagery and video and text is beautifully-constructed.
  • A Poem (and a Painting) About the Suffering That Hides in Plain Sight: Another beautiful bit of visualised publishing, this time from the New York Times, and this time breaking down, line by line, the WH Auden Poem ‘Musee des Beaux Arts’. This is beautifully-made, and, crucially, makes the poem about 100% easier to read and parse and dissect and analyse – a proper, wonderful example of form and function working together. Superb – I would love a whole website doing the same for a range of significant works by a range of poets, should any of the FAMOUSLY WEALTHY UK poetry houses fancy making such a thing.
  • The Nature of Art: Returning to the themes explored in one of the first links in this week’s Curios (THEMATICALLY SEAMLESS, I TELL YOU!), this is a brilliant essay exploring the extent to which it is even possible to answer questions of artistic meaning through recourse to data and technology, whether it’s possible to effectively brute force yourself into the artist’s head with data analysis and number crunching. “Digitisation makes art machine-readable; when machines read art they generate numbers; numbers breed statistics; the use of statistics to reveal the structure and workings of the world is science. I do not say that this sequence of propositions has the force of syllogistic necessity, but I do think that it describes how things will actually go. I have argued that a science of art will inherit much from art history. It will differ from it in various ways too. Its canvas will often be large. Particular artists may well come under its gaze.24 But it will be less concerned with the deep structures of dozens of pictures than the superficial properties of thousands. Current aesthetic or political values will be eschewed. “The best art historian is one who has no personal taste”—Aloïs Riegl—will be engraved above its door.” Fascinating.
  • The Balldo: A very good piece of comic writing in which the author reviews a sex aid called ‘The Balldo’ which, as its name suggests, exists to answer the hitherto-unimagined (at least by me – I have no idea what goes on in your imagination, but, well, I hope it’s not this) question of ‘what would it be like if you could attach a penis-simulacrum to ones testes?’ You may be unsurprised to learn that the answer here is ‘nothing good’, but you will very much enjoy the authorial journey of discovery that you will be taken on (almost certainly more than the author seemed to).
  • Beirut Fragments 2021: Notes from Beirut, still fcuked beyond belief after the port explosion of 2020. This is so beautifully-written, and feels timely as a reminder of how problems don’t stop when the cameras and the eyes of the world move elsewhere. By Charif Majdalani in Granta, this is a superbly-written essay about the quotidian horror of continuing to try and forge an existence in a city that to all intents and purposes sounds screwed beyond repair.
  • Babang Luksa: Finally this week, a short story by Nicasio Andres Read about family and reunions. This really surprised me – I wasn’t expecting it to be this good, or to to stay with me as long as it did, and I would read a novel in this register and voice in a heartbeat.

By Forrest Solis


Webcurios 04/03/22

Reading Time: 33 minutes

Yes, well, the news, blimey.

Per last week, Curios is eschewing warcommentary and warchat – you know where to get news, comment, opinion and asinine, performative takes on current affairs should you so desire them – here it’s just links and distractions til the end times come (how is the clock looking?).

So instead, let me devote this opening blurb to saying a heartfelt THANKYOU to the PRmongs at Hope & Glory for kindly agreeing to change their name of their EXCITING NEW NEWSLETTER PRODUCT, all about ‘interesting stuff on the internet’, from ‘Curio’ to something else, after I, er, kindly asked them to earlier this week. Obviously everyone at said agency now thinks I am a colossal prick, and I have clearly added another name to the long list of ‘companies that will never, ever employ me’, but, on the plus side, I can rest assured that the title of ‘least-read editorial product in the world with ‘Curio’ in the title’ remains mine for a little while longer yet – THANKS, PRMONGS! Also thanks for the classy shade thrown at me in the email you sent, which included the line “cards on the table, wasn’t aware of webcurios” – I mean, YOU DIDN’T HAVE TO TWIST THE KNIFE, YOU FCUKS.


I am still Matt, this is still Web Curios, and hopefully everything that follows will help you momentarily slough the horror of the brutal truth that we are all made of meat (and gristle, and hatred).

By Maisie Cowell



  • Aphetor: It’s…it’s not easy to find reasons to be cheerful at this particular point in human history (or at least it’s not for me; you, fine, might be gambolling through the metaphorical sunlit fields of your mind on the daily, sun-saluting like a blithely-unaware Fotherington-Thomas, and more power to you, but, well, how?), but if you’re on the lookout for something to cling to in the hope that THINGS WILL ONE DAY GET BETTER, a light at the end of the tunnel that isn’t an oncoming train (or, er, the blinding flash that pre-empts the mushroom cloud) then let me present to you the glory that is Aphetor (thanks to Alex Fleetwood for bringing this to my attention – how it had previously evaded my gaze I will never know). Aphetor, which apparently launched last year to…minimal fanfare is THE CREATOR GAMES, which in a few short weeks (apparently – I am…not 100% convinced that this year’s event will go ahead, but let’s see shall we?) will see the 2022 event begin in Denmark. What is Aphetor? Well, as far as it’s possible to work out, it’s a several-week-long influencer jamboree, in which a bunch of shiny-haired ‘creators’ (extroverts with good skin) make CONTENT for…well, for no discernible purpose, as far as I can tell: “Epic events in amazing locations, where the world’s best creators compete against each other in a series of awesome challenges…The creators do their thing and create awesome content. Fresh collaborations, amazing experiences and new adventures, through their eyes and on their channels…Audiences engage with the content on the creators’ channels, Aphetor’s social channels and on, where all the content is aggregated…Between events our unique creator collabs continue, with live and interactive formats, scouring the internet for content that epitomises Aphetor!” Do…Do any of you have the first idea what any of that actually means? I have tried to watch some of the ‘content’ from last year’s event and, sorry, I just can’t – it’s just a bunch of pretty people being blandly, cheerfully, stupid at each other for no discernible purpose whatsoever – and I struggle to imagine that anyone else in the world could have anything other than feelings of intense ambivalence about the whole thing, and yet…and yet it exists. Why? For whom? Who’s making money here? HOW CAN THIS EXIST AND LEAVE LITERALLY NO TRACE WHATSOEVER ONLINE? Please, I beg you, if any of you know anything about this, do tell me – I am getting incredibly strong ‘borderline criminal money-laundering operation’ vibes from the whole thing, basically. Still, in times of conflict we all need entertainments, so, er, something to look forward to!
  • Neon Door: I’m generally a big fan of the collective creative endeavour – more power to you, collectives! Do your thing! This, though, slightly baffles me – Neon Door is a very shiny web portal which promises to be ‘the first truly immersive literary exhibit’, which, as you can imagine, sounded right up my street, and which rather disappointingly ended up being A N Other online magazine when I finally clicked through, presenting a selection of writings and artworks and poetry by a bunch of different artists and writers. The quality of stuff in here is…variable (de gustibus nil disputandum and all that, but, well, it’s true), but there are a few things which play with form and function in halfway-interesting ways and if you’re interested in ‘Ways Of Presenting Literary and Artistic Work Online That Isn’t Just A Standard Website (but, frankly, might as well be)’ then this is worth a look (also, if you just fancy reading a bunch of random work by strangers, because, why not?).
  • Cookie Factory: This is a nice piece of work by UNESCO (and some digital agency, almost certainly – sorry, nameless digital agency!) – a Chrome extension designed to help you experience the subjectivity of the browsing experience, simply by letting you load up a bunch of different ‘profiles’ based on in-browser Cookies, so you can see how this behind-the-scenes, invisible information characterises and personalises one’s experience of the web without one actually realising. “Choose a cookie profile and watch the factory browse the internet for you. Depending on the keywords corresponding to this profile, the factory will automatically open dozens of internet windows, organically creating new cookies. Your history, your cookies and your favorites will be replaced, as if you had become someone else.” So you can pick from one of 40 different pre-set personae or create your own, and get a flavour for the way your recommendations, ads and associated content recommendations shift based on these often-unknowable parameters. Smart, and a really effective way of teaching people how online personalisation and tracking works and what it can do (and, obviously, a GREAT thing to ‘take inspiration from’ should you be in the market for any INCREDIBLY WORTHY brand-led activations). If you want a really on the nose alternative to this, why not download a VPN this week and set your location to Moscow?
  • The Procedural Web: So before you click this one, be aware that all it does it take you to a Github repo – sorry, nothing to actually see here, but conceptually this is one of my favourite things of the week. This is basically a bunch of code which the more technically-capable of you can spin up to play around with, and which lets you create a local search engine, called Goopt, which creates procedural results using GPT-3 as you search. So, in layman’s terms, all the results for your search query will be automatically created by AI – so you get to experience a sort of fever-dream of machine-imagined ‘truths’ in response to whatever you feed it. Which is in part obviously just a fascinating creative tool and imaginative exercise but, more soberingly, is also a potential window into the near-future in which GPT-3 has been opened up to everyone and the content marketers have had a good play with it, and the whole of the web has been flooded with junk machine-generated content because it’s cheaper and easier to fill webpages with machinecopy and it doesn’t matter that it doesn’t make sense because in the main the copy exists to be indexed rather than read, and the spiders doing the indexing don’t know it’s junk, and so our information landscape is littered with utterly meaningless rubbish which the machines can’t tell is meaningless rubbish. Sounds hyperbolic, but I promise you that that is a totally plausible scenario – look, if you’re anything resembling a competent online researcher then you will be well aware of the fact that Google is basically junk these days, and it’s getting worse…you think this is going to get better when every third new bit of ‘content’ published online is written by an AI based on a six-word sentence input?
  • Feral Earth: I LOVE THIS! Also, we need a term for websites and digital gubbins whose function is tied to physical variables – can someone coin one, please? FCUK’S SAKE I ASK NOTHING OF YOU, NOTHING, THE LEAST YOU COULD DO IS THIS ONE THING. Jesus. Anyway, Feral Earth is a website featuring a bunch of hyperlinks which are only clickable under certain specific environmental conditions – so one will only work when one of the sensors attached to the website tells it that it’s raining, for example, whereas another will only work on the Summer and Winter Equinoxes. This is basically the physical equivalent of in-game Easter Eggs that unlock on specific dates, and this is SO SO SO RIPE for a miserable exploitation by a brand, delivered to a double-figure-IQ client that will never appreciate the beautiful elegance of the execution. Honestly, if you can’t think of a fun way of using this for vouchers and things at the very least then, well, I’d like you to stop reading this newsletterblogtypething and have a word with yourself.
  • World Atlas 2.0: Was World Atlas 1.0…a book? Anyway, thanks to Giuseppe Sollazzo’s newsletter for this gem of a site, which has a whole bunch of datasets sitting in its backend which you can overlay on the world map however you choose, for all your dataspelunking and geoanalytical needs. Pleasingly there’s an ‘apply a random dataset’ button, meaning even people like me who don’t really understand data or have the first clue of where to start with something like this can hit a switch and be presented with, say, information about the proportion of the world’s parliamentarians in each country who are under-40 (wow, Chad has a young political class! Go Chad!), or, er, colorectal cancer death rates (less fun, honestly, but wtf is going on Hungary? STOP EATING SO MUCH PROCESSED MEATS, HUNGARIANS!)! I lost a good 10 minutes to this just clicking through random data facts about the planet – this is really, really interesting, and might even be useful if you’re searching for specific global datapoint comparisons (all the data is sourced and linked, so you could use this for Proper Reasons if you so chose).
  • Letter To Ur Ex: A bit of singlepromo for the new record by Mahalia, this is a cute little website which lets you listen to the single (a track all about wanting your partner’s ex to basically fcuk off and stop texting them) and also browse various letters that Mahalia’s fans have written to their exes, which are posted up on the virtual walls of the virtual rooms of the site. I presume there’s some pretty heavy-moderation going on here, as I’m yet to discover anything featuring someone’s phone number or a threat to ‘do them’ if they don’t stop sending 3am ‘I love you’s, but I am a sucker for this sort of anonymous confessional-type thing and I quite enjoyed sifting through the brief-but-occasionally-poignant loveandpainnotes (like the horrible little emogoblin I evidently at-heart am).
  • Creative Quests: This was sent to me by Sam, the person who created it, and, whilst I don’t normally feature stuff that costs money in Curios, I thought that a few of you might find this interesting or appealing. Creative Quests is “an immersive digital programme that helps you explore your creative potential, alongside a worldwide community of fellow Questers. Each Quest challenges you to embrace a different creative theme for one month, giving you a framework to fill your life with illuminating new perspectives on the world around you. Join us for weekly workshops, innovative challenges and enriching conversations. Inspired by our Quest themes: we playfully explore, empower our inner artists, embrace being beginners and of course, we create.” The website is very keen to stress that IT IS NOT A COURSE – which, if I’m honest, feels a bit like a disclaimer for anyone who turns around at the end of it expressing dissatisfaction that they have learned NOTHING – but if you fancy a way of meeting new people who are also interested in making stuff and who are generally curious then, well, this could be good. It’s £60 for a month, which is a reasonable whack, but equally looks like A Real Thing into which Sam has put proper thought – worth a look (but, equally, Web Curios bears no responsibility whatsoever should Sam turn out to be a crook or a criminal) (though I’m sure he’s probably not) (Sam, was this the sort of writeup you were after? It probably wasn’t, was it? SORRY!).
  • Machine Wilderness: This looks GREAT. “Machine Wilderness is an artistic field programme exploring new relationships between people, our technologies and the natural world. Machines have become an intrinsic part of our world (according to some a second nature). But their presence is highly disruptive to the worlds of other beings on land, in the seas and skies. How can technologies relate more symbiotically with other living beings? In 2022, seven artists join the Machine Wilderness residency programme exploring the rich and diverse worlds of animals, plants and microbes in ARTIS and MICROPIA. From March till June artists will each be experimenting for a number of weeks in the park to get closer to the lives of other creatures and reveal hidden worlds. Visitors can see them at work during their research or learn more in artists’ presentations. By exploring the relations between technology and other life forms we investigate how animals and plants share signals, how they learn, set boundaries, or organize their lives. Through experiments and prototypes we try to find ways to engage with their worlds more deeply. Can machines help us rejoin the great conversation with life?” I read this and thought “Hm, this sounds vaguely-related to that bloke Thomas Thwaites who spent an age trying to build a toaster from scratch and then became briefly internet-famous for living as a goat for a while and who I met at a party once and totally failed to charm” and LO! Thwaites is one of the artists involved with this. If you have any interest in ‘how technology and nature intersect and how we can use one to improve or better-understand the other’ (and who doesn’t? NO FCUKER, that’s who!) then this is very much worth keeping an eye on.
  • GenZ: I think, as far as I can tell, this is A Real Thing (if that designation even means anything anymore) – a new brand of water (literally just water), sold for more money than it’s worth, in web1.0-aesthetic bottles, via a web1.0-aesthetic website, because EVERYTHING IS VIBES NOW (sorry). This is US-only, but buying the product isn’t really the point here – this is interesting because of the confluence of web1.0 fetishisation and dropshipping and brand-over-substance and flat-voiced detachment and non-ironic irony…have we had one of these brands pop up in the UK yet? It feels like we probably ought to have done, and, equally, that I am too old to have noticed if it did (so tired, so ready to die).
  • The Yesterweb: “The Yesterweb is a community which acknowledges that today’s internet is lacking in creativity, self-expression, and good digital social infrastructure. It is driven by everyday users of the internet, regular people with diverse skills and interests who care about online spaces. We acknowledge that the internet is made up of human beings. Conversing online doesn’t make this any different. Behind every username is a real person with their own perspective and experiences…It’s not just about nostalgia or retro aesthetics but these interests signify that there is a need for change. Our goal is to forge a new path forward, toward building and cultivating a better internet.” So this is interesting – effectively the yesterweb looks like a place for people to congregate around the oldschool idea of self-created websites and online spaces, collecting a bunch of resources around self-publishing and platform-independent creation, alongside a (borderline-unreadable, but top marks for effort) Zine which offers personal stories and tips about Making Stuff Online Without Using Fcuking Substack/Insta/TikTok/etc.
  • MRE Reviews: A YouTube channel in which a man apparently named ‘Steve’ prepares and eats military rations from various countries and points in history. So if you’ve ever wanted to watch someone painstakingly pore over and then reconstitute a packet of what purports to be ‘omelette and salsa’ from the Canadian Army’s 2010 menu, and then attempt to force it down their gullet while describing the ‘taste’, then, well, you’re in luck. I am slightly baffled as to why each of these videos is seemingly 50 minutes long – is it the algorithm’s demands? Is it just a real desire to be INCREDIBLY THOROUGH in his appraisal of powdered stewed meats? – but there’s something undeniably compelling about the reveal in each case (which is odd, considering every single meal I’ve checked on looks exactly like it’s been pre-digested by a toddler).
  • Tip Of My Fork: A subReddit serving two distinct purposes. The first is to give people desperately trying to find out what a long-remembered food experience was a community to help them uncover their gustatory memories – you have a vague recollection of a particular brand of soft drink you once tried on a French trip when you were 17 and which you have never seen again but which you dream of finding again in the hope that it will unlock the innocent memories of The Child You Once Were? Then these people will help you work out what said soft drink was, where you can find it now, and what sort of counselling you’ll need when you realise that nothing will ever bring that child back, they are dead, bury them. The second is to offer opinions on whatever that weird thing you found in your food was, and OH MY GOD does the second category deliver. From the odd ‘log’ of what one hopes is ‘pea protein’ in a packet of pasta, to the frankly terrifying biological specimens fished out of someone’s order of clams, this may well make you too scared to ever eat again and will definitely open your eyes to the fact that some people really will munch first and ask questions later.
  • Animal Noses: Via Present & Correct, the best stationery retailers on Twitter (fine, I appreciate this may not be a hotly-contested category, but I hope they appreciate the accolade) comes this excellent and soothing hashtag. Apparently if you search for the characters “#お鼻見” on Twitter or Insta you will be greeted with a neverending stream of (mostly) mammalian noses, and if you’re not in some small way soothed and comforted by this then you are probably dead.
  • Only The Questions: A simple webtool which lets you paste any bit of text and, at a click, will isolate any questions it contains, leaving only those behind.  Particularly useful if you have any colleagues who are so in love with the sound of their own written voice that their emails tend towards the baroque and overwritten and overlong, and are quite evidently penned for their own entertainment rather than to impart any actual information to the reader, and which need a fcuking index to help you navigate them…colleagues, in short, like me. Sorry to everyone I work with, for this and everything else. SEE, IF YOU BOTHERED TO READ CURIOS YOU WOULD SEE THAT I DO APOLOGISE SOMETIMES YOU FCUKING INGRATES.
  • Charades: I know that ‘fun games over videocall’ is very much ‘early pandemic’ behaviour (now we either meet up in person briefly before realising that we don’t quite remember how in-person socialising works, or simply don’t bother to hide our disdain and resentment on Teams anymore), but this looks fun – Charades is, er, exactly that – a structured game of Charades, done over video, in browser, and free for up to seven players. I haven’t tried this out (I have no friends), but can’t help but feel that there might be something a bit sad about doing this over a janky connection, miming ‘my heart will go on’ to six frozen faces while your cat stares at you derisively from the corner of your Deliveroo-strewn bachelor-palace. Still, er, ENJOY!

By Ishii Shigeo



  • QRDate: This feels like quite a neat little idea, designed to offer some small hedge against the constant context collapse and impossibility of verification on social media (lol see the horse cantering across the distant fields as the get swings forlornly in the breeze!) – the site generates a QR Code linked to a specific date and timestamp, which “can be used to verify the date in rapidly disseminated photo- or videography where a large amount of people will be able to see and verify the code shown within a reasonable time from publishing, which is measured in seconds to minutes today.It provides a kind of social proof of other people observing a clock, given to you by a trusted third party, that you are holding up in a photo instead of writing the date on a piece of paper. It does *not* work against the past (taking snapshots of the produced codes and using them later) – the point is to try to guard media against the *future*. Therefore, unseen QR Dates are meant to have a lifespan after which they should be considered tainted.” Imperfect, fine, but seeing as the promise of THE BLOCKCHAIN has, unaccountably, yet to solve this particularly-thorny issue of modernity then at least it’s a start.
  • Minimalist PixelArt Icons: Erm, literally just that! Still, these are really nicely-made, and very cute, and all free to download and use. The animals are particularly lovely, and I now want to find a reason to populate a website with an infinity of tiny pixellated snails (what do you mean “this has no relevance to any of our clients, Matt, what the fcuk are we paying your for?”?).
  • Kia Move.Ment: Car marketing is a fcuking mystery to me, I tell you. Partly as a non-driver, but also because, honestly, none of it makes any sense. I would absolutely love it if someone related to this project were to see my bafflement and explain to me exactly why car manufacturer Kia has seen fit to create an entire synthprogramme, designed to let anyone apparently create soundscapes using a bunch of predetermined audiofiles which you can sequence and synch and mess with. WHAT IS ALL THIS GUFF ABOUT NEUROSCIENCE? HOW IS THIS MEANT TO PERSUADE ME TO DROP FIVE FIGURES ON A NEW CAR? Still, in the unlikely event that you’ve been itching to download a new piece of music-making software but have been holding out for one created by a company best-known for making middle-of-the-road hatchbacks then, well, MERRY FCUKING CHRISTMAS! They even commissioned a bunch of musicians to make tracks using the software – WHY?????? Please, someone, let me in on the ‘insight’ behind this (so I can laugh and laugh and laugh at the preposterousness of automotive advermarketingpr). If the total number of global downloads of this hits more than 500 I will be AMAZED – ROI, kids, ROI!
  • Old Mouse: Not, sadly, the personal site of a methuselan rodent, this is instead an online museum dedicated to old computer mice. Found via Caitlin Dewey, this is perfect in every possible way: “In the belief that every mouse has a tale, intends to track the evolution of the computer mouse and its kin along its zig-zag trail of human ingenuity. Most of the mouses featured here live together in Missoula, Montana, gathered from across the US and beyond. A few rare mouses appear in photos courtesy of their owners. Like its furry namesake, the computer mouse proliferated across societies worldwide by its opportunistic adaptability. Creative human programming propagates its nearly infinite variations. The familiar mouse whose pointer glides through email, documents, or the World Wide Web earned its way to the top of the computer evolutionary tree of input devices (alongside the ubiquitous keyboard).”
  • Not An NFT: This is lovely. “As a kind of protest against low-effort NFTs flooding the market, I decided to create my own, except… they’re free. Yep, you too can ‘own’ a piece of digital art, just like the cool kids, and for absolutely nothing. A NANFT (Not An NFT) is a piece of generative art created by a twitterbot, and posted every hour to @NotanNFT1. To claim one, all you have to do is reply to the particular twitter post that features an image you like, with “I stake my claim!” Then right-click and save. Boom! It’s yours! The images are released under the Creative Commons CC BY-SA licence. That means you can do whatever you like, copy it, redistribute it, adapt it, even commercially, but… you must give credit and anything you create also has the same freedoms applied.” Get your new PFP here, vaunt your artistic nous and investor chops…for free!
  • The Batname Generator: There is another Batman film out! Which, frankly, feels like a bit much – since I first failed to get into see Batman at the cinema in 1989 (Swindon town council was one of the few in the UK not to accept the brand-new ‘12’ classification for the film when it came out, meaning it was rated ‘15’ and inexplicably my 10-year-old self fooled noone when it came to sneaking in underage) there have been…12? films about the tediously-psychologically-troubled billionaire bully, which seems like TOO MANY for any healthy society. Still, if you’re FROTHING WITH EXCITEMENT at the prospect of watching yet another muddily-graded gruntfest then you may enjoy this unofficial website which lets you render any word you choose in the style of the new film’s logo. Because it’s unofficial there’s no banned word list sitting behind this, so if you want to create the word ‘NONCE’ in glorious batfont then, well, fill your boots!
  • Peak Culture: Depressing-but-inevitable, really, that OPTIMISATION CULTURE should finally get round to attempting to MAXIMISE RETURNS from the generally non-competitive world of ‘messing around online’ (I really should spin up that range of ‘WEBMONG NOOTROPICS’ I’ve been toying with). Peak Culture is a frankly-risible-sounding browser extension which promises to help you REACH YOUR PEAK, MENTALLY AND PHYSICALLY. Exactly how it thinks it can do this via the medium of ‘some additional gubbins in Chrome’ is…unclear, but it offers you a CENTRAL EVENT COUNTDOWN (so, presumably, you can add an urgent countdown timer to your browser, creating an exciting frisson of YOU’RE WASTING YOUR LIFE every time you log onto Tube8 or NewGrounds), and HABIT TRACKING, and WORKOUT LOGS and GOAL TRACKING and dear God isn’t it tiring being this alpha and this GOAL FOCUSED all the time? Don’t you ever just want to lie down and close your eyes and never open them again? My favourite feature is the MOTIVATIONAL QUOTES, though, which I like to assume mean that every now and again you’ll get some stoic bullsh1t BLARED at you as you blamelessly browse seed catalogues or something. Astonishingly bleak and utterly dead-eyed.
  • DIY Wood Boat: If there’s an antithesis to ‘a browser extension which seeks to squeeze every last second of productivity from your online life’ it’s this website, which simply sets out a bunch of resources and instructions for building your own wooden boat. Want a project that will in no way improve you but which might be fun? GREAT. Fcuk self-improvement, fcuk the quantified life, build a boat instead and sail off into the (potentially nuclear, fine) sunset!
  • US Government Website Analytics: Ok, I appreciate that this is aspectacularly un-enticing link description, but I promise you there’s something (a bit) interesting here (sort-of). This website pulls traffic and download data from all the publicly accessible US government websites so you can see which are the most visited sites and pages, and downloaded documents. Which means you can see what sites people are looking at, what forms they are downloading, where they are browsing from…this is so interesting, unexpectedly so, and affords so many opportunities for interesting uses of the data in question; campaign planning based on user need and interest, content planning based on visitor location data…ok, fine, so I appreciate this is very much at the ‘less frivolous and fun’ end of the Curios scale, but there’s a very dull part of me that would love the opportunity to explore this sort of information for other countries so, again, CAN ONE OF YOU PLEASE SORT THAT FOR ME PLEASE THANKS?
  • Pixelfed: Do you remember a few years ago when Mastodon launched and everyone got briefly excited at the prospect of an alternative to Twitter that was DECENTRALISED and ALL YOURS, and then everyone quite quickly realised that, actually, decentralisation isn’t necessarily all it’s cracked up to be, and setting up and running your own instances of a Twitter-like product is a massive pain, and actually most people don’t really need or want all the gubbins that a decentralised product can bring? No, I don’t suppose you necessarily do, Still, Pixelfed is basically ‘Mastodon, but Instagram’ – ad free photosharing, create your own instance or join a new one…you get the idea (and, frankly, if you don’t, I can’t be bothered to explain it to you – sorry, but I slept poorly and I’m a bit tired and, just, you know, no). If you’re one of the growing number of photographers who feel that Insta no longer really works for you as a platform then you might want to take a look at this – caveat usor, as ever, but it could be a nice way of finding new communities of interest.
  • Technovelgy: Firstly, congratulations to the creators of this site for having coined one of the very worst portmanteau words I have ever read in my life – no small feat seeing as I’ve worked in PR for two decades. Secondly, additional congratulations to them for having kept this going for a couple of decades without seemingly changing the design even once. Thirdly, even more congratulations for the fact that it’s properly interesting stuff – the premise of Technovelgy (SUCH A HORRIBLE WORD!) is to explore concepts from fiction that become reality – so tracking the ideas from scifinovels past as they slowly become part of modernity. Exoskeletons and cyborgs and brain-machine interfaces and OH ME OH MY! The…idiosyncratic site design doesn’t make the browsing experience what you might call seamless, but it’s a really interesting collection of examples of imagination becoming reality, often in unexpected ways – see for example this entry on artificial eyes, and then cross-reference it with this recent Meta patent. Wonderful, creepy, vaguely-inspirational stuff.
  • The Seed Site: I am very brown-fingered (STOP SNIGGERING) and as such don’t have any real idea of how THE CYCLES OF NATURE work, or when you ought to start turning the topsoil to maximise your begonias, but I have a vague feeling that this is the sort of time when you might want to consider planting stuff in the rocky, largely-sterile patch of scorched earth you laughably call a ‘garden’. You can check whether or not I’m in fact right on The Seed Site, a one-stop guide to everything to do with, er, seeds – how to plant them, how to nurture your seedlings, that sort of thing. Photos, plant profiles, harvesting guides…given we’re all approximately only a month or so out from being told to GROW FOR VICTORY (I jest, but, well, not that much) you might want to get revising.
  • Colors Lol: Colour palettes with algorithmically-generated names. Which may not sound good, I appreciate, but I promise you that you will find yourself enjoying the nomenclature here far more than you expect (particularly if you’re of a vintage old enough to remember the original line of Urban Decay cosmetics, when there was nothing more subversive than wearing a lipstick called ‘Burnt Roach’ to accessorise your choker). “Milk-white yellow brown”, for example, is simultaneously nonsensical but also deeply, perfectly evocative and repellent.
  • Clock: Animated clocks are not a new thing, fine, but this one is perhaps the most anxiety-inducing one I’ve ever seen. I don’t know whether it’s just me or whether it’s a function of This Fcuking World We Live In, but I don’t think I have ever experienced such a visceral sense of THE DESTRUCTIVE PASSING OF TIME AND THE SLOW-YET-INELUCTABLE MARCH TO DEATH as I have whilst watching the seconds tick past on this website. Watch the blocks build the time, watch it disintegrate, watch it build, watch it collapse…WE ARE BUT SANDS IN THE HOURGLASS OH GOD.
  • DickDoodles: A variant on the hoary old Google classic ‘start drawing a thing and let the AI try and finish the drawing based on what it thinks the thing that you were drawing is meant to be’, except here it works by attempting to turn whatever you sketch into a crudely-drawn penis, because there is NOTHING FUNNIER than a cartoon prick.
  • Tonetta: So I had to do a bit of digging and due diligence around this, as one of the few editorial tenets I have in Curios is ‘don’t feature stuff by people who have what might reasonably considered to be a mental illness, particularly if the end goal is basically to mock them’ and, well, Tonetta could possibly be read as such in a certain light. Then, though, I discovered the Tonetta rabbithole and read about his backstory and, well, I became a convert. THIS IS ART! Intensely odd outsider-art, fine, the sort of art that leaves you feeling quite uncomfortable but which also leaves you feeling like you have definitely just experienced A Thing, which isn’t something you can always say. Click the link and browse Tonetta’s frankly insane volume of output – the skits, the songs, the performances, the costumes, the masks (oh God the masks), the paintings and the sketches and the dancing and OH GOD REALLY THE MASKS. Seriously, this is quite incredible – I think the last time I got so oddly excited by one person’s output was Jandek about 20 years ago. I can’t stress enough what a…unique experience this stuff is, and really do encourage you to find a quiet place to experience some of it yourself. You won’t necessarily like it, but it’s unlikely to leave you indifferent.
  • Microwave 59: I don’t really understand why this exists, or why you would want to play an endless-runner game rendered in the reflection of the door of a small CG microwave (no, really), but, well, that’s exactly what this is, so here, have it.
  • Babadum: Ooh, this is a lot of fun. Babadum is a website which purports to help you learn languages – no idea how much actual use it would be, but it’s a GREAT timesink. Select your language, and listen as a series of words are read out – you just need to pick one of four images which corresponds to the meaning of the words that’s just been spoken. Which is useful if you want to test your vocab in a language you already sort-of know, but less so when all you can hear is a voice shouting random syllables at you – still, I imagine if you spend long enough with it then words will start to repeat, so you can probably pick up some light vocab from scratch, and it’s an excellent way of reminding yourself how little GCSE German you remember.
  • Pixler: Via B3ta, this is an excellent little game which asks you to identify the animal in the picture in the fewest number of guesses – the image starts out with few, massive pixels, and becomes marginally-more-visible with each guess you take. Basically this boils down to ‘how good are you at telling a baboon from a badger when all you’ve got to work with is six block-colour pixels?’, but I promise it’s more fun than I just made it sound.
  • Mimic: Final miscellaneous link of the week goes to this lovely little pixelly puzzle game, in which you have to complete each level by reaching the goal, which can only be accomplished by mimicking the movement patterns of different animals so as to acquire their movement skills (so you might need to become a fish, say, to cross a river). This is simple, fun and caused me to scratch my head rather more than I would be comfortable admitting to you face-to-face.

By Shir Pakman



  • Cover Laydown: Not, according to the sourcecode, actually a Tumblr, but very much one in spirit (and that’s what’s taxonomically-important, RIGHT KIDS?), Cover Laydown is all about folk covers of pop songs and unexpected covers of folk songs – in the real sense, rather than the simple ‘oh it’s an acoustic guitar so we’ll call it folk because we’re lazy’ sense. There are some great oddities on here – very much worth exploring.
  • The Director’s Commentary: Download a HUGE range of audio files of Director’s Commentary from DVDs here – you want to listen to, say, the director’s commentary on the horrific mess that was 2019’s ‘Cats’? WHY??? Anyway, you can do that here. Lucky you!


  •  90s Art School: Did you go to art school in the 90s? Did you have BIG CONCEPTUAL DREAMS which you occasionally look back on with regret as the STUPID CLIENT rejects another one of your BRILLIANT CAMPAIGN CREATIVES and you worry sadly at your stick tattoos as the baby sicks up again on your shoulder and you wonder whether the money and the CD title are really worth it after all, despite the nice house in Hackney, because honestly all you want to do is cry all day at the prospect of once again having to feign interest in developing a really stand-out visual concept for this exciting new brand of loan product you’re meant to be launching in Q3? This Instagram account is for YOU!


  • Metalabels: This is, fine, a touch on the w4nkily-conceptual side, but I found it really interesting as a way of thinking about work and practise and areas of interest and influence, and maybe you will too (this feels very much like the sort of thing that those of you with ‘strategy’ in your job titles will lap up – take that either as a cuss or a compliment, as, well, it’s both!). Whilst it’s also a ‘launch manifesto’ for the author’s new project (called, obvs, ‘metalabel’), I found it an interesting framework or lens through which to conceive of loosely-thematically-linked bodies of work – as they put it, “A metalabel is like an indie record label, but for all forms of art, culture, and ideas. A book publisher, a local collaborative creative project, an online community, an activist movement, an artist collective, a record label, and other collective cultural projects are examples of metalabels: groups of people using a shared identity for a shared purpose with a focus on public releases that manifest their worldview.” Much as it pains me to say so – it’s so horrible when I realise that I tend to see this stuff through the lens of my (laughable) ‘job’ – there’s a really useful way of thinking about strategy and campaign planning in here should you wish to dig it out (but let’s never speak of it again if you do).
  • Pods, Squads, Crews and Gangs: A caveat before I explain this one – this is very much not my sort of thing, both in terms of tone and general ethos, and I find it a bit awkward and uncomfortable (no shade to the author here, who I am sure is lovely, but we are obviously very different people; speaking personally, this degree of self-analysis and introspection makes my teeth itch and my skin start to turn inside out, but your mileage may vary). With that caveat out of the way, let me introduce this article which is a LONG-but-interesting exploration of something I’m increasingly seeing explored in various thinkpieces online over the past few months; to whit, the resurence of microtribes and communities online, the different ‘units’ of community that can be sketched out based on size and network type, and their difference in terms of end-user utility. Which, I realise, sounds dull-as-you like, but if you strip out the (to my mind psychbabbly) stuff about GOAL SETTING and OPENNESS (sorry, no, I am a closed book and now FCUK OFF) there’s some interesting observations in here about how group dynamics can and do function. Interesting to sociologists and the sort of people who get paid a lot of money to attempt to manipulate groups of people to think or act in specific ways (OH HI ADVERMARKETINGPRMONGS!).
  • Magic Carpets: On what a world made up of ubiquitous, universal screens, screens indoors and outdoors, above us and below us, can and will do to our perceptions of space and information – I found this bit in particular to be fascinating, conceptually-speaking: “We are being conditioned to think of the metaverse as something that is yet to come, but in many respects it has already long been here, in the enhanced commercial environments we already experience in everyday life. Environmental screens would attempt to build on this. As with nature itself, we might grow to take the presence of such screens for granted as objects with an innate three-dimensional presence in our world…If screens covered everything, we would be no longer able to trust the illumination or the shadows we saw on walls and surfaces as a reliable reference point for perceiving three-dimensional space. They might sometimes feel a bit like they were being digitally rendered. The appearance of physical objects would become more provisional, and the things around us could start to be conceptualized similarly to how 3-D content is in games now: as calculated mathematical assemblies of geometric planes that are all surface and no interior. Physical space would be experienced more like game space, without the need for an interface.”
  • The Wikipedia War: I figure that you’re all perfectly capable of reading your own accounts of the war in Ukraine, so have attempted to avoid it here – that said, this piece, about the edit wars currently taking place across Wikipedia as another front in the digital battle, struck me as worth sharing. Once again it’s worth taking a moment to admire the incredible robustness of Wikipedia as a platform and community – the systems and processes in place here to attempt to guard against abuse and misinformation are laudable (if, obviously, imperfect) – and to marvel at the extent to which it’s become not only one of the most important information resources in human history but also an incredible bellwether for What Is Really Going On behind the ‘truth’ of any particular issue. In the future, Wikipedia edit records will be valuable documents of historical import (and when I say ‘in the future’ I mean ‘now’).
  • China’s AI Regulation: A really good look at the current legislative changes being planned in China to seek to regulate the behaviour of algorithms, both consumer-facing and not. Interesting in part because whilst this sort of legislation is going to start cropping up all over the place, China’s is likely to be the first to make it onto the statute books and it will be fascinating to see how exactly this gets enforced – determining algorithmic activity designed to cause “addiction or excessive consumption” sounds a) tricky and b) like the sort of ambiguous wording that is going to have lawyers licking their lips and running to put a deposit down on a new LearJet. I am…not exactly bullish about the extent to which this sort of regulation is even possible in any meaningful sense, but will be watching this closely.
  • Post The Body Fascist: A discursive look at the links between the less-savoury corners of the bodyimage web, specifically the pro-ana and incel communities, and the far right; this is a bit rambling, and maybe a tiny bit undergraduate essay-ish (sorry, but, well, it is), but it’s also an interesting investigation into one of those odd online community venn diagram crossovers that I have never previously quite understood. If you’ve ever wondered why so much YogaTurmericLatte content seems so, well, fashy, this may help you understand.
  • Creators: Or ‘how the creator myth got created’ – Vox looks at when and how and why everyone online started referring to themselves as ‘creators’, and What That Means And What It Tells Us. I can give you one answer – in part, it started 6 or 7 years ago when people in advermarketingpr like you and I started switching from saying ‘influencers’ to instead calling them ‘creators’ because ‘we co-created some really engaging content to drive brand awareness’ sounded more impressive than ‘we paid an influencer to say your brand name on camera’. Once again, everything is the fault of advermarketingprmongs. FCUK’S SAKE, ADVERMARKETINGPRMONGS!
  • Bandcamp and Epic: Surprising business news of the week came with the news that Epic was buying Bandcamp, much to the chagrin of indie music enthusiasts who fear, not without justification, that The Man may not necessarily have the same desire to provide cheap music streaming and selling services to microfamous artists. This piece is a short analysis by Ted Gioia of What It Might Mean, which basically boils down to ‘probably not that much good if you’re a musician’ – interesting to me because of Gioia’s angle on this, which is basically ‘if music isn’t the company’s primary priority then the acquisition of a formerly-music-focused business by said company is not likely to be particularly good news for the music in this equation’.
  • The NukeSim Guy: Charlie Warzel interviews the bloke behind the once-again-terrifyingly-relevant Nukemap website (you will have seen and used it at some point over the past decade, I promise), which has received a sudden spike in interest over the past week for obvious, miserable reasons. Much like his interview last year with the bloke behind the ‘stuck ship in the Suez Canal’ website, this is unexpectedly fascinating – the detail about what people use the nuke site for is fascinating (WHY DO WE ALL NUKE JAPAN???), as is the general background detail about what it’s like to be quietly responsible for a genuine artefact of the Small Web.
  • Village Cooking: There was a brief period a couple of years ago when I ended up in an algorithmic sweetspot and had a happy few months during which all my feeds were just FULL of videos of people in rural parts of the distant world cooking vast quantities of food for the local community; honestly, few things are more relaxing to me than watching someone methodically butcher 400 chickens and turn them into seventeen kilos of biryani. This is a fascinating profile of one such channel from Bangladesh – how it works, how it’s changed the lives of the people behind it, and, inevitably, the creeping sense that it’s also created a small-but-growing monkey on the backs of the principal creators who I have a horrible feeling are going to find themselves algochasing the same content high for the rest of their lives.
  • The $6,000 Star Wars Holiday: A writeup of what it’s like to visit the new immersive holiday experience built by Disney around Star Wars, where you can pay six grand for four of you to spend a weekend LIVING YOUR STAR WARS DREAM as part of a LARP-ish amdram with incredibly high production values. What struck me about this is that the author is a self-declared Star Wars fanboy and still baulks at the cost of the trip – that, and the fact that Punchdrunk have a lot to answer for.
  • The Bongo Moderator: A writeup of what it’s like to be one of the poor unfortunates tasked with keeping Pr0nhub free of the wrong sort of bongo – there is literally NO PART OF THIS that sounds anything other than hideous, and I can’t imagine that anything good happens to one’s libido after doing this for any length of time. Yet another one to add to the bulging file of ‘reasons why content moderation is, and will continue to be, one of the thorniest issues of the modern age and why we should all perhaps pay a bit more attention to how it works and who is doing it’.
  • The Internet and Patrick Bateman: I’ve read American Psycho…a lot of times. Part of that’s down to having written a few essays on it as a kid, and part of it’s down to the fact that it’s a fcuking great novel (I do, though, tend to skip some of the more, er, colourful sections) – I promise I’m not some sort of weird axemurdery pervert, honest (I feel compelled to make this point because when I was 16 my English teacher was so weirded out by the fact I was reading it that she took my girlfriend to one side to ask her if I was ‘normal’ in bed, which, rereading that, is very much not ok imho). Anyway, that familiarity with the source material means I found this piece – on the web’s fixation with Patrick Bateman, particularly now – of specific interest; disappointingly it seems to ignore the existence of a novel, fixating on the film representation, but there’s a lot of interesting stuff in here about what it is about the entirely-image-fixated Bateman that so appeals to us here in the year of our Lord 2022. I was reminded throughout of this passage, which is both the sort of ur-Bateman manifesto, and also, well, feels a tiny bit relevant to the now: ““…there is an idea of a Patrick Bateman, some kind of abstraction, but there is no real me, only an entity, something illusory, and though I can hide my cold gaze and you can shake my hand and feel flesh gripping yours and maybe you can even sense our lifestyles are probably comparable: I simply am not there. It is hard for me to make sense on any given level. Myself is fabricated, an aberration. I am a noncontingent human being.”
  • Amba: Another piece from Vittles, whose founder, Jonathan Nunn, has rightly been getting a lot of high-profile love of late. This is a typically-excellent essay, all about Amba, a particular type of mango pickle popular across India but also around the Middle-East – this is the sort of brilliant food writing that is nominally about a specific dish or ingredient but which ends up being about politics and trade and commerce and people and which basically teaches you loads AND makes you hungry.
  • Urban Sprawlers: Web Curios favourite Clive Martin writes in The Face about the London-to-non-London exodus, the culture clash it elicits, and What It Tells Us About Ourselves And The Country We Live In. I loved this, not least because it eschews the usual ‘townies vs urbanites’ narrative in favour of a more nuanced picture of a country which, at its heart, doesn’t know how to relate to itself any more. “In my experience, people in the rolling fields and rocky coasts enjoy the same things most people do: Facebook, family, football, drink, drugs, romance, big TVs and TikTok. Yet these strange utopianists keep turning up and projecting all their frustrations with the 21st century onto these totally normal towns, desperately scratching for something that most likely isn’t there – all in lieu of looking at themselves and their own anxieties.”
  • The Numbers In My Phone: I loved this so so much. Long, chatty, warm, personal, painful, this essay by one Sheena D touches on race and sexuality and navigating love being black and queer, and is like listening to a wonderful, rambling story – honestly, I adored this and I think you will too, it’s GREAT.
  • How To Apply Makeup: Finally this week, another piece about being black and queer, and being ugly, and being in love, but less discursive, more structured and packing a significant punch. This is a superb piece of writing by Nicole Shawan Junior.

By Julia Soboleva


Webcurios 25/02/22

Reading Time: 33 minutes

Watching another country get invaded does rather put Dudley and Eunice into perspective, doesn’t it?

Look, I have nothing to say about the war – you don’t need my opinions or lukewarm takes, not least because it’s already clear that this conflict has ushered in a whole new era of social media, an era of truly gargantuan stupidity, in which people seemingly compete to say the most jaw-droppingly wrong-headed things about geopolitics that they can muster. It’s hard not to look at some of the things that people are Tweeting and think ‘you know, maybe thermonuclear war wouldn’t be such a bad thing’. Maybe that was the vibe shift.

Anyway, if you fancy taking a short break from listening to hawks and doves, tankies and apologists, the people trying to make this all about Brexit and the people trying to make this all about themselves, the people frantically Googling ‘Clausewitz’ and the people revealing themselves as secretly-fanatical wargamers, the ghouls and the grief-porners, the conflict-clout-chasers and the bitcoiners convinced that THIS IS THEIR TIME (and if you don’t fancy taking a break…why not?), then WEB CURIOS IS HERE FOR YOU!

I am still Matt, this is still Web Curios, and it’s hard not to be a tiny bit scared right now.

By David Denil



  • Brainstream: We kick off this week’s selection of links with a new project from the perennially-pleasing folk at the National Film Board of Canada, who, long-time readers will be aware, have for years produced some of my favourite digital storytelling gubbins anywhere on the web. Brainstream is no exception – this is a glorious, lightly-intreractive piece of narrative work which takes you inside the mind of a young girl named ‘D’, who’s having her brain massaged by you and a bunch of other people as part of a futuristic de-stressing technique which is apparently totally normal in the alternafuturistic version of Canada ‘D’ inhabits. Listen to ‘D’s story, massage her brain, and enjoy the weirdly-intimate feeling this gives you of literally being inside somebody else’s head. This is just marvellous, honestly – there’s something about the way the vocals are recorded, and the particular intimacy of scribbling away on your phone’s screen as you listen, that gives a proper sense of transported-oddness and of being someone else for a few minutes (or it does to me, at least; then again, I have all the empathetic nous of a piece of bone and so perhaps know not whereof I speak), and the way the ‘brain massage’ animates is just lovely. This takes either 5 or 20 minutes, depending on your preferences, but I can honestly recommend doing the whole 20 minute session – it’s a perfect piece of bitesized storytelling, and I promise you’ll feel better about almost everything as a result (NB – Web Curios doubts that this is likely to alleviate any symptoms of anxiety born out the increasing threat of global thermonuclear conflict, but, equally, suggests it’s worth a go just in case).
  • Finesse: You remember Botto from last week, right – the art project that lets people vote on which machine-generated artwork is going to put up for sale next? WHY NOT FFS PAY ATTENTION. Anyway, for those of you who do remember Botto, this is basically that, but for clothes. Finesse is a fashion brand who have decided to do away with the tedious, messy and primadonna-ish concept of ‘the designer’ and instead realised that you can churn out plausible-looking fast fashion using some algos and a bunch of dropshipping production contacts half a world away – the result is a service which invites users to vote on which of a selection of designs they want to see produced next, designs spat out by an ‘AI’ presumably trained on TikTok and TMZ, which will then see the highest-voted garment sent for production and available for retail within 2 weeks. This is, on the one hand, a brutally-brilliant bit of business – on the other, I don’t think this is necessarily good for the planet or society. Fine, the company trumpets is sustainability (the ‘on-demand’ nature of the business should in theory lead to less wasted inventory, for example), but let’s be realistic – this stuff will inevitably fit like a fcuking sackcloth unless you happen to luck into the one, specific bodytype that a particular outfit happens to work for; it will be made out of stuff with all the tensile resilience of gossamer but significantly more toxic and likely to have a half-life of a few centuries and, oh yes, an actual human being still has to stitch this sh1t. Basically until we can put not only the designers but also the tailors and seamstresses out of business thanks to the magical march of machines, there is literally no way to make clothes like this that doesn’t in some way fcuk someone, painfully and unpleasantly. Still, though, LOOK AT ALL THESE MAD GARMS! Do people still say ‘garms’? So old, so tired, so nearly ready to die.
  • CAR: I ought, by rights, to hate this, but I simply can’t, it’s too gloriously silly, and too perfectly high-concept. TODAY (presuming you’re reading this on Friday 25 February 2022 – and if not, why not?) artist Shloms will start selling NFTs from his new CARS collection – CARS is a project that saw Shloms blow up a Lamborghini (because, well, obvs) and film it, with the output being 888 individual videos of fragments of the exploded Lambo that are all being auctioned as NFTs. Which is sort-of perfect, right? The Lambo! The conspicuous consumption! The deep irony! Shloms maintains that the majority of proceeds from the auction – which could be a lot of money – will be redirected to other art projects, and in the absence of any obvious stench of grift from this project, I am going to tentatively declare it art. I bet Shloms, in the unlikely event they ever see this brief writeup, will be thrilled.
  • Lobby3: I may have mentioned this before, but I worked as a lobbyist for a while in my 20s – I am morally OK with this, though, because I did literally no work and was generally awful at everything connected to my job, and so on balance I actually probably sort-of made the world a better place through my professional indolence and incompetence. Still, I am largely of the belief that lobbying and public affairs is at best a socially-acceptable form of cash for access, and at worst a fcuking cancer on modern politics, so imagine my utter joy when I discovered that the latest bunch of people investing big to get the ear of lawmakers is…THAT’S RIGHT IT’S THE FCUKING WEB3CRYTOCNUTS! Yes, everyone’s favourite failed NYC mayoral candidate (read: noone’s favourite, everyone seemingly thought he was a prick by the end) Andrew Yang has decided to REINVENT LOBBYING by basically making it a DAO – you buy tokens which confer voting rights, which voting rights are used to determine the future causes on which the group will lobby Congress, etc. I don’t, honestly, have the time or the energy to exhaustively explain all the reasons why this is a fcuking terrible idea from an organisational point of view, but, briefly, just consider exactly the sorts of things that a well-funded organisation representing the cryptoweb3nutcases might potentially seek to advocate for – well, yes, quite. The main hope for this is that the inherently-chaotic nature of a DAO makes the whole thing unworkable, as otherwise I can sort-of imagine the Republicans leaning hard into “Mak3 Am3rica Gr3at With Web3 and Bitcoin” come 2024.
  • Vmail: Matt Round continues to surprise and delight with his pleasingly-silly web projects – this latest one is a real gem imho, even by his high standards. VMail (that’s VoleMail, obviously) is a newsletter with a difference – anyone can contribute to it via a form on Matt’s website, and once there are 20 THINGS in the newsletter it gets automatically formatted and sent out. What those 20 things are is entirely determined by what people like YOU decide to submit (and, one would assume, some light curation on Matt’s part to ensure that your inbox isn’t overwhelmed by particularly-nasty equine bongo), which means that the first few editions have been a truly wonderful collection of odd anecdotes, bad jokes, experimental novel fragments, pictures that look like they’ve been taken with a GameBoy Advance camera attachment, and, inexplicably, some shopping lists. This is practically-perfect in every way, and whilst I know that there are obviously NO OTHER newsletters in your life (you…you wouldn’t cheat on Curios, would you?), you may wish to find space for this one.
  • Maddox Jets: As a non-driver (I would say a ‘proud’ non-driver, but, honestly, it’s more the fact that I am horrifically malcoordinated that prevents me from getting behind the wheel rather than any moral objection to the combustion engine) I am perennially fascinated by incredibly fast vehicles and the people who pilot them – how do you learn, do you think, that where you find your heaven is ‘sat in a shopping trolley, strapped to what to all intents and purposes looks like the back end of a cruise missile’? Anyway, whatever childhood trauma brought Bob Maddox to this point, here is his website – MADDOX JETS, where he details all the different ways he’s courted death via the medium of wheels, axles and a borderline-insane quantity of rocket propellant. If you’ve ever wondered ‘what would it look like if a middle-aged man with the sort of ash-blonde barnet and complexion you’d normally associate with a minor member of the cursed Johnson dynasty attempted to reach approximately 200mph in a vehicle made of Meccano?’, well, NOW YOU KNOW! Pleasingly there’s a shop on the site – whilst Bob doesn’t sell complete vehicles, possibly due to restrictions on international arms sales (honestly, tell me these things aren’t bombs on wheels), you can buy completed engines to affix to whatever currently-stationary object you fancy. YOU KNOW YOU WANT TO, MIDDLE-AGED MALE READERS OF CURIOS!
  • Gucci PickNTwist: NEW LUXURY BRAND VIDEOGAME JUST DROPPED! This is, even by the standards of the ‘pointless videogames for luxe brands with no discernible product connection and, as far as I can tell, without even cookie tracking to try and resell me a handbag for the rest of my natural life’ genre, a doozy. Firstly – and I concede that I might be about to make myself sound very stupid here, but, well, not for the first time – there is no explanation of how the game works. “Align the things!” the instruction on the first screen says. YES GUCCI BUT HOW?? AND WHY??? I managed to get through the first couple of levels by clicking and dragging almost at random, but I am baffled as to what I am actually meant to be doing – I assume that there’s an analogue to a clasp or lock or arrangement of segments in a bracelet or pendant or something, but, er, I didn’t get far enough to find out. Basically I have been outsmarted by a throwaway casual game designed to somehow inveigle people into dropping 5 figures on a shirt, and, let me tell you, it smarts. Still, the visual design of the games themselves is gorgeous – the objects you’re manipulating are gorgeously shiny and tactile, and there’s something hugely satisfying about the aesthetic here. Which I suppose makes up for my double-figure-IQ fumblings to work out what the everliving fcuk is happening here.
  • The Race: Ooh, ANOTHER NEW LUXURY BRAND VIDEOGAME JUST DROPPED! This, by Montblanc (they make…fountain pens, right? Just that it’s not immediately clear from anything on this website what the fcuk it is that I am being sold, which I sort of admire as a tactic), is, for reasons only known to their marketing team, a racing game – you’re in a red car, and your sole task is to steer left and right in an attempt to adhere to the racing line and fill up a boost meter so as to speed yourself around the track at optimum pace. It’s mildly diverting for the 45s or so it takes to do a circuit, and there’s a light degree of replayability in the fact that it’s possible to do a ‘perfect’ run (should you be the sort of weirdo who likes to challenge and better themselves), but I am utterly baffled as to how they think this is going to help flog them more pens – there’s even the option to submit your score, but no indication as to why the fcuk you might want to do so. Once again, can I make a plea that any people working in luxe brands who want to spend an unconscionable amount of money on a shiny advergame come to me to discuss it? I won’t make anything good, or even noticeably better than this, but I promise that I will be slightly cheaper than whoever else you ask.
  • Leisure Project: There’s something quietly sinister about the way in which so much copy around food and drink has moved from the pleasingly-sensual (“creamy texture, full-bodied flavours and a nose you could suck all night long”) (there’s a reason I don’t write for Haagen Dazs) to the miserably-functional (“high-energy focus-shakes for Keynote WARRIORS!”), a vibe (sorry) very much embodied by the homepage for Leisure Project. “A New Type of Hydration Beverage…Crafted with natural electrolytes, adaptogens, and nootropics for a less stressed, more focused you.” That’s as may be, Carl, but I bet it tastes like actual ass (and not even in the good way). So Leisure Project is A N Other type-A personality-oriented ACHIEVEMENTSHAKE, designed to make you sharper and stronger and more focused and more able to CRUSH IT each and every day (or, more realistically, to at least to pretend to cope with the increasingly-baroque vicissitudes of LIFE), but that’s not what makes it Curios-worthy, That, my friends, is…oh, God, it’s fcuking NFTs again. Yes, that’s right, they’re not just selling you a brand new drink, they’re selling you the chance to buy into a COMMUNITY (and, er, as we all know well, the very best communities, the most meaningful, are the ones you have to pay your way into! Clubs, maybe; influence networks, perhaps; communities? No). Aside from the promise of “Three holistically refreshing flavors. Three new pathways to creativity” (I am starting to wish harm on the person who wrote this), you also get the chance to be part of “The World’s First Co-Created Beverage Brand…We are a beverage brand built for and by our community. We’re launching 4,567 Leisure Creature NFT’s. Ownership of the NFT grants exclusive access and membership privileges to the Leisure Project brand launching later this Spring.” What does this get you? STUFF! PROBABLE (well, possible) STUFF IN THE FUTURE! It’s clear that I no longer understand anything about a world in which people are willing to spend hundreds of actual dollars to be part of a club based around an as-yet-untasted soft drink. Either that, or this is yet another example of an NFT project preying on the stupid and greedy. HMMMMMMMM.
  • Digital Public Goods: Hm, on reflection, going at breakneck speed from the previous entry to this one shows some of the…limitations inherent in Curios’ curatorial style (ha!). Still, this is an excellent project, and in a way feels to me like the diametric opposite of NFT grift – Digital Public Goods is a multi-agency initiative whose goal is to “accelerate the attainment of the sustainable development goals in low- and middle-income countries by facilitating the discovery, development, use of, and investment in digital public goods”; so, basically, to try and get different organisations to work together to make more useful, free, open-source digital tools available for all. There are various workstreams within the project – which was convened in 2021 – and various Governments and NGOs are already onboard, including German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ), the Government of Sierra Leone, the Norwegian Agency for Development Cooperation (Norad), iSPIRT, UNDP, and UNICEF. If you happen to work for, or with, any organisations or companies that might be able to help with creating and distributing open-access digital solutions for literacy, government, healthcare, sustainability and the like, this is a link you should very much click on.
  • Dorksearch: It’s long been known that your standard Google search is basically unusable if you want to do proper research (we’ve SEO’d one of the greatest inventions of our species – I sort-of mean that, I think – into obsolescence within a decade, well done guys!), but for those of you who still want to try and do some decent infospelunking then Dorksearch is a godsend. Basically it has a bunch of pre-written string queries you can select from dropdowns – so if you can’t remember exactly the commands you need to write into Google to search by filetype, say, or for any results that contain mp3s, then this will let you do it quickly and easily with a few clicks. Now, it’s worth pointing out that technically this looks like it’s been built to let you find textfiles containing password dumps and credit card info – WHICH WEB CURIOS IN NO WAY ENDORSES – but there’s also a lot of perfectly non-dodgy stuff you can do with it. You…you won’t do a crime, will you? Good.
  • VRPranksters: There have been a spate of stories over the past week or about the…less than robust moderation currently in-place across various VR communities, from VRChat (home, lest we forget, of The Incredibly Racist Ugandan Knuckles Meme) to Roblox (kiddy stripclubs), to Horizon Worlds, along with a parallel piece in VICE about what a nightmare it must be to be one of the poor mods employed to prevent griefing in the Big Blue Misery Factory’s VR version of LinkedIn. VRPranksters is a TikTok channel which presents various ‘comic’ instances of users doing light trolling in virtual space, and, oh god, it just looks so tiresome and, basically, like Horizon Worlds is mainly being used by 10 year olds to make sight gags and mum jokes at each other. I can’t work out whether this is A Good Thing (insofar as it makes the Zuckerbergian vision of THE METAVERSE look as distant and ridiculous as iti ought) or A Bad Thing (insofar as it suggests that kids are already getting hooked into this corporatised vision of VR and are basically signing themselves up as Meta-users in perpetuity), but, whichever way you cut it, it makes hanging out in virtual spaces look about as much fun as spending an afternoon in a Year 8 double science session.
  • Prosepainter: PAINT WITH WORDS! Well, sort-of – Prosepainter, made by the same people who spun up the rather fun Artbreeder, which lets you effectively ‘breed’ images together using AI, lets you sketch out the broad shapes you want the machine to fill in as well as using language to determine what sort of visual style you want the shapes to display – so, for example, you can sketch the shapes of your foreground and background and rough buildings, and then tell it to make the floor ‘a suppurating carpet of bloody limbs’ and the sky ‘a roiling maelstrom of teeth’ and the building ‘a cathedral of pain’ and see what it spits out! I mean, other visual styles are available, and there’s nothing to say you have to take it down the ‘dark metal album cover’ that I just described, but, well, you know you want to.
  • Infinite Passarella: I’ve featured digital studio Lusion’s work in here before, I think – this is another of their sideline projects, seemingly just done as a proof-of-concept, which lets you watch an apparently-infinite catwalk show, featuring headless models wearing procedurally-generated garments strut their stuff before an audience of equally-virtual fashionistas and frow-dwellers. At heart just a super-cool screensaver, this is beautifully-designed and really nicely-rendered, and you can imagine a world in which this is combined with the sort of business model outlined in the entry about Finesse uptop – viewers watch the show, vote in realtime on the algocreations they would like to see produced, which triggers the sweatshops! Ah, the future! Still, this is lovely webwork by some obviously very talented people, so well done them.
  • They Can Talk: I do quite want to append the words “…but not in any way which we can meaningfully understand’ to the title of this website, but shan’t for fear of upsetting those of you with ‘fur babies’. They Can Talk is “a community-generated site dedicated to helping people teach learners to communicate using sound board Augmentative Interspecies Communication (AIC) Devices. We’re constantly discovering new things about teaching words to dogs, and so there’s a need for a place that brings together tips, tricks, do’s and don’ts that seem to work. This site is a work in progress, and content here is changing as we learn more.” So if you think your dog is unusually intelligent and has a few things it really MUST communicate to you, and you want to set up an elaborate system of buttons with which it can tell you its deepest wants and desires, then this is the website for YOU. The do’s and don’ts section was particularly-interesting to me – I sort of admire the hardline teaching ethos set out here, but wonder whether instructions such as “If your learner is looking like they want something from you, ask them to “use your words”” might end up with the trainer in this scenario having a slightly-p1ssier home than one might ideally wish for. Still, do let me know how you get on (NB – note to my girlfriend, THIS WILL NOT WORK WITH YOUR CAT).

By  Moonassi



  • The Golden Age of Wrestling: Did you grow up watching slightly-grainy bootleg VHS footage of Hulk Hogan and Ultimate Warrior, taped off the telly by that one kid at school whose parents shelled out for BSkyB? Did you spend more time than was strictly good for your musculoskeletal development attempting to perfect the suplex on pockmarked tarmacadam in clear violation of all known health and safety legislation? If the answer to either of those questions is ‘yes’, then, well, ENJOY: “Growing up in the 1980s and ’90s, heroes didn’t all wear capes. But they did wear fluorescent spandex, face paint, and occasionally snakes. This was the Golden Era of Professional Wrestling in the United States, if not the Universe. Perhaps Vince McMahon and Hulk Hogan’s brand of kid-friendly, larger-than-life WWF stars were your thing? Or maybe you were a fan of Ric Flair, Dusty Rhodes, and their unique brand of NWA / WCW blood-soaked hot-dogging? Well, 10-year-old Fraser Davidson was a sucker for it all, every last drop. The music, the neon, and of course, the toys. The huge volume of toys. The Golden Era of Wrestling project is an attempt to create a nostalgic series of ‘action figure style’ renders, paying homage to the greatest epoch of ‘Sports Entertainment’.” The renders here are lovely, really satisfying and tactile-looking, and I could imagine there being a decent market for these as vinyl toys for the sort of men who claim they’re ‘limited edition vinyl artpieces, actually’.
  • Glitch Image Generator: Glitch any image you like, with just a click. Lots of different ways of adding a layer or two of noise, should you wish to start pursuing ‘the computer is dying and my soul along with it’ as your visual aesthetic for 2022.
  • MacSimulator: There were few disappointments in the 80s quite like that of going round to someone’s house and discovering that they had access to a computer and then discovering that that computer was a Mac, with its horrible unfamiliar interface and hideous grayscale display – this website lets you experience that whole miserable sensation of ‘being let down’ once again, letting you play around with a Mac emulator running some sort of antedeluvian OS (MacOS7, for exactness). You can play a few games on it, including the desperately-unfun cult misery simulator Oregon Trail, but mainly this will be of interest as a nostalgiaportal, and a way of showing the young people in your life exactly how miserable the past was from an entertainment point of view, and exactly why we have all turned out the way we have.
  • Menus of New York: I appreciate that any complaints about food from a man living in Rome will come across as churlish at best, so, er, I will keep them to myself, but I will say that I would give at least one of my testicles (I mean, take both! It’s not like I’m likely to use them for anything!) to eat a meal that doesn’t involve Italian food (turns out one can get tired of pizza, gricia, amatriciana and artichokes, who knew?). So I spent a bit of time living vicariously through this wonderful collection of menus from New York’s restaurant scene over the past 150 years or so. Select by decade and browse the dishes of the beau monde in the roaring 20s, or the nouvelle-cuisine boom of the 80s, and OH MY GOD I WOULD KILL FOR SOME DECENT THAI FOOD OR BASICALLY ANYTHING THAT CONTAINS SPICES. What’s that? The sound of literally no violins? Oh.
  • The Museum of the Future: This is amazing, in a very odd sort of way. The Museum of the Future is a new(ish) institution in Dubai, designed to showcase the UAE’s vision of a GLORIOUS TECHNOLOGICALLY-ENABLED FUTURE PARADISE, all within a quite incredible building (honestly, this is a proper architectural showstopper- I don’t necessarily mean that in a positive way, but it’s certainly…something) which is adorned with Arabic calligraphy depicting the poetry of Emirati Prime Minister His Highness Sheikh Mohammed Bin Rashid Al Maktoum (I don’t know about you, but I get…a touch antsy at the idea of leaders being so convinced of their genius that they decide to have it immortalised via the medium of 10ft carvings of their best lines). What’s inside the museum? THE FUTURE! Except, well, it’s hard to tell – lots of multimedia and AR and XR, and lots of vaguely-utopian stuff about THE MAGIC FUTURE OF MACHINE LEARNING and NATURE and SPACE…I don’t know about you, but I don’t feel like this sort of thing really captures the current spirit of the age, or indeed has any actual bearing on what our best-guess version of THE FUTURE actually looks like. Still, WHAT a building.
  • International Landscape Photographer of the Year: Landscapes! Pictures of landscapes! Beautiful, breathtaking, humbling pictures of the natural world! If you want a properly-inspirational selection of pictures which will remind you of the unparalleled beauty of our planet’s natural landscapes then, well, HERE YOU ARE! A slight shame that the website makes the experience of browsing the images so underwhelming, but I’m nitpicking here – these really are astonishing, and pleasingly-varied.
  • Gylne Tider: This is one of those things which may well already be SUPERFAMOUS in your corner of the web – in which case, apologies for the OLD ISH. For the rest of you, though, welcome to the glorious world of Gylne Tider, a Norwegian TV show which over the years has built up a quite incredible collection of songs being sung by international celebrities. Maybe a Norwegian reader (no idea if I have any, but writing stuff like this makes me feel like Web Curios is an INTERNATIONALLY-RENOWNED publication rather than just A N Other newsletter written by a generic media w4nker with loggorhoea and a touch of anhedonia) can enlighten me as to how exactly this TV show has over the years managed to inveigle stars of the wattage of Limahl, Glenn Madeiros, Bananarama, Keisha Buchanan, EDDIE THE FCUKING EAGLE, and more, to participate in line-by-line singalongs of tracks like ‘We Are The World’. The link takes you to the Google video results for the show, and it’s worth taking your time to savour the various iterations of ‘a bunch of random famouses sing a song together for no discernible reason and HANG ON IS THAT JOHN NETTLES WHAT IS BERGERAC DOING HARMONISING WITH MARK HAMILL?!?!?’. Honestly, this is GOLD, and frankly the sort of thing which social media has basically ruined, as no famous these days would ever be able to get away with doing something so…utterly, inexplicably, humiliatingly joyous.
  • Stephen Biesty: Stephen Biesty does cut-out illustrations, of the sort you might recall from Usborn books of your youth about ‘how televisions work’ or ‘what was it like being crew on a Roman trireme (the kids’ version)?’ – this is his website, which collects examples of his work and which flashed me right back to being small. These are great – a personal favourite is this illustration of Waterloo tube in cross-section, which, honestly, I could stare at for hours, but pick your own.
  • Low-Carbon Websites: I appreciate that worrying about the carbon emissions produced by your website may not be the highest priority in terms of ‘attempting to unfcuk the climate crisis’, but, well, every little helps (not, it must be said once again, as much as every big bit does – like, I don’t know, hammering the oil giants with violent taxes on all their fossil fuel extraction and exploitation work – but I think we’ve all accepted that the way we’re going to deal with the inevitable heat-death of the planet is by making individuals feel guilty rather than tackling the systems that actually perpetuate the problem – SO IT GOES, etc). This website is, fine, a sales tool by a webdesign firm that specialises in low-emission websites, but the copy here is fundamentally true: “This directory of lightweight websites has been created to inspire actors of the digital industry to design and build lighter and greener products.

The Internet is a physical thing. And it is responsible for around 4% of global emissions – more than the entire airline industry, and is growing by 5% each year. In an age when scientists are warning us that every bit of warming matters, it’s time to get real about the impact of the digital world.” If you’re thinking of a new website anytime soon, perhaps worth thinking in these terms when you do so.

  • Mechanical Animations: A YouTube channel featuring, seemingly, hundreds of short, simple animations depicting mechanical processes – gears and pistons and pulleys and that sort of thing. Which, I appreciate, may not quite get the blood racing, but click the link and tell me that you don’t derive some sort of light, soothing satisfaction from watching some gears rendered in what looks like CAD software from the mid-90s (don’t tell me, I don’t want to know).
  • Tool Graphics: A selection of little graphical AI arttoys which let you play around to generate small ‘artworks’ based on specific styles or movements – so, for example, you can play around with a Mondrian generator, or a Bauhaus generator, fiddling with settings and parameters to play around with palettes and compositional styles. The outputs are a bit shonky, fine, but there’s something quite nice about the way you get to sort-of appreciate the ‘rules’ under the skin of each style as you play with the generators.
  • Artificial Nightmares: “Fcuk off, Matt!”, I hear you cry (and not for the first time), “the real nightmares are quite enough without you trying to introduce artificial ones to my subconscious!” Well, tough, this is MY newsletterblogtypething and you’ll get what you’re given. Artificial Nightmares is a YouTube channel which presents videos of GAN-imagined horrorscapes, Sort-of fun, in the now-quite-traditional GAN-art style, although there’s also a VERY STRONG whiff of teenage bedroom about a lot of the output (you know, tries a bit hard).
  • The Gentle Author’s Tour of Spitalfields: A crowdfunding campaign to raise money for the development of a community tourism project in Spitalfields, East London, which would serve to provide alternative historical narratives for the area beyond ‘JACK THE RIPPER EVISCERATED TARTS HERE’ which does feel a bit tired in the grand old year of 2022. There’s a mission-statement and everything: “I am appalled that educational institutions send classes of students and school children on the exploitative serial killer tours which display autopsy photographs of women in the street, indulging in ghoulish humour at the expense of these victims. Instead, I am offering visitors the opportunity to meet a member of the local community and learn something of the infinite variety of life that has evolved in London’s first suburb over two millennia.  For the past two years, I have been developing and road-testing THE GENTLE AUTHOR’S TOUR OF SPITALFIELDS which I plan to launch this spring.

Now I am raising  £20,000 to create a booking website, train local tour guides, print maps and buy targeted online advertising to reach tourists planning a visit. This project is a means to create local employment, draw attention to the distinctive wonders of the place and reclaim the true stories of our living community. I want to celebrate a rich and diverse history of resourcefulness, driven by successive waves of migration from across the world – Huguenots, Jews, Irish and Bengalis, among many others – which tells the story of how modern Britain was created.” I can’t quite claim to be ‘appalled’ by the Ripper fetishism (words which have lost all meaning in the 21st Century, part x of an infinite series), but this project feels like A Good Thing.

  • Trendwatchers: Basically, ‘bidsniper, but for trends’ – this website promises to alert you to spikes in interest around specific topics or issues, so that you, CREATOR, can, er, churn out some bullsh1t based on whatever froth is surfing the zeitgeist this second (no, I know that that mixed metaphor doesn’t work at all, but it’s not like you come here for the prose, is it?). On the one hand, this is sort-of smart and I can see the usecases if you’re in the unenviable position of tilling digital soil on the content farm (dear God, another one – sorry about this); on the other, this does rather neatly illustrate one of the key problems with the CREATOR ECONOMY – to whit, if everyone in it is going to end up using stuff like this to work out what to ‘CREATE’ about, you’re very quickly going to hit a wall in terms of useful or necessary CREATION. Still, if you need a neverending stream of ‘NEW STUFF TO MAKE VIDEOS ABOUT’, fill your boots.
  • The Strangest SubReddits: I can’t pretend to have done an exhaustive investigation into WEIRD SUBREDDITS, fine, but there are some pretty superb examples collected in this thread. A subReddit dedicated to users’ hatred for particularly fat squirrels? CHECK! An entire community where people spend their time photoshopping top hats onto hi-res photos of bees? CHECK! An, er, enthusiasts’ group for people who particularly enjoy hentai pictures of women whose nipples have,  for reasons inadequately-explained, been replaced by erect, often-ejaculating phalli? CHECK CHECK CHECK (also, VERY NSFW)! I don’t think there has ever been anything in the history of our species that lets you truly understand the incredible gamut of human interest, experience and sexuality quite like Reddit does, for better or worse. ENJOY!
  • Emoji Fortune Cookies: A new random emoji fortune, delivered each time you refresh. “Incoming letter construction worker earth Africa”, you say? PROPITIOUS! I quite like the idea of using this in a Diceman sort of way, letting emoji fortunes guide your behaviour every 30m or so – obviously Web Curios accept no personal responsibility whatseoever for any…er…negative consequences of such an experiment, but would very much like to hear from anyone giving this a go.
  • Wardle: I’d made a private pact with myself to stop posting Wordle clones because, well, I’m bored of them, but then Giuseppe Sollazzo created this and I had to include it because it is SO perfectly-geeky. This is less a Wordle clone than a Worldle clone, in truth, but hey ho – the game here is to seek to identify individual electoral wards in the UK, based on their shape and their relative position / distance from your last guess. Obviously this will be utterly impossible and deadly-dull to 99.9% of you, but the remaining 0.1% – the political obsessives, the psephological twitchers who dream of boundary changes and stay up all night reminiscing about Great Counts I Once Attended – will be rendered practically-tumescent by this.
  • The Dinosaur Game: The ‘You are offline’ dinosaur game from Chrom, playable on any browser and with a light bit of leaderboard functionality meaning that your score is tallied with those of others playing from the same country, so you can feel a small sense of collective national pride as your timewasting sends your nation soaring to the top of the table. If nothing else, Russia is currently ‘winning’ and so it behooves us all to STICK IT TO VLAD by playing this for the next 24h and toppling them from their perch. That’s…that’s how ‘protesting’ works, right?
  • Rotate The Shapes: Finally this week, a game which asks you to select the matching shapes from a selection of 6 – you see how many you can get right within the time limit. This is one of those things where I imagine some of you will find this so easy as to make it practically offensive to your intelligence, whereas others of us (ie me) will basically stare slack-jawed and drooling at the screen as you try and make your brain and its crippling lack of spatial awareness do its thing. This is basically the Rotators vs Wordcels meme made real.

By  Mark Tennant



  •  DVD Movie Menus: Celebrating one of the great lost graphic design and UX canvases of recent generations, the DVD menu! SO MUCH GREAT WORK HERE, and a surprising amount of format nostalgia considering I think I owned a grand total of six DVDs in my lifetime.


  • Digital Brand Bites: I’ve thankfully long-since stopped having to pretend to care about s*c**l m*d** for brands – I leave all that to Matt Navarra these days, the indefatigably-cheery masochist that he is. Still, if you’re still in the invidious position of having to think about REACTIVE CONTENT TO BOOST ENGAGEMENT then a) I feel deeply sorry for you; and b) you may find this Insta account useful, being as it is a regular feed of ‘stuff that brands are doing on Twitter and Insta and TikTok which you could usefully rip off for your own clients because, well, who cares?’.
  • Suiteru: Little videos of someone messing around with a sequencer and some visualisation software, which, fine, I appreciate doesn’t sound like much but which I promise you is a lot more interesting than my shabby description might initially have led you to think.
  • Geometric Artists:Images of geometric artworks curated for your feed, for when the ‘give peace a chance’ posts get too much (I don’t use Insta, so am guessing slightly about the peaceposting, but, well, it’s inevitable).
  • Alexander Ivanov: Some very impressive VFX work on display in these little videoclips, with a nicely-playful style. The sort of thing which will be very familiar to anyone who spent time lurking on the B3ta imageboards, and no worse for that.
  • Ayumi Shibata: Quite beautiful paper art here – I can’t quite comprehend the degree of patience and control that creating stuff like this requires, but it’s gorgeous.


  • Minecraft is the Metaverse: This is quietly-amazing, I think. All the snark around ‘THE METAVERSE’, and in particular the attempts by an awful lot of people to make a fast buck out of the concept by selling rubbish and lies to people who are stupid and credulous (HI AD AGENCIES! HI HYPEBEASTS!!!!), is entirely justified, but, equally, the broad idea that ‘we are moving towards a more seamlessly-integrated digital/physical existence and that direction of travel is pretty unilateral’ strikes me as pretty uncontroversial. Which is why this piece, about how various communities are using Minecraft as the basis for an experiment into multiple interconnected virtual worlds, with economies and transferable digital goods, is so interesting to me – it’s probably the best example of what the potential for this stuff is, from the ground up, with none of the horrific Zuckerbergian sheen or a million d1ckheads with cartoon avatars screaming about DECENTRALISED PROTOCOLS like they understand the first thing about what those words mean. The article focuses on a project which is effectively selling NFTs as ‘seeds’ for new Minecraft worlds, which, once created, can be linked to a wider project which features “interconnected communities with server connection details stored on-chain, currency transactions without a central authority, and ownership of digital items across servers.” Now, I might have reservatrions about the general thrust of Web3 (MAKE EVERYTHING TRADEABLE! is not, to my mind at least, the utopian future vision that its proponents seem to see it as being), but I can’t help but get a little excited at the potential here.
  • Cortiez Goods: I am not, it’s pretty clear, an economist of any sort (RIP Alan Glanville, you tried and failed to educate me and I am sorry for being so utterly uninterested in the Laffer curve), but I have enough of a rudimentary understanding of basic principles to find stuff like this interesting. This is a shortish post by Ana Andjelic where she proposes a new category of good to sit alongside your veblens when it comes to ‘subverting established economic logic’ – specifically, the ‘Cortiez’ good, “something that gets more desirable if substitutable. In the Cortiez Model, individuals often exchange a more expensive, better-known good with lower cultural currency for a cheaper, lesser-known one with higher cultural currency.” This is specifically based on the author’s observation of consumer behaviour around new drops by fashion label Cortiez, which recently invited punters to swap their North Face or Moncler jackets for a brand new Cortiez – theoretically worth less cash, but dripping with cachet. If you’re in the business of building hypey brands and selling overpriced tat to kids and baddies alike, then you probably ought to read this.
  • Dry Capitalism: Or ‘Selling Sobriety: How Abstinence and Virtue Got Monetised’, or even ‘Selling Sobriety: How Abstinence Was Repackaged As A Gateway To Being A Better Capitalist” – pick your favourite title. This is a really interesting article looking at the rise of the sobriety industry and What It All Means in terms of our attitudes to work and achievement and attainment and THE PERENNIAL HUSTLE, and the slightly-puritanical-joylessness that inhabits the edges of all the nicely-packaged rhetoric about BEING YOUR BEST SELF and LIVING YOUR BEST LIFE (so you can wake up bright-eyed and bushy-tailed at 5am to CRUSH IT at the gym and at work and at book club and in therapy and in bed and and and OPTIMISE EVERYTHING god I am so so so so so so so so ready to die).
  • Crypto and Sanctions: I’m mainly staying away from warchat this week as a) I don’t have anything useful to add; and b) I figure if you want to seek it out it’s not exactly hard to find. That said, I did find this piece interesting, about how crypto could be used to circumvent sanctions against Russia, partly as a cautionary example of how technology is now so regularly outstripping legislative attempts to confine it that stuff like ‘sanctions’ are only ever going to be partially effective, if at all.
  • Maps From Fashion: Ok, so this is a technical paper and perhaps not the most compelling read from a prose point of view, but I promise that there’s interesting stuff in and around it which is worth thinking about for a moment or two. This is a paper by academics at a couple of US universities, working alongside researchers and engineers from Facebook, which examines what sort of maps and models can be created by crossreferencing analysis of photos posted on social media with geography to enable non-traditional analyses of urban spaces. So, like this basically: “We propose a method to create underground neighborhood maps of cities by analyzing how people dress. Using publicly available images from across a city, our method automatically segments the map into neighborhoods with a similar fashion sense. Our approach further allows discovering insights about a city, such as detecting distinct neighborhoods (what is the most unique region of NYC?) and answering analogy questions between cities (what is the “Downtown LA” of Bogota?).” Firstly, if you make a living running ‘trend safaris’ then GOOD LUCK finding a line item in the budget for that in a few years’ time; secondly, this raises all sorts of questions about how this sort of thing is used, and who by, and how running these sorts of surface-level analyses of communities based on nothing other than what they look like could end up being a touch problematic. Fascinating, if a bit dry.
  • The Reinvention of Playboy: My friend Shardcore has visited the Playboy Mansion, back when he was a reality TV star (he remains tight-lipped about what he got up to there, but the word ‘sticky’ has definitely featured in his descriptions), but now it’s GOING DIGITAL! This is a really interesting look at how a legacy business is attempting to drag itself kicking and screaming into the 21stC – or at least a version of the 21stC, one that’s all crypto and NFTs and the like. You can read this either as a bold reimagining of the Playboy brand and ethos, less overtly-misogynistic and more about the shared ‘values’ of the business, or alternatively as an object-lesson in the base economics and motivation behind cryptoweb3, to whit ‘let’s rinse EVERYTHING as hard as we can, forever!’. There’s a particularly telling line in here: “ “What the internet is powerful about is it can connect fans around content…and the ability for NFTs to be a way of gating that and making it so that you can really create a community among your most passionate fans—that’s really interesting.” What do you think the most significant part of that sentence is? Is it ‘community’? Or is it ‘gating content’? I know what I believe, but maybe I am just being a miserable cynic (plus ca change, eh?).
  • How Movies Are Scored: I knew nothing of this, but turns out that your international superstar composers, your Zimmers of this world, are a lot more akin to Jeff Koons and Damien Hirst than they are to, say, Beethoven, with vast armies of contentmonkeys supporting their every note. Basically it seems that a lot of the big ticket compositions by a ‘name’ are often nothing more than a vague idea of a melody sketched out by the superstar in question which then gets fleshed-out and filled-in by the aforementioned compositionalcontentmonkeys, who often remain nameless and, quite understandably, get a little bit salty at the fact that all their actual work gets hidden behind the veneer of the MASSIVE NAME. Slightly-depressing, although nowhere near as depressing as the harsh reality that all this will be 99%-machine generated by 2030.
  • Deep-Fried Selfies: I rather enjoyed this, and were I not so selfie-averse (honestly, I would rather stick pins in myself than look at photos of my face) I would totally give this a go. “Like a parrot in front of a mirror, I am mindlessly vain and shine-obsessed, so I had to try this one out. The app didn’t disappoint; having chosen a decent selfie, I came out looking like an anime goddess. I proceeded to Cartoonify another selfie … only instead of selecting a new photo, I accidentally chose the image I’d just saved, adding another layer of Cartoon effects atop the first. Thus an intriguing experiment was born. How many rounds of cartoon yassification would it take for my face to become unrecognizable? Or, to be more ambitious: How long until it looked less like a selfie and more like something that might generally be recognized as “art”?”
  • The Un-Grammable Hangzone: I am self-aware enough to know that one of the (many, many) reasons behind the continued inability of Web Curios to attain GLOBAL CULT STATUS is my…idiosyncratic approach to writing, and the OCCASIONALLY UNPLEASANTLY SHOUTY style I employ here, and that there are lots of people (well, ok, some people) who might actually quite enjoy Curios were it not for the fact that they find my writing style the prose equivalent of having needles firmly inserted under their fingernails. So it was when I read this piece – it gave me something of a headache, frankly, but I figure that that might just be an age thing. Still, it was interesting enough to warrant me including it here nonetheless – the Blackbird Spyplane newsletter wrote about the concept of ‘Un-grammable Hangzones’, places that are basically the antithesis of the highly-grammable environments of your Museum of Ice Creams and instead lean hard into an aesthetic that can best be described as “FRUMPY, MISSHAPEN, INVITINGLY INELEGANT” (their words, their caps). If you’re in the market for a NEW VIBE (sorry) to hang your hat on, this feels worth exploring.
  • Against Access: This is SO INTERESTING. An essay by John Lee Clark, who is deafblind, about how he wants to experience the world, how and why sign language is, in his experience, an inadequate means of communicating the environment to the non-hearing, and some thoughts about how we might want to think about helping people with different sensory setups and abilities to experience the world around them. I found this utterly fascinating, not least as it made me think about my own sense experience in a totally different way – even if you have no personal interest in or connection to the topics addressed here, as a means of trying on someone else’s experience for size this is superb.
  • 44 Thoughts for Cecil Taylor: I know nothing of Cecil Taylor (or at least I didn’t before I read this piece), and I know next-to-nothing about jazz music and the art of playing it, but I absolutely loved this essay by fellow musician Taylor Ho Bynam. It’s structured in 44 loosely-connected sections, written in a way that’s designed to reflect the structural qualities of jazz improvisation, which, yes, I know, sounds almost unbearably w4nky, but which, I promise, makes the whole thing an absolute joy to read regardless of how interested you think you might be in a disquisition about a record you may never have heard by an artist you may have no knowledge of. If you know and enjoy Cecil Taylor’s music then this will likely be even better, but even those of you with no knowledge at all should find something to love in here. SUCH a lovely exercise in form and function, which, yes, fine, sounds toe-curlingly-pretentious, but is also true.
  • Mandelson’s Pleasure Dome: Travel back in time to 1997 now, to the early days of New Labour and the excitement and ridicule engendered by the Millennium Dome project – in a week in which we saw it shredded by Eunice, it’s oddly-poignant to look back 25 years and see how we were discussing the project and What It All Meant. This is Ian Sinclair, which means that it’s not necessarily an easy read; few people write about London and physical geography and history like Sinclair, though, as evidenced by passages like this one: “But you’ll smell it. An unmannerly belch of black fumes. A brewery pall that hits you as soon as you emerge from the tunnel: oasty, hot in the throat, disquieting. Like griddled bird sh1t. The world through a sepia filter. Gravy browning dust-storms. Iron filings in a furious wind that scrapes the cornea. Noise you can taste. The thump of generators and jack-hammers that refuse to synchronise with your heart-beat. Headache preambles. The torrid promise of Peter’s Savoury Products. Yards set-dressed with Hazchem drums in the same virulently up-beat blue as the millennial hard hats. The peninsula is also the home of Amylum UK (Glucose, Starches, Proteins). Sheltering in Dreadnought Street, bent against back-draughts of tailgating traffic, you can admire a startling Ballardian dreamscape of auto-fetishism, chemical alps, and an ever-changing hoarding that dwarfs Dorrington’s, a mock-Tudor pub. The hoarding salutes a new film release: Conspiracy Theory. The pub forecourt, ankle-deep in broken bottles – Liebfraumilch Pflaz, Olde English, the Original Strong Cyder, Becks Beer, Omega Extra Strong White Cider, Dragon Stout – promises nights given over to ‘playing Garage, Speed Garage, Deep America House’. Silver funnels hiss. Pipes spit red smoke. The graffiti on walkway walls catch the mood: ‘Disorientate Yourself. Reappropriate Your Surroundings.’ This is truly a place of transformation, shape-shifting, metempsychosis. Protein soup (courtesy of Hays Chemicals) in which new life-forms can breed and take shape. The perfect rehearsal for apocalypse.” Heady stuff indeed. Oh, and this particular line gave me a dark moment of ‘ffs we learn NOTHING’: “in the wake of the Conservative meltdown and the dismissal of the sorriest rump of chancers, carpet-baggers and self-serving apologists ever inflicted on a passive democracy.” 25 YEARS AND HERE WE ARE AGAIN FFS.
  • First Love as Whiskey: A beautiful, sad, fragmented story about doomed love over a lifetime, and addiction, and memory, told in gorgeous shards of story. “Both of our families settled our textile town early on, lineages overlapping. We sat in your living room the following summer in the afterglow of sex, fingers tracing your family tree to the far-enough-off shared relative. Your freckles matched mine, but we were a family forged of need, not genetics.” Gorgeous, gorgeous writing.
  • Line Go Up: Finally this week, you may already have read this short story by Tim Maugham about crypto and art and THE NEAR FUTURE – but if you haven’t then WELL are you in for a treat. This is superb – if I had to kvetch I might say a touch to in thrall to Gibson, stylistically, but that’s just nitpicking – and absolutely the best thing I have read in an age in terms of taking where we are now and fast forwarding it just a few short cycles to see where it might end up. If you’re curious about some of the logical conclusions of ‘making everything tradeable thanks to the magic of THE BLOCKCHAIN!’, then read this and understand why they are not perhaps as universally-positive as many of the cryptojuicers might maintain. I would absolutely read novels set in this world, but don’t really fancy living in it very much – which is a shame, considering its seeming-inevitability.

By Tavares Strachan


Webcurios 18/02/22

Reading Time: 34 minutes

 Is that the wind, or is it the sound of a vibe shift being presaged?

I promise, this is the only reference you will find in this edition of Curios to the most idiotic bit of ‘discourse’ of the week. If that reference means nothing to you, then GOOD – don’t, whatever you do, attempt to find out more. If it does mean something to you then, well, congratulations on being, like me, part of the problem.

Anyway, I imagine that you’re all battening down hatches and securing pets as I type, so let me wish you all the best as you attempt to survive the wind – I know I say this every week, but seeing as going outside is basically suicide-by-branch for those of you in the UK right now, you have no excuse not to click EVERY SINGLE LINK in this edition.

I am still Matt, this is still Web Curios, and know that if you are at any point planning to write the words ‘vibe shift’ in a ‘deck’ in the coming week, I think less of you as a human being and that you probably ought to reevaluate your life choices to date because really.

By Owen Gent



  • The Internet Game: I know you all know this, but I do feel it occasionally worth repeating – an appearance in Web Curios is not an endorsement of any sort, more a general acknowledgement by me that something exists and that I have a vague opinion on it. So it is with The Internet Game – which is NFT-ish (sorry) and so therefore very much not the sort of thing which I would be inclined to endorse even if such endorsements had any currency, which they don’t. Still, I suppose I should probably point out now that this is an idea very obviously designed to make as much money for its creators as possible and as such, and as with 99.9% of all NFTbollocks, you might want to approach with caution. BUT ALSO! This is, I am forced to admit, quite a slick little grift. Your elevator pitch here is basically ‘a no-risk, virtual series of elimination games, all played online, which grant the ‘survivors’ of all 5 games prizes in the form of ‘valuable’ (we could quibble the value, but it’s early and we’ve got a lot to get to, so just please note my slight skepticism here of the prizepool) NFTs, on a sliding scale from a Bored Ape to…some other identikit clipart sh1t.’ The ‘get rich quick for the creators’ bit is that the game is accessed via…THAT’S RIGHT! PURCHASING A TOKEN (or more tokens for more chances to play) – tokens started cheap and rise in price based on the number sold. There is as-yet no detail on what these mysterious ‘games’ will be or how they will work, and, let me be very clear, there’s no guarantee this won’t be rugpulled between now and the point midweek at which the games are slated to end, and therefore skepticism is advised…BUT the simple mechanic here is, if you remove the NFTs, actually quite interesting and the sort of thing which might reasonably used as ‘inspiration’ for some sort of hideous miserable BRAND ACTIVATION FOR SUPERFANS, should you be in the market for such a thing.
  • Botto: This, though, this is an NFT project that I…quite like! Ok, the NFT-ness is the least-interesting part of it by far, but the concept is really rather neat. Mario Klingemann, long-standing ‘most famous person in the world of AI-generated artworks’, has developed this project, which has been running for a few months now and whose premise is wonderfully simple. Klingemann’s got some code which generates images. Every week, a selection of these images (350) are created and presented to a group of people, who vote on which image they prefer in the classic ‘image vs image deathmatch’-style – voting rights are conferred through (you guessed it!) purchase of $BOTTO tokens – with the image garnering the most votes being minted as an NFT and put up for sale, with 80% of proceeds being kept by the project – so far, sales of Botto-generated works have netted over $1m in sales. Since October. Which, objectively, is impressive as fcuk. I don’t find the works produced particularly special – I am a bit jaded by this stuff, and it strikes me as a bit ‘generically-GAN’ – but the idea is so, so neat, as is the proof-of-concept stuff about THE COLLECTIVE, and it will be worth keeping an eye on this to see how the bot and the works it produces evolve, and where Klingemann takes the project in terms of profitsharing and rewards for the voting community; at present the profits generated by the machine’s works aren’t being shared, but the website promises a potential degree of retrospective redistribution…although I wouldn’t hold my breath about Botto creating a new class of investor-millionaires anytime soon. Still, I fcuking love the way this is set up, even if it is NFTish and so therefore inherently just a bit grubby.
  • Sougen: New metaverse just dropped! To be honest, I am including this mainly as an example of how much painfully-generic crap is currently being peddled using the m-word as a hook. A browser-based virtual space in which you can navigate using a nonspecifically-designed avatar to no apparent end whatsoever? No real clue as to what the practical benefits any user might achieve from choosing to experience something in said browser-based virtual space could be? A bunch of almost-entirely-meaningless words on the homepage speaking of the possibility for metaverses and microverses (‘the microverse! For when the metaverse is too massively, meaninglessly intimidating and you need your snake-oil-flavoured bullsh1t in a more-digestible portion!)? Yes, yes and thrice yes! Look, this stuff was fine during the pandemic when it was being presented as ‘a means of bringing some measure of perceived physicality or ‘thereness’ to digital spaces within the alienating horror of a pandemic’ and ‘something free to play around with’, but NONE OF THIS SH1T IS WORTH SPENDING MONEY ON! I am speaking to YOU, advermarketingprscum! If you are selling this stuff – if you are going to clients and attempting to peddle them ‘a metaverse’ – you are a crook! An ACTUAL CROOK! And yes, I know that fleecing clients at large international businesses is basically a victimless crime, but do you have no shame? Eh? Oh.
  • Digital Curator: Oh this is GREAT – and such an interesting way of using machine learning to reengage with museum collections. “The Digital Curator application allows you to explore the art collections of Central European museums and search for artworks based on specific motifs. Users of the application can build their combination of objects and reveal how often the subject has occurred across the centuries, view graphics, drawings, or paintings that represent it in different epochs, and compare data with other themes…The Digital Curator database now contains 158 456 works from the collections of 90 museums from Austria, Bavaria, the Czech Republic, and Slovakia. 33 750 of these works are available under an open license, so it is possible to view them online.“ Honestly, this is wonderful and smart and makes the experience of browsing the collections thematically SO much more engaging – you can get the AI to create what it ‘thinks’ are interestingly-themed exhibitions for you automatically, or alternatively you can use keywords to pull together selections of works from the archives based on the machine’s analysis of the collection, thereby creating a selection of works which feature, say, cats AND industry, and if nothing else it’s a wonderful way of tracking the depction of a whole range of things over the 600-year span of artistic history covered by the collections. Superb work.
  • Virgin Galactic: Richard Branson’s continually-delayed promises of ‘space tourism for all…tomorrow!’ have been amusing me for a few years now, but it seems that the most-#metoo-able of all plutes (seriously, how has he managed to avoid it?) has finally managed to make his dream of charging other violently wealthy people for a trip in a high-spec vomit comet a reality. Welcome to the Virgin Galactic sales site, now open for bookings! It’s slightly-less shiny than I might have expected, if I’m honest, although maybe that’s part of the same ‘this is NOT just a jolly for people with nine-figure bank balances!’ positioning that sees the site feature a pull-quote from Steven Hawking about THE MAJESTY OF THE COSMOS, and some frankly risible guff about how “when we witness the majesty and fragility of Earth from space, something inside us shifts. We believe this transformation will bring countless benefits to life on our beautiful planet.” So, er, what you’re saying, Dickie, is that by charging the super-rich several hundred thousand quid to spend a few minutes weightless in near-space you are also helping to bring about a transformative, species-level consciousness shift that will usher in some sort of new age of human achievement and endeavour? Oh, well, that’s ok then, crack on! There’s a lot to love about this (read: dislike intensely), although I confess to being genuinely-impressed by the engineering of the spacecraft, but my personal absolute favourite thing is the fact that two-thirds of the way down the page they try and upsell you a limited-edition Land Rover! “As a Virgin Galactic astronaut, you will have the opportunity to purchase a unique, ‘Astronaut Edition’ Range Rover.” SIGN ME THE FCUK UP, DICKIE, YOU HANDSY GENIUS!
  • Storyliving by Disney: You may have seen this week that one of the Things That People On Twitter got a bit frothy about was the announcement that Disney was going to start offering superfans the opportunity to buy houses and live in Disney-run ‘communities’ – effectively creating a ‘lifestyle, by The Mouse’ brand for adults and the logical next step for a remorseless money-making machine which has long been catering to the needs of / exploiting (delete as applicable) the sort of people who really, really want to holiday at Disneyland three times a year despite being comfortably at the lifestage where they start to consider varifocal lenses. ‘Storyliving’, Disney calls it, and I can’t quite express how utterly odd I find everything about it. There’s something quite incredible – to be clear, not in a good way – about living in a world in which we’re just about coming to terms (in the West/North, at least) with a whole new killer virus, we’ve reason to feel a bit twitchy about a whole host of environmental issues, we’re toying with the idea of a little bit of nuclear conflict and everything just feels a bit jagged, and thinking, “you know what, fcuk it, I am going to opt to attempt to live in an entirely-idealised pre-packaged version of ‘life’ as sold to me by the world’s largest entertainment brand”. It’s worth reading the copy on the site – it’s literally advertising a version of life that has no link to reality, the promise that you can exist in a series of scripted, well-lit vignettes, with the uncomfortable edges of reality smoothed away by the everpresent attentions of Disney’s ‘placemakers’…honestly, I find this so incredibly, dystopian and sinister, and there is no way in hell that this exact premise isn’t going to be adapted for a horror film within the next year or so (it already feels very Jordan Peele imho). The first ‘compound’ is in Palm Springs in California, should you be interested – I think, and there’s strong competition for this title, that this might be the worst thing I have seen so far in 2022, so well done Disney.
  • Dreamachine: Sent to me by Former Editor Paul, I must caveat this but saying it’s not entirely clear what it is, or, more accurately, what it’s going to be. Still, it’s ART and it sounds interesting, so here: “Created by Collective Act, in collaboration with Turner Prize-winning artists Assemble, Grammy and Mercury nominated composer Jon Hopkins, and a team of leading technologists, scientists and philosophers, Dreamachine is a one-of-a-kind programme inviting you to stop and think about what it means to be alive. To be you. It offers a chance to explore an entirely new way of re-connecting with yourself, and others.” No? Me neither, but here’s more: “Dreamachine is inspired by an extraordinary but little-known 1959 invention by artist–inventor Brion Gysin. His experimental homemade device used flickering light to create vivid illusions, kaleidoscopic patterns and explosions of colour in the mind of the viewer. Designed to be the ‘first artwork to be experienced with your eyes closed’, Gysin had a vision for his invention to replace the television in every home in America. Instead of passive consumers of mass-produced media, viewers of his Dreamachine would create their own cinematic experiences.” This is going to be a touring experiential THING, across four UK cities between May and September this year, and you can sign up for updates and the opportunity to book…something in due course. Look, I think Jon Hopkis is ace and I will happily check out anything he’s involved in, and I think you should too.
  • Daily Dorries: On the one hand, LOL A TWITTER ACCOUNT SHARING EXTRACTS FROM NADINE DORRIES’ NOVELS LOL! On the other, this is an actual, elected politician in the UK, and someone who is putatively in charge of ‘culture’, and who is, amongst other things, currently one of the people responsible for the development of legislation which will significantly affect how we use the web and how it’s governed. Is it funny or is it deeply sad? I CAN’T TELL ANY MORE! Anyway, some superb descriptions of knee-trembling sex and COMEDY BLARNEY IRISHNESS here from Nadine, whose skills as a politician, orator and interviewee are seemingly only matched by her prose artistry.
  • Is Mercury In Retrograde?: This website will tell you. Except, obviously, the answer is really “the position of the celestial spheres has less of an impact on your daily life than the constant predation of capital”, but that makes for a less-pleasing single-shot website and so I can sort-of understand why they went for the astrology thing instead tbf.
  • Exnge: This…this doesn’t feel like a great idea, but maybe I am wrong and it will take us all TO THE MOON! Exnge (an annoying name not only for its inherent ugliness but also because GDocs wants to autocorrect it to ‘expunge’ each time I type it, chiz chiz) is a beta project that seeks to use AI to predict tech stocks – which, fine, is something that trading houses and brokers have been toying with for time, but usually as part of a suite of tools designed to help them make better trades at scale and certainly not as the sole determinant of whether to buy or sell or HODL (sorry). This, though, uses some troublingly-ill-defined ‘AI’ (which I have a horrible feeling is just machine learning based on past stock performance) to offer a range of ‘predictions’ of how a selection of stocks will perform over a short-term period. It’s hard to look at this and not want to slap a massive ‘PLEASE DO NOT USE THIS TO MAKE ACTUAL REAL-MONEY INVESTMENT DECISIONS’ warning on the homepage – could someone who knows something about money and investments confirm whether or not I am right and whether this is an immensely-silly idea, or whether I am being too bearish and I should instead encourage all Curios readers to spend the next month betting the farm on stocks based on the predictions of a black box system created by an anonymous stranger on the web? Thanks!
  • The Fantasy Map Generator: A whole new machine imagined worldmap complete with perfectly-silly computer-generated fantasy names for continents and countries, with just a single click. Partly just fun to play with for a few minutes – it’s amazing how evocative maps and names can be – but obviously designed to aid with worldbuilding for DMs or writers or anyone else who needs to spin up a few continents with names like ‘Thorgandia’ and ‘The Riven Bloodmass’.
  • LitRPGAdventures: I have no idea how many of you play DnD or anything like that, but let’s presume that there’s at least one of you and that this link won’t be totally wasted. This is a company that offers you the chance to, for a relatively small fee, access an INCREDIBLY deep library of DnD character modules and campaigns and all the jazz that you need to prepare if you’re running a game, all produced by AI using GPT-3. Which, to be clear, is SUCH a clever idea – I would imagine that a model trained on previous classic DnD campaigns would churn out pretty decent stuff with a modicum of human editing and pruning, which makes this a really clever business model and a smart service for players to boot. I, er, don’t obviously play DnD, so caveat emptor and all that, but I am a fan of the idea and the use of GPT-3 on display here.
  • Wander: “We’re on a mission to help people find their happy place. To build a network of smart homes across the globe you can access with the tap of a button…Wander was born after our founder was struck by the frustrating experience of trying to work while traveling (uncomfortable beds, choppy WiFi, more disappointments). He knew there had to be a better way. There was. Today, Wander offers smart homes in inspiring places across the West Coast [of America], from Tahoe to Mendocino County to Southern Oregon, with many more locations coming soon.” So this is basically ‘airbnb, but with fancy smarthomes and SIGNIFICANTLY more expensive’, which is proof that there is literally no business idea in the world that you can’t append “…but LUXE!” to in a business plan.
  • Yarchive: One of the things about the current era of the web is its ephemerality – the ubiquity and centrality of social media over the past decade to the way we use and relate to the web means that there’s a real difficulty in going back to previous eras of How We Were Online because everything we wrote and photographed and posted is, in many respects, simply not there any more. Which is (one of the reasons) why I love this – the Yarchive is a bunch of archived links to old posts on Usenet from Back In The Old Internet Days, arranged by topics covering everything from ‘food’ to ‘military’ to ‘chemistry’ to ‘jokes’. This is all text, and a bit cumbersome to navigate, and is obviously Of The Past in terms of the very male and North American feel to everything here (guns lol!), but it’s also a fascinating bit of sociotechnological anthropology (/pseud) and a weirdly…reassuring(?) example of how some things on the web (communities of people sharing terrible political ‘jokes’, the way people will always seemingly fetishise meat, its preparation and consumption on any male-dominated internet forum you can imagine) are immutable.
  • DSi Paint Community: Another idiosyncratic old-internet hangover, this is AMAZING – an old forum which was set up to act as a community hub for people using the Paint function on the NintendoDS, and which incredibly is still active. Seriously, there are people posting in here about STUFF THAT IS HAPPENING RIGHT NOW! This would be less remarkable were it not for the website’s interface, which makes reading anything a…challenge, but the fact that seemingly dozens of people log on here each day to chat to their friends about THE GENERAL STUFF OF LIFE, eschewing more modern or popular platforms with nice features and a usable interface in favour of just sticking to what they know, makes me immoderately happy. SHH, DON’T LET THEM KNOW WE’RE WATCHING! This is basically proof that forums are the best internet communities, and I will fight anyone who disagrees.
  • Interland: Google’s ‘Be Internet Awesome’ educational strand, helping to teach kids about safe online behaviours from personal information security to spotting dodgy sites, has been going for a while now and I featured it at launch a few years back; this is a new element to it, a series of cute little games which help teach younger people about things to watch out for when learning how to navigate the web. Cute, gently amusing, and seeing as it’s half term for lots of you, something you can sit your kids in front of with the vague excuse that it’s ‘educational’ and so it doesn’t matter if you just leave them with your phone for three hours while you try and forget they exist (that’s how parenting works, right?).
  • Habits: This is a beautifully-designed app which takes the ‘if you do something every day you will form a habit which will compel you to keep doing that thing because we humans like keeping streaks of achievements going because it does something involving dopamine which I don’t entirely understand’ premise first popularised by…I want to say Jerry Seinfeld, but may be wrong…but anyway, it takes that premise and makes it GORGEOUS and HYPERDESIGNED and SEXY and basically if you want a free app to help you form BENEFICIAL HABITS (although on reflection there’s nothing to say these have to be positive, improving habits – you could probably also use it to, I don’t know, encourage yourself to get addicted to skag, although my anecdotal experience suggests you may not in fact need the app’s help for that) then you could do worse than check this out.
  • Proxi: This is potentially quite useful – Proxi lets you easily create personalised maps with annotations, embedded images and videos, outlinks and all sorts of other vaguely-multimedia gubbins. You can do quite a lot of this stuff already using Google Maps, fine, but I’ve always found that side of the product to be a bit shonky and not quite as slick and flexible as you might like, whereas Proxi, from what I can tell, is rather nice to use and has a few more features, and, like Google Maps, it’s free. Worth a look if you need to create personal, annotated maps for whatever reason (treasure hunt / map of your murders / sad memory cartography / etc).
  • Cigarettes: I have smoked for approximately 28 years, to varying degrees, and recently upped my intake a bit because frankly I am bored and lonely and I miss my girlfriend and, well, it passes the time until I can start smoking weed in the evenings. I quite like a tab, basically, but not quite as much as the people who populate /r/Cigarettes, the subReddit for people who really, really enjoy a smoke. Photographs of cigarettes, lovingly arranged, practically inviting you to light up and take a lung-obliterating toke! Reviews of cigarettes with suspiciously-detailed tasting notes given the likelihood that the reviewers’ tastebuds will have been utterly obliterated by decades of tab abuse! Pack design appreciation threads! And, er, occasional appreciation of how ‘sexy’ people look when smoking (sorry, but this is still Reddit)! I love this with all of my blackened little lungpieces. In fact I am off for a tab RIGHT NOW.

By Polyanna Johnson



  • City Map Generator: Yes, fine, city map generators are ten-a-penny, but this is slightly-fancier in that it spits out cityplans which are not only viewable in 2d but which also come packed with topographical data which means you can render them in 3d with the right software and spin up actual, proper, boxy rendered urban environments (modelled on your classic North American planning concepts) in seconds (well, minutes, but still). Which then offers up the tantalising prospect of a near-future in which you could plug a bunch of different bits of software together and create fully-realised worlds which can be explored – which is sort-of cool, right? The possibility for on-the-fly creation of procedurally-generated environments is huge, basically. Which is yet another reason why I might hold off on commissioning your own ‘metaverse’ for six-figure sums just yet.
  • Listr: Twitter lists are one of those features which are hugely-useful and yet still relatively underused, but which I can highly-recommend as a way of pruning your timeline from HORRORS and curating your experience on the app – Listr is a useful service which offers a selection of curated, thematic lists that you can follow directly from the site, letting you quickly find potentially-useful communities of interest around a whole range of topics from (obviously, ffs) crypto to finance to VCs. Users can submit their own curated lists for consideration, and in general this isn’t a bad place to start if you’re looking for a quick ‘in’ to a particular topic on Twitter.
  • Lord of the Logos: It’s long been a point of accepted internet fact that all death metal logos basically look the same – like a nest of spiders that has been run over by a truck. Still, that’s not to say that their creation doesn’t require a modicum of skill and craft – this week I discovered one such an artisan craftsman, the LORD OF THE LOGOS, who will on application provide you with a quote for your very own DEATH METAL LOGOTYPE! Want to see your company name rendered in the style of a terrifying Norwegian grindcore horrordeathband? YES YOU DO! I am currently toying with the idea of redesigning the entire Curios site in this aesthetic, so don’t be alarmed if things get significantly more illegible round here in the not-too-distant.
  • Museum Ships: Have you ever wanted a website dedicated to listing all the museums in the United States that are also boats? No, I can’t imagine that you have, and yet I still provide. Web Curios – giving you links you didn’t know you needed (and which, in all honesty, you probably don’t in fact need at all) since approximately 2010!
  • Better Stock Photos of Older People: A resource compiled by the Centre for Ageing Better, this is what they describe as the ‘Age Positive Stock Photo Library’, offering a variety of depictions of people in later life doing things that aren’t just ‘staring confusedly at a computer screen’ or ‘pointing angrily at a pothole in a local newspaper’ or ‘voting for things that will fcuk future generations’. There was a brief vogue for ‘let’s make an improved stock image library as a PR stunt!’ activations a few years ago, but this project shows that there are still shedloads of different aspects of life and society that could do with better, more interesting and more diverse photographic representation. What’s most distressing about this, for me at least, is the fact that a lot of the people in these photos don’t actually look that much older than I do. Am I…am I an ‘older person’? OH GOD SENESCENCE, TAKE ME NOW!
  • The Disney Filmmaking Process: Having written a few-hundred snarky words about Disney a few hours ago I now present the good Disney content – this is a wonderful resource explaining how The Mouse develops animations, from concept through to final production, and is superb as a practical guide to what it takes to make an animated feature. If you or anyone you know is an aspiring animator who dreams of one day working on Toy Story 9, or the Mr Potato Head Origin Story (I jest, but only slightly) then this is a wonderful guide to How It All Works, each step in the development process, and all the people who make the initial vision a final reality. There is SO MUCH in here, it’s honestly great and makes me almost forgive them for the ‘forget reality, why not hide in a Disneyfied version of real life and pretend that nothing bad ever happens anywhere!’ gated community vision (but not quite).
  • Emerge Home: I’ve been saying for years that I think the biggest barrier to mainstream VR adoption (other than, obviously, the fact that the tech is unwieldy, expensive and lacks anything resembling a killer use-case at present) is the lack of haptic feedback – Emerge Home is a Kickstarter project that offers a potential solution to that lack via, er, jets of air! I confess to being somewhat skeptical about this and how good it is likely to be, but, still, here: “The Emerge Wave-1 projects ultrasonic waves around virtual objects and interactions. You can feel this mid-air force field up to 3 feet above the device and 120 degrees around it. With the Emerge Wave-1 device, you’ll feel unique sensations that elevate virtual greetings and gameplay in the Emerge Home Quest 2 app. Think: a rush of precise mid-air pressure when you reach out to hold someone’s hand, or an energetic beam that you can direct with your palm to destroy incoming asteroids.” It’s almost-impossible to imagine what this would be like to experience (or at least it is for me – you might well be significantly more imaginative than I am), but I am intrigued by the premise. If you’ve got an Oculus2 and $450 to burn on something that may or may not in fact ever a) do what it promises; and b) exist, then GO FOR IT!
  • The Plug Socket Museum: You know how I always say that these things – these slightly-odd, single-issue obsessional websites, collecting information about a very specific, very niche thing which you can’t imagine why anyone would be fascinated by but which it is clear some people very much are – are inevitably maintained by men (which they almost always are)? Well I might broaden that to ‘Dutch men’ – honestly, it’s amazing how many of these sites are hosted and maintained by guys in the Netherlands, just gently exploring their passion for, say, traffic cones. Here is one Dutchman’s personal obsessional guide to the wonder of plug sockets, “displaying an amazing collection of modern and classic domestic plugs and sockets from all over the world.” Leaving aside questions over the author’s use of ‘amazing’, this is exactly what it promises and I am glad that it exists.
  • The Dunecyclopedia: The Internet Archive recently published the 700+ page PDF of the OFFICIAL COMPANION ENCYCLOPEDIA to Frank Herbert’s Dune novels – “The definitive companion to Frank Herbert’s Dune chronicles features articles by both scholars and fans that cover diverse facets of the history, culture, religion, science, and people of Arrakis”, according to the blurb, and whilst this is (from the cursory flickthrough I have given it – look, I read Dune when I was 11 and, honestly, that was enough) isn’t the most visually compelling of books, it’s certainly the place to go if you’re looking for the exhaustive backstory on exactly how the p1ssdrinking mechanics work.
  • Frog Leap Studios: You may already be aware of the output of Frog Leap Studios – a YouTube channel run by Norwegian musician and sound engineer Leo Moracchioli, on which he showcases a frankly INSANE selection of musical covers, mostly performed just by him but occasionall featuring guests, where he reimagines various songs in various styles with a degree of infectious joy and enthusiasm that you can’t help but be charmed by – but, if not, this is absolutely wonderful and feels pretty much PURE in its celebration of how fun it is to mess around with songs and music and arrangements. Mr Moracchioli is a hell of a musician, basically, and there’s such an incredible breadth of tracks covered here that you’re almost certain to find something that you like.
  • Circle Populations: Click any point on this map and it will calculate the population of the surrounding area, within a radius of your choosing. Which, fine, isn’t hugely compelling as a description, but I lost a good 5 minutes earlier this week trying to find the least-densely-populated part of Italy so I could plan my ‘when this is all over I am going to go and hide somewhere for a while where I can be alone’ getaway and so I figured you might find it useful too.
  • Input Delay: I don’t quite know why you would want to play with a website whose primary purpose is to frustrate, but you’re reading this, so…Input Delay lets you experience exactly how frustrating it is typing on sites with varying degrees of lag between input and output – so you can toggle the delay between keypress and letter-appearing-onscreen to determine at exactly which point you nope out in frustration. I quite like the idea of applying this code under the hood to any website with a ‘contact us’ form-fill function, with IP location making it more unusable if you come from certain particular undesirable locations (ie North America), but I’m sure you can think of other ways in which you might deploy this.
  • Simutrans: I have had a somewhat-trying fortnight, professionally-speaking, as a result of having brushed up against the ‘gender-critical’ movement and feeling, thankfully at one remove, the intense anger of a, er, VERY VOCAL and VERY ANGRY group of people. So let me just point out here that despite the name of this site and its URL it is not in fact anything to do with the current, intensely-toxic debate around transgender rights and inclusion. That caveat out of the way, I can get on with describing what it actually is – specifically, a free-to-download SimCity-ish game which basically lets you play at building your own transport network. I have had a bit of a play with this and it’s a surprising amount of fun – you need to be more of an urban planning obsessive than I probably am to get the most out of it, fine, but if you ever played Transport Tycoon as a kid, and if you ever enjoyed SimCity, then you could do worse than check this out.
  • Squabble: Wordle, but competitive and against the clock, as you try and solve the puzzle before 10 other online strangers all playing at the same time. Slightly-janky, but reasonable (if enervating) fun. If you prefer your Wordle battles to be one-on-one, you could try WarWordly instead, which creates individual puzzles which you can share with another player to challenge your spouse/lover/professional nemesis to vocabulary-based combat.
  • Worldle: This week’s ‘riff on Wordle’ is this geography-based puzzler which I confess to having given up on after about 5 minutes because I am so painfully, embarrassingly bad at geography as to make this utterly impossible. Still, if you’re the sort of person who not only knows where countries are on the map, relative to each other, and the shape of said countries, then this may well be catnip to you (you fcuking weirdo) – the game presents you with the outline of a country and it’s your job to guess what it is; wrong guesses will see the program tell you how far away your guess is from the target, and in which direction, letting you narrow your search incrementally until you stumble upon, I don’t know, Andorra. Basically impossible, and I will fight anyone who suggests otherwise.
  • This is basically the Wikipedia game (“Can you get from Hitler to Haberdashery in fewer than 5 Wiki entries?”, etc) but applied to language. Can you get from one word to another, in the fewest number of clicks, simply by clicking through other words contained in each word’s definition? Which, fine, is a horrible attempt at a description, but I promise that it’s explained better on the site. This is HARD, but in a good way, and forced me to try and think about words in a very different way to that which I’m used to.
  • Shepherd: Finally this week, a tiny, 8-bit sheepherding simulator. Come for the meditative, shortform gameplay, stay for the incredibly cute ‘Baah!’-ing noises.

By John Wesley



  • Best of Reblogs: Tumblr, by Tumblr: “A bratty teenager at heart, Tumblr has remained the same hellsite you’ve always made it: with your faves, aesthetics, and fandoms, your blogs and sideblogs, your reblog chains and tag conversations. Some of you will have been here for The Dress and the ball pit; some of you know those as lore but only come here for the sexymen and, idk, bees, the bee movie. And you’re all valid. Throughout February, we’ll be reblogging some of the most iconic reblog chains from our time here with you to @best-of-reblogs.” This is a great little lookback at some of the…’best’ feels like the wrong term, but certainly ‘most iconic’ bits of Tumblr culture over the past few years. Man, Tumblr is great.


  • Paperholm: The gorgeous paperctaft work of one Charles Young, an Edinburgh artist who crafts gorgeous little models from paper. Honestly, these are literally perfect and will tickle that very particular brainspot around ‘tiny things executed wonderfully’.
  • Marble Mannequin: Incredibly-satisfying looping CG animations, which also tickle a very specific brainspot and which in all honesty I could quite happily watchfor the next two hours rather than finishing off this blognewslettertypething BUT I WILL KEEP ON GOING JUST FOR YOU.


  • Class 1 and Class 2 Problems: I found this a really-interesting piece of writing about ways of thinking about problems or issues – the central premise is that all technological problems can be categorised as either Class 1 Problems (problems caused by the technology not working perfectly) or Class 2 Problems (problems caused by the technology working perfectly), and that this category distinction can prove a useful way of both assessing problems and attempting to find solutions to them. Kevin Kelly offers the following example to illustrate his thesis: “One example: many of the current problems with facial recognition are due to the fact that it is far from perfect. It can have difficulty recognizing dark skin tones; it can be fooled by simple disguises; it can be biased in its gendering. All these are Class 1 problems because this is still a technology in its infancy. Much of the resistance to widely implementing facial recognition stems from its imperfections. But what if it worked perfectly? What if the system was infallible in recognizing a person from just their face? A new set of problems emerge: Class 2 problems.” Of course, there are criticisms to be made – as my friend Simon pointed out over email, “If only problems were in isolation then this would be true. As it is, any problem such as the author describes are part of a system, so a Class 1 problem in one space might be a Class 2 problem in another, and vice versa. Rarely are things so binary, if ever.” – but I can see how this is a useful way of considering issues relating to negative externalities of tech.
  • This Week’s Excellent Crypto Takedown: Fine, I appreciate that many of you will be BORED TO TEARS by any and all things crypto-related, and to be honest I share a degree of that ennui, but, equally, I do think that the amount of money sloshing about makes its ascent (to a degree) a self-fulfilling prophecy, and that as such it behooves us all to start to understand more about what all this stuff is, and, perhaps more importantly, what it very much isn’t. This is the transcript of a talk delivered by David Rosenthal, a software engineer and former Nvidia employee, in which he calmly and methodically goes through all the most-cited usecases for cryptocurrency and the unique benefits it confers, and dismantles them neatly one-by-one. I’m not presenting this as a definitive ‘crypto is rubbish!’ text, to be clear – as I think I’ve mentioned previously, I don’t doubt that buried within this stuff is the kernel of what will eventually become future global infrastructure to some degree – but it’s a very helpful corrective to the more bullish claims about How It Will Change The World Forever. Oh, and if you’re in the market for more of this stuff, this is a very clear, very sensible explanation of the void at the heart of the NFT goldrush.
  • Noone Knows How To Build The Metaverse: On why the utopian Zuckergergian metaverse narrative is maybe significantly more theoretical than Mark and Nick and Sheryl (AND GAVIN! HI GAVIN!) might want us to believe – mainly because we simply don’t have the computing power available to us to actually build and maintain all the wonderful visionary promises we’re currently being sold about persistent better-than-life digital spaces which seamlessly-intersect with meatspace and open up fields of human experience that we cannot quite conceive of with our puny, pre-mataverse brains. Obviously it’s worth caveating this with some aspirational guff about ‘yes, but quantum computing!’, but this paragraph neatly-summarises the current best-projection reality: “Without a generational leap in computing, a lower-fidelity version of the Zuckerverse is attainable. Assuming users will settle for graphics somewhat better than Second Life was able to achieve a decade ago, it should be possible in the longer run to make something that achieves some of the goals, such as a persistent, internet-connected virtual world.” Does that sound like something you want? I would posit that like fcuk it does.
  • Cashing Out in the Freedom Convoy: So, those Canadian truckers, eh? WHAT TO BELIEVE (here’s a decent overview, if you’re interested)? What is incontrovertibly true, though, is that the convoy has become something of a beacon for a certain type of libertarian cryptodude (HI ELON YOU MASSIVE CNUT! I don’t, obviously, expect him to see this – I don’t check, but I’m pretty sure he’s not a subscriber – but it feels nice to type it anyway) – said libertarian cryptodudes raised a bunch of money in Bitcion to support the convoy, and this VICE article very calmly explains the steps that are currently being taken to get the Bitcoin from the wallet into which it was collected and into the hands of various truckers. Now, take a moment to read this and then think to yourself ‘does this read like the future of finance?’ Reader, I would strongly argue that it very much does not.
  • Making Marketplace: You might not think that an exhaustive account of how Facebook built its ‘Marketplace’ product would be interesting, but you would be WRONG. Oh, ok, fine, ‘interesting’ is perhaps doing a bit of heavy lifting here, but if you have any interest in product or service design or development I promise you will find this fascinating – as a look at how to think about product development, and how to overcome snags or hurdles along the way, it’s fascinating. Also I think it’s a useful reminder of why I continue to be broadly-bullish about Meta in the medium-term – remember that it’s not about how we use the service, it’s about how the vastly-more-numerous swathes of people in the rest of the world do, and it’s stuff like marketplace that continues to make FB sticky for lots of people for whom services like Marketplace are borderline-essential. Also, as an aside, much as I hate Facebook, I did get a slightly-wistful ‘wow, I wonder what it would be like to do a job that involves actually making stuff rather than one which seemingly just involves writing words to be ignored by other white collar morons just like me’ feeling reading this, which, presuming that you’re another white-collar waste of space just like me, you might empathise with.
  • Facebook’s African Sweatshop: Of course, there’s also this side of Facebook – the side that protects profit margins by paying bottom-dollar for moderation and which seemingly doesn’t give too much of a fcuk about the strain it places on the poor humans doing the moderating. You know all those stories we’ve been reading for the past few years about the horrors of being a FB mod? Well turns out it’s even worse when you’re a Facebook mod in Africa, not least because you get paid a disgustingly-small amount for cleaning up the sewers in Zuckerberg’s Big Blue Misery Factory. If you’ve spent any time reading about Facebook, the specifics here won’t necessarily be wholly new to you, but it’s important to remember this at all times, I think – that the human cost of everything you use online is invisible-but-always-there, regardless of whatever investor-pleasing guff about AI gets spat out by Clegg, and that that human cost tends to be paid out of the global South because, bluntly, we in the global North prefer it that way. Horrible, miserable, shameful, but also true.
  • Your Shein Returns: Not just Shein – I would imagine that the practices described here are largely similar across the fast-landfill-fashion sector, whatever noises PrettyLittleThing might be making about moving towards a sustainable, seconds-led marketplace (GYAC you think these clothes – the clothes you buy for a tenner – are made with longevity in mind? You think they will survive being repackaged and resold as ‘used’? Ahahahahahaha no, no they won’t, BECAUSE THAT IS NOT HOW YOU MAKE MARGIN ON A £10 TOP FFS). This article describes the reality of what happens to your cheap clothes, offered with cheap returns – which, basically, is often ‘landfill, because it’s literally cheaper to bin them than it is to attempt to reintegrate them into the supplychain. Look, I know didacticism is boring but, equally, I am old and I can’t help myself. Here’s a maxim to live by – IF YOU ARE BUYING AN ARTICLE OF CLOTHING AND IT COSTS £10 AND WAS MADE ON THE OTHER SIDE OF THE WORLD THEN YOU CAN LITERALLY GUARANTEE THAT EITHER SOME OF THE PEOPLE MAKING IT, OR THE PLANET, OR BOTH, ARE GETTING UNPLEASANTLY-FUCKED BY THE PROCESS OF SAID ARTICLE OF CLOTHING’S CREATION. Put that on a tshirt.
  • Greetings Cards: A brief, not-entirely-serious, investigation into trends in greetings cards copy, and specifically whether or not its true that there’s been a significant degree of copy creep in card writing. I rather enjoyed this, not least because it made me wonder about the extent to which the fact that so much more of our communication is visual and shortform and shorthand now – memes and emoji and (if you’re old) reaction gifs and all that jazz – that there’s going to be a resurgence in personalised mid-form copy for stuff like this because, well, no fcuker will be able to write any more in a few years’ time. Which obviously is classic bullsh1t old person’s reasoning, fine, but equally feels to me like there’s a grain of truth in it somewhere – after all, as an observation I saw doing the rounds this week after that Candace Bushnell piece about earning $5k a month as a Vanity Fair writer back in the day stated, the fact that writing is now something that everyone has to do far more than we used to doesn’t seem to have resulted in people getting better at it (after all, 8k words a week of Curios over several years with no discernible improvement in the quality of the prose would suggest that practice very much does not make perfect here).
  • TikTok Missed Connections: This is, fine, a Mashable article (sorry), but I found the premise interesting – people are apparently attempting to use the TikTok algo to track down ‘missed connections’-type strangers in real life, which is…well. First, that’s basically stalking, no? But secondly, I find the increasing extent to which algorithms are questions of faith, to a degree, fascinating. There’s something interesting in the idea of us placing so much of our lives in the hands of these incomprehensible, unknowable bits of maths, and of the willingness with which we do so, and the increasing degree to which certain aspects of our behaviour are defined by appeals to these ineffable…well, I didn’t want to use the word, but let’s say ‘gods’. Algorithms are the new gods. There, that’s my thesis. If someone isn’t already writing a not-very-good Masters’ dissertation on ‘The Algopantheon: Faith, Worship and Sacrifice in the post-Digital Age’ then, well, what the fcuk is wrong with modern academia?
  • The Afterparty Party:I am not sure that I will EVER get tired of reading about terrible cryptoparties, and this one sounds like a doozy. There’s a lot to love about this – the horrid empty money aesthetic of the Hollywood hills mansion at which all such events must take place (by law, if it’s not Brooklyn it MUST be a mansion with an infinity pool and the sort of wipe-clean furniture that suggests booking by the hour for…specalist shoots), the frankly-astonishing description of ‘The Minting Room’ (can I just say, again, ALGORITHMS ARE THE NEW GODS? Eh? Oh, fine, suit yourselves), the staggering vapidity of…well, of all of it to be honest. Maybe I’m just jealous because I am still waiting on my invite to the Roman cryptoscene. DO’CAZZO STA IL MIO INVITO, STRONZI?
  • Adriano:  If you’re a football fan of a certain vintage, you will remember Adriano for one of three reasons; either his brief spell as the most terrifyingly-explosive forward in the game whilst at Inter, or his status as THE most unrealistically-overpowered left foot ever to feature in a videogame (PES 6, to be precise), or for how everything seemed to go very pear-shaped for him very quickly at a certain point, and how for a while he was the go-to example for ‘when footballers go wrong’, accused of drugtaking and excess and generally seen as something of a cautionary tale. This piece in the Player’s Tribune is his account of his career and life and what really happened, and it is a blast – I love these pieces, as they’re basically just lightly-tidied-up transcripts of interviews and so you get the cadence of a player’s speech and his vocal tics and mannerisms, and a real sense for the person they are. I think Adriano sounds like a lot of fun, although I don’t think we have much in common.
  • How Many Words To Make A Mistake?: This is SUCH a good essay. William Davies writes in the LRB on the mechanisation of learning – specifically, on how we mark and assess students, how use of technology is changing what we assess, and, by extension, what we value, and the fundamental question of what it is that we are trying to teach people through education in the first place. I…I was not a good student in many respects, but I was a very successful one, mainly as I worked out reasonably quickly what the game was and how to perform quite well at it. I was fcuking good at passing exams (thanks, Satan!) but generally terrible at learning – which even at the time struck me as a cast-iron example of ‘systems with unexpected negative outcomes’, as I’m pretty sure the overall aim of my education was not to create the sort of monster who can remorselessly-fillet a text for content with little or no care for meaning. Or maybe it was, it’s hard to tell. Still, here we are. Anyway, I found this really interesting, although personally think that the main meat of the piece – ie what are we teaching when we teach? – might usefully have been explored a bit further.
  • Suzanne: A profile of Suzanne Verdal, the titular muse behind Leonard Cohen’s song ‘Suzanne’, and a woman whose life has been entirely-characterised by her relationship to That Man and That Song. This is absolutely heartbreaking, and wonderfully-written by Lacy Warner whose own ambiguity about the ‘right-ness’ of even writing the profile in the first place makes the whole thing significantly more interesting than ‘just’ a portrait of someone immortalised in old song.
  • Nico: Finally in this week’s longreads, another article about a woman whose life was defined by others, specifically men. This is another LRB piece which is SO SO SO GOOD – not just in terms of the way it tells Nico’s story (relatively unflinchingly; if you’re not familiar, it is not what you’d call a happy tale), but also in terms of the quality of the writing. I found myself pausing as I read to pull up YouTube clips of her performances and interviews – in particular, the scenes of her in La Dolce Vita are amazing, she’s basically like a human migraine onscreen, which I know sounds weird but I promise you you’ll see what I mean if you watch it – and by the end you have a picture of a quite incredible, difficult, sad person who got treated incredibly-badly by an awful lot of people (and who, no doubt, was not exactly an easygoing type herself). This is a tragic story, brilliantly told.

By Prudence Flint


Webcurios 11/02/22

Reading Time: 35 minutes

NO DEATH THIS WEEK! Or, to be more specific, no death in my family this week (death, I am led to believe, continued happening all over the shop)!

Not exactly cause for wild celebration, fine, more the sort of thing you’d hope would be the status quo, but I’ll take any reason to celebrate that I possibly can (and by ‘celebrate’ I mean ‘spend lonely evenings online, spelunking for links in the spaffmines’) – so come one, come all, and enjoy the ‘fruits’ (links) of my ‘celebrations’ (tearful hours staring at a screen in the hope that something, anything, will distract me from Everthing That Is Happening).

I am still Matt, this is still Web Curios, and the web continues to provide because, honestly, otherwise I don’t know what else I’d do.

NB – a small promotional message before we start, which I have been meaning to write for weeks and keep forgetting; if you need some email newsletter software and don’t want to pay the horrible people at Substack then why not check out the lovely Kris Marsh, who runs all the mailing stuff for Curios, and for B3ta, and for some other people too I expect. He’s nice, the product works perfectly, it’s not expensive, and you can rest safe in the knowledge that your money is not going to, I don’t know, pay Bari Weiss and Glen Greenwald to be hateful for an audience of cnuts. Kris has not paid me for this endorsement, fyi, because Curios is a proudly advertising-free endeavour (though, er, if we’re talking thousands then I could be persuaded). 

By Mauro Martinez



  • Burds: I don’t know whether any of you notice (and if you don’t, WHY NOT?!?!), but there tends to be a light bit of curatorial direction to the order in which links appear here – I tend to try and kick off with the more ‘this is an interesting and occasionally-shiny bit of webwork’ to attempt to ‘engage’ the more ‘casual’ reader (ha! Like anyone can read this ‘casually’! GOOD LUCK WITH THAT YOU FCUKS!) before delving into the more, er, esoteric and niche stuff as the links progress. Not so this week – if you’re anything like me (and pray God you’re not) then you’ll be in need of something gently-soothing to smooth your brain at the end of a week during which it’s ended up feeling even more craggily-crenellated than normal. So, then, to Burds, which is a webpage which does nothing more than generate a bunch of small, monochromatic cartoony birds which jump around your screen. That’s it. Think of it as an emotional reset, a timeline cleanse, if you will, before we accelerate into the odd once again (oh, and I know that for many people spellings such as ‘burds’ are unforgivable crimes against linguistic taste – I can only ask that you indulge me just this once).
  • The Bookcase of Tolerance: I need to be quite careful about this – on the one hand, this is a really nicely-done bit of AR work, and should be applauded as such. It’s a collaborative work between a bunch of agencies and (I presume) the Anne Frank House museum itself, which exists to present stories of people, including Anne and her family but also experiences from the modern world, who have faced prejudice and discrimination, as an educational tool to teach younger people about the importance of tolerance (and a warning as to where intolerance leads if allowed to flourish unchecked). The site here is basically an infopage – you need to download the app to get the full experience, and once you’ve done so you get to place a bookshelf in AR and then, by pulling various tomes off its shelves, you are able to step into various dioramas and explore the personal stories they contain. So, for example, you can explore the attic room in which Anne spend so many months, or the rooms of four other people whose stories speak to the dangers of racism, or gender prejudice, or antisemitism. The AR here is really very well-done indeed; hi-res and detailed, and, whilst a bit janky like all AR fundamentally is, immersive enough to make the stories and the people telling them come to life, and overall this is really well-made. The caveat? Look, I can’t be the only person to see the title ‘The Bookcase of Tolerance’ and, well, laugh a bit – I don’t know, I expect to see a title like that in a spoof series alongside other volumes such as ‘The Spoon of Diversity’ or ‘The Wainscotting of Empathy’, but perhaps I’m just a terminally miserable and joyless fcuk whose terminal cynicism has ruined any vestigial sense of wonder they may have once experienced. Maybe.
  • A Year of Cartier: OH THE POINTLESSLY-LUXE WORLD OF FASHION WEBSITES! Here we are, back at it again with this latest offering from Cartier, which is basically a glossy, coffee-table magazine rendered as (what feels like) an infinite-scroll website taking you though (I think) Cartier’s 2021. It is SO slick and smooth – honestly, whilst the design’s not new per se in terms of what it does, it all fits together so beautifully, and the ‘wow, I really am hurtling into the world of Cartier, face-first!’ aesthetic doesn’t render the copy or content unreadable (which isn’t always the case with this stuff). So if you want to see BEAUTIFUL PHOTOGRAPHY of some very expensive gewgaws, read some ‘heartwarming’ stories about how the ultra-rich propose (I am very happy for the Spanish gentleman who proposed to his long-term partner using a platinum Cartier ring from the late-19thC, but I don’t necessarily find it relatable, is what I am saying – should my girlfriend be reading this, Saz, we’re going 20thC or nothing, babes) and generally immerse yourself in spangly excess then this will fill you with joy. Oh, and as ever, the copy here is to die for: “Ballon Bleu Cartier challenges all perceptions of time and space [NB – Ballon Bleu, for the avoidance of doubt, is a watch]…Blue on one side, a circle on the other!” Yep, that’s my perceptions of time and space utterly fcuked, thanks Cartier! God I love this stuff – can someone pay me to copywrite one of these bstard things? I promise I will only take the p1ss a bit.
  • IDZ: Remarkably though, the Cartier Ballon Bleu is not the most preposterously-oversold timepiece I came across this week. Prepare to have your tiny little mind FCUKED INTO SMITHEREENS by the amazing majesty of IDZ. What is IDZ? I mean, in all honesty I have only the vaguest hint of a clue, but let’s see if we can’t work it out together. “The most valuable thing you own…A smart watch? A classic watch? It’s neither…introducing a new category, THE IDENTITY WATCH!” Does that make sense to you? Unfortunately if the answer’s no then I probably can’t help you – this only gets more nonsensical from there. “Z CLOUD TECHNOLOGY”, burbles the copy, “It is not fiat or crypto asset, it is identity asset!”. Er, good, well I’m glad that’s cleared up. Honestly, I have literally no idea what this practically is, but as far as I can tell the people behind it are trying to peddle it as some sort of universal, skeleton-key-type…smart contracts thingy? Whatever it is, apparently you can ‘send assets and laws’ (SEND LAWS? WHAT THE FCUK ARE YOU TALKING ABOUT?!?!) and ‘sign them on the spot’, and, God, I am so confused. If anyone reads this and thinks they understand, can they please explain it to me? As I want to make sure I know what I’ve bought before mine shows up.
  • Sea Launch: We all know that the vast majority of ‘art’ NFT drops are bullsh1t, but in case you needed yet another reason not to believe then SeaLaunch is probably it. Ostensibly a means of keeping track of new drops on OpenSea, this currently acts as the best example I’ve yet seen of Why This Is Not In Fact A Massive Market Opportunity – look at all the projects featuring poorly-drawn avatars! See how many there are! Do some basic maths and realise that based solely on the projects visible on first landing there are millions and millions of these EXTREMELY VALUABLE AND RARE jpegs (to which you’re buying a link, remember?) currently doing the rounds, and that there are more being minted every day, and, for an ecosystem that is at its heart about the introduction of scarcity to the digital world, it, er, this sh1t is now ten a penny. Resale market go…not so much. My personal favourite is the range of NFT avatars that manifest as a, er, series of cartoonified condom personae (what do you want to be represented by in the glorious Zuckerbergian metaversal future? A latex jizzbag? YES MATE SIGN ME UP!).
  • 0XMusic: This, though, this is (and I am shocked to find myself saying this) an NFT project I can sort of get behind. 0XMusic is interesting because of what the things you’re buying do (although I confess to being slightly confused as to whether the clever stuff going on here under the hood is actually on-chain or off) – “0xmusic is a collection of generative audiovisual DJs – which are called 0xDJs. Each 0xDJ can create an infinite number of music pieces in real time. All code is stored on the Ethereum blockchain. When the Play button is touched, a brand new song is created, and the image comes alive. The song will continue playing until you either hit Play again or the DJ moves to the next track. At this time, all memory of the prior piece is destroyed, and the new song is created. This march of creation and destruction will continue as long as 0xmusic exists on the blockchain. In this sense, each piece is both eternal and ephemeral, living in a state of superposition until it is ‘observed’.” So basically (and I had to get someone to explain this to me in normie language), each piece is its own infinite jukebox, able to churn out infinite original compositions based on the numbers encoded in it. What’s nice about this is a) the marriage of form and function inherent in the work; and b) the fact that the musical outputs are seemingly a couple of rungs above the usual ‘clever, but I want to turn it off yesterday please’ outputs of procgen music. If I had a spare 2k, and if I could be bothered to go through the tedious rigmarole to enable me to buy one of the fcuking things, I might almost be tempted. Almost.
  • Fcukball: I love this. From the copy on the landing page (“You can buy an idea of a thing!”) to the idea itself, this is perfect. It’s a project by artist Polly Superstar, which I should probably let them introduce in their own words: “I have created THE FCUKBALL, a 6 ft tall inflatable latex ball covered in penetrable pink vulvas. We’re going to fcuk it, then I’m going to exhibit it at an art show. To raise some money to take the Fcukball on the road, I am selling a set of collectible NFTs of secret Fcukball diddlings. Check out the GALLERY. Each one is a unique gif of an erotic moment with the Fcukball. You will “own” that moment”. I STRONGLY ADVISE that you click through and go and enjoy the videogallery of said-Fcukball vulvadiddling (not a sentence, I am reasonably confident, that has ever been committed to digital print, well done Matt!), as they are very unsettling but also sort-of great (although I might personally have picked people with less…creepy fingers). Continues Polly Superstar: “The Fcukball is the first in a series of installations/sculptures that I am creating for my upcoming one-woman show. It’s voluptuous and bouncy and full of joy, and it’s also a serious commentary on eroticism, objectification, gender, and consent. It will raise more questions than it answers. I’m using NFTs to satirize the question: How does culture value feminine sexuality? (I understand that NFTs are controversial. Read more about my intentions here.)” I like everything about this, and I hope you will too.
  • Bauhaus@Future London Academy: As I think I’ve previously mentioned, I don’t really know who reads this outside of a few people I know in meatspace – I presume, though, that a reasonable number work in The Creative Industries (lol you make adverts for cheese, get the fcuk over yourselves) and that a significantly-smaller number have attained a degree of seniority that means that they are allowed to wear those square-cut artists’ trousers in black, and perhaps a pair of those techno-functional rubberised clogs that are all the rage amongst a certain subset of stick-tatted, bearded, Hackney-dwelling CD (I SEE YOU). If you’re blessed with Big Job Title, and you’ve got a…healthy sense of your own worth to your employer, why not consider asking your paymasters to sign you up for this? “Imagine”, it asks you, “that you could learn from business leaders from Apple, Google, Nike, Virgin and Pentagram, all in one place” This is basically a training course designed to make you a CREATIVE LEADERGURU: “This programme is specially designed for creative leaders with 15+ years of experience. These are usually CEOs, Creative Directors, Design Directors, Heads of UX, Product Owners and Innovation Managers who want to be better leaders and take their career to a new level.” Sounds great, right? There is, though, a small catch in the shape of the pricetag, which is a cool £35,000 for the full 10-week experience. Still, if you think your employer values you enough to drop a whole mid-level staffer’s annual salary on ‘being better at flogging expensive concept films to brands’ then by all means feel free to ask them. Oh, and if any of you reading this are in a position whereby you could fund this yourselves, then can I ask that you make a donation to charity before reading any further? Thanks. By the way, this isn’t just about business: the site promises that this course will help you create a ‘better world’, which is…nice.
  • 36 Days of Type: This is nice – “Created by the Reflektor Digital Team, 36 Days of Type is a collection of 36 interactive webGL experiences. Explore each letter and number, and find your favourite”. These are really satisfying and chunky – admittedly I’m a slight sucker for this sort of shiny 3d render work, but I really enjoyed some of the fond design on display here and how the examples work as 3-dimensional assets. Hang on, there’s something else here…”…and claim it as an NFT on the Polygon blockchain!” OH FFS.
  • Low Earth Orbit: I have a small-but-recurrent obsession with the thin (I mean this on a planetary scale, obvs – it is not, by any human scale, ‘thin’) layer of spinning detritus which we’re slowly establishing between the surface of the earth and the cosmos – the satellites and the probes and all the space junk, just sitting up there, spinning through the graveyard orbit until the end of time (or at least, the end of time as far as we’re concerned). This site uses available data on what is up there to give you a visualisation of what’s going on the Great Satellite Motorwy in the Sky – whilst you can’t get information on what the satellites are being used for (on the one hand, s shame; on the other, there’s no way in hell that that information would be anything other than deeply-unsettling – there are how many murdersurveillancedrones up there? Etc etc), it gives an excellent idea of how, well, crowded it is in low Earth orbit, a situation that’s only going to be exacerbated as the boom in private satellite deployment continues apace, and India and China start to catch up to the US. I don’t know why, and hopefully I’m wrong, but I can’t help but get a vague sense of ominous foreshadowing from all this floating metal (on the other hand, wevs, I’ll be LONG gone by the time this is likely to become problematic, so MORE SATELLITES FOR ALL!).
  • These Things Do Not Exist: Web Curios reader Paul Macko (HI PAUL MACKO HELLO!) sent me this, which is a post collecting ALL OF THE LINKS to the various ‘this x does not exist’ sites that have cropped up over the past 24m or so. Which,fine, you might not have imagined you needed, but which I suggest you bookmark anyway because you never know. Contains several that have been featured here over the past few years, but quite a few that I had never seen before – for example, this one, collecting AI-generated eyes (AIYES, AMIRITE???), which is genuinely impressive.
  • The Ted Polhemus Gallery: “For more than thirty years Ted Polhemus has explored and celebrated the extraordinary ways that popular culture opens a window onto a broader understanding of the world we live in. Never judgemental, never the ‘style guru’ some have erroneously labelled him, he scrupulously avoids distinguishing between the good, the bad and the ugly – while always thrilled by the creativity of all those ‘real people’ who, decade after decade, have given constant impetus to music, style, design, dance and so many of the things which made and make our age that unique period in human history when Culture went pop! and became truly democratic.” The site’s not the clearest, so if you just want to get straight to the pics then click here and dive in – honestly, I’m not particularly interested in the 60s and 70s (FFS THERE ARE OTHER THINGS WORTHY OF DISCUSSION IN 20THC POPULAR CULTURE BEYOND THE FCUKING BEATLES AND THE FCUKING STONES AND FCUKING PUNK, SEMINAL AS ALL THESE THINGS WERE) but Ted’s work covers SO MUCH and so many eras and subcultures and wow, you really can lose yourself in this if you have any affinity with or interest in youth culture and music and urbanity and LONDON.
  • The Meddleverse: Technically this is a link to the website of legendary art-prankster-provacateurs The Yes Men, who for decades have been cocking a snook at the ugliness and hypocrisy and venality of mass-corporate-consumer culture and the CAPITALIST MACHINE (if this were Popbitch in 2003 I would include the Rik Mayall ‘Right Kids?’ gif here, but it’s not so I won’t) and who have now decided to make their learnings about how they do what they do public, for other art pranksters and culture jammers to use as they see fit. This is a really, really interesting set of writings and videos and almost instructions on how to put together protest art happenings and undermine The Man. It is also, though, quite a good resource for people on the other side of the coin, so if you work in advermarketingpr then you could do worse than dig through the materials here as there’s a lot of good thinking about how to grab attention and run campaigns and engage people. Am I doing A Bad Thing by sharing this with a bunch of people whose dayjobs involve selling more pointless tat to mooks to enrich shareholders and holding companies? I..I probably am, aren’t I? Ffs.
  • The LA Public Library: The digital collection of the LA Public Library, which, even if you’re not personally-interested in the works on display on the website, is basically a near-perfect example of how you can and should think of digital curation as a public institution. Nicely arranged, with exhibits thematically sorted as collections and exhibits, telling stories of the peoples of LA through history, from the city’s establishment to the past two years of COVID. This is a wonderful way of travelling through space and time – I have very little time for modern LA (it is horrible, and anyone who tells you otherwise is delusional or is trying to sell you something), but its history is remarkable and this is such a nice way of exploring it. Also, in a lovely touch, the site is named after Tessa Kalso, who was the “sixth City Librarian of Los Angeles. Tessa was a true maverick with moxie. During the brief six years of her tenure, she transformed LAPL from a small reading room into a truly modern metropolitan library. In her first year, she oversaw the tremendous move to City Hall, and by the end of her tenure, the library’s collection had grown sevenfold and circulation soared from 12,000 to 330,000. She abolished membership fees and agitated for open stacks at a time when both of these now-common ideas were radical. She also established the first systematic training of any type for library employees.” Just great, basically.
  • The Lofi Generator: Lofi hiphop is basically the cockroach or rhododendron of the modern age, sonically-speaking – ubiquitous, will fill any space available, and will never die. Still, if you’re not already sick of having your every waking moment in front of a screen soundtracked by simple, often slightly scratchy, loping beats then you will LOVE this – the Lofi Generator creates procedurally-generated lofi that you can stream FOREVER, for free, and you can even download specific tracks as the machine generates them, should you find something that particularly tickles your inner-ear. Add ‘bedroom producer of lofi’ to your list of ‘jobs that the machines have decided that they can do better than most people’.
  • Free Your Music: My friend Luke recently started a job at Spotify (TIMING!) and so I feel a bit bad sharing this – still, he’ll probably never read this, so NO HARM DONE. Should you want to take your music and playlists from one monolithic streaming provider to another, slightly-less monolithic streaming provider then this service will let you do just that – I can’t vouch for exactly how well it will port everything across from, say, Spotify to YouTube Music (YEAH! STICK IT TO THE MAN!), but see how you get on.
  • Brutalita: Clever little in-browser font editing toy, letting to meddle with the design of the font in a sort-of WYSIWYG interface and then download your resulting creation for free use. Everything you create will serve only to demonstrate how very, very hard creating a readable font in fact is, but you’ll enjoy the learning experience, promise.

By Kai Wai Wong




  • Atronomic Comics: These are great – pixelart-ish scifi comic panels, all generated by code, which present as pieces of weird, semi-abstract art, simultaneously entirely-reminiscent of the sort of scene-setting you see in your classic space opera-type genre comics but which equally channel some of the microart stylings of Chris Ware (seriously, you’ll see what I mean when you click). These really are lovely, and I can almost forgive the fact that they are all (inevitably) being flogged as NFTs (we can, seemingly, do nothing to prevent the inevitable tokenisation of everything). I would totally hang one of these, though I appreciate you may not share my taste (you fool, my taste is superb).
  • RNG FM: Absolutely nothing to do with Amazon’s increasingly-ubiquitous portfolio of products for the Jaffeyian surveillance panopticon, and instead a radio station of sorts, which rather than streaming music instead cycles through a random selection of podcasts, letting you hear what is basically an infinite selection of talk radio from around the world. Except, of course, what that really means is ‘America’, seeing as the US absolutey dominates in terms of podcast production – still, as a means of finding interesting and different podcasts to attempt to cram into your already-chock-full listening schedule this is potentially-interesting, though I can’t obviously guarantee that you won’t end up getting served up something ear-shreddingly terrible as you listen. Caveat, er, auditor (is that right? I can’t be bothered to look up the Latin here, sorry).
  • Moon AI: I am not, and have never been, in possession of a uterus, and so I am in no way qualified to opine on the efficacy or otherwise of this service, but if you’re in the market for something that lessens the potential physical discomfort of menses via the medium of soothing sounds then DO I HAVE A TREAT FOR YOU! “Our goal is to transform, for the better, the way we experience menstruation and period pain. We believe all humans deserve to live pain free, and our vision is to provide more options, more choice, and more effective solutions for millions of people with menstrual cycles…Certain sounds, frequencies and rhythms can impact the central nervous system and help reduce the perception of menstrual pain. This is why we are partnering with neuroscientists, gynaecologists, and psychoacoustic experts to provide the most effective sounds for period pain relief.” This might be bunkum or it might be transformative – I honestly have no idea – but on the offchance that some of you might find it helpful then, well, here it is!
  • Blockpaper: A silly joke, but equally quite a ‘clever’ one. “Backed by real-world assets (paper links), BlockPaper is a revolutionary, centralized blockchain value store that defies all preconceptions you might have about blockchain” – this is basically a lightly-satirical riff on THE BLOCKCHAIN, with the gag here being that this (to an extent) offers all the same utility and protections, simply by ‘writing stuff down on bits of paper’. It doesn’t, obviously, but if you really want to annoy blockchain advocates I would suggest bookmarking this and then forwarding the link to anyone who tries to sell you any solutions based THE BLOCKCHAIN with a note saying “but why can’t I just do this instead?”.
  • The Internet Sacred Text Archive: Oh wow, this is PROPER INTERNET HISTORY! This site is 23 years old. 23! Methuselan (spellcheck is telling me this is not in fact a word, but spellcheck can get bent, frankly), in internet terms! “This site is a freely available archive of electronic texts about religion, mythology, legends and folklore, and occult and esoteric topics. Texts are presented in English translation and, where possible, in the original language.” Also, this is an incredible resource if you want to dig around the various writings that underpin the world’s major (and minor) religions, whether for academic or personal reasons – fine, the site design is a touch retro, and it’s not the shiniest corner of the web, but I can’t tell you how wonderful it is to stumble across bits of the internet like this, maintained just because someone thinks it might be useful, and with no profit motive or desire for virality. At present there is no indication that anyone’s tried to tokenise the Koran on here, so enjoy it before someone tries to create the Non Fungible Testament or something.
  • Old-School PC Fonts: “The world’s biggest collection of classic text mode fonts, system fonts and BIOS fonts from DOS-era IBM PCs and compatibles – preserving raster typography from pre-GUI times”. Just clicking on this link flashed me right back to my bedroom in Swindon in approximately 1993, desperately trying to make something work on DOS-Shell and wishing secretly that my mum had been able to afford an Amiga instead of the reconditioned work PC I was fiddling with. FORMATIVE TIMES AND MISTY-EYED NOSTALGIA, basically (if, er, you’re a 40something who used PCs several decades ago).
  • LoveCloud: This is not, strictly, an internet ‘thing’, but it has a website and it is awful, so it fits the bill I think. What do you think the most romantic thing you could do for someone is? Go on, take a moment to close your eyes and really imagine the acme of romance, whether for you or someone you care for…what would you do if you wanted to express the depth and breadth of your love and passion to a significant other? Now, did any of you think ‘hm, well, I think the most romantic thing I could do would be to arrange for a flight in a small plane fitted out with a bed so that my significant and other might get intimate with each other at 25,000 feet, in a cramped cabin, with that slightly-weird hearing effect that you get at altitude, on a bed which you really hope has been well-fumigated since the last flight, with a pilot sitting ahead of you separated from your lovemaking only by a fabric curtain’? I would wager that none of you did, which is why you’re probably not the sort of wild, romanic visionaries that are likely to be queueing up to avail themselves of a sticky ending (‘happy’ seems like a stretch, frankly) at altitude. I have SO many questions about this, many of which revolve around the cleaning arrangements (I am not a particularly germophobic person, but, frankly, I can imagine that the interior of this plane involves a lot of velour-like surfaces and, well, I have concerns) but the main one is basically ‘WHO IN THEIR RIGHT MIND WOULD VOLUNTEER TO FLY THE BONEING 747?!?!?! (I am legitimately proud of that gag, by the way, and am slightly disappointed that I’m just throwing it away mid-para like that). I contend that there is literally not one pilot in the world who would take that gig who is the sort of person you would want to take that gig, if you see what I mean. Sadly the booking system seems to be on the fritz, but, well, good things come to those who wait, I guess.
  • Unique Food: A brilliant resource from Atlas Obscura, collecting information about around 1500 unique foodstuffs from around the world, with images and historical info – basically if you’re curious about ‘weird stuff that people eat in places where you are not’, this is practically-perfect. I now really want to try Mad Honey.
  • Starforge: One of those occasional links whose main purpose is to make you feel small and insignificant in the face of the infinite, ineffable majesty of the cosmos (and who doesn’t need one of those every now and again to cut-through the specieshubris? NO FCUKER, etc), Starforge is a project which seeks to visualise star formations through computer-visualisation, and, honestly, were it not for the fact that I still have about half a newsletter to type (this is not writing, it is very much just typing) i would totally lose myself in the kaleidoscopic galactic soup of stellar genesis. Honestly, if you have a teenage kid who you suspect is getting into weed, send them this and know that they will secretly thank you for your understanding.
  • Atomic Rockets: This is a website which will most likely only be of interest to a very small, very specific audience of people (an audience which, I suspect, will never have heard of Web Curios and who as such is unlikely to ever find it – AND THIS IS WHY EVERYONE SHOULD READ MY FCUKING NEWSLETTER, DO YOU SEE?!?!) – those who are looking to write some hard-ish science fiction and would like to ensure that their speculative depictions of atomic spaceflight are as ‘accurate’ as possible. So if you want a bunch of information not only on the technical aspects of achieving escape velocity through nuclear fusion, but also on the practical realities of maintaining living conditions in off-planet communities (and who amongst us can honestly say they don’t?), you will be extremely well-catered for here.
  • Squirrel Dialogues: A TikTok account whose ‘thing’ is ‘a weird mishmash of leftist political discourse and self-care bromides delivered, for reasons I really don’t quite understand, by a cuddly toy squirrel’. I neither like or dislike this – I am presenting more as a general ‘why?’-type link, but if you want to overanalyse it then I might question the increasingly-odd conjunction I am tending to find between ‘serious’ consciousness-raising stuff and incredibly non-serious presentation; I wouldn’t be hugely surprised to find that by 2025, the world’s greatest authority on, say, Central European economic policy in the post-web age is someone who posts explainer videos on TikTok whilst manifesting as a megacocked dragon avatar with a glittery tail. Would that be a bad thing? I’m going to say ‘no’.
  • We’re Not Really Strangers: God, just looking at this made me get the sincerityfearsweats (they are very much a thing) – We’re Not Really Strangers is a card ‘game’ (not really a game) designed to help you ‘explore deeper conversations’ with people. So the cards function as conversational prompts designed to help you get to know each other differently / better, with questions and statements designed to elicit self-reflection amongst all parties and to lead to, I don’t know, some sort of emotional reckoning along the way. Which, fine, great, might be lovely if you’re less emotionally-stunted (read: male and English) than me, but the idea of sitting in front of someone (whether a friend, acquaintance or stranger) and saying things like “what do you think my strength is?” makes my skin want to turn itself inside out. “What does my style tell you about me?” ARE YOU TRYING TO MAKE ME CRY, CARD GAME?? Look, your mileage may vary, but this is akin to psychological warfare as far as I’m concerned.
  • Physics Simulations: Tiny simulations of How Physics Work, in simple, web1.0-styled animations. You may not find this impressive, but I could watch these things for hours, like a dog in front of a washing machine.
  • Animated Engines: A bit like the last link, but with animations of How Engines Work (which is of course a subset of physics – SCIENCE! BRANCH OF MATHS! Probably. I’m slightly-unclear, tbh). Amazingly this site contains a link in the sidebar which simply reads “You’ll also like our sister site, 507 Mechanical Movements”, which has made me happier than almost anything else so far this morning.
  • Hearing Birdsong: I think this is such a lovely project. Hearing Birdsong attempts to make the experience of having one’s hearing tested more human and less…robotic than it usually is (no idea if you’ve ever had a proper medical hearing test, but it basically involves listening to a series of mechanical bleeps at varying volumes for about 30m at a time, and is…not a lot of fun), by using an installation which plays various types of birdsong from different speakers, and invites people to wander through the installation noting what they can and can’t hear at various points. The avian warbles (#secondmentions) selected have been chosen based on their pitch and frequency to assess the health of one’s hearing in much the same way as the aforementioned mechanical bleeps, but they create a test which feels more natural and organic and more ‘real’, and therefore which create a more intimate experience for the person being tested, bringing this into the weird liminal intersection between art and science that I personally am a total sucker for. SUCH an interesting project, and a wonderful example of creative problem solving and implementation.
  • Nerdle: Are YOU a maths nerd? Are YOU someone for whom numbers are clear and simple and comprehensible and CLEAN, but for whom words are dirty and messy and confusing? Have you seen the world lose its collective sh1t over Wordle in 2022 and wished that there was something that YOU could enjoy, with your pointy, numbers-loving brain (NB – for the avoidance of doubt, Web Curios welcomes ALL readers (ish), regardless of brain shape)? Welcome, then, to Nerdle, which is Wordle but with numbers, and which each day asks you what calculation it’s thinking of. It’s simple but fiendish, not least because if you’re used to playing Wordle you can literally feel this working on a slightly different bit of your brain to that which you’re used to exercising with these puzzles (I mean it, seriously, there’s an almost physical itch/tug, or at least there is if you’re me – what do you mean my experience isn’t universal?).
  • Semantle: No thanks whatsoever to Josh for sharing this with me and making me feel VERY THICK as a result. Semantle is SO clever, and absolutely infuriating, and will be absolute catnip to you if you like words and meaning and like to think of yourself as having a reasonable grasp of both. Here’s how it works: “Each guess must be a word (of any length) or short phrase. The game will tell you how semantically similar it thinks your word is to the secret word. Unlike that other word game, it’s not about the spelling; it’s about the meaning. The similarity value comes from Word2vec. The highest possible similarity is 100 (indicating that the words are identical and you have won). For today’s secret word, the nearest word has a similarity of 81.81, the tenth-nearest has a similarity of 46.58 and the one thousandth nearest word has a similarity of 25.58. The “Getting close” indicator tells you how close you are –if your word is one of the 1,000 nearest normal words to the target word, the rank will be given (1000 is the target word itself). If your word is not one of the nearest 1000, you’re “cold”. (By “normal” words”, I mean non-capitalized words that appears in a very large English word list; there are lots of capitalized, misspelled, or obscure words that might be close but that won’t get a ranking. Those get marked with “????”). You will need more than six guesses. You will probably need dozens of guesses. There’s a new word every day, where a day starts at midnight UTC. Yesterday’s word was “patent”.” You will not feel as though this is solvable, but I promise you that it is. Eventually. After a LOT of swearing. FCUK’S SAKE, JOSH.
  • M Dot Strange: A selection of very odd little browsergames by oldschool web oddity M Dot Strange. These are ART, I promise – all of them (that I have tried, at least) require small downloads to play, but there’s such an astonishing range of creative executions and interfaces and ideas here that you will find at least one thing that inspires you, I promise.
  • Touch for Luck: Mobile-only, this, and frankly baffling. The ‘game’ is to keep touching the screen. You can move your finger around a bit – the little fish you ‘play’ as will move around as you do so – and the longer you keep touching the screen, the more ‘upgrades’ your fish will get (but they’re only cosmetic as far as I can tell), but I don’t think anything ‘happens’ beyond that – although, full disclosure, I only ‘played’ for about a minute or so, so let me know what happens when you’re been doing it for an hour, ok? Deal? GREAT!
  • Zigzag: I think this may be the hardest browsergame I have ever played. If you can last more than 10s then you are some sort of incredible brain supergod and I salute you (or, more accurately, you just have significantly better spatial awareness than I do – calm yourself, Iago, YOU’RE NOTHING SPECIAL).
  • The Night Spoke Our Names: Finally this week, a game sent my way by Curios reader Jorge (HI JORGE!) in which your goal is to amass enough resources to survive through the night. It’s not hugely well-explained, but you basically need to assign dice to various activities, choosing to manage your resources in such a way to give you the best chance of not getting gobbled up by the eldritch horrors. This is really rather good, and the music’s a nice touch too – THANKS JORGE!

By Lynn Saville



  • WatHiFi: I don’t really understand the world of high-end audiophilia AT ALL, but this Tumblr, collecting what it terms “Pseudoscientific w4nk from the pages of audiophile magazines”, suggests that I am right not to as it is all total fcuking claptrap.


  • Braun Collector: In the unlikely event that you’ve ever thought ‘Hm, what my Insta feed is really missing is the occasional picture of classically-designed Braun products, and a general celebration of the genius of Dieter Rams then this is for YOU.
  • Ilya Stallone: Ilya Stallone is an illustrator and graphic designer whose current schtick is making medieval-style drawings of modern-ish stuff. On their Insta feed you’ll find an excellent selection of brand logos redesigned as though from the pages of an illuminated manuscript and medieval reimaginings of the signs of the zodiac – this is a really nice conceit, well-executed.
  • #NoMansSkyPhotography: A hashtag, not an actual Insta account – SORRY! – which collects ‘photographs’ taken within the space exploration videogame No Man’s Sky, which has been out for…what, 6 years now, and has over a series of updates become the most incredible exploratory playground for all your 70s-styled scifi imaginings. Honestly, these are so so so so so beautiful, redolent of all those Aldiss covers from the golden age of British science fiction and, honestly, I could quite happily sack off the next two sections of this newsletter and just gaze at these for the rest of the day (but it’s 10:22am and I am making good time, so ONWARDS!).


  • Ideas Want To Be Shared: I found this piece fascinating – I will, though, caveat this with the admission that I haven’t spent anywhere near long enough thinking about the practical implications of what’s being suggested here, and that it’s entirely possible that this is all very utopian and silly and fails to take into account all sorts of questions of power and embedded privilege and the like. THAT SAID, this piece argues that the way we think about rights at the moment is stupid, and that (basically) no idea or invention should ever have ‘exclusive’ creators’ rights attached to it for longer than, at most, a few decades, at which point rights revert to the commons to allow for public exploration and exploitation of intellectual goods. I find this perspective SO appealing, though am willing to accept that that’s because I have never actually created anything in my miserable life. “A better way of accounting is to admit that all ideas and intellectual goodness is actually born from the commons and into the commons, from the pool of all that is known. That is, ideas arise from the commonwealth of all knowledge and current ideas. Without this commonwealth of knowledge, there would be no new ideas. However, if no one is rewarded for working on bringing new ideas to life, then far few would try. So even though the reward for originality is arbitrary, it is still useful. My proposal then is that we continue to award monopolies briefly on those who claim first rights (while acknowledging it is basically arbitrary). So for a brief period of time we remove this idea from the commons and bestow a monopoly upon it. The “owner” has exclusive rights for that monopoly period. But as soon as possible it is returned to the commons where great things can happen. A novel thing is born from the commons, and it is returned to the commons as soon as possible. In the meantime to encourage future creation we give it a temporarily limited monopoly. In my model, the natural home of intangibles is in the commons, as a default.” SO interesting to think about, even if you disagree entirely with the theory.
  • Crime In The Metaverse: Except not really – this would better be titled ‘morality, ethics and law in the metaverse. Still, it’s a really interesting piece that looks at how we will need to start reconceiving of ethical and moral principles, and the laws and rules which arise from them, as we start spending more time in virtual-first environments. This gains extra points for including references to seminal work of digital cultural/ethical investigation My Tiny Life, a book which I recommend on average about once every two years or so on here, and which is still, honestly, the best and most important thing you can (and should) read about ‘how stuff like the metaverse will practically function on a human/social level when you take away all the horrible grifty moneychat’.
  • Hanging NFTs: A quite spectacular piece in the WSJ, profiling some of the people who have spent big on NFT artworks and are now spending equally big (if not bigger) on ways to display said NFT art in their home via massive digital screens and displays and bespoke installations in soapstone. This is quite amusing, in a general ‘excesses of the rich and very much not famous’ sort-of way, but it also raises one or two interesting questions about what you own and how you display it – so are these digital frames displaying the works displaying the downloaded file to which the NFT links? Isn’t that a bit, well, right-clicky? And if not, could you ruin someone’s home art display by just redirecting all the URLs they bought to point at, I don’t know, clipart instead (but how would they tell the differencezzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz?)? Anyway, well done to everyone involved in the global art market for absolutely confirming my existing opinion that they are some of the biggest crooks and scammers on the planet – much as you might not like the idea, if Dali and Warhol were around now (two men who knew their way around a grift) they would TOTALLY be NFT bros. Make of that what you will (I make it ‘Dali was a hack, and Warhol is one of the worst things to happen to the 20thC’, but your mileage may vary).
  • Why Brands Are Burning NFTs: This isn’t a particularly glittering piece of prose – it’s a pretty functional explainer of how the ‘burn’ system works in NFTland and what the point of it is – but it’s a useful 101 primer on the how digital scarcity can be maintained and increased, and how brands are using this to maximise perceived rarity and, therefore, profit.
  • Gaming, Meet Crypto: If you pay any attention to the world of videogames, you’ll be aware that the industry’s attempt to ADD MORE CRYPTO to your gaming mix has largely gone down like a cup of cold sick with the people who play said games, who as yet don’t appear to have been thrilled at the prospect of the already-nakedly-avaricious publishing industry attempting eke even more pennies out of its playerbase by microtransacting every aspect of the ludic experience with FCUKING NFTs. This little piece on gaming site Rock, Paper Shotgun is a really interesting look at a ‘game’ called Mir4, which masquerades as some sort of MMORPG but which in fact is…basically just a front for a cryptomining operation? Very weird, but worth considering in the context of the 2021 buzz around Axie Infinity and the idea of ‘paid to play’ gaming (clue: there is very little ‘play’ involved).
  • Money As A Hobby: This piece in Vox neatly articulates something I have been trying and failing to articulate for much of the past few weeks about crypto – specifically, the idea of ‘money or the act of making it as a substitute for a personality’ being basically the underpinning credo of the whole scene. It’s not just crypto, of course – it’s sports betting, and slots – but whatever flavour of ‘fun’ you choose, the base-level reality is the same, and that is that it is just about the money, money as an end in itself, money as scorecounter for…bragging rights? Club membership? Belonging? If I were of the generation that grew up with Pokemon, I would probably try and make some sort of lame ‘capitalism is evolving’-type gag – imagine that I did, and imagine that it succeeded better than my allusion to it did.
  • Supreme Is Dead: Or at least, according to this piece, it’s dying. An interesting look at how to kill a brand through overexposure, which I was reminded of yesterday when my girlfriend sent me a picture of the outside of ‘Gordon Ramsey Street Burger’ somewhere in London, covered in scaffolding and looking like the sort of place where hope goes to have its last, miserable meal before topping itself.
  • Tech and the Winter Olympics: A look at five of the technologies being used to deliver the Winter Olympics in China – the angle here in Rest of World is predictably dystopian (and, you know, they’re right! A lot of this is really bleak!), but it’s more interesting to me to imagine what versions of this stuff we’re going to see repackaged and sold to us as ‘convenient modern innovations’ when delivered by the private sector, as opposed to the intrusive apparatus of state control we’re currently seeing them described as. Perspectives, perspectives.
  • Gender and Language: A fascinating piece of dataviz reporting by Reuters, which looks at how different languages use gender in different ways, and how the gender of the speaker or subject changes words and sentence structure, and how that in turn shapes thought and social mores. Honestly brilliant, not only presentationally but in the way it makes you think about how language is EVERYTHING (thanks Ludwig).
  • Salsa Inglesa: A lovely essay from Vittles, about Salsa Inglesa – Worcestershire Sauce, if you’re not Mexican, which has inexplicably become an immensely-popular condiment in Mexico, sold under a number of non Lea & Perrins brandnames. This piece looks at how this came to pass, the different recipes that have flourished as Mexico has made it its own, and is in general just a great read about the ways in which food travels and culture subsumes. Vittles is 100% one of the best magazines in the world right now, and a proper modern publishing success story – I would call it heartwarming were mine not so icy.
  • Uploading: You may remember a wonderful piece of short fiction I featured last year, called ‘Lena’, which used the stylings of an academic paper to tell the (incredibly fcuking bleak) story about what happened to the first ever human consciousness to be successfully uploaded and made replicable – if you don’t, go and read it now. GO ON. Right, now you’ve done that, click the main link and read this explainer/reappraisal by its author, which reflects on some of the reactions to the piece and which takes the trouble to explain the light allegory at the heart of the original – “The reason “Lena” is a concerning story isn’t that one day we may be able to upload one another and when that happens we will do terrible things to those uploads. This isn’t a discussion about what if, about whether an upload is a human being or should have rights. (I want to be abundantly clear: within the fictional context of “Lena”, uploads definitely are human beings, and therefore automatically, inalienably, have rights.) This is about appetites which, as we are all uncomfortably aware, already exist within human nature. Upload technology is not the last missing piece of this.”
  • After Me Too: This is a fascinating and slightly-depressing article. You may not remember the story of Eric Schneiderman, one of the flagship US ‘me too’ cases – he was New York’s attorney general, and he also enjoyed having not-particularly-consensual rough sex with women – but this piece looks at what happened when his friend, Anna Graham Hunter, sought to take him to task for his actions and make him really, properly take responsibility for his actions. It’s likely that, whoever you are, this will make you quite annoyed – the endless therapytalk, for me, set my teeth on edge, but for you it might be Schneiderman’s wholly-unsatisfying ‘redemption ark’, or the question of who this is all being done for – but you will also find it raising interesting considerations about restorative justice and how it can or should work, and whether it’s even appropriate for stuff like this, and whether, frankly, this is all just rich, white person stuff (the ‘redemption’ bit, to be clear, not the idea of ‘me too’) and these people should all just fcuk off a bit. Hard to tell.
  • Joel Goes To The Brit Awards: Joel Golby gets a K-list experience at the Brit Awards. Look, I’ll just repeat what I said on Twitter: “It feels pointless sharing Joel’s stuff as you all read it anyway, but this is excellent, partly because it’s in the second person (which I am a sucker for) and partly because it could double as the dictionary definition of ‘premium mediocre’” Annoyingly good, as ever, the bstard.
  • Happy Hour of the Wolf: A short vignette about a guy cruising another guy at a bar in New York, and what happens next, by Michael Narkunski. I really, really like the style here, maybe you will too.
  • She Used to Sing Opera: A beautiful and heartbreaking essay about what it’s like letting go of something that you have used to define who you are for so long you’ve forgotten what shape you used to be (if you see what I mean). Imogen Crimp used to want to be a professional opera singer, but she’s no longer trying – this is so, so good, all about failure and acceptance and self-awareness and how we use the idea of vocations to build a space for ourselves and and and and. Superb.
  • AI Oblique Strategies: Finally this week, something that is almost PERFECT (to me, at least). “A free pdf (included as a bonus item after you download the audio, which is simply a minute of silence) of A.I. generated texts I derived from the Oblique Strategies card deck by Brian Eno and Peter Schmidt. I took each Oblique Strategies instruction and fed it as a prompt into two different auto text-generation models, EleutherAI and DeepAI, and each model triggered texts in response. Juxtaposed with the original Oblique Strategy, the results constitute a kind of surrealist, virtual automatic writing, more like poetry than something intended to guide the recording process as the cards were meant to do. They’re admittedly somewhat subversive, albeit in an intriguing way; but at the same time, the A.I. Oblique Strategies also parallel the generative music pioneered by Eno, only using text rather than audio.” This is by one Alan Licht and, honestly, this is so so so so so beautiful and magical and poetic and weird and nonsensical, and I urge you to download the PDF and check it out. Honestly, it could function as a fcuking I-Ching it’s that good.

By Christine Wang


Webcurios 04/02/22

Reading Time: 32 minutes

I know I always say this, but it really has been a long week. My grandmother died on Wednesday, and so I found myself organising a funeral in doublequicktime (36h from last-breath to oven! They don’t hang around in Italy when it comes to this sort of thing, turns out) – we’ve also had the slightly surreal post-mortem tradition of ‘keeping the body in the flat til it’s time for the funeral’, which leads to these occasionally-curious moments when you emerge from the bathroom without a care in the world and then suddenly catch sight of your dead relative lying there as though it was nothing. Odd.

Anyway, that’s by way of preamble to my saying that once again you’ll have to do without my PITHY OPINIONS on the state of the world as I have stuff I need to get on with. This edition of Web Curios is dedicated to my late grandmother Angela Clerici, who lived to 102 and taught me several things – not least that, on balance, you really don’t want to live to 102. Buon riposo, nonna, spero che ti sei sbagliata e sei finita in paradiso anziche’ il posto che temavi.

I am still Matt, this is still Web Curios, and rest assured that my grandmother would be as bemused by all this crap as you all probably are.

By Casey Weldon



  • Dinner Party: Despite the seeming inevitability of The Robots and The AIs stealing all our jobs, there have to date been some professions that have seemed out of reach of their horrible, grasping, non-human…hands? Claws? Anyway, it’s generally been a point of consensus when talking about labour automation that whilst it might not be great long-term news for, say, long distance lorry drivers and people working in retail, if you’re a CREATIVE you will be fine. Dinner Party proves that this might not always be true of entertainment production – it’s a (sadly seeminglycurrently on-hiatus) Twitch stream which…oh, look, here: “dinnerparty is a multi-model narrative production platform that allows content creators to easily ‘seed’ dialogue, audio and visuals that generate the most strangely compelling content in real-time that can be used to showcase what’s it’s like to co-create with machines.” Basically what that means in normal language is a sort-of talkshow, scripted by AI and effectively involving machines talking nonsense to each other, with simple CG avatars acting out the dialogue (‘acting’ is a bit of a stretch, fine, but let’s be generous) – to be clear, the output is a baffling mess of nearly-but-not-quite coherent dialogue, which seems to run the gamut from Judge Judy-style courtroom scenes in which feuding lovers seek redress to a skit in which various characters from slasher films have arguments about travel arrangements. Is it…good? No, not in any accepted sense of the word that you’d usually use to describe an entertainment – but it is an interesting idea, and watching the last few videos back there’s something rather nice about the semi-improv-adjacent way in which the chat reacts with the ‘show’, and generally it feels like there’s the germ of an idea in this. All-AI stuff is just too abstract and nonsensical to work, but having an AI ‘character’ as a prompt-generator for talkshows, to add a bit of unpredictability to a conversation. How much better would, say, Graham Norton’s chatshow be if there was an additional guest on the sofa, an AI which occasionally injected a note of surreal surprise into otherwise-bland celebrity puff-interviews by asking things like “Have you ever rimmed a stoat, James Corden?”? INFINITELY BETTER.
  • Narrative Device: More fun with AI, this time GPT-3 – this is a GREAT toy which neatly demonstrates how incredibly powerful (and at least superficially-impressive) the current best-in-class written AI can be. Built by Phd student Rodolfo Ocampo, this is super-simple – give the site a couple of elements you want it to include in a story fragment or writing prompt, press a button and BINGO! It spits out a short passage created entirely from scratch JUST FOR YOU, from the ‘mind’ (not a mind) of the machine. So, to give you a flavour for how it works, inputting ‘pigeons’ and ‘submarines’ spits out “Across the harbor, pigeons cooed and flapped their wings as they pecked at the ground. Beneath the harbor’s surface, submarines hummed as they cruised through the water.” By contrast, ‘urine’ and ‘yodelling’ (two things that I would imagine most people struggling to automatically link in a coherent sentence, though perhaps that’s just a crippling lack of imagination on my part) just gave me “Urine and yodelling are two things that seem to go hand in hand. Some people say that urine is the perfect medium for yodelling because it has a high concentration of salt and other minerals. Others say that yodelling is just a cheap way to get attention.” LOADS of fun, but also a reminder (just in case you needed one) that if your job involves churning out shovelware content copy then you might want to start getting used to the idea that you’ll be out of a job as soon as software like this hits its next iteration.
  • United Microkingdoms: This site accompanies a forthcoming exhibition at London’s Design Museum, focusing on the idea of design fictions and presenting an imagined, parallel version of the UK arranged around four key sociopolitical groups: “The United Micro Kingdoms (UmK) is divided into four super-shires inhabited by Digitarians, Bioliberals, Anarcho-evolutionists and Communo-nuclearists. Each county is an experimental zone, free to develop its own form of governance, economy and lifestyle. These include neoliberalism and digital technology, social democracy and biotechnology, anarchy and self-experimentation and communism and nuclear energy. The UmK is a deregulated laboratory for competing social, ideological, technological and economic models.” This is GREAT – properly well-imagined world building, with artefacts and aesthetics for each, and I now quite want to pick a tribe and go and live in this adjacent UK and make fun of the anarcho-evolutionists. Seriously, this would make SUCH a cool film or inevitably-disappointing 12-part Netflix adaptation.
  • Cyberspace and Time: I can’t wholly pretend that I understand what is going on here, but I think that’s ok and slightly by-design. This is by one Michael Leonard from California, and I can’t really do much more than encourage you to click the link and click once again on the ‘click here’ hyperlink and just sort of…click and wander and wonder. It’s basically a an operating system working within a browser, but with a lot of functionality and a seemingly-active chatroom, and, honestly, WHY, MICHAEL, WHY? I very much enjoy the intensely-cryptic answer to the ‘What Is This Website?’ section of the FAQ, which reads: “This by far is the most common question asked, and I have to say that the answer to that comes with a bit of a struggle for me.  I find it a challenge even when I know my audience.  I don’t know whom will be reading this, and it is impossible for me to know what they / you already know, but I will do my best to be clear and as precise as possible.  In short, this website is an embed player to some, while it’s a nostalgic operating system themed site to others.  This place plays and organizes Youtube embeds for a large number of guests that land here, while at the same time, there has been a growing number of people that do click on things to explore, and they do find more.” YES THAT’S RIGHT THEY DO FIND MORE. Honestly, this is for some reason giving me incredibly-sinister vibes, but I am sure it’s all perfectly innocent. Probably.
  • Moonfall: The second piece of marketing I’ve featured for apparently-terrible disaster film Moonfall (the first, of course, having been this pleasing spoof site all about how we’re all going to die crushed by a falling lump of spacerock) – I don’t think they were aiming specifically for the ‘middle-aged webmong’ demographic, but on the offchance that that is exactly what they were doing then kudos to their marketing team. Anyway, this is a NEW PROMOTIONAL SITE for the movie which I am featuring because it’s literally the most joyless and miserable use of AR I have yet seen. What magical things can YOU think of building, if you were making an augmented-reality experience that let you place an interactive model of the moon in virtual space? Some sort of, I don’t know, STUFF HAPPENING? Given that the film is apparently all about what happens when the moon comes careening towards the Earth at speed, at the very least the ability to visualise what it would be like to have your field of vision filled by a terrifying, mind-flayingly large mass of space rock before it smashes into your face and obliterates not only you but all sentient life on the planet might have been nice (‘nice’ is, fine, perhaps not exactly the right word, but you get my drift). Instead, you get a CG moon floating in space and the ability to tap on it to, er, buy tickets for the film (or you could just BUY TICKETS NORMALLY), watch some trailers (or you could just USE YOUTUBE), and, most bafflingly of all, to cause the moon model to disappointingly ‘touch’ a CG earth and subsequently split open to reveal a…giant donut. This is, basically, an astonishing waste of the time of everyone involved, and made me want to grab everyone in advermarketingpr by the lapels and scream at them to stop ruining the magic of the potential MIXED REALITY DIGITAL FUTURE by producing such miserably underwhelming crap.
  • Survive The Scream House: This, by contrast, is a lot of fun (particularly if you’ve an affection for the Scream franchise) – wander through the Scream house in an attempt to survive (SPOILER: there is, to the best of my knowledge, no actual danger of death here, so readers of a more nervous disposition should feel safe in the knowledge that they can click with impunity; although I confess to not having done multiple playthroughs and so accept no responsibility if I somehow missed an actually-murderous Easter Egg).
  • Castellocoin: I had hoped to be able to eschew the horrible world of NFS entirely this week, but this is simply too wonderfully (awfully?) preposterous to ignore. Possibly the apogee of the grift to date – and I don’t say that lightly- this is an ART PROJECT (definitely art, definitely!) which is also an UNPARALLELED INVESTMENT OPPORTUNITY, and which features, er, a golden cube! “It will be the first Coin in history to achieve its level of recognition through a unique, physical artwork, and thus will enjoy a unique position in the crypto world and the traditional world. The artwork as a symbol of the Castello Coin will position the crypto world in the traditional world and make it popular there. The Coin acts as a bridge between the traditional financial world of finance, the world of traditional forms of investment and traditional art, and the new world, the world of cryptocurrencies and the digital age. The resulting global recognition will ensure a high level of relevance and acceptance, and leads to strong trust. The Castello Coin also gets a strong emotional connection to the virtual market.” Got that? GOOD! This is so stupid, and so vulgar, and if you want to see exactly what is being ‘sold’ here then I encourage you to click this link and enjoy scrolling down to see the truly-underwhelming image showing the GOLDEN CUBE in situ at some awful, soulless dinner for plutocrats, like some sort of risible stupid person’s idea of what a billionaire’s art investment might look like. Well done everyone involved, this is awful.
  • Super Fungible Token: Possibly the best practical explanation of why the NFT thing is at heart a bit broken, Super Fungible Token is a project by Ryan Broderick and others which basically exists as a show-and-tell about the technical side of Tokens and why they are not necessarily what their buyers think they are. The idea is simple – the project has minted a single NFT, which as is their wont will exist FOREVER ON THE BLOCKCHAIN, which points to a single URL. Anyone going to the website can alter the file which the NFT links to – neatly demonstrating the fact that the NFT is nothing more than a receipt, and the digital file which the receipt links to is not in fact the subject of the purchase (if you see what I mean). ART, basically, and significantly more conceptually interesting as a project than that fcuking Castellocoin.
  • Color Museum: Own the spectrum, ON THE BLOCKCHAIN! Yes, in another spectacular instance of ‘people in the NFT space selling stuff to idiots who don’t understand the concept of rights and usage and ownership’, this is a project which is selling NFTs of every single colour imaginable (or at least every 10,000 colours – they’re only minting that many, because SCARCITY). “OWN THE BUILDING BLOCKS OF THE METAVERSE!”, chirps the sales pitch, neglecting of course to do much in the way of explaining how purchasing an NFT which currently points to an RGB hex can in any way be said to confer ownership rights over an actual colour and its eventual usage in hitherto-unimagined digital space. Still, if you want to shell out a few grand to grant yourself access to a future of potentially-endless and very expensive legal litigation as to why Mark Zuckerberg owes you billions for the right to continue to use ‘fuschia’ in the metaverse then, well, HERE YOU GO!
  • Right Click Save: Potentially-interesting if you’re in the market for more reading around The State of NFTs, this is a new online journal which, it says here, “is a new online magazine that seeks to drive critical conversation about art on the blockchain.” Fine, it’s part of “ClubNFT, a company that seeks to make it easier to discover, protect, and share NFTs” which means I have one or two doubts about how, er, critical this is in fact likely to be, but if you’re curious about the space then this looks like it might be another interesting resource to add to your RSS feeds
  • Thursday: You may have thought that there were no remaining dating gimmicks for the apps to explore, but you would be WRONG – here comes a new variant, Thursday, whose EXCITING NEW SPIN on finding love in the digital badlands is thus: it only works on Thursdays. Yes, that’s right, the solution to ghosting, breadcrumbing, unwanted cockpics and the general misery of selling an idealised version of yourself through other people’s phones is to only do it for 24h a week, thereby compressing all that self-doubt and anxiety into one high-octane stretch. There’s something broadly interesting about this from the point of view of ‘the third wave of digital experiences’ – apps which accept that we might not want to spend EVERY SINGLE WAKING SECOND stuck to them and which prioritise deeper engagement over longer engagement – and I think there’s something in the idea of creating very time-specific or limited services like this, but equally the comments on the Play Store suggest that not everyone’s enamoured of the idea. Special mention to the user complaining that the app is ‘not great for people who work late on Thursdays’ for seemingly spectacularly failing to read the smallprint on what it’s all about.
  • Unicode Arrows: A website dedicated to celebrating the least-loved of all the emoji, the unicode arrows. Want some Unicode Arrow-themed jewellery? YES OF COURSE YOU FCUKING WELL DO! Not 100% certain there will be that many takers for the $1800 sculpture they’re peddling, but you might like the necklaces if you’re a particular flavour of codenerd.
  • FilmSwears: One of the few pleasing things about my time in Italy has been the way that, as my Italian has become more fluent, my speech has changed to become morelike how I talk in English – to whit, absolutely littered with profanity. I do like swearing, which perhaps explains my affection for this bit of dataanalysis which looks at all the Oscar winning films since the 1930s and tracks how many of what sort of swears they contained. I was SHOCKED to discover that there were films in the 30s which had PROPER SWEARING in them (people in black and white didn’t say ‘fcuk’, surely?) – overall, this is a fascinating overview of changing social and linguistic mores, and a neat way of tracing attitudinal shifts to language; 1975 was a watershed year for the volume of swears, for example, and I would love to read something explaining why.
  • Earth and the Moon: A library of pictures of the Earth and Moon, hosted by the Planetary Society. Every single one of these is incredible and will make you feel very small and insignificant – and, if you’re me, will give you a brief pang of sadness at the fact that, unless I make a frankly-improbably amount of cash in the increasingly-short time before I shuffle off this mortal coil or develop an even-more-unlikely friendship with Bezos, I am never going to space. MAKE SPACEFLIGHT FREE FOR ALL! Is my unlikely electoral platform for 2025.
  • Namers: Launch a startup? In this economy? Still, if you’re the sort of thrusting, entrepreneurial individual whose BUSINESS ambitions simply cannot be contained, and if you have EVERYTHING you need to create the world-besting venture of the future but ALL you are missing is the name, then welcome to your salvation. Namers is a site offering a succession of names for as-yet-nonexistent businesses, with associated urls, for what they assure you are LOW, LOW PRICES. There’s not a lot of reassurance that I can find on the site that they’ve actually done the global research required to ensure that these names aren’t in fact already being used somewhere – who knows whether Skyk, say, is already a successful satellite dish fitting outfit in Uzbekistan, for example? – but if you’re willing to take a punt then such bounty as the brand and website for can be yours for as little as, er, $2.9m (don’t worry, though, it’s actually worth over $4m, according to the site, so, y’know, bargain!). More than anything, though, this is a near-perfect source of made-up business names for your next fiction project – so many of these sound perfect for the role of ‘sinister megacorp in near-future dystopian parable’. Tell me ‘Crazox’ doesn’t sound like a terrible, exploitative nightlife megacorp from a Paul Verhoeven-imagined vision of 2077, for example.
  • The Art of Luca: Another wonderful collection of concept art and sketches from a recent animated film, made freely available online, this time for Pixar’s (slightly-underwhelming but very cutely-Italianate) Luca – this is so, so lovely, and as per the Mitchells vs Machines one from the other week, is a wonderful resource for anyone interested in worldbuilding and character design and basically the whole process of creating and fleshing out a fictional environment.
  • Your World of Text: The id of the world, in one url. This is one of those occasional projects that crop up which basically present an infinite blank canvas for anyone who fancies to scrawl on – except here you don’t draw, you type. Which means that scrolling in any direction will throw up messages and screeds and insults and massive chunks of copypasta and profanity and political debate and lots of poor-quality ascii art and, oh god, this is PERFECT INTERNET. Obviously given the nature of the project there’s a high probability you’ll stumble across something profane and offensive, so caveat emptor as ever applies, but in the main it’s been pleasingly hatespeech-free – I appreciate you might not all agree, but I find this endlessly-fascinating in a proper human zoo sort of way.
  • Footy Scran: A Twitter account which shares images of food bought and consumed at the various football grounds across the length and breadth of England. Come for the terrible pints in plastic glasses, each sadder and flatter than the last; stay for the occasional crimes against sausage, and the occasional sighting of the wigan kebab (a pie in a buttered roll, for the ignorant).

By QuimmyShimmy



  • Chill Subs: If you write for a living – or alternatively if you’d like to write more, and would like to publish said writing, and would like a resource to help you find places who might do so – then this is a potentially super-useful site. “There are too many magazines out there, and that’s pretty damn overwhelming. You look at all those rules, response times, read thousands of issues to find the right fit for yourself, and you still have no idea how to choose which piece goes where (and when), so you end up not submitting anywhere at all. Which is stupid. You obviously want to be famous and accomplished and sexy, that’s why you have to submit at least something. chill subs is here to help with that. We’ll give you some very nice search tools and cool details about each magazine (basic stuff, strength/weaknesses, examples of what they publish, contributors info).” If you’re desperately searching for the perfect outlet to whom to pitch your seminal piece “No Chill, No Vibes, No Hope – Why NihilCore Is GenAlpha’s Siren Song” (NO I THOUGHT OF IT FIRST, HANDS OFF!) then this is probably a decent place to start.
  • New Models: Someone said to me recently that we were probably due a new New Aesthetic, seeing as is over a decade old now and stuff has moved on a bit.  New Models is an interesting-looking online…magazine? Community? THERE’S A PATREON! – which explores the intersection of digital and physical culture and how the two interrelate, though essays and podcasts and little pieces of audio that are halfway between plays and documentaries, and whilst it’s all a bit fragmented and messy there’s a lot of interesting stuff here if you can be bothered to dig, touching on influencer culture and THE DIGITAL FUTURE and How Stuff Affects Us, and whilst it’s all very art school (sorry, but) it’s worth reading if digital culture and the reporting  thereof is sort of your ‘thing’.
  • TV Dictionary: An interesting collection of videos here, which take a single word as the defining characteristic of a film or TV series and take a minute or so to demonstrate exactly how said entertainment embodies said concept. So, for example, you get a 100s selection of clips explaining exactly why the word most emblematic of the TV series ‘Dexter’ is in fact ‘regular’, illustrated with clips from the programme overlaid with the various dictionary definitions of the term. Which, ok, fine, I realise isn’t the most compelling description in the world, but there’s something interesting in the way this series of short films tells a story and pushes an idea or theme through pointed use of clips with sparing text; basically if you’re interested in visual storytelling (and, in fact, storytelling in general) then I think there’s something useful in this.
  • The Breuer Archive: “The Marcel Breuer Digital Archive represents a collaborative effort headed by Syracuse University Libraries to digitize over 70,000 drawings, photographs, letters and other materials related to the career of Marcel Breuer, one of the most influential architects and furniture designers of the twentieth century. The first phase of this NEH-funded project culminated in the UNESCO headquarters designed by Breuer in the mid-1950s. The second phase of the project was committed to the digitization of materials related to the second half of his career (1953-1981). The Marcel Breuer Digital Archive is now providing access to over 120,000 digital images covering the whole of the life’s work of Marcel Breuer.” Fine, you’re probably only going to get the most out of this if you’re an architect or a student of architecture, or if you’ve a particular affinity to any of the buildings Breuer worked on in his career, but Web Curios always likes to live in hope that one day such people will stumble across it, and as such links like these are basically a present for some imagined future readership that will almost certainly never arrive.
  • These Birds Do Not Exist: I know that ‘this x does not exist’ websites are very 2021 (although weirdly I found this one for horses this week, which saw me clicking refresh repeatedly for a few minutes as I tried to find an AI-created equine with the correct complement of limbs), but this is a lovely Twitter thread in which Daniel Solis presents a bunch of illustrations of birds which he obtained by training an AI on a bunch of illustrations of birds from old ornithology textbooks. These, and the names he’s given to them (who wouldn’t fall immediately in love with a bird known as the Flagrant Scofflaw, for example?) are just perfect.
  • Muted: “A magical collection of interactive music theory tools & visual reference pages for musicians and music producers”. Fine, the ‘magical’ bit is intensely-subjective but this is objectively a super-useful bunch of tools and toys to help you learn about musical theory, all created by one person called, apparently, ‘Seb’. THANKS SEB! This is great – there’s all sorts of bits and pieces in here, from tools to help you identify specific chords, to sequencer presets to help you make beautiful music, and basically if you’re interested in How Music Works and How To Make It Less Badly, Maybe, Than You Currently Do, this could be a fun way of learning.
  • The Gallery of Physical Visualisations: “What are physical visualisations?” I hear you all cry as one – basically what this means is ‘ways of attempting to illustrate concepts using physical analogues of said concepts’, basically dataviz IN REAL LIFE! Which, on reflection, probably isn’t any clearer. Still, this is a really interesting collection of images of ways in which people have over the course of history sought to illustrate complex concepts via the medium of, say, sculpture, or, in the case of one particular visualisation from 1920 which seeks to represent time, via the medium of a ball of yarn (which, look, might be a brilliant and revelatory way of explaining the concept of ‘past’ and ‘future’, but which sounds to me like EXACTLY the sort of thing you think very deeply about after One Bong Hit Too Many).
  • Skybot: If you’re unlucky enough to live under a flightpath, you have a number of coping strategies available to you – resignation, where you simply accept that your life is going to be marred by noise pollution and you just suck it up; retaliation, where you attempt to take revenge on the endless fcuking planes with one of those nifty shoulder-mounted rocketlaunchers you see in videogames (not recommended, and likely short-lived); or DIGITAL ART, where, like the person behind this website, you use your technical chops to create a setup which takes a photo of every single fcuking plane that pierces the otherwise-blissful calm of the skies above your home. No real purpose to this, just how we like it, but it’s fascinating to me that you can just automate the identification of planes at a distance of 30,000 feet using just an (admittedly fancy) camera, a raspberry pi and some publicly-available datasets.
  • Make Front End Sh1t Again: An ethos we can all get behind, this site basically harks back to the days when websites all looked like Geocities and you could properly mess with stuff as a designer and it was, well, fun. The site itself is more a manifesto than anything, but it contains an EXCELLENT bank of links to a whole host of sites that embody the particular aesthetic that’s here being espoused. Stuff like THIS, which may well be the most perfect site I have seen all year (fine, it’s February, but still).
  • TikTok Investors: The agency that inexplicably continues to pay me for some of my time (honestly, it’s astonishing – it’s getting to the stage now where I wonder whether people only employ me as some sort of masochistic or purgative exercise, or maybe as some sort of professional penance for previously-committed sins, as it’s unlikely to be because of my sunny disposition and Stakhanovite work ethic) has a couple of financial services clients, and I have gotten SO BORED of pointing out to various people adjacent to the accounts that maybe they might want to look at doing something around protecting young, nakedly-capitalistic morons desperate to MAKE BANK from the absolute AVALANCE of terrible, ill-conceived FIRE-adjacent FS advice which TikTok has been absolutely lousy for for about a year now. Seeing as none of them seem to want to listen to me (who knows why, given what an evidently wonderful person I am to work with!) I am telling you instead – there is a SUPER EASY WIN HERE, creating stuff that acts as a counter to the frankly mental ‘get rich quick’ rubbish being peddled left, right and centre. TikTok Investors is a Twitter account sharing some of the best (read: worst, most stupid) financial advice videos out there from children claiming to have found A GLITCH IN THE STOCK MARKET (no, really) which if exploited will DEFINITELY net you millions in minutes and other such plausible-sounding financial loopholes. Another observation about this – at some point in the past few years, dominant social media behaviour literally became ‘making stuff up for attention and clicks’, like we’ve all become that kid at school who DEFINITELY had a girlfriend but she’s in another school so that’s why they never see her, and whose brother got a PS6 in Japan but you can’t come round because he’s actually on tour right now with Yungblood.
  • Divorcist: One of the main problems with The Way We Live now is that there simply aren’t enough occasions on which we’re encouraged to buy more tat we neither want nor need to keep the flywheel of capitalist endeavour whirring away at optimal speed. Thank God, then, for the NEW TREND coming at us fast from the US (where else?), which sees GIFT LISTS TO CELEBRATE DIVORCES becoming a ‘thing’. “Divorcist is the first gift registry that caters to people going through breakups, separation, divorce, and beyond. We help the newly-single build a circle of support so they can start over better than before. We’ve curated a list of products for the newly-single shopper. We work with brands based in the USA and Canada with a preference for independent and woman-owned businesses. We ship straight to our users with as little markup as possible. Our product list is always growing but if you can’t find what you’re looking for you can always create a cash fund. We got you!” I’m leaving this here for all of you who need things like this to put in your presentations about coming trends, so you can look all zeitgeisty, but know that I am judging you as you do so – please can you not make this a thing, please?
  • Lyrikline: “Listen to the poets”, runs the strapline to this site, and frankly given The Way Things Are Right Now perhaps that’s not a terrible idea. Here, though, it’s ‘listen to the poets’ in the sense of ‘hear audio recordings of poets reading their work in a dizzying array of languages’ – “lyrikline is an international website for experiencing the diversity of contemporary poetry. Here you can listen to the melodies, sounds, and rhythms of international poetry, recited by the authors themselves, and read the poems both in their original languages and various translations. This project from the Literaturwerkstatt Berlin and its partners has established itself as an online cultural project, making poetry accessible and understandable for all, above and beyond national borders and language barriers.” This has apparently existed for over two decades, and I am very late to the party, but it is a wonderful resource and it briefly reminded me this week how lovely it is to hear poetry performed, and how it takes on a different life when spoken aloud.
  • Intangible Cultural Heritage: This is wonderful – a list of things that UNESCO considers to be ‘important elements of cultural heritage worth safeguarding’. So things like ‘Sauna Culture in Finland’, ‘beekeeping practice in Tajikistan’ and the utterly-mysterious ‘Wine Horses’. Everything on the list is clickable so you can find out more information if you so desire, and, honestly, if you’re at that stage of the year when you start to think ‘no, that’s it, I simply cannot take another 11 months of pointless powerpoint and morons repeating the word ‘strategy’ over and over again despite being singularly incapable of defining what the fcuk they think that word might actually mean’ (this is how everyone feels about their working lives, right?) and you start instead to contemplate the glorious prospect of quitting and selling up and spending your dwindling pot of remaining cash exploring the vast majesty of human endeavour and creation, this isn’t bad place to start thinking of where you might want to go and what you might want to see. Honestly, ‘pick something that sounds interesting from this list and then go and check it out’ is a pretty decent travelplanning technique imho.
  • 30 Dollar Website: Another browser-based synthtoy, but a very silly one which features a bunch of sounds and samples from various videogame properties which you can combine in a near-infinite variety of cacophonous soundscapes. It’s unlikely you’ll make anything particularly good with this, but I guarantee it will sound…different, and moderately-schizophrenic).
  • AI Hexcrawl: A Twitter bot which spits out “Curated RPG hexcrawl locations and encounters generated by GPT transformer models which then serve as prompts for AI pixel art” – which is a technical way of saying that this showcases small, AI generated bits of pixelart which are themselves based on AI generated descriptions of the sorts of things that might happen in a roleplaying game. Basically, if you want a bunch of cute, pixellated illustrations of the sort of vignettes you might get in fantasy novels or games then MERRY CHRISTMAS.
  • My Wordle: Obviously the word game is now OVER, what with its acquisition by The Man (also, WELL DONE the person who made it; genuinely happy that they have been able to make moderately-lifechanging bank out of something that literally millions of people have enjoyed, and here’s to the occasional glory of selling out – after all, the tragedy is never selling out, it’s trying to sell out and finding that noone, in fact, is buying), so here’s a version which lets you make your VERY OWN bespoke puzzles featuring whatever word you choose, which you can there share with anyone you like via a unique URL which will let them attempt to solve your fiendish wordconundrum. If you want a slightly-involved way of insulting your friends – or a slightly-twee but admittedly geekily-cute way of proposing to someone, this is it.
  • Bloodborne PSX: PS4 classic Bloodborne, remade as though it was an original Playstation title with the blocky polygonal graphics and muddy palettes you half-remember from stoned afternoons in the mid-90s. You need to download this, fine, but if you have even a shred of affection for the original then this is a must-play; and even if you don’t, this is a very fun way of spending a few hours.
  • Loderunner: Last up this week, this is a PROPER classic – a game from 1983, now playable in-browser so you can travel back in time and feel really glad that you  weren’t born into an era in which this was the pinnacle of interactive electronic entertainment. Loderunner is a simple game – pick up the square things, avoid the humanoid things – but the digging mechanic (you’ll see what I mean) makes this a surprisingly-thinking little platform-puzzler, and, face it, it’s not like you’ve anything better to be doing whilst at ‘work’, so.

By Adriana Varejao




  • Sh1t and Old: Thanks Rina for this – an Insta feed, newish and only featuring a few images to date, sharing stylised graphics about OLD PEOPLE THINGS – fig rolls, and hating NFTs, and back pain. I really like this and hope it continues.
  • Lord, Give Me A Sign: Street signs of New York. About as New York as it is possible to imagine, including such highlights as someone who has taken the trouble to plant tiny little flags in pavement dogturds which feature the legend ‘my owner is a selfish piece of sh1t’, and the stellar ‘how do mems work i need to get them on my personal computer’. Americans really do do urban street oddness better than the English.
  • AC Disneyland: Recreating Disney scenes in Animal Crossing, just like it’s still 2020 and we’re really getting into banana bread. These are quietly amazing


  • Varoufakis vs Crypto: Sorry, sorry, sorry. Still, this is, I promise, another really interesting piece from Evgeny Morosov’s Crypto Syllabus project, seeing him in discussion with former Greek finance minister and professional Voldemort impersonator Yannis Varoufakis (who, I appreciate, is something of a divisive character, but I promise is relatively restrained in this piece) about the economics behind web3 and crypto. This gets quite technical in places, and I don’t pretend that my knowledge of economic theory is so comprehensive that parts of this didn’t have me reaching for the explanatory textbooks, but this is a really interesting (and, overall, surprisingly-readable discussion about what sort of economic models crypto can enable, and the extent to which it may or may not be something genuinely revolutionary or whether it is in fact Just Another Flavour of Capitalism (I’ll leave you to guess where lovable Yannis ends up on that score). Lest we forget, Varoufakis was Valve’s economist before attaining celebrity superstar economicsgod status and so is one of the few people currently around who it feels has a legitimate right to comment on the likely macro- and microeconomic implications of digital economies.
  • The NFT Ecosystem Is A Complete Disaster: But you know that, right? This is a very good overview in VICE about all the reasons why the current NFT world is such a total fcuking mess – the piece is particularly good at making clear that it’s not a question of having a problem with the concept of NFTs per se, and more about the fact that, even if you think that they are The Future, or even A future, it’s impossible to look at how they are currently being packaged and peddled without thinking ‘this is just fcuking crooked all the way down, isn’t it?’. Or at least it’s impossible if you’re a) not a moron; or b) not one of the people with a vested interest in persuading as many people as possible that it is not in fact crooked at all and is instead an EXCELLENT investment opportunity.
  • Content Provenance and Authority: Ok, this is VERY dry and VERY technical and I don’t for a second imagine that anyone will actually go through this and read it all (I sure as fcuk didn’t, to be clear) – that said, it is a super-interesting project. “The Coalition for Content Provenance and Authenticity (C2PA) addresses the prevalence of misleading information online through the development of technical standards for certifying the source and history (or provenance) of media content.” – basically this webpage sets out the principles and design elements behind a nascent system which is designed to enable content to have a permanent record of its creation and edits made to it, thereby in theory allowing for factchecking and provenance determination to be baked into images and video, for example, which would allow reporters to assess exactly when content was made and how it has subsequently been altered.
  • Vibe, Mood, Energy: This is a really interesting article about VIBES and MOODS – not the first such thing I’ve read about the concept of ‘vibes’ as a sort of ur-signifier Of Our Times, but one of the better-written and more interesting. There’s loads in here to unpack, and if you’re a cultural semiotician (aren’t we all darling?) then you will find this rich with stuff to refer to in endless beautiful-yet-oddly-flat-and-empty presentations – my personal favourite takeaway from this, though, is the idea of all this talk of ‘vibes’ and ‘energies’ as a human attempt to make sense of and come to terms with a society increasingly mediated by algorithms which we don’t understand and which move us and structure society in ways which are familiar-but-eerily-uncanny (which, now I write it down, does actually strike me as A Genuine Thing).
  • Artificial Animals: Or ‘how we might want to consider thinking about non-human intelligences’, with particular reference to how we define ‘sentience’ – it looks at the ‘Sentientism’ movement which seeks to define ‘sentience’ as being a quality applicable to any entity that could be said to ‘experience’ things, a definition which would extend the concept of sentience not only to animals but also, potentially, to the sorts of machine intelligences we can already halfway-imagine. This is great, properly-chewy moral philosophical stuff: “Perhaps moral status shouldn’t be dependent on properties like consciousness, the capacity for reason, or the capacity for suffering—since sentient machines, like animals, are likely to experience the world differently than us, possibly in ways we won’t understand. While traditional moral philosophy tends to be written from the point of view of privileged insiders choosing, benevolently, to extend rights to others, in this social-relational approach, as the scholar David J. Gunkel  writes, “what the entity is does not determine the degree of moral value it enjoys.” Instead, the very existence of the other—be it meat or machine—interrupts our own sense of moral superiority. How we choose to behave in relation to this other is a test of us, not them. The question is not only Can they suffer? It’s also: Do we want to cause suffering?”
  • On ‘Plant Based’: Or, alternatively, ‘how marketers and advertisers basically ruin language and make everything meaningless’. This essay examines the use of the term ‘plant based’ in terms of the marketing and sale of vegan food, and how it’s basically now become utterly meaningless as a designator for anything at all due to its flagrant over/misuse by tens of thousands of bullsh1t products chasing the clean eating pound.
  • The Internet Dealers of Rural Mexico: I love stuff like this, lifting the lid on How Life Works in parts of the world I know nothing about. In Mexico, turns out, in parts of the country where the big telecoms companies and internet providers don’t extend, or where many residents are too poor to buy access from the big providers, there’s a cottage industry of people selling access to the web for 40p an hour. We’re in a weird hinterland period at present – in…some years (I was about to try and make a prediction but realised I have literally no idea whatsoever about the sort of timescales that might be involved here) there will be a baseline level of free (or close to free) web access in most parts of the world, but until that point comes there will be all sorts of weird little edge-cases like this, not-so-tiny economies operating on the fringes of the modern world, grubbily Gibsonian (tell me that the image of a slightly-dusty concrete house in blazing sun, with a small taqueria nextdoor, from which access to the web is peddled for $0.50 an hour to anyone who wants it, no questions asked, isn’t pure ‘the future isn’t quite as evenly distributed as we’d like it to be’ vibes).
  • Warrior Camps for Men: One of the best and most consistent grifts in the modern world is that of helping men come to terms with masculinity. Since I’ve been online, about 25 years now, I’ve seen at least a dozen of these sorts of movements come along, seeking to help men DEAL WITH BEING MEN and COPE WITH THE TERRIBLE BURDEN OF MASCULINITY (perhaps I’m not doing it right, but I don’t find it that hard tbh – it’s also reasonable to suggest, however, that I am not exactly a, er, paragon of manliness, so perhaps that explains it) – and here’s another one! This article takes a look at what the current reasons are for men needing a SPECIAL PLACE TO BE GUYS TOGETHER (look, sorry, I don’t mean to mock – actually, no, hang on, I do – but FUCK’S SAKE CAN WE ALL STOP THINKING ABOUT OURSELVES SO HARD PLEASE?) and at a specific camp for such GUYS called The Modern Day Knight Project in which MEN come together to face HARDSHIP (do squats) and BARE THEIR SOULS (scream and cry). I don’t quite know what to make of this, but there’s definitely something to note in the fact that every single one of the men pictured, and referenced, here is of that ‘I know what bench-pressing means and I enjoy it, and I aspire to shoulders that start roughly where my ears finish’ bodytype – borderline-anorexics with the muscletone of an elastic band (hi!) tend not to show up so much in these places, is what I’m saying, and perhaps therefore the secret to masculine contentment (or at the very least resignation) is to just be an 11-stone weakling and enjoy it.
  • Trump Coins: It may not surprise you to learn that there are people out there doing a roaring trade flogging limited-edition, gold- and silver-plated coins with Donald Trump’s face on them for profit; it may also not surprise you to know that the coins are not in fact either limited edition or plated with gold or silver. You might, though, be surprised to read this article and discover that there really is no ‘there’ to any of this – it’s a quite astonishing series of tricks and grifts and lies and scams which sees people somehow pocketing seven-figure sums at the end of a process which involves the manufacture, marketing, sale and distribution of goods which have no discernible value, no discernible use, and which, as far as I can tell, noone really wants anyway. This is basically my new favourite parable about How Modern Capitalism Works.
  • The Tuluminati: One of the best profiles I’ve read in ages, this – Ben Way is an English serial entrepreneur, former reality TV star and, er, ‘visionary’, who has basically set up a commune for technohippywankers in Tulum on the Yucutan peninsula in Mexico. I can’t tell whether the piece is skewering Way or whether it’s meant to be a puff-piece but has sadly been written by someone who doesn’t realise quite how stupid everything they are describing sounds to anyone reading, but, regardless, this is FULL of choice lines and anecdotes. I mean, look:  “In addition to raising money for the Temple of Light and investing in various tech companies, Way is also working on cost-effective hyperbaric chambers that will impede aging; a charity project called The Federation that promises “social, technological and environmental progress for mankind”; and a theory involving quantum mechanics and spiritual beings that will be, in his words, “as groundbreaking…as E = mc2.” “Ben has a beautiful brain,” said Jasmin Arbinger, a German-born member of the Temple community who has attended communal dinners and contributed to a charity event. “Most people who become successful are just thinking about their own success…but Ben is coming from a place that is a very noble mindset. He is altruistic in some sense.”” This is priceless.
  • The Moral Calculations of a Billionaire: A wonderful article, this. Most billionaires are not like Elon Musk or Jeff Bezos. Most of them, statistically, are old white men you have never heard of, muchlike Leon Cooperman, the subject of this profile, who at 80ish continues to play the markets and augment his multi-billion dollar purse because, well, what else is there to do? This is a very gentle piece of writing, which leaves Cooperman enough room to breathe as a subject so as not to paint him as a monster or a caricature; he’s just a very, very rich old man, conservative with a small ‘c’, who donates vast sums to charity and doesn’t quite understand why a growing chunk of society sees him as a symbol of Everything That Is Wrong With The Modern World.
  • Real Me & Fake Me: Joe Dunthorne in the LRB this week, writing about what it’s like when you find someone using your identity and work to try and scam people into crypto. Your main takeaway from this is hat Mr Dunthorne is a far more patient person than you or I might have been had we found them using our poems to shill sh1tcoins.
  • The Order Of Things: This is AMAZING. Seriously, if you have any interest in language and writing and meaning and how words work, and grammar and syntax and all that sort of jazz, this will be the best thing you read all week, I promise you. A piece by Jennifer Croft, specifically about her work in translating ‘The Books of Jacob’ by Olga Tokarczuk from the original Polish to English, but also about how words work at a fundamental structural level, about how meaning is carried through language and how best to preserve that in translation…honestly, if you derive any pleasure from language and the written word, I cannot recommend this hard enough, it is a truly stellar piece of writing and one of the most interesting things I’ve read in weeks.
  • The Tragedy of Macbeth: Ethan Coen, one half of famous sibling filmmakers The Coen Brothers, reviews his brother’s solo directorial outing, Macbeth. ‘Reviews’ is perhaps a kind way of putting it – this is more of an evisceration, frankly, done with obvious affection but with the sort of offhand brutality that you imagine only a brother to be capable of. This is fcuking great, and on this basis I would read a novel by Ethan Coen in a flash.
  • The Complete: Finally this week, a short story which is either a work of genuine talent or one of the worst things I’ve read in years, and I honestly can’t tell you which of those two things I believe more. Falling somewhere, stylistically speaking, between Easton Ellis, Amis, Baumann and a few other (OBVIOUSLY MALE) authors, this is a series of vignettes and fragments which sort-of nearly coalesce into a whole, but which act more as a sort of delivery vessel for a very particular sort of online VIBE (very much the theme of the week, here, the VIBE). Obviously slightly parodic, but probably not quite as much as it likes to think it is, I…I think I like this, but I very much get the impression that quite a few people really won’t – it’s certainly stuck with me. See what you think – would be good to experience with a cocktail in hand, I think.

By Laura Berger


Webcurios 28/01/22

Reading Time: 35 minutes

Hello! Happy Friday! Welcome to another Web Curios, not the best, or most popular, or most-influential, or most-widely-read, or oddest, newsletter in the world, but I challenge anyone of you fcukers to find a longer one. FCUK THE QUALITY, FEEL THE WIDTH!

Ahem. Sorry about that. It’s been something of a fraught morning as I once again had to do a SoylentRun and so found myself engaging in the peculiarly Italian version of ‘queuing’ outside a local health centre at 8am (characterised in the main by people showing up every 3 minutes, asking ‘who’s last in line, then?’ and, invariably, then attempting to jump the queue anyway because ‘I just need to ask something, promise’ while 30 Romans volubly curse them with varying degrees of creativity. God I love it here), and I am tired.

Anyway, I’ve got things to do and you have LINKS TO CLICK! There are some good ones here this week, I promise, and you can neatly avoid anything relating to NFTs by just skipping the first 5 and pretending that they don’t exist.

I am still Matt, this is still Web Curios, and I still want to come home.

By Austin Harris



  • Superworld: One of the main things that puts me off the current frothiness around web3nftdeargotit’salljustmeaninglesswordsoup is the very real sensation that I get from every single project I come across that it’s about nothing more than making as much cash as possible as quickly as possible and hang the ethics/consequences (to be clear, it’s not like I actively avoid or disdain money – it has its uses, after all – more that I don’t necessarily class its ceaseless pursuit as something particularly…admirable, per se). That was very much the vibe I got from Superworld, a service which appears, as far as I can tell, to be selling a virtual twin of the world, piece by piece. Fcuk knows exactly what right they have to do this – to, say, sell you the digital rights to the digital replica of the exact spot on the planet where, say, the Taj Mahal sits – but, hey, why let that small question stop them from attempting to get IMMENSELY, MIND-FLAYINGLY RICH through selling geo-linked magic beans to idiots who really don’t understand how actual, enforceable ‘rights’ work. “SuperWorld is a virtual world where users can buy, sell, collect, and curate over 64 billion unique plots of virtual land. The SuperWorld virtual real estate platform is mapped over the entire surface of the globe, allowing users to purchase —literally—any place on Earth. From skyscrapers and stadiums to historical monuments and iconic structures including wonders of the natural world, when you step into SuperWorld, you’ll truly make a world of your own.” Leaving aside the entirely incorrect usage of the word ‘literally’ in that verb (it is, literally, not purchasing any place on the surface of the globe!), how exactly you will do that is, er, nebulous – as far as I can tell you can then add an AR layer over your ‘land’, but why you would want to do that is beyond me. As is exactly what you’re supposed to do with it, or how exactly the opportunity to ‘monetise the metaverse’ (AHAHAHAHA YOU DREADFUL FCUKING CNUTS!) is meant to present itself given that what you have effectively purchased is a receipt that reads (for example) ‘The Digital Eiffel Tower (Honest Guv, It Totally Is)’. Whilst on the one hand the people behind this are obviously total crooks and scam artists, as with a lot of NFT projects it feels like they’re perpetrating a victimless crime given the fact that anyone likely to buy this is themselves a grifter-in-waiting. Scams and scum, all the way down! Anyone fancy buying a star or a plot of land on Mars while they’re about it?
  • The Masonicverse: Maybe, though, the prospect of spending several hundred pounds for a worthless certificate ‘promising’ that you ‘own’ the ‘digital Taj Mahal’ isn’t appealing to you. Maybe instead you would like to spend your real-world cash on some sort of token that confers you POWER and INFLUENCE and allows you ingress to a secret society of powerful people moving behind the scenes and pulling strings. While we wait for IlluminatiCoin to mint (it can only be a matter of hours, surely), we can instead get on board with THE MASONICVERSE! Leaving aside the truly fabulous name, this also earns WebCuriosMeaninglessSpaffPoints (may mint those as an NFT!) for coining the brand new concept of THE OMNIVERSE (for when the still-nonexistent concept of the metaverse is just too small and restrictive for you) and for this spectacular project description: “Members of all ages, races, religions, and cultures meet in individual Lodges in the esoteric extended reality Masoniverse. Through ceremonies with no political or religious affiliations, we empower our members to become better, be respectful and actively fulfil our responsibilities for building the omniverse.Governed by UGLM, the United Grand Lodge of Masoniverse, the Masoniverse is a unique and historical NFT collection of 11096 Masonsynths, masonic synths members can activate when attending meetings in the 333 Lodges. Each Masosynth can join multiple Lodges and evolve by progressing through the 744 Degrees of Masoniverse.” What does any of this mean? FCUK KNOWS, but I for one am thrilled at the prospect of being able to roll up my trouserleg and expose my left nipple in the glorious digital future that awaits.  As an aside, why does so much of this stuff look so…well, fashy? Check the avatars and tell me that they don’t scream “terrifying future Reich”.
  • Adidas x Prada x NFT: This is very much going to be the year in which big brands outside of fashion start dipping their toes into these (murky, potentially-bacterially-soupy) waters – and here are Adidas and Prada, combining for what I think is the first big ticket brand NFT thing of 2022.The basic concept here is marginally-less stupid than I might have expected – basically the brands have teamed up with digital artist Zach Lieberman to enable 3,000 users to participate in the creation of an ‘artwork’ which will then be sold as an NFT; the 3,000 participants will split a 15% cut of the sale proceeds, with 5% going to Lieberman and the remaining 80% being donated to a non-profit. Which, as these things go, isn’t a bad idea! It makes a lot of the theoretical positives of crypto and NFTs (co-creation, legacy resale income) tangible, and it doesn’t seem designed to scalp anyone. That said, take a moment to read the FAQ and try and make sense of the garbled word-salad, and then take a moment to think whether this actually, really needs the blockchain at all (I would contend that it in fact doesn’t). Oh, and the ‘artwork’? Sadly the initial application process has closed so you can’t see the aesthetic, but basically it’s going to be a collage of 3,000 photos that have been digitally fcuked with. Does that sound like it’s going to be…good art? No, it does not. Still, grudging respect to Adi for doing something that isn’t just ‘trainers, but on the blockchain’ (I imagine that’s coming in Q3).
  • NFT Scratchoff: What if scratchcards but…ON THE BLOCKCHAIN?!?!?!?!?!?! This is yet to launch, but I really admire the chutzpah here – this is literally just a straight-up gamble, with different ‘qualities’ of scratchcards available, with different odds, which let you stand a chance to win up to 2,500 SOL (which at the time of writing is about $230k). “The average NFT is subjective in value, its price determined by speculation and market face-value. NFT Scratch-off seeks to change this by providing the market with an objectively valued NFT, driven by rare scratch off tickets with exchangeable crypto balances.” I…don’t hate this, mainly because at least it seems to be honest about its intentions – equally, though, there is once again no earthly reason at all as to why this needs to be ON THE BLOCKCHAIN (other, I suppose, than for the development of a secondary trading market in scratchcards). Still, NFT SCRATCHCARDS!
  • The Blockedchain: This, though, this actually made me laugh, and not even in a mocking way – the Blockedchain is a silly-yet-real project that offers the opportunity to mint NFTs proving that you’ve been blocked on Twitter by a selection of tech luminaries, like Musk or Mark Andreesen, or the BAYC people – you need to link your Twitter account to the site to prove the block, at which point you can mint and claim your VERY OWN “I was blocked by this person” NFT (for free, gas fees excepted). Now, exactly why you might want to do that is still something of a mystery to me, but if you’d like INCONTROVERTIBLE BLOCKCHAIN-BASED PROOF that someone richer and more famous than you are thinks you’re a  prick then I can think of no better way to secure it.
  • The NFT-inator: The next time someone peddling whatever the latest avatar-based NFT shovelware starts wanging on about THE ART and the BOUNDLESS CREATIVITY, show them this site, which is both an easy way of creating your very own line of creatively-bankrupt almost-identikit cartoon faces to shill on-chain AND a clear indication of exactly how much ‘effort’ goes into coming up with these things in the first place. This lets you upload all your assets (base avatar, accessories, variant features, colourways, etc) and then create multiple variants which you can then make available for minting on the network of your choice – so there’s now nothing to stop you making immense bank through the creation and sale of your very own line of poorly-sketched cartoon porpoises (LOOK! THEY ALL HAVE DIFFERENT-SIZED BLOWHOLES!)  or whatever takes your fancy. On the one hand, why not? On the other, well, why?
  • John Peel Roulette: PHEW! Now we’re done with the inevitable NFT nonsense for another week, let’s reward ourselves by focusing on something LOVELY and PURE and GOOD. This is a project by serial-web-tinkerer Monkeon, which has taken the immense archive of John Peel Show recordings on YouTube and created a script which lets you, with the click of a button, be transported to a random moment from a random show. Which, fine, if you’re not familiar with John Peel or what the John Peel Show was, might not sound like much – so for the children or the non-UK people, it was basically a non-stop 90-180 minute selection of incredible, eclectic music that you would simply never hear anywhere else, and this webtoy basically lets you hit a button and get a brand new injection of sounds that you will quite likely have never heard before. Absolutely PERFECT archive usage, this, and the sort of thing it would be lovely to do with other stuff knocking around on YouTube – I would love to see it done for old BBC One show Tomorrow’s World, for example, so that with a single click we could get an amusingly-wrong prediction from 1987 about how by 2019 we were all going to be eating space leeks on Alpha Centuari or something.
  • Cheezam: Seeing as my only professional skill in the world of advermarketingpr appears to be coming up with vaguely-punny names for things (never let it be said that I don’t spaff value EVERYWHERE, professionally-speaking), I am hugely disappointed that I didn’t think of this myself (although, in my defence, Shazam/Cheezam is a bit of a stretch). This is SUCH a clever/fun idea – take a photo of some cheese and this site will use AI to identify it for you. Perfect for those moments when you don’t know whether it’s a Roquefort or a Stilton and your life depends on getting it right. If you work for Jacob’s Crackers or one of those fancy oatcake brands, I suggest you use this as, er, creative inspiration asap.
  • Tokyo Explorer: Would you like a link to a YouTube channel which consists of nothing more than first-person walks through various parts of Japan’s capital? YES OF COURSE YOU WOULD WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU? Yes, ok fine, ‘first person walking tours of faraway places’ does rather feel like a throwback to lockdown 1 – a happier time! A simpler time! Oddly enough both of those statements feel true, which is…weird and a touch depressing, if I’m honest – but these are genuinely great and there’s a pleasing mix of destinations which go beyond the stereotypical ‘look, so much neon and KAWAII!!!!!’ impression we were fed of Tokyo for much of the 90s and 00s.
  • The Green Planet Experience: Ok, FULL DISCLOSURE, this was made by a team of people including a friend of mine who I used to work with at the BBC, so, you know, vested interests and all that, but if you’re after something to do with the kids in London over half-term in February then this may well be of interest (and if you’re not, then, well, ffs get over it). An ‘immersive experience’ to tie in with the next Attenboroughgasm (almost certainly the last, or at least the last to feature Real David as opposed to the inevitable CG/deepfaked revenant version who will be helming all nature content for the rest of time – I jest, but, equally, I don’t actually jest at all; the only possible hedge against that creepy vision is that Sir David is apparently a very savvy businessman and very good at keeping hold of his rights, so here’s hoping he’s applied that acument to his image as well as his output), this will let you “Travel through five digitally enhanced worlds – including Rainforest, Freshwater, Saltwater, Desert and Seasonal, as you explore our green planet as never before. Finally, all culminating in the human story and how we can all affect positive change.” The next load of free tickets are available on 11 Feb, so maybe put a note in your diary if you fancy dragging your spawn to an ‘improving family activity’ when all they want to do is lie slack-jawed in front of TikTok for a 12h-stretch.
  • Discover Quickly: There have been a number of ‘a better interface for Spotify’ tools over the years, and this is yet another, but it looks particularly slick (at least to my largely-design-blind eyes) and rather useful. Discover Quickly is specifically designed to help you, uh, discover new music through Spotify, more quickly (I…I probably didn’t need to explain that, did I?), and features all sorts of features to facilitate the process – you can quickly scrub through your preferred artists and playlists, and easily dip into each to find related acts and tracks which you can then equally-easily save to your favourites or to new playlists. This is really slick, and a lovely piece of digital design (which once again begs the question of why Spotify’s own discovery tools – aside from the ‘push’ stuff like Mix of the Week – aren’t this good).
  • The Weird Old Book Finder: A nice little webtoy by Clive Thompson, who explains the reasons behind its existence thusly: “Old books are socially and culturally fascinating; they give you a glimpse into how much society has changed, and also what’s remained the same. The writing styles can be delightfully archaic, but also sometimes amazingly fresh. Nonfiction writers from 1780 can be colloquial and funny as hell. And man, they wrote about everything. Back in those centuries they wrote books about falling in love via telegraph wires, and about long-distance balloon travel. They wrote books that soberly praised eugenics, and ones that inveighed against it. They published exuberant magazines of men’s fashion and books on how to adopt vegetarian diets. The past being the past, there’s a ton of flat-out nativism, racism, and gibbering misogyny — but also people fighting against that, too. It’s rarely dull.” Which description basically puts it right at the very centre of the Web Curios venn diagram of ‘stuff we like’ – this is joyous, letting you input whatever you fancy into the search engine and returning a single solitary book from the Google public domain archives each time. I just typed in ‘Strategy’ and got something entitled ‘Women’s Strategy’, a novel from 1867 which I think we can all agree sounds GREAT – please, please, please give this a go, it’s a superb timesink.
  • The Duchamp Archive: This could well have been subtitled ;NOT JUST THE PISSOIR’, but depressingly isn’t. Still, if you fancy a trawl through the collected works of Marcel Duchamp then this is the place for you – this contains lithographs, etchings and all the sorts of collected ephemera that tend to characterise the lifetime archive, and it’s staggering to see the range on display here. He was quite good, Duchamp, turns out, even if you don’t ‘get’ the urinal thing.
  • Definitely Not The Metaverse: This is a small 3d environment in which you can move and chat and play music and vaguely-interact with whichever other strangers happen to be there at the same time as you, and, whilst there is literally nothing remarkable about this at all, I am including it mainly because it shows up exactly how crap and pointless and empty the current rash of ultra-shiny ‘METAVERSE EXPERIENCES’ currently being shilled are (HI GAVIN!). This is literally just cobbled together by someone as a hobby project and STILL it is exactly as functional as the sort of crap experience that agencies are trying to flog you for five-figure sums – basically what I am trying to say here is that you might as well build your EXCITING BRAND SPACE like this rather than spending all of the cash on something functionally-identical but marginally-prettier. Also – and I strongly believe this – all virtual spaces from hereon in should include the ability to spray p1sslike graffiti all over the place as you can do here (NB – whilst at the time of writing the space is ‘clean’, when I popped in earlier it was a bit covered with hatespeech, so caveat emptor and all that – you can’t legislate for 12 year olds, turns out).
  • DoomScroll: A Twitter bot which shares a single screen from a playthrough of Doom every hour. Because nothing says ‘timeline cleanse’ like occasionally being surprised by a highly-pixellated jpeg of a nearly-30-year-old videogame.
  • Track: A neat little music visualiser, this, which generates a vagely-TRONlike set of visuals to accompany the song ‘Implant’ by Makeup and Vanity Set, which are slightly different each time you log on. This is simple but works rather well, and there’s something slightly-hypnotic about the vaguely ‘infinite conveyor belt’ feel of the whole thing. I imagine this would be pleasingly-immersive with a VR headset, so should you have one please give it a try and let me know.
  • XKCD Search: There are certain bits of the web where it feels like hyper-maths-y comicstrip XKCD is basically like the bible, referred to as some sort of ur-text with which to guide one’s existence – it’s certainly true that the strip’s been going long enough that it feels as though it’s covered basically every aspect of the human experience (or at least those that are vaguely maths-and-data-adjacent). This website lets you run keyword searches against the XKCD archive, so you too can find the PERFECT cartoon to illustrate whatever mad/infuriating/bemusing things are happening in the world at this particular second – if nothing else, it’s a great timemachine back to memes and themes of the past. I just discovered a strip riffing on Rebecca Black’s Friday, which made me feel both old and very much like the ineluctable arc of human progress is trending in the wrong direction.
  • Root Maps: An archive of arboreal root maps, collected by Wageningen university in the Netherlands (just take a moment to pause and say that placename out loud in your head – go on, roll the syllables around your mouth like it’s a Werther’s Original – good, isn’t it?) – you may not have been aware that what you needed today was to browse through a collection of pencil drawings demonstrating the insane complexity of How Roots Work, but I promise you that this is sort-of beautiful and will (if you’re anything like me) cause you to briefly spin out and have very stoned-feeling thoughts about how fundamentally freaky, weird and, well, alien these things look when you look below-ground. Trees are Triffids, basically, and we should all perhaps be more wary of their branchy menace.
  • Hey, Look At Us: A website which does one thing and one thing only – it tells you how many people are currently logged onto it at any given time (4, currently). This is obviously totally pointless, AND YET… There’s got to be something fun you can do with this, right? Content unlocks for when a specific number of people visit a URL simultaneously, for example, or video easter eggs, or frankly any number of things – I’d love to see a film website which refuses to release the latest trailer until 100,000 rabid fans are all on the homepage at once, for example,or a prize for the 319th concurrent visitor or, well, I don’t know, I presume some of you are meant to be ‘creatives’ so why don’t you come up with something yourselves? Jesus, do I have to spoonfeed you everything?
  • The Body International: The Body International is THE most 2022 magazine in the world at the moment (according to me, at least), being as it is a publication devoted to exploring the phenomenon of CULTS! Fascinating – contains both pieces about your more traditional cultish-type organisations (you know, the doomsdayers, the alien worshippers, the ‘I am the one true son of God and it is vitally important that I sleep with as many young men and women as is humanly (or, perhaps more accurately, divinely) possible’, that sort of thing) and the more modern manifestations of cultishness (so Multi-Level Marketing schemes and the like). I know I wang on about THE CULT being the defining cultural unit of the modern age more than is probably seemly, but, well, I believe it, and I think that learning more about how they work is a genuinely useful pursuit in terms of getting your head round certain aspects of How Society Works Right Now (or, more bleakly, in terms of How To Sell More Tat To Mooks).
  • Modality: This is, fine, a bit ‘serious’, but it’s a hugely-interesting-looking piece of software. Modality is designed to help urban planners and transport network designers (and others) work out the sort of impact that specific changes to the urban landscape and mobility network will make to various aspects of life for residents in the area – so it lets you see how changes in bus routes, say, or train frequency, will affect travel times and congestion and likely traffic routes. Honestly, if you’ve ever played SimCity you will see the appeal here immediately – it’s obviously A Professional Product and if you want to use it properly you have to pay, but there’s a demo you can tool around with here which uses real data about transport in the Paris metro area and lets you mess around with trains and trams to see exactly how you can make the world’s most-overrated city (FIGHT ME) marginally-less unpleasant to live in. I could spend DAYS with this – it may be the only thing to ever make me wish that I had become a civil engineer.
  • Temperature Textiles: Whilst it would be understandable to bury one’s head in the sand and attempt to ignore the creeping reality of Quite How Much We Have Fcuked Things, environmentally-speaking, it equally feels like we might want to start being a bit more honest with ourselves about how things are going (badly!). To that end, why not use your sartorial choices to communicate a constant reminder of exactly how the whole climate change thing is going with this range of garments and accessories from Dutch brand Temperature Textiles, whose designs all in some way reflect the changing nature of the planet resulting from our actions. Socks that reflect likely rising sea levels, so you can see exactly how damp your ankles are likely to be in a couple of decades’ time? GREAT! A blanket which represents through pleasing chromatic sections the troubling rise in global average temperatures over the past century? YES MATE! Admittedly there’s an argument to suggest that walking around with what is in effect a thinly-codified sign that screams “THE END IS NIGH” might be construed as, well, a bit preachy, but on the other hand, er, the end is a bit nigh, and perhaps we might want to do something about it (not, of course, that ‘buying some socks’ counts as ‘doing something’). Actually, I’ve just looked and there’s a blanket on there that sells for over 1000 Euros, so maybe I don’t like this project after all, on reflection. I don’t know, you make up your own minds.
  • Legendary Reddit:One of those occasional Reddit threads where users reminisce about great/weird/awful stuff that they have seen on the site – ALL OF HUMAN LIFE IS HERE (if by ‘all of human life’ you mean ‘some examples of incredible kindness and creativity, but also some of the most disgusting things you will ever have seen or read’). There are some true gems/horrors buried in here – I promise you that, if you see it, you will never forget the ‘colourful’ description of the perineal abscess, however hard you try – and it sort-of gets to the heart of what’s amazing about Reddit, to my mind, which is the way it more than almost any other community online demonstrates the way in which the web has, if nothing else, offered us a quite dizzying perspective on the incredible gamut of human experience (whether or not that’s a good thing is frankly up to you to decide).

By Doug Johnson



  • Bookfeed: Simple-but-excellent idea, this, which neatly solves the (adnmittedly perhaps slightly niche and maybe a bit lazy) problem of ‘not being able or frankly even bothered to keep up with book publishing schedules’. Click the link, type in the names of any and all authors whose output you want to track and BINGO, the site will generate an RSS feed which you can plug into the reader of your choice and will alert you to when your favourite wordsmith has imminent new ish. I have a sneaking suspicion that this is a US service and as such might tease you with their publication dates rather than UK ones – WHY MUST I WAIT 3 MONTHS LONGER FOR THE NEW JOHN DARNIELLE YOU FCUKS? – but frankly that’s a minor quibble.
  • Chess: Lovely little codetoy by V Buckingham, this – loading the page generates a chessboard, on which pieces automatically play out a game, but moving your mouse changes the size of the board, allowing you to see what it might look like for a chess match to play out on a board measuring, say, 128 by 128. I don’t know why it’s soothing to watch a gigantic, slightly-nonsensical chessmatch being played out by software but it is. There’s something particularly interesting about the way in which the expansion of the playing field changes the way in which the AI approaches the game – regular readers will know that I find ‘variations on the theme of chess which fcuk with the ruleset in esoteric ways’ fascinating, and this scratches that (admittedly very specific) itch.
  • The Planetarium Museum: Ah, The Old Web – I do wonder about the people who maintain sites like this, obviously first built using Dreamweaver or similar in about 1998 and still using the same code and aesthetic despite it now very much not being 1998 and there being some…significantly easier tools to let you develop and maintain a web presence. Still, I am glad that they do – this site, the online home of THE PLANETARIUM MUSEUM in Big Bear Lake, California (place names like this just wouldn’t work in the UK, would they? ‘Slightly Aggressive Goose Pond’ just doesn’t have the same ring to it), is joyous. If you’ve ever wanted to learn about planetary projectors, or want to see a bunch of photos of a selection of said projectors from around the world, or just want to read about what the website describes as ‘our fearless planetarium creator’ (fearless? Is the collection of planetarium projectors a more fraught pursuit than we had once imagined? Please, someone, make a film of this man’s life!), then this will please you immensely.
  • ICEF: I am not, as a rule, a particularly scatalogical person, and tend not to find gags about flatulence that funny (what can I say, it’s the Italian in me – humourless wop fcuks, eh?). That said, I can’t help but admire the effort behind the website for The Invisible College of Experimental Flatology – this is a lot of work for a gag that is, at its heart, just ‘farts!’ If you want a fart noise generating machine, blogposts about farts, fart recordings, and a stack of other petomaniacal distractions, then consider this your stinky, aerated nirvana.
  • The Cease and Desist Grand Prix: MSCHF back at it again, this time with a lawyer-baiting bit of fun which has seen them produce a limited range of long-sleeve tshirts emblazoned with a selection of big corporate logos – Disney, Amazon, Subway, those sorts of fcukers – with the game being to see which of the companies whose logos were being used without consent would be the first to give the legal smackdown. The game’s now over, but the site explains how it works – I like this a lot, not least because it feels like a return to the ‘pull the tiger’s tail’-style stuff they were doing a couple of years back rather than the more ‘hey, we can use the hype machine to make massive bank’ stuff of recent drops.
  • Public Vehicles of Ankara: I honestly have no idea AT ALL as to why the local government in Ankara, Turkey, decided that it was important for residents of the local area, and indeed anyone worldwide, to be able to see a driver’s eye view of rubbish trucks and snowploughs and other public service vehicles as they trundle around the metropolitcan area, BUT THEY DID! So now you can while away a pleasing few minutes of your day pretending that you’re, I don’t know, gritting the roads in Turkey rather than putting the finishing touches to yet another collection of pointless slides which could have been an email but NO, we must ALL MAKE SLIDES ALL THE TIME BECAUSE THAT IS THE LAW. Sorry, got distracted by how much I hate work – click the link, this site is GREAT and you will be surprised by how much you enjoy a very slow sightsee through downtown Ankara.
  • Waymap: You’ll have seen, I’m sure, the recent prototype AR store navigation thing that M&S are trialing at the moment (fine, here) – I am personally quite interested in the idea of this sort of hyperlocalised mapping and guidance software, and Waymap struck me as a really interesting solution. “With Waymap, anyone can explore anywhere – simply, quickly and independently. Waymap, the world’s only navigation app that guides you both indoors and outdoors. Accurate up to 1m, with no signals required. With our app on your phone, you can explore the city, catch your bus, or go right to the aisle you want at the store. Installed across a city’s transport network, streets and major buildings, our app gives step-by-step guidance as soon as you step out your door. It works anywhere we have a map.” I think, as far as I can tell, this uses step data to track your position within space, meaning it can operate signal-free using only on-device processing – obviously it requires a degree of coordination between the tech and the space owners to set up, but the theory here is hugely interesting from an accessibility and mobility point of view.
  • Soundcloud Sounds of 2021: Yes, I know that it is almost February and therefore technically too late to be doing anything looking back at the year we have already just forgotten about but, well, tough. I only found this this week, and I thought it was a nice look at new music that you might not necessarily have heard of already, what with Soundcloud’s status as ‘the place where less famous musicians tend to put their stuff’. Obviously I say this as a 42 year old man who was last culturally relevant approximately 26 years ago, but I found this a really interesting overview of ‘stuff that came out last year which I didn’t hear because I basically listen to Radio4 all the time’.
  • Solutions Explorer: A vaguely-positive website! No, really! Solutions Explorer is a really useful site which lets you search through over 1300 environmentally-focused projects to help you find ongoing work which is looking to address specific issues relating to climate change and the environment. There’s text search and tagging, and if you’re looking for specific projects around, say, construction, or freight, or mobility, with an environmental slant, this could be super-useful.
  • Tubewhack: “Pimlico is the only London Underground station which does not contain any of the letters in the word “Badger”. I’ve decided to call words or phrases like this — whose letters appear in all but a single tube station’s name — “Tubewhacks”. We know badger, sandwich, morgan, hammer and mongoloids are Tubewhacks but what others are out there?” This was sent to me by Jerry Latter on Twitter, who specifically asked ‘WILL THIS BE IN WEB CURIOS?” Yes, Jerry, yes it will. Now take your spotters’ badge and fcuk off. FYI Matt Muir is itself a Tubewhack – not sure what to do with that information, but I am vaguely pleased regardless.
  • TubeTok: Confusingly, I am here using ‘tube’ to mean something ENTIRELY DIFFERENT than I did in the previous entry – here, rather than the London Underground network, ‘tube’ specifically refers to the incredibly weird and unsettlingly-biological phenomenon that is ‘how you clean industrial pipes’. Click the link and watch, mesmerised, as the blue tubing emerges, all hungry of maw, from lengths of piping, like some sort of seemingly-prehensile latex phallomonster. If you can watch these without a significant part of you making veiled innuendos and internally shouting ‘OO ER MISSUS’ then, frankly, you a better and more mature person than I am.
  • The History of Mathematics: I’m not enough of an expert in maths (ha! Honestly, I can barely count) to be able to judge to what degree this is a hopelessly-hubristic description, but this site purports to offer a journey through the history of mathematical thought through the ages. This is a companion site to an exhibition being put together by the National Museum of Mathematics in the US, and offers you guides to the development and evolution of counting, algebra, pi and the like, and if you’re a mathematician or just maths-curious, or if you or your kids are studying the subject, this could be useful / interesting.
  • Big Clive: Big Clive is a (presumably) large, bearded Scotsman with a gentle voice whose YouTube channel consists of him gently explaining How Stuff Works by breaking down cheap electronic tat and looking inside its innards. That’s it – but I promise you that Big Clive is basically therapy and should be available on the NHS. If you can watch one of these (and I say that as a man who really does not care about transistors or resistors or ohms) without feeling your shoulders relaxing and your eyes rolling back slightly as though someone was gently scratching you behind the ears then, well, you may be beyond help.
  • Imagine Rio: “A searchable digital atlas that illustrates the social and urban evolution of Rio de Janeiro, as it existed and as it was imagined. Views of the city created by artists, maps by cartographers, and site plans by architects or urbanists are all located in both time and space. It is a web environment that offers creative new ways for scholars, students, and residents to visualize the past by seeing historical and modern imagery against an interactive map that accurately presents the city since its founding.” This is a fascinating way of looking at a city’s evolution – I would love to see something comparable for London, ideally also including all the stuff that almost got built but didn’t, so if someone could knock that up for me this weekend that would be great thanks.
  • Heavenly Angels: I started trying to explain/describe this site, but after the fourth attempt I have decided to just give up and suggest you click on the link and bathe in the glory of what I can only assume must be a web presence with a direct link to the divine. Contains all sorts of useful information about what the angels think about putting chips inside people (they are not fans) and some lovely artwork depicting humans on spaceships meeting with their alien cosmic masters. There’s a strong whiff of the Aetherius Society about this, but also quite a lot of sui generis oddity – I particularly liked the warning from 2009 about how swine flu is a global saurian plot to chip people, which suggests that the conspiracists probably need to get some new stories.
  • The Swatch Clock: If you work in advermarketingpr then you will at various points have had to deal with The Moronic Hubris Client, who says things like ‘we’re going to create a movement!’ with wild-eyed zeal and who will not under any circumstances listen to the naysayers and the haters who counter such ambitions with doom-laden statements like ‘but Alan, your company makes toner for printers and you would struggle to create a bowel movement let alone a collection of people united around your toner-based cause’. Fortunately the thing about Moronic Hubris Clients is that they are, as the name suggests, morons, and tend not to stick around long enough for their stupid projects to come to term – but occasionally they avoid the sack, and strange things happen. So it must have been in 1998, when Swiss watchmakers Swatch decided that the whole concept of ‘time’ and the 24 hour clock (which, let’s be clear, had by that point been working pretty well for everyone for a few millennia and which didn’t really need updating, occasional timezone confusion aside) needed reworking, and decided to invent the concept of Beats. “Instead of hours and minutes, the mean solar day is divided into 1000 parts called .beats. Each .beat is equal to one decimal minute in the French Revolutionary decimal time system and lasts 1 minute and 26.4 seconds (86.4 seconds) in standard time. Times are notated as a 3-digit number out of 1000 after midnight. So, for example @248 would indicate a time 248 .beats after midnight representing 248⁄1000 of a day, just over 5 hours and 57 minutes.” IMAGINE THINKING THAT YOU COULD CHANGE THE WAY TIME IS MEASURED AND TRACKED VIA THE POWER OF ADVERMARKETINGPR. Perhaps that’s what’s wrong with us these days as an industry – perhaps we’re simply just not dreaming big enough. Anyway, this website offers you a chance to see what the time is RIGHT NOW in beats – PLEASE can some of you spend the rest of the day or week attempting to send all meeting suggestions in beats? Maybe in 1998 we just weren’t ready, and maybe now is the time?
  • Potato: Is this incredibly old? It feels very much like something from 2003 and reminds me a lot of the sort of thing Joel Veitch was spaffing out left right and centre back in the day. Anyway, if you want a short song and animation all about how great potatoes are then this is for you.
  • Peloton Gone Wild: WARNING: THIS LINK TAKES YOU TO ACTUAL BONGO. Ok, now we’ve done the due diligence you can ‘enjoy’ this bizarre little subReddit in which fans of the insanely overpriced heart attack-inducing exercise torturebikes take it in turns to, er, post photos of themselves in various states of sweaty undress draped all over the kit. I am not someone who exercises – I think I last broke into a run in 2003 – nor someone who cycles, and so I can only feel a slight degree of baffled confusion as to how inexplicably horny the mere act of going for a bike ride appears to make these people, but, well, whatever turns you on I suppose.
  • Knots: Simple-but-addictive little browsergame where you have to swap tiles around to resolve an image of a number of interlinked cords. This starts easy but quickly gets fiendish, and is PERFECT to keep on silent while you don’t listen to your colleagues and clients being irritating and stupid on calls.
  • Vampire Survivors: Finally this week, a browser game so good that I legitimately lost over an hour to it this week. Vampire Survivors has a very simple premise – stay alive as long as possible. It’s a top-down, vaguely-Gauntlet-ish shooter in which you pick one of a number of unlockable characters and try and survive through waves and waves of increasingly-murderous undead. Shooting happens automatically, with different weapons and buffs available as you level, randomised per playthrough, so you only need to worry about movement, and this gets you into a proper flow-state after a while and you can seriously lose time with this so BE WARNED. I promise you, though, this is so good I would pay actual cashmoney for it and intend to have another go just as soon as I’m done writing this fcuker.

By  Ruth Shively




  • Green M&M Fanfic: Only one Insta feed this week, but it’s one which collects fan-made art celebrating the unique appeal of the anthropomorphised green M&M (TOPICAL CONTENT!) and so therefore is probably more than enough for the moment.


  • China 2022: This is very long, but also very readable – Dan Wang writes his annual(ish) letter about The State of China As He Sees It, taking in geographical differences, cultural trends, economic observations and some light predictions about what the coming year holds in terms of both the country itself but also how the rest of the world should try and relate to it. Fascinating, wide-ranging and more interesting (to my mind, at least) than pieces that focus solely on the economic or political aspects. Obviously it’s important to note here that this is ONE ARTICLE and ONE PERSON’S OPINIONS AND OBSERVATIONS, and as such making sweeping judgements about What China Is Like based solely on this is probably a bit silly – I sent this to a couple of people I know who’ve lived in China, and they had interesting observations about some of what he says about Hong Kong and Beijing in particular – but as an overview of some potential truths about the country it’s superb.
  • Johnson and the Media: Mic Wright’s newsletter about the UK media is an interesting read, but often a deeply-frustrating one – not because of Wright’s writing so much as the fact that you keep on seeing the same arguments and themes cropping up again and again and again, due to the fundamentally rotten and broken nature of the relationship between the political classes and the 4th Estate in the UK. This is an edition from earlier this week which looks at the current self-important handjobs being handed out left, right and centre by the media establishment, so cheered at their ‘holding to account’ of the Prime Minister, and is a neat (if dispiriting) precis of quite how dysfunctional the political world’s symbiosis with Fleet Street continues to be.
  • Web3: A Map in Search of a Territory: I am unabashed in my admiration for Evgeny Morosov – I like the way he thinks, even if I am slightly annoyed at how well he can write in what is his second language. This is a short essay explaining what he sees as some of the issues with Web3 frothiness – at heart, Morosov’s criticism is that the way the concept is talked about now is basically nothing more than a sales pitch for something that’s not in fact radically different from what we have now (other than being in certain small but significant ways potentially a bit worse). This para sums up the argument neatly, but it’s worth reading the whole piece: “The problem with Web3 is that the self-referentiality of its discourse renders the arguments of its genuine and well-meaning proponents flat and one-dimensional. Most of their paeans are deeply ahistorical; they just accept a very twisted definition of Web 2.0 and move on to make some points about the inevitability of DAOs or NFTs. They lack any engagement with the political economy of global capitalism or even a cursory analysis of the many social movements that are still contesting it. They reason, primarily, by drawing on examples from the worlds of art and computer games, hardly representative of how most people live and work. They are unable to view the state as anything but a rent-seeking and surveillance-obsessed pathology that cannot be reformed or repurposed; one could only tame or abolish it. They cannot even hint at a future where capitalism is not the order of the day, seeing their task as inventing new – perhaps, decentralized  – ways of making it more tolerable. This is why, in the best of cases, the Web3 crowd would only give us the kind of cooperative stakeholder capitalism the Davos Man has promised a while ago, but has, so far, been unable to deliver.”
  • The Real Estate Metaverse: A companion to the SuperWorld link up top, this takes you through the wonderful (not wonderful) world of people attempting to make a quick buck by selling imaginary title deeds to barely-existant virtual worlds to people with more money than sense. I think it’s this as much as my own fundamental inadequacy that means I will never win the great game of capitalism – HOW DO YOU SELL THIS STUFF WITH A STRAIGHT FACE? Still, there’s a lot to love in here – my personal favourite detail was the screenshot provided by the CEO of virtual world and ‘metaverse contender’ Somnium Space in which he proudly poses his avatar in front of, er, a fully-designed toilet which exists in virtual space. WHY ARE THERE URINALS IN YOUR DIGITAL PLAYGROUND? IS THERE P1SS IN THE METAVERSE? Is both a question I now really want an answer to, and the title of my forthcoming autobiography.
  • Abuse on the Blockchain: I am linking this not because I particularly believe that one of the main issues with the application cryptoblockchainstuff is harassment and abuse, but more because it neatly-illustrates how complicated this stuff is – it’s not enough to imagine your virtual crypto paradise into being in a way that suits you, you have to think about the experience of all the other sorts of people who might use it and how their experience might best be optimised. Which, fine, sounds obvious, but as you will quickly find out if you try and use digital products and services as someone with a disability, or a language issue, or who simply isn’t ‘a bloke’, online experiences are in no way universal. All the points made in this article – about how the permanence of on-chain records can have significant consequences if people decide to harass or abuse other users – are, fine, perhaps not everyday concerns, but they are concerns nonetheless, and (and maybe I am being unfair here, but) I am not wholly-convinced that the people currently building out the cryptoparadises of tomorrow are necessarily thinking of.
  • Our Animals, Ourselves: I am not vegan. I am not even vegetarian (though I don’t eat that much meat, on balance), and, honestly, I like eating meat and personally have no ethical problem with it, and figure that as a childless person who doesn’t have a driving license and basically buys very little I can allow myself a steak every now and again (and, please, if I am being selfish and wrong about this and it upsets you and you want to tell me about it then, er, don’t. Go and plant a tree instead). That said, I found this piece of writing absolutely fascinating, even if I didn’t wholly agree with everything it said  – it’s a (long) treatise on the inherent links between veganism and feminism and socialism, and is basically an object-lesson in ‘how intersectionality works’, and it made me think an awful lot about How Stuff Works and How Concepts Interrelate, and, whilst that might not sound like what you need after a long hard week of work, I can promise you that it’s interesting and thought-provoking and very much worth your time.
  • GPS: I’ve featured one of Bartok Ciechanowski’s explainers in here before (it was about how naval architecture works, I think), and here is another one all about the magic that is GPS (apparently not in fact magic and instead something to do with satellites, who knew?). Honestly, this is so so so good – there’s a real skill in setting our technical concepts like this with such clarity, and Ciechanowski’s use of little interactive diagrams and the like is perfect. Honestly, if I worked in explainer-y journalism I would hire this person in a heartbeat.
  • The Metered Internet: In the Philippines, it’s apparently not uncommon to access the web via coin-operated metering systems – like the sort of ‘put a quid in the meter if you don’t want to freeze to death’ heating setups beloved of slum landlords, but for information. This article looks at how these coin-operated webcafes operate, and how they’re starting to die out as mobile data prices start to become vaguely-comparable – this is a snapshot of a world that probably won’t exist in 5-10y time, when highspeed mobile network coverage becomes ubiquitous and mobile data prices continue to fall, but which right now is both SUPREMELY Gibsonian (seriously, look at these pictures and tell me they don’t scream ‘certain paragraphs in Neuromancer) and temporally-liminal (yeah, that’s right, TEMPORALLY LIMINAL! Christ I’m a cnut).
  • Noone Wants Your Virtual Trainers: It’s not going to stop Nike making the fcuking things (you don’t shell out millions on a company that makes virtual trainers and then not try and flog them, after all), but this piece suggests that the traditional whales that make up the trainer market are…not impressed by the idea of shelling out actual cashmoney for the digital equivalent. Which you could argue suggests that this is all TOO EARLY – but I would suggest that this article is actually looking at the wrong demographic. Your 30+ buyers might not be interested, fine, but there’s a whole coterie of coming consumers who have grown up customising their avatars with shiny digital gewgaws and for whom this stuff makes more sense; Christ, was that me being…bullish about the marketplace for digital tat? How queer.
  • The History of iBeer: If you were of a certain age when the iPhone came out (or if you were young but VERY RICH) then you might remember iBeer, one of the big breakout apps for the pre-App Store iPhone which let you pretend to drink a beer out of your phone. Which, obviously, sounds silly now, but back in the day was the sort of jaw-dropping technological advance the like of which hadn’t been seen since a cinema audience was scared by a train in 1896. This is a really charming story with some jaw-dropping details – HE WAS MAKING $20k A DAY FROM THIS! $20K A DAY!!! – and it’s particularly-pleasing that none of the people involved appears to have become a nazi or anything following their success (not always a given with this sort of thing).
  • The Tinder Lawsuits: Whilst stories about immensely-rich people beating the sh1t out of each other financially via the courts aren’t usually my thing, I will make an exception for this story which details the extraordinary falling out between the people behind Tinder, each and every one of whom seems to be a fundamental failure as a human being. This is packed full of great details, but this one from the opening segment stuck out in particular: “In February 2012, when Rad was 25, he took a job at a start-up incubator in Los Angeles at a salary of $160,000 a year. Rad was a USC dropout from a wealthy Iranian American family in the Valley with nothing much on his résumé except for a few stalled start-ups.” WHAT THE ACTUAL FCUK THOUGH HOW DOES A UNIVERSITY DROPOUT WITH NO QUALIFICATIONS LAND A SIX-FIGURE JOB? Man, being rich is fcuking crazy, isn’t it? Anyway, by the end of this you will be a communist if you have any sense, and be sharpening the flensing knives in advance of RichPurge2022.
  • Resurrecting the Mosque: The story of the reconstruction of the Mosque of Banja Luka in Bosnia Herzegovina, razed to the ground by Serbian forces in the aftermath of the Bosnian-Serb conflict in the 1990s, but recently reconstructed as part of the broader work of undoing the damage that the war did to the country and its Muslim inhabitants. Reading this I’m reminded of the comparatively minimal collective memory the West appears to have retained of that war – possibly out of a sense of collective guilt. This is an important read, 30 years after the conflict started, about what modern genocide (or at least attempted genocide) looks like.
  • Wee Man: A glorious, joyous profile of Wee Man from Jackass (real name Jason Acuña) a man who, as far as I can tell from this profile at least, is pretty much entirely at peace with themselves and has a wonderful life as a result. I promise you there is no way you can read this and not come to the end with a smile on your face (and a vague, nonspecific desire to ‘get into’ skateboarding, if you’re me).
  • On Writing: Priscilla Long writes on the act of writing, presenting a series of thought fragments in alphabetical order, taking us from ‘Alphabet’ to ‘Z’, with stops on the way at Gods, Mesopotamia and Tombstones amongst others. This is lovely, whether or not you consider yourself a ‘writer’.
  • The Whip: A personal essay about BDSM within marriage, and one person not being quite as into it as the other. Honestly, you will find this maddening throughout, but I promise that the payoff is utterly worth it. I hope against hope that this is a true story.
  • Sex in Old Age: A brilliant article from the New York Times here, all about fcuking in one’s 70s and beyond and what it’s like and why it’s good and OH GOD I LOVE THIS! Everything about it is perfect – it’s humanely-written, in-no-way voyeuristic, heartfelt and poignant and sad and happy and (very vaguely) erotic, and in particular the accompanying photographs are so, so good. Honestly, this is almost enough to make me want to live beyond 50.
  • The Only Hat You’ll Ever Need: Finally this week, a short piece of fiction about a woman whose boyfriend gets a Neuralink. Nicely-observed and just creepy-enough to leave you unsettled about what it’s going to be like when a certain subset of men all have Elon Musk in their head all the time.

By Owen Freeman


Webcurios 21/01/22

Reading Time: 32 minutes

I’m normally far too resigned and fatalistic to get particularly angry about politics – life, after all, is something that happens to one, regardless of one’s desires, rather than something that we have any meaningful power to affect, and the quicker we all accept that then the…well, not happier, exactly, but at the very least more quietly accepting we’ll all be – but the prospect that he might actually get away with all this is genuinely p1ss-boiling. Can those of you still living in the UK set fire to things should he still be in post at the end of next week, please? In return I’ll do my utmost to ensure that the Italian nation once again has Silvio at the helm, so as to return the crown of ‘Geographical Europe’s most embarrassing ‘functioning’ ‘democracy’’ back to its rightful owner.

Still, you’re not here for THAT – you’re here for ‘a bunch of stuff off the internet, thrown together with little care for thematic consistency or readability and accompanied by prose which could at best be described as ‘phoned-in’ and, at worst, as ‘actively working against the reader’. Which is fortunate really, seeing as that’s EXACTLY what I’ve prepared for you!

I am still Matt, this is still Web Curios, and I am still amazed that I don’t have a breakout, viral sensation on my hands.

By Paul Davis



  • The Museum of Contemporary Emotions: How are we all feeling? Honestly, it’s sometimes hard to tell, given the somewhat-deadening effect of the past two years – is that dull pressure-throbbing just behind my eyes a symptom of growing existential ennui or simply just what it feels like to be alive? Honestly, I can’t even tell anymore. Which is by way of slightly-meandering preamble to the Museum of Contemporary Emotions, a project from Finland which sought to map the emotions of the country’s residents over the course of the pandemic. Drawing from The First Year (look, I can’t help myself; I read too much mediocre scifi/fantasy in my teens and now basically think in chapter headings like that), this now feels like a bit like an historical artefact – scroll through the site and it takes you through various milestones from the Finnish experience of COVID (part the first), with accompanying stories and memories collected from everyday Finns which you can explore as you hark your mind back to What It Was Like Back Then. This is partly just a really nice piece of living history and archiving, but it’s also quite a bizarre bit of near-past time travel – this all feels so long ago, in the way that time has ceased to have any meaning whatsoever Since This All Started, and yet like it happened yesterday, or indeed like it’s still happening (which it is). There is nothing hugely-remarkable in here – the stories the site shares are the same stories we’ve all shared (well, fine, not quite all – insert your own party-related gags if you can still be bothered), broadly-speaking – but I found it hugely-affecting, far more than I expected it to.
  • Constellations Quebec: OK, so you need to speak French to get the most out of this – or at least the weird, mangled version of French that they speak in Quebec (look, I am sorry Canadians, but really; have you heard what it sounds like?) (NB – I am also joking, please do not come for me, Canucks) – but even if you don’t, the idea is lovely. Constellations is a project which invited a bunch of writers and artists from the region to imagine 80 short pieces of fiction telling the imagined stories of imagined residents of six different Quebecois districts – some of the stories are standalone, some are interlinked, some are text and some are audio, but (and I appreciate, again, that your ability to appreciate this will be somewhat stymied if you don’t speak French) all of them are beautiful and intimate, and there’s something lovely about the oddly-wintry website that lets you move around said districts and explore the stories at your leisure. I am a sucker for imagined fictions layered over real-world places (I know, I hate myself when I write phrases like that too) and, honestly, can you IMAGINE how much fun you could have with something like this using London as its boroughs as a canvas? LOADS, YOU UNIMAGINATIVE FCUKS, JESUS.
  • The GameBoy Colour Gallery: This feels doubly-retro – not only a project using old kit FROM THE PAST, but also like something that might have cropped up in about 2013 when the first wave of early-digital nostalgia really bubbled up. This is GREAT – a small art gallery, presented in the style of a Pokemon-ish top-down GameBoy title, where all of the art is submitted by users who’ve made it using the original GameBoy camera attachment – move around the gallery space, look at the works, read the title cards, download any you particularly enjoy, talk to the overcaffeinated pigeon…all the standard gallerygoing experiences. There’s something rather lovely about the works displayed, which…er…work despite the constraints of the medium, and whilst the ‘game’ is unfinished it’s a satisfying little 5-minute distraction. More than anything, this is just so much more fun than any parallel digital art ‘experience’ that any metaverse-peddler has yet shown me, and the photos here on display beat the fcuk out of Beeple imho. Oh, if you’re unfamiliar with Itch as a platform, you move around with the arrow keys and interact with the ‘z’ key (you’re welcome).
  • The Virtual Brand Group: You know how I keep writing about how THE METAVERSE (I promise, this week we’re VERY light on all that stuff – don’t get scared) is a brilliant opportunity for agencies to shill magic beans to idiots? WELL LOOKY HERE! The Virtual Brand Group is…what is it? I have no idea to be honest, but it’s ok because they don’t seem to either. According to the company’s LinkedIn page, it’s a ‘metaverse creation company’, and you can tell because if you click the link and go to the website you will see the word METAVERSE written in big letters all over the place (without any sort of contextual anchoring or defined meaning, fine, but let’s not split hairs), along with great big screaming claims like “THE METAVERSE WILL BE WORTH $82BN BY 2025!” (will it? OK!) and “Infinite Loop Marketing!” (no idea!) and, look, the reason I am putting this in here is not to point and laugh at the shysters (although, well, ha!) or to laugh at the mooks who are buying their services (although, well, ha!), but more to point out that this is what a massive fcuking scam looks like. Not that the idea of a persistent virtual layer atop the physical is a scam, more that, as a rule, anyone trying to sell you a glorious future based on making loads of money out of something that neither they nor anyone else can adequately define is probably not to be trusted, especially when their website answers the question “What We Do” with “The metaverse will be the most powerful marketing channel for the brands of tomorrow”. Yes mate, MORE BEANS!
  • Roll: The landing page here is spectacularly uninformative, but Roll is an interesting idea – or at least it was when I found it, although news this week does rather feel like it might have, er, a less rosy future than it had on Monday. The gimmick behind rolls is simple – to give ‘creators’ a chance to monetise EVERYTHING THEY DO by creating a paid-for secondary stream of content behind/alongside their primary channel, for all the in-progress, behind-the-scenes deep cuts that their fans are doubtless clamouring for, all for a nice monthly subscription – basically like a non-bongo OnlyFans. The name’s a riff on ‘Camera Roll’, with the idea being that you’re buying an unfiltered glimpse into the off-Insta life of your favourite shiny-haired, shiny-faced content monkey, and Rolls was seemingly doing pretty well, signing up famouses and getting decent enough writeups and then this happened and well, sorry Rolls. Anyway, this is interesting to me as part of the ever-expanding nature of THE CREATOR ECONOMY – I wonder how long it is before products and services spin out to enable us to effortlessly monetise our digital leavings and shavings? Maybe something that will, for a monthly fee, let subscribers see the contents of your drafts? Your Notes? Actually, that’s a fcuking GREAT idea, I would pay actual cashmoney for access to the digital scribblediaries of certain folk. Can someone build this please? Thanks!
  • The List of Visualisation Lists: A collection of ‘best visualisation work of 2021’ lists, compiling collections of the best dataviz, diagrammatical and scientific imagery of the past 12 months. If you work in design or dataviz this is obviously super-useful, but, even if not, there’s so much wonderful visual work in here that it’s worth a click from visual curiosity alone – if you only click one of these, my personal favourite is the roundup of the best satellite imagery of 2021, most of which I’d never seen before.
  • ArnoldHeight: “Welcome to the premier Schwarzenegger ‘Height-Site’ on the internet. We pride ourselves in being the ONLY site dedicated to Arnold Schwarzenegger’s vertical measurement.” This site has seemingly been dormant for 6 years – presumably because there have been no updates to Arnold’s vertical measurements in the intervening period – but it’s PACKED full of goodness, including GAMES (“Upon starting a new game you are shown Arnold Schwarzenegger standing in various scenes. At the same time you are presented with 5 possible heights that he might be. Earn points by correctly guessing (or coming within 2 inches of) Arnold’s height before the timer runs out.”), interview excerpts, and a photogallery which inexplicably features lots of pictures of Arnie photoshopped to look significantly shorter than he probably is. I don’t really understand why this exists, or why it ever existed, but I am very pleased it does – also, special mention to the fact that the site doesn’t at any point confirm exactly how tall its subject is.
  • Tweetflick: It’s increasingly clear to me that spending more time on Twitter, or indeed any social network, is probably not a good idea – still, though, we persist (or at least I do – I NEED IT FOR WORK, OK???). If you’re in a similarly invidious position – to whit, that it is ESSENTIAL that you use Twitter for professional reasons (NB – let’s be clear, there are approximately seven jobs currently in existence which actually require one to be ‘all over’ Twitter, and I bet yours isn’t one) – then you might find this useful. Tweetflick basically lets you add tags and annotations to tweets that you save, which if you’re a journalist or researcher is legitimately useful. It’s currently free, though there’s a plan for a paid-for product, and should you work in one of the aforementioned seven jobs (BUT ONLY THEN) then this could be worth a look.
  • Toyforce: The website of…what do you call someone who makes beautiful models of creatures out of minimally-coloured LEGO? WE NEED A TERM FOR THESE PEOPLE! Sadly the genius behind this is anonymous – or at least the website’s all in Japanese and I can’t find their name – so I can’t celebrate their mastery in full, but I promise you that you will be stunned by what they have managed to make out of the tiny plastic bricks. Minimalist mecha-crayfish? NO PROBLEM. Hermit crab? PIECE OF P1SS, MATE! Massive robot slug? Actually, yes! These are wonderful, and will make your adult LEGO model of, I don’t know, the Pompidou Centre look a bit lame.
  • The Bureau of Linguistic Reality: I am a sucker for projects that seek to imagine new language – I think this is from an early encounter with ‘The Meaning of Liff’, in which Douglas Adams and John Lloyd created made-up definitions for place names that sounded like they ought to mean something (but very much didn’t) (my personal favourite was always “Woking: the act of walking into a kitchen and then immediately forgetting the reason for having done so”). “The Bureau of Linguistical Reality is a public participatory artwork by Heidi Quante and Alicia Escott focused on creating new language as an innovative way to better understand our rapidly changing world due to manmade climate change and other Anthropocenic events. The vision of the artwork is to provide new words to express what people are feeling and experiencing as our world changes as climate change accelerates. We will be using these new words to facilitate conversations about the greater experiences these words are seeking to express with the view to facilitate a greater cultural shift around climate change. This project was inspired by moments that both Heidi and Alicia had where they literally were at a loss for words to describe emotions, ideas or situations they found themselves experiencing because of climate change.” This is a few years old, I think (THE INTERNET IS NOT A RACE), and quite possibly no longer a going thing, but there are some terms in here which feel we could really do with adopting them – specifically, “Teuchnikskreis (noun): Using new technologies to tackle environmental symptoms and byproducts caused by other (possibly older) technologies, which will in turn eventually produce their own unintended by-products and problems— for which newer technologies will then need to be produced. Teuchnikskreis is characterized by a sense of being stuck in a vicious cycle or spiral, thinking technology will be the solution to the problems created by technology.” I mean, perfect, isn’t it?
  • Mad Divorce: How are your relationships doing, everyone? Are you one of those people whose love has gone from strength to strength thanks to the enforced proximity of lockdown(sssssss), or have you reached the stage whereby the only way in which you can stand to look at your partner is to imagine them hanging from a meathook as you do so? If you’re feeling like things are perhaps not as rosy as they might be in your amorous Garden of Eden, perhaps reading this quite spectacular Reddit thread, in which divorce lawyers (or at least people willing to put the effort into cosplaying as such online) detail the most insane reasons clients have sought to file for divorce. Now obviously this is Reddit and so: a) this skews very North American, which in turn skews the nature of the mad; and b) there’s no guarantee this isn’t all made up, but I promise you that you can’t read these without feeling slightly better at the state of your own relationship. I mean, there’s no way that this is actually true, but it is funny: “My douche cousin told his wife she had three chances to give him a son. Daughter was born first. Strike one. Son was born second. Then they find out the boy cant eat gluten. So my cousin divorced her and has made zero effort to see his kids.” Except, er, unless it is true, in which case it isn’t funny. Gah! Complex!
  • Galaxicle Implosions: Ok, so this is still in preview and I’ve not tried it yet, but it looks interesting and that’s what counts. “The Galaxicle Implosions is an animated science-fiction comedy series; broadcast live from a London theatre to VR and YouTube, and co-created by you” – it describes itself as a ‘scifi impro comedy series in VR’, which sounds like a fun idea, and I’m a sucker for stuff which attempts to do theatre in interesting in different ways. They’re running a bunch of test/preview shows over the course of the week, which can be experienced either in-theatre (should you be in London), or in-browser, or in-VR – this looks like it could be rather cool, and I’m intrigued by the idea of the way the experience will play out across the three mediums simultaneously.
  • Feminist Tech: The occasionally-hypermasculine (and pathetically-macho) nature of much of the tech world is something that I imagine you’re probably broadly aware of – this project exists to attempt to counter that prevailing orthodoxy. “A Feminist Tech Policy sheds light on power structures, injustices and the environmental aspects of technology. It questions current innovation narratives and examines the value of maintenance, accessibility, openness and care for the digital societies of the future. A feminist approach helps to think and see beyond existing stories and structures.” If you work in or around tech and are interested in questions of how to make it more inclusive, and how to ensure that we think about the role of technology in shaping the future in ways that aren’t quite so male-defined (and frankly, you know, it’s quite important), then this is worth a read – the project’s principles are well-articulated and worth investigating.
  • Car Free Berlin: I found this site and was briefly transported back to the early-2000s when Berlin was presented as this technosocialist utopia of free rent and cheap drugs and excellent techno and SMART REVOLUTIONARY THINKING, of the sort that we could only dream of in grimy, banker-infested old London. This project, which is campaigning to make the centre of Berlin car-free, has received sufficient backing for it to be debated in the German House of Representatives, and, honestly, it made me feel momentarily utopian and hopeful (it didn’t last, mind). Iit’s obviously all in German, but for those of us who never really understood umlauts then Google Translate is obviously your friend – it’s a really good example of how to present and run a public-facing campaign, if nothing else.
  • The Writer’s Room: For any of you who write, and want company whilst doing so, this could be PERFECT: “The 24-Hour Room is a free virtual writers space hosted by Elizabeth Gaffney. Writers often toil in solitude. Our need for one another is greater than ever in this period of isolation. Here’s a place we can gather without masks, whether to write silently in the Studio or talk about books and writing in the Lounge.The 24-Hour Room offers fellowship, structure, solutions, motivation and intellectual sustenance. It includes 24/7 access to a communal writing Studio on Zoom; a 24/7 Zoom Lounge where Members convene to talk and read aloud; craft guidance, weekly craft discussions on Zoom; readings and prompts; and discussion boards. The full features are visible only to Members — but membership is free.”
  • WikiHow Pictures: WikiHow is a fcuking odd corner of the web, a place that has existed and grown for years but which I can’t honestly imagine anyone ever actually using in the manner it was intended (noone has EVER received a piece of useful advice from WikiHow – this is a hill I will happily die on), and which is still known mainly for the…slightly-insane quality of the illustrations which accompany each article rather than the quality of the advice it offers. Which is what makes this little game so fun – it shows you an image allegedly pulled from a WikiHow article, and your task is simply to guess the title of the article to which it’s attached. You’d think this would be straightforward, but never underestimate the ability of the WikiHow editors to throw a graphical curveball. There’s a good read about the odd economy of WikiHow illustrators here, should you wish to go deeper, but otherwise just enjoy speculating as to why exactly an article about ‘Friendship’ is illustrated by an apparently drunk man crying whilst wearing a crumpled Spiderman costume.

By Diana Karklin



  • SleepBaseball: Look, I have lived in America (briefly), I have been to baseball games, and, I’m sorry, but it is without a shadow of a doubt the most boring sport in the world (and I say that as someone from a nation that brought the world cricket, ffs). Which makes this podcast project, just launched, practically-perfect – it acknowledges the…fundamentally-soporific nature of the innings and the outs, and takes that to the nth degree by creating entirely-fictional play-by-play audioreports of games for you to fall asleep to. There’s a wonderful degree of craft here – there’s only one episode so far, but it’s a full 2-hours of totally-invented baseball with crowd sounds and play-by-play descriptions of stolen bases and all that jazz, designed to help you fall asleep, and it’s vaguely-ASMRish and really rather soothing. I would quite like to see something like this done for the Trever Bstard extended universe, should anyone involved with that be reading – THANKS!
  • Brothtails: Those of you who work in advermarketingpr will be aware of the particular feeling when you’re sitting in a ‘creative session’ (ha!) and literally nothing is happening, there are no good ideas, the room is basically airless and you’re all starting to succumb to that weird sort-of carbon monoxide poisoning effect that gets everyone after 45m of fundamentally-unsatisfying ‘ideation’, that point at which literally any halfway-plausible sounding pun-based concept starts to seem appealing. That’s the state I imagine the ‘creatives’ behind this marketing concept for Campbell’s Soup were in – there can be no other explanation, other perhaps than microdosing, for this, a campaign based around making cocktails out of, er, soup. Want to make a refreshing cocktail out of, er, mushroom broth? NO OF COURSE NOT IT SOUNDS FCUKING VILE. Please, take a moment to read the recipe for the ‘Mango Pho Sour’ and try not to sick up in your mouth a bit. Astonishing, and, seemingly, not a joke. Can someone please do a tasting session with these recipes and report back?
  • Miniature Calendar: This is so beautiful and so pure that I feel I should just leave you with the words of its creator: “Everyone must have had thoughts like these before: Broccoli and parsley may sometimes look like a forest of trees, and tree leaves floating on the surface of water may sometimes look like little boats. Everyday occurrences seen from a miniature perspective can bring us lots of fun thoughts.I wanted to take this way of thinking and express it through photographs, so I started to put together a “MINIATURE CALENDAR.” These photographs primarily depict diorama-style figures surrounded by daily necessities. Just like a standard daily calendar, the photos are updated daily on my website and SNS page, earning it the name of “MINIATURE CALENDAR.” It would be great if you could use it to add a little enjoyment to your everyday life.” I can’t stress enough how utterly lovely this is – take a bow, Tatsuya Tanaka.
  • Sopra Banking Software: Another in the occasional series of ‘pointlessly-overengineered websites for boring companies which I can’t believe someone ever signed off’, this is the quite astonishing offering from Sopra Banking Software which, for reasons known only to the web design team, presents the various product offerings of the company as, er, various areas in a digitally-rendered neon city which you can navigate around in your browser and which tells you the square-root of fcuk all about exactly what it is that the company does or why you should care. Honestly, this is remarkable – I have no idea what part of their user testing said to them ‘yep, what people who buy banking software REALLY want is to spend 15 minutes scrabbling around for basic information about how your API systems work by clicking around a cyberpunk representation of a digital city which is somehow meant to represent modern finance IT systems’, but fair play to whoever it was who got this over the line. This is terrible, obviously, but in a really spectacular way – if you’re going to make a borderline-unusable website, basically, you might as well go all-in.
  • Build for Playdate: I first featured the PlayDate console when it was announced a couple of years ago – you may recall, it’s that vaguely-GameBoy-looking yellow device with the crank on the side – and now that it exists out in the wild, the developers have opened up the game creation side of the platform to all. Pulp is the software platform used to code for the hardware – anyone can play around with it, and from the brief fiddle I’ve had it’s incredibly flexible and equally simple enough that even a luddite like me can get their head around how it works. “If you’ve never made a game before, or you’re looking to try a fun, quirky sandbox for prototyping, Pulp can scale from goofing around to building a full Playdate game. It’s an all-in-one game studio, in your web browser. Drawing tools, animation, level editor, custom font, chiptune music and sound effects. And a surprisingly capable code editor, if you want to use it.” If you’ve ever been tempted to fiddle around with gamemaking, this could be an interesting, simple way of getting your toes wet.
  • Audiobooks on YouTube: A wonderful YouTube playlist, this, of free audiobook readings – there are nearly 130 different titles linked here, each of which is a full book or short story, read in its entirety and available to listen to at your leisure. This is YouTube and so the quality is inevitably…variable, but the person who’s pulled this together seems to have done a reasonable job of ensuring that the base standard is reasonably high, and there’s a really wide-ranging selection of titles (with a significant weighting towards stuff that’s out of copyright, as you’d expect) including Christie, Conan-Doyle, Chekhov, Wells and the like (there are also a few outliers and motivational speeches and the like, but they’re easily-skippable). If you’re someone who likes to have stories read to them as they sleep but is too tight/anti-Amazon to fork out for Audible then this should give you free bedtime listening for the rest of the year.
  • Homecoming Diary: I’ve seen quite a few of these floating around Twitter in the contextless way that TikToks do these days, but this week I discovered the actual TikTok account and blimey is this stuff…odd. Homecoming Diary is basically a series of lifestyle-pr0n videos with a lightly-surreal edge, in which the protagonists show off the frankly-staggering array of domestic gadgets and timesaving devices they possess in a series of loosely-themed vignettes like ‘Single Girl Comes Home From Work’, or ‘Do You Like My Kitchen?’. This feels quite a lot like a sort of hyperpop QVC – trust me, you’ll see what I mean – and either an amazing glimpse into how incredibly-future (and sci-fi miserable) modern life now is (for some people, in some places), or alternatively a distressing example of why it is that our problem with overconsumption probably isn’t ending anytime soon (take your pick!). Dizzying, and possibly the thing so far this year that has made me feel most old and confused (don’t worry, I will be updating this list on a weekly basis).
  • Obscure Game Aesthetics: Screenshots from obscure games, Tweeted out at regular intervals and presenting graphics from old, obscure or cancelled games. If you’re interested in videogames this is a wonderful collection of obscurities and oddities, but it’s also a slightly-sad reminder of the homogenisation of aesthetic that the industry has seen, and of what you can do with the medium if you’re willing to take some artistic risks, and of how other gameworlds can look when done properly.
  • Spiderverse Frames: Seeing as we’re doing ‘Twitter accounts that spit out images on a regular basis’ (we are, you don’t get to choose), here’s one which every hour will Tweet a single frame from the SpiderVerse film – this is great, showcasing the insane visual diversity and creativity on display through the different styles of animation the movie employed, and it’s generally just an excellent way of getting some beautiful shots into your TL.
  • Buy It Now For Life: you think that this year will be the one in which we all finally understand that buying a new version of a thing each year is perhaps not a great idea for the planet? No, realistically it will not be, but it does feel as though there are creeping steps being taken towards a slightly more long-term view of product development, and that consumers are maybe starting to wake up to the economic benefits of buying stuff that lasts longer than 3m. Buy It Now For Life is a site which scrapes Reddit (can I reiterate just how much ‘scraping Reddit’ is a smart and viable way of approaching LOTS of different questions? Yes? Good) for recommendations of products in a wide range of categories which will last ‘for life’ (ok, fine, maybe not a long life, but at least a life – and as I can categorically attest, there are…limited benefits to staying alive to the age of, say, 102). Because it’s Reddit this tends to skew a bit outdoors/tech/survival, and I laughed quite a lot at the fact that the homepage features men’s pants (is there a more Reddit idea than ‘pants, for eternity’? Reader, I posit that there is not), but if you’re in the market for a new thermos (look, I don’t know you, you might be) then you could do worse than start your search here.
  • Erich’s Packing Centre: Erich Friedman, I salute you and your admirable commitment to helping the world pack objects more efficiently than they would have done otherwise without your intervention! If you’ve ever found yourself in a position whereby you have a container of known size, and a bunch of regularly-sized objects which you need to fit within said container with optimal efficiency (and, honestly, which of us hasn’t??) then BOOKMARK THIS IMMEDIATELY. You may not think that this sounds interesting, but you are wrong and you will see why when you click the link (CLICK THE LINK).
  • Bitelabs: This feels very much like an idea whose time has come. BiteLabs is a spoof project from 2014 whose central gag was ‘what if we took DNA samples of famouses and used said samples to lab-grow famousmeat and then turn said famousmeat into salami?’ – it feels very much like it exists in the same sort of conceptual space as GenPets, another excellent hoax project from the early-ish web. Bitelabs has been entirely dormant for nearly 8 years, but I very much feel that 2022 – a year in which we’re all cult members, White Knighting for our favourite causes and creators and visionaries and thought leaders, with parasocial connections to heroes we barely know but feel more intimately-connected to than our own families – is the year in which this could well become reality. Lab-grown meat is now a more viable concern than it was back then, and we’re all used to swabbing ourselves – so why not use a swab of, say, Francis Bourgeois to make BOURGEOIS SALAMI??? No reason, basically, so can any VCs reading this get on with it post-haste as I think there are some serious millions to be made here.
  • Micronations: I personally know of only one micronation – the Glorious Kingdom of Landskeria, in Pembrokeshire – but thanks to this Wiki I now know about several others. I love the idea of a micronation – part-utopianism, part-fabulism, part-bloody-mindedness – and this is a wonderful rabbithole to fall down, where you can learn about such incredible places as Wamong, “a self-proclaimed sovereign state and independence movement located in North-Western Pennsylvania in the United States. It was proclaimed on 15 February 2018. It is an observer state of the Grand Unified Micronational and a member of the Micronational Assembly. It has since split into two separate governments due to a coup on 10 June 2021, which has led to a crisis.” Superb, and full of mad.
  • Local Controversies: “Residents of small towns”, asks this Reddit thread, “what is the current controversy all about?” OH ME OH MY. There are some wonderful examples of tiny-community pettiness and controversy here, along with some honest-to-goodness murder mysteries and enough decent writing prompts to kickstart a dozen (mediocre, but still) novels. Seriously, just take a moment to imagine the War And Peace-length backstory that sits behind this simple post: “LoL The Mayor has a personal feud with this one guy that has an emotional support pig while living in the village.” Wonderful.
  • Dimensions: The description for this site is pretty prosaic: “A comprehensive reference database of dimensioned drawings documenting the standard measurements and sizes of the everyday objects and spaces that make up our world. Scaled 2D drawings and 3D models available for download. Updated daily.” Except then you click and you quickly realise that whoever’s behind this appears to be attempting to create a database featuring images and dimensions for, well, everything. Literally everything. Marsupials? YEP! White goods? YEP! Notable people? YEP! Digital ad formats? Er, YEP! You can’t help but admire the ambition, but I sort-of fear that the endeavour is doomed to failure – still, if you’ve ever wanted a resource which will let you find both the average dimensions of a banded ocelot, Sir Edmund Hilary AND a PS5 controller then WOW are you in luck!
  • Chubbyemu: A youTube channel which exists solely to answer the sort of stoned hypothetical questions I spent a lot of time pondering when I was about 15. What actually happens when you swallow chewing gum? Or if you drink glowstick juice? Or, er, if you happen to chug a bunch of hydrogen peroxide? NOTHING GOOD, is the answer, but if you want a slightly-more-scientific series of explanations then GET THEM HERE!
  • Duke Smoochem: Over the past 6 months, Dan Douglas has slowly been working on Duke Smoochem, a modded version of classic FPS game Duke Nukem 3d in which he is painstakingly recreating a bunch of elements that define modern Britain, sort of like Coldwar Steve if he discovered 3d modeling. You will probably have seen these images or videos floating around the web, but this link takes you to Douglas’ own Twitter thread which he’s used to chronicle the development process since July last year. Want to see what racist Home Office deportation vans look like if rendered satirically in a 20 year old game engine? Want to see what it would be like to blow up Giles Coren’s Jaguar, in-game? Want to see what how an on-rails shooting section on the top deck of a tourist Routemaster feels? FILL YOUR BOOTS! This is amazing – a sort of live development diary of one man’s artistic response to THE MADNESS THAT IS MODERN BRITAIN (copyright: every single centrist bore on Twitter, and me) – the game may one day come out as a mod, but even if it doesn’t this is quite clearly ART of the highest form.
  • Catchphrase: My girlfriend and I found ourselves falling into something of a Catchphrase hole back in Lockdown…III? Specifically, we got slightly obsessed with that weird period in which Catchphrase was still going on, but had been relegated to a weird no-budget digital-only channel in the mid-00s, and the money had gone, and they couldn’t afford to render Mr Chips in CG anymore and instead all the illustrations were in the sort of weird, shonky, half-off style so beloved of the people who do the cartoons on icecream vans (“Mummy, why does Mickey have radiation sickness?”) (If this means nothing to you, by the way, and you don’t know the majesty of Catchphrase then please gen up here). If you’re similarly Catchphrase-philic then this game (via last week’s B3ta) will be PERFECT for you – it lets you play the game in your browser, offering you little clips of Mr Chips doing his thing and inviting you to guess exactly which catchphrase it is that he’s embodying. Except, obviously, most of these are not things that anyone of sound mind would describe as a catchphrase – but if you can get over that small issue this is absolute GOLD.
  • Looptap: Tap the spacebar when the dot is over the line. Yes, I appreciate that that sounds like the least-fun thing you could do with the next three minutes of your life but a) if you’re doing Web Curios properly, you’re reading this on your employers’ time and as such I refuse to believe that your actual job is more fun than that; b) you’re wrong, this is ace.
  • WikiTrivia: Last up in this week’s miscellania, this is BRILLIANT. WikiTrivia scrapes events or people from Wikipedia, along with an image and a date – your simple task is to arrange these events or people on a chronological timeline. You have three lives (chances to make an error), and your challenge is to get as many correctly-arranged events/individuals before these run out, and OH MY GOD THIS IS ADDICTIVE. I have basically lost about a couple of hours to this this week – SORRY, PAYMASTERS! – and, even better, I feel like it’s actually taught me things. Web Curios – delivering the ludic, educational hit that you don’t know that you want or need but which, I promise you, you very much do.

By Gil Regoulet



  • Binocularshot: A Tumblr celebrating all those instances in films in which a character looks through a pair of binoculars and the camera cuts to first-person and gets the shot wrong. As any fule kno, binoculars don’t show you two overlapping circles when you look through them – and now you can look and laugh at all those STUPID FILMMAKERS who got it wrong. IDIOTS, all of them.


  • Clemens Gritl: The Insta of a Berlin-based artist who designs ‘artificial brutalist 3D cityscapes based on utopian architectural visions’. These are brilliant – there’s a very cut-out/collage-y vibe to the look of the renders, and I now want to play a game or watch a film set in a world that looks like this (but, to be clear, I never want to live in it).
  • Lunartik: Tatts-that-look-like-fine-art-illustrations. I’m not always sold on the subjects displayed here, but there’s no denying the artistic skill of the person doing the ink.
  • FaveTikToks420: This Insta account is effectively a distillation of all the reasons I can’t use TikTok – it collects videos from the platform which are simply awkward and uncomfortable to watch, which is basically what I feel every time I open the app. Bad acting, desperate thirst traps, appalling takes, no-self-awareness monologues…this has it all. Obviously this is a bit…mean, but also it’s compellingly carcrash, and (for me at least) is a useful reminder of why the idea that ‘everyone can be a creator with the magical new tools at our disposal’ is, perhaps, a touch overstated (look, I know that this is an unfashionable viewpoint, but can we all agree that ‘the ability to make compelling, entertaining and well-constructed shortform vertical video’ IS NOT A UNIVERSAL HUMAN QUALITY and that, as a result, MANY OF US SHOULD NOT ATTEMPT TO DO SO? Yes? Good).


  • Builder Brain: I promise you that this week’s longreads are VERY light on cryptoweb3wank – still, I will forgive you if you skip this one should you be sick to the back teeth of speculation about WHAT ALL THIS MEANS. Still, should you be in the market for it, this is an excellent and thoughtful essay by Charlie Warzel, from his newsletter, which looks at the boom in tech-solutionist thinking through the prism of this week’s ‘artificial wombs’ clusterfcuk (don’t worry if this mean’s nothing to you, the piece gives context) and, specifically, at the prevalent view in much of Silicon Valley that ‘making new solutions’ is better than ‘fixing existing systems’, and what this means. Warzel is by no means the first person to take aim at this solutionist mentality – see Evgeny Morosov’s entire career for more on this – but this is a really nicely-argued piece of writing which neatly gets to the heart of one of the main things that troubles me about cryptoweb3wank (to whit: looking at symptoms not causes).
  • Dancing With Systems: I know I have linked to systems thinking stuff in here before, but I’m equally aware that it’s very much at the outer edges of what I can reasonably claim to ‘understand’ (ha!) and that it’s quite far from the sort of stuff I usually foist upon you in the longreads. That said, if your job involves ‘thinking about how and why things work in the way that they do, and what might need to happen to change that’, then this is a super-interesting read. The words are by the late Donella Meadows, an environmentalist and systems thinker, and they’re basically a series of principles which might be useful to bear in mind when examining a system from the outside. This is the opening bit of the first principle, ‘Get The Beat’ – if you do ‘strategy’ (ha!) or any of the related, made-up disciplines in agencyland and you can read this without thinking ‘hm, interesting, I should read more’ then you’re probably in the wrong job: “Before you disturb the system in any way, watch how it behaves. If it’s a piece of music or a whitewater rapid or a fluctuation in a commodity price, study its beat. If it’s a social system, watch it work. Learn its history. Ask people who’ve been around a long time to tell you what has happened. If possible, find or make a time graph of actual data from the system. Peoples’ memories are not always reliable when it comes to timing. Starting with the behavior of the system forces you to focus on facts, not theories. It keeps you from falling too quickly into your own beliefs or misconceptions, or those of others. It’s amazing how many misconceptions there can be. People will swear that rainfall is decreasing, say, but when you look at the data, you find that what is really happening is that variability is increasing–the droughts are deeper, but the floods are greater too. I have been told with great authority that milk price was going up when it was going down, that real interest rates were falling when they were rising, that the deficit was a higher fraction of the GNP than ever before when it wasn’t.” Fascinating, I promise you.
  • You Don’t Think In Any Language: OK, so I found this quite hard, but also rewarding and stimulating, and I am willing to concede that my difficulties stem from always having struggled a bit with philosophy of language (damn you, Ludwig) and that you might find this significantly easier to get into than I did. That being said, once I did get my head ‘round it I found it properly fascinating – this is the second essay in a series, but it works as a standalone piece of writing, all about how words and thought and ideas interrelate, and the extent to which language can be said to determine thought (if indeed at all). There’s a section in here which talks about the idea of using imaginary words to help define the limits of what is conceptually viable which had my brain actually fizzing in that way it does when I know I am reading something that is properly making me think – you will, I hope, feel the same.
  • Meet The Sigma Male: Classic bit of internetculturewriting here, digging up a niche subculture and presenting it as A SIGN OF THE TIMES – in this case, the idea of the ‘Sigma Male’, a post-Chad concept of masculinity which describes a guy who is ‘successful and popular, but also silent and rebellious. He has a near-fundamentalist approach to self-improvement and is well-tuned in the ways of hustle culture. He makes regular gains at the gym and invests in crypto – sometimes simultaneously.’ This is in part a slightly-gawpy ‘look what we found under this rock!’ piece, but hints at something more interesting – to my mind, at least – in that this is ANOTHER piece of evidence that suggests to me that the big nostalgia trend amongst GenZ and whatever the kids below them are called is not fliphones or ‘the 90s’ but in fact ‘the very fundamental ideals that underpinned Thatcherist ideology’. I am 100% serious about this by the way, and will happily bore on about it given the opportunity (you’d be amazed at how rarely I get offered said opportunity, but I live in hope).
  • Digital Sticker Millionaires: Or, ‘so, how’s the creator economy panning out in Japan then?’ That’s obviously a massively unfair read, fine, but it did strike me reading this article, which describes the market for animated digital ‘stickers’ delivered and sold through popular messaging app Line, that it’s a neat encapsulation of the inherent limits of the dream of the creator economy: “There are now 4 million designers on the platform, from hobbyists and part-timers to professional studios. The top 10 creators have earned an average of 1.18 billion yen each in total sales, or roughly $10.2 million, throughout their careers, according to Line’s own figures. But, sticker creators told Rest of World that the marketplace has become increasingly saturated, making it hard for newcomers to break through.” This…this is how market economics works – can we please start including an acknowledgement of this in all the breathless writeups about how we’re all going to become gurning videomongs mugging into the digital eye for cryptopennies, please?
  • Gifs are for Boomers Now: As pointed out by someone more observant and funnier than me, this whole piece is basically a massive bit of shadethrowing at millennials, seeing as it takes ‘boomer’ to mean ‘anyone over the age of 30’. Still, worth reading if your job involves writing presentations about how to optimise brand communications to increase engagement with the hard-to-reach GenZennial marketplace (also, you have my intense, sincere and long-lasting pity).
  • Who Built The Pyramids?: If your kneejerk answer to that question is ‘vast quantities of slave labour under the uncaring direction of godlike rulers whose word was law’ then AHAHAHAHAHA YOU MOOK YOU CHUMP YOU RUBE! In fact, it was SPACE ALIENS! Or at least that’s the schtick being peddled by a particular brand of ‘alternative historians’, who are monetising their repackaging of decades-old theories that state that the pyramids couldn’t possibly have been built by human hands several thousand years ago and instead had to be the work of superior civilisations. There’s loads of interesting stuff in here – the skyrocketing value of the ‘alternative history’ economy, the (inevitable) links to white supremacism (does…does everything online become Nazi if you follow the rabbithole far enough? It does rather seem so), and, perhaps most of all, the reasons why this stuff is going gangbusters right now. Personally-speaking I think there’s something interesting in the idea that people are more willing to believe the ‘aliens did it with the rayguns’ story because we’re at a point in history where we simply cannot conceive of having the sort of long-term vision required to create the pyramids – I mean, the idea of anyone starting a project now that will take over a century to complete and that will necessitate a…not-inconsiderable loss of human life to achieve is kind-of mind-boggling, so perhaps it’s not that weird that kids these days are more likely to accept the concept of little green men with space chisels being the architects of Giza.
  • What Kids Are Reading: An interesting essay which argues that there is benefit in starting to teach young people and students how to read again – not because the kids are stupid, but because the de facto modes of information gathering have changed so drastically in the real world that it can no longer be expected that young people have the tools at their disposal to parse text in the same way as they would have done 30 years ago. Which, generally, seems like a reasonable perspective – if we get used to learning and consuming information via AV, why should we automatically know how to extract the same information from a wall of text? An interesting companion to the piece from last week about critical reading, and indeed to the article from last year which talked about how confused modern students are by the idea of digital ‘files’ and ‘filing’.
  • When NFTs Came To ArtTown: An amusing account of the culture-clash taking place in hyperbougie artparadise Marfa, Texas, as NFT arrivistes attempt to buy into the existing fine art community that’s developed there over the past few years. Pleasing mainly because noone comes out of this particularly well – not the NFT bros, certainly, but not the Marfites either. The author of the piece in particular rather undermines the credibility of the NFT critique by constantly having to acknowledge the fact that they are mates with all the old-school artists and gallery owners who, it seems to me, are perhaps being a touch prissy about all this (and I say this as someone whose general view of the NFT ‘art’ market is that it’s fundamentally-misnomered).
  • The NFT Restaurant: Or rather, the future NFT restaurant. “Flyfish Club, set to open in a yet-to-be-announced Manhattan location in the first half of next year, will be a luxury “seafood-inspired” dining club from the VCR Group, a hospitality and restaurant group that includes Gary Vaynerchuk, the serial entrepreneur and co-founder of online reservation system Resy. To gain access to the club, members must have a Flyfish NFT, which is a unique digital asset stored on the blockchain and purchased using cryptocurrency. The company released 1,501 tokens this month, bringing in around $15 million, according to David Rodolitz, the founder and CEO of VCR.” I mean, on the one hand the idea of paying 100k for the right to access a restaurant and members club that doesn’t exist yet and which is part of a GaryVee venture is so utterly-risible that I just want to point and laugh at everyone involved; on the other, part of me does sort-of see how ‘NFT as transferable digital membership token’ is actually a non-idiotic usecase for the tech. Still, this is just madness and does rather provide grist to the mill for anyone suggesting that all this is just a brilliant way of parting rich morons with their lucre.
  • SimpDaos: Look, I am not going to try and paraphrase this VERY INTERNETTY article – all you need to know is that it’s about NFT/cryptoculture and fandom, and is another one for me to file alongside all the other pieces of evidence for my continuing ‘the most important cultural unit of the 21c is the cult’ thesis.
  • How AI Conquered Poker: Or, ‘The March of the Centaurs’ – following the rise of man/machine combined play in chess, the AI-augmentation of human capability has come to poker. This article looks at how players at the top end of the pro game are increasingly using AI models to train themselves, helping them map the probabilities around potential hands to help them with the decisionmaking process in-game. Fascinating, even as someone who has literally no poker skill whatsoever – it made me think (amongst other things) of what other sports or disciplines will (or should, or shouldn’t) get centaured next.
  • The Joss Whedon Article: I am including this for a few reasons; a) because it’s an interesting evolution of the redemptive celebrity interview format; b) because Whedon comes across so, so badly throughout that it’s almost an object lesson in how not to present yourself when you’re attempting a redemption arc; and c) because there is one paragraph in this that made me laugh out loud and reread it three times out of sheer glee. Click the link and, if you have no interest in reading about a not-particularly-pleasant man attempting to justify having been a d1ck, just ctrl+f for ‘erin shade’ and read that one paragraph and just MARVEL at it.
  • Another Green World: A wonderful piece of writing about the idea of self-contained biological environments, the Biosphere experiments of the 90s, the incredible and unknowable complexity of the systems that make LIFE happen, and the sort of weird, driven people who spend their time thinking about how we might one day transplant Earth’s biome into space. This is not only really, really interesting, but it’s also a stellar piece of writing.
  • Sinking, Giggling Into The Sea: As we (or at least those of us who care about the politics of the increasingly-insignificant British Isles) wait for our current Prime Minister to be definitively knifed in the back by the same morons who attempted to convince the nation that a sexually-incontinent liar was a reasonable choice to lead the country, it feels timely to link to this LRB article from 2013, in which Jonathan Coe writes about Boris Johnson in his guise as occasional subject of affectionate televisual mockery on Have I Got News For You, and more generally about the ‘fcuk it, everything’s a joke so let’s lol it up’ attitude that the 90s fostered about basically everything. “When Humphrey Carpenter interviewed the leading lights of the 1960s satire boom for his book That Was Satire, That Was in the late 1990s, he found that what was once youthful enthusiasm had by now curdled into disillusionment. One by one, they expressed dismay at the culture of facetious cynicism their work had spawned, their complaints coalescing into a dismal litany of regret. John Bird: ‘Everything is a branch of comedy now. Everybody is a comedian. Everything is subversive. And I find that very tiresome.’ Barry Humphries: ‘Everyone is being satirical, everything is a send-up. There’s an infuriating frivolity, cynicism and finally a vacuousness.’ Christopher Booker: ‘Peter Cook once said, back in the 1960s, “Britain is in danger of sinking giggling into the sea,” and I think we really are doing that now.’” Well, er, quite.
  • The Solitude Project: A beautiful short story from the LA Review of Books, by Christina McCausland, about love and solitude and obsession and drugs and abuse and self-erasure and and and and. The final paragraph in particular is beautiful, imho.
  • How To Be A D1ck In The 21st Century: Finally this week, Kafka’s metamorphosis if, rather than waking up to find himself transformed into a giant beetle, Gregor Samsa had instead awoken to discover that he was an enormous, ambulant penis. I very much enjoyed this short story, from the forthcoming collection by Chris Stuck, and I think you will too.

By Paco Pomet


Webcurios 14/01/22

Reading Time: 30 minutes

Gah! I am late! I am so sorry!

I could explain exactly why, but I can’t imagine you care that much – after all, it’s not like any of you sit there on a Friday morning, sweaty palms worrying up and down your denimclad thighs as you bite-rip at your inner lip, waiting for your fix of links and words and incapable of focusing on anything ’til you have them, is it? No, it is not – but suffice it to say that it involved not one but TWO trips to the local health centre to pick up medical grade Soylent, so it’s…well, it’s a reasonable excuse, I think.

Anyway, this tardiness means that you’re at least spared my tedious opining on ALL THE PARTIES (you can, though, get a flavour for what I might have said here) and instead can get stuck straight into the ‘good’ stuff – thanks for your patience, and sorry that what follows is no better than normal (but, on the plus side, it’s not discernibly worse either – there’s much to be said for having consistently low standards, I’ve come to learn).

I am still Matt, this is still Web Curios, and Boris Johnson is still a fcuking cnut.

By Lisa Vaccino



  • Elon Goat: Long-term readers may be aware as to my position on both cryptostuff/NFTs (to whit: potentially interesting in the long term, but absolutely rife with cnuts and lies and grift in the short- to medium-term) and Elon Musk (to whit: a wnker), so why am I kicking off this week’s Curios with a project which combines both of those things into a single ridiculous whole? Well, er, because it made me laugh, pathetically – look, this is obviously all silly and terrible and Bad News, but, equally, I can’t not be slightly-pleased by something so obviously stupid as a project whose goal is ostensibly to construct “a biblical sized monument on the back of a semi-trailer dedicated to the Godfather of Crypto, Elon Musk. When the Elon GOAT is complete, we’re towing it to Tesla and demanding that Elon claims his GOAT! The Elon GOAT Monument will serve as an anchor to the Token and as a tribute to the world’s Crypto community!” I mean, if you consider that 99.9% recurring of all coin/token projects to date have been absolute moronic garbage then there’s something to applaud in taking that to the absolute nth degree – I defy you to come up with a more stupid, pointless and fundamentally-ugly project than this one. The only way I could love this more would be if they were to amass a fortune in Musk-fan crypto and then rugpull the whole project (yes, fine, theft and fraud are Bad Things, but occasionally it feels like the victims justify the crime).
  • NFTs as Staff Bonuses: As we ease ourselves into another year of wageslavery with all the enthusiasm of someone self-catheterising, take a moment to think of how you would like your paymasters to acknowledge YOUR contribution to the ceaseless incremental increasing of shareholder value – bonuses? Nah, too 80s. Spa days? Nah, too 00s. Food vouchers? Potentially-useful tbh, but a bit grim. I know – HOW ABOUT NFTs???? Said literally no fcuker, ever, and yet here we are – I think this is the first instance, at least that I’ve seen, of a business minting its own line in NFTs to distribute to its workforce (before inevitably opening the market up to the wider cryptocommunity so as to, er, ‘inevitably’ drive up the value of said NFTs which will DEFINITELY become the subject of a frenzied bidding war and definitely, definitely won’t end up having absolutely no value whatsoever). So it is for employees of seemingly-generic SAAS platform Yotpo, who are all being given ‘Fabulous Flamingos’, the latest tedious, no-imagination spin on the whole BAYC thing (you know, one base design with 8 or so variables to produce 12,912,998 potential variations which all feel emptily similar) as a reward for BEING AWESOME, which they will soon be able to trade with other cryptoheads. Do…do you think the Yotpo staff asked for this? “Would you like an actual cash bonus this year, staff, or would you instead like us to spend the bonus pot on making a bunch of ugly cartoon avatars of each of you and causing a small-but-not-insignificant uptick in our carbon emissions for the year to boot?” “YES PLEASE, PAYMASTERS!!” is how I don’t imagine the conversation going at all. Baffling, but doubtless a sign of things to come – you may laugh now, but you’ll be laughing on the other side of your face when even the carriage clock you get for 75 years’ loyal service is a fcuking NFT that nobody wants to buy. Still, you can put it on your mantelpiece in the metaverse (that JWT can design for you SORRY GAVIN!) (don’t worry, I am not going to try and make that running ‘gag’ (I use the term loosely) a ‘thing’).
  • EnviroNFTs: “Wow!”, I thought when I saw this, “an NFT project specifically designed to help the environment! That sounds…well, it sounds massively intellectually-incoherent, to be honest, and like a bad joke, but maybe I am missing something”, and so I clicked and, well, nope! “The NFT Series for 100,000,000 mangroves is a collaboration between Regenerative Resources (RRC), Regen Network, Chainlink, and Elevenyellow, to raise sufficient funds to grow 100 million mangroves. This series will emit ~120 tons of carbon, but is expected to sequester 20,000,000 tons of carbon over 25 years, a 160,000:1 ratio of C sequestered to C emitted.”” I am…unconvinced as to the validity of your carbon calculations here, NFT-peddlers, but let’s look closer – and, er, why do I need to buy anNFT anyway? Can’t I just plant some trees? Even better, though, is when you click through to investigate a little more about the Regenerative Resources lot who are apparently underpinning this whole thing, and you see that their website says in big letters “Want to grow mangroves instead of paying taxes?”, so we can rest assured that this is DEFINITELY a philanthropic project harnessing the decentralised power of the blockchain to solve problems in an innovative and disruptive manner and definitely not just another example of how all this stuff is being used by the already-rich and already-crooked to further line their nests. You would have to be a FOOL and a COMMUNIST to doubt the motives here, truly. Oh, but hang on – what’s this? A site that allows you to donate to non-profits with crypto? US-only, but surely a good thing, right? This also emphasises the tax writeoff benefits and so therefore feels inherently icky, but there’s nothing inherently wrong with advertising the personall benefits of a charitable act so as to induce more of said act I guess. Anyway, there’s something that feels slightly *off* about the intersection of crypto and charity, though I concede that’s something that might just be me projecting my own inherent dislike of the ‘scene’ (although according to this academic paper there are fundamental issues with direct cryptofunding of charitable enterprises, so perhaps that sort of intermediary solution is the only way. Christ, this is boring, sorry).
  • Australian Open NFTs: Just in case you thought that Australian tennis had reached an apogee of preposterousness with the Djokovic saga (as an aside, he is 100% going to end up doing some really terrible things when his career’s over, isn’t he? I can see some sort of borderline-hard-right political adventures in the Novak crystal ball), have THE NFT TENNIS BALL! I don’t really understand how this is meant to work, but that hardly seems like the point of these things anymore. OWN THE COURT, it screams, although exactly what definition of ‘ownership’ they’re working with here is unclear. Also, the seventh tab on the right hand side inexplicably takes you to a page that reads ‘ENTER THE METAVERSE’ without explaining what that might in fact entail, although perhaps they are promising that your balls can follow you across virtual realms, which is nice. Thanks to Matt Fernand for sending this to me, and for being kind enough to admit that he doesn’t understand it either.
  • Explore the John Soane Museum: Inexplicably I have apparently NEVER featured this in Curios – I think this version of the Soanes site was created during the…second? (it’s so hard to tell) wave of COVID, but, honestly, who cares? All you need to know is that it’s a beautifully-presented and genuinely fascinating way to explore the museum (which, should you be able to, is absolutely worth visiting In Real Life, should that still be something that we do in 2022), and the vaguely-kinect-y (can I still use that as a reference point? Does anyone actually remember the Microsoft Kinect? Milo? BUELLER?) graphics they use to display the house and the warren-like maze of rooms that house its collection do wonders at bringing it to life. Also, it’s a fcuking GREAT collection, almost as good as the Pitt Rivers in Oxford (which will always win because of its frankly insane collection of very, very evil weaponry, and of course the majesty of the shrunken heads).
  • Locket: Is this the first big hypey app of 2022? I have no idea, nor does it matter, but lots of people have been talking about it this week and it’s a really smart, simple idea. Locket lets you interact with a small group of friends (I can’t be bothered to check; let’s say 5), with whom you can share pictures (straight cameraroll, no filters). The gimmick is that through a widget on your iPhone (iOS only at-present) it presents them in a small window on your homescreen, showing moments from the lives of people you know. It’s such a cute idea (although as I think/type that, I am visited by an horrific vision of all the many ways in which it could be not cute at all, for which no thanks at all to my subconscious), and I look forward (do not look forward at all) to the flurry of horrific advermarketingpr ‘activations’ (god that’s a horrible term, I must stop using it) which attempt to bribe you into letting them advertise directly at you from your homescreen in exchange for magic Zuckerbergian metaverse beans (other currencies will doubtless be available).
  • Luciteria: Have you ever wanted to be MASTER OF ALL THE ELEMENTS! Well in a very small way you can, thanks to this quite remarkable online shop which will sell you tiny (like, really tiny – if you’re looking into some sort of large-scale (or even small-scale, frankly) chemical ‘experiment’, this is unlikely to be of use to you) quantities of every known element. Actually that’s not true, sorry – per the site, “Of the 92 naturally occurring elements over 80 are collectible with probably half of those being relatively easy to find in more or less pure form.” But, still, MASTER OF THE ELEMENTS! Want some lovely sodium chunks in oil, just like in chemistry? OF COURSE YOU DO! Lovely, bubbly Ruthenium? All yours mate. Honestly, this is great, and I am off to order a vial of shiny glowing Nitrogen. Oh fcuk me, they have purple gold, this site is amazing.
  • A Play About Sex: Not actually link to a play about sex, sorry; instead, this is a piece of research to inform a forthcoming work by Hannah Farley-Hills who says: “For my next play, I want to talk to women about sex. This is not limited to those who were assigned female sex at birth. So, if you have lived experience as a woman and you live in the UK or the Republic of Ireland, then this project is for you. I am working with a diverse team of artists, academic experts, sexologists and psychologists but I need more voices in the mix! I want to know about your relationship with sex, the conversations you have and the references you use. I want to work out how a theatre play could benefit your relationship with sex and what that play could look like.” So there you have it – if you think that sounds like something you’d be interested in contributing to, there’s more information and a survey on the link. NB – I have no connection to this whatsoever, it just sounds like an interesting project.
  • Paper Website: I am genuinely quite angry that it’s taken me this long to find out about this (the internet is not a race, the internet is not a race), not least because it’s SO clever and I feel like it should be more famous. Paper Website is a really simple product – take your written notes and turn them into a website, with no coding. You write, take a photo, upload it to the app, and it becomes a simple blogpost (the site claims that it works for even the most illegible of scrawls, although it’s English-only). If you’re the sort of person who’s never without a Moleskine (although actually this comes with its own notebook too), jotting down thoughts inspired by the world around you, maybe sketching a bit in the margin and thinking about that graphic novel you always wanted to write, then this might be for you (also, I hate you). PS – this is a really interesting writeup by Ben Stokes (no), whose work it is, about how the whole thing came about and how it works.
  • The Facebook Pixel Hunt: I know we’ve all sort of just blithely-accepted the idea that modernity is now little more than a succession of digital platforms shaking you down for that sweet, monetisable personal datastream, but if you feel like raging against the machine (it’s futile! We are the machine!) a little longer than you may be interested in signing up to this latest investigation by Mozilla and The Markup which is looking for volunteers to share browser data (anonymised, obvs) with them to get a better picture of how targeted ads and tracking actually work. The study ‘seeks to map Facebook’s pixel tracking network and understand the kinds of information it collects on sites across the web. The Markup will use the data collected in this study to create investigative journalism around the kinds of information Facebook collects about you, and where.’ Of course, there’s no guarantee that the platform won’t do its usual thing and just shut this down citing ‘data protection’ (oh, the irony!), but that doesn’t mean you shouldn’t give it a go while it lasts.
  • Let’s Settle This: Many years ago I worked on a BBC3 series whose central premise was Big Narstie sitting in a barbershop and settling various big online debates – cheese or chocolate, and ‘are West Indian parents more strict than African parents?’, that sort of thing. It wasn’t a, er, huge hit, and Narstie was very much in the ‘still far too keen on getting absolutely blazed at 10am with a massive entourage of non-specific ‘helpers’’ stage of his career and so was by all accounts an occasionally challenging person to produce, but my main regret is that we never got signoff on the digital spinoff bits we wanted to make, one of which was basically EXACTLY this gam which has now been created by the prolific Neal Agarwal (see Curios passim). This is simple, silly and fun – you get a series of binary proposition,pick one side for each, and then see how your opinion compares to the rest of the web. If nothing else, we can now consider the toilet paper over/under question finally resolved for good.
  • Mitchells vs Machines: Was this a good film? As a child-free person, my knowledge of kid-focused CG animations is…limited, but I seem to recall that The Mitchells vs The Machines was reasonably well-received when it came out…at some point in the weird timeslurry that is the past two years. Anyway, should you or anyone in your family have been a fan of the film, or indeed just generally interested in animation and illustration and character design and stuff, then you might enjoy this – Netflix has put the artstyle lookbook (that’s the technical term, right?) for the film online, so you can peruse character and set sketches, read background material about the principles, and generally immerse yourself in the world of the film. It’s a really interesting look at the thought and craft that goes into animation, and super-interesting from a design and production point of view (also, the character art is charming).
  • But Blockchain: Everything, on the blockchain! A Twitter account that spits out a seemingly-infinite procession of ideas for stuff that could be put ON THE BLOCKCHAIN! Either a coruscating satire of the current mania for BLOCKCHAIN-BASED SOLUTIONS or an incredible resource for entrepreneurial inspiration, depending on your point of view. Personally ‘jetpacks, on the blockchain’ sound pretty good to me.
  • Lioness: This is an interesting project. Effectively a third-party organisation set up in the US to assist with whistleblowing and investigation into poor workplace practice, “Lioness is a storytelling platform and new media company that brings forward stories about encounters with power. At the crux of a Lioness story is the interplay of those who have power and those who don’t. Many of the stories that Lioness brings to the public are stories that have been previously stifled by money, non-disclosure agreements, and threats. The two women behind Lioness, Ariella Steinhorn and Amber Scorah, have looked into thousands of untold stories submitted by everyday people, including stories of corruption, sexual abuse and harassment, cover-ups, fraud, resilience, and redemption. Many of the stories we publish are ones that would not have been reported on otherwise, despite being verified — usually due to entrenched power, legal threats, or the fact that people with the stories do not always know how best to connect with the media.” It’s a fascinating model, and the sort of thing which might usefully be replicated outside of North America.
  • Litclock: I have no idea when this got made, but it’s a quietly-lovely little webproject from the Guardian which tells the time via the medium of literary quotes – each hour and minute is accompanied by an appropriate quote from a novel which mentions that specific moment in time (for example, at the exact time of writing, “The lecture was to be given tomorrow, and it was now almost eight-thirty”). This is such a cool little idea – and you can find the code here on Github should you want to cobble together a local version, which is exactly the sort of thing I’d be tempted to do were I the owner of an independent bookshop with some coding skills and a spare e-ink display (which, obviously, applies to LOADS of you, right? Eh? Oh).
  • Onlooker Postcards: A Flickr album featuring postcards collected over several decades and which all feature someone staring out into the distance; for reasons I don’t entirely understand, a significant proportion of said people are wearing red (is this some sort of sign? WHAT ARE THEY TRYING TO TELL US?). I don’t know why these are so compellingly-sinister, but they really are.
  • Emoji Frequency: This year’s report from Unicode, telling us what the most-used emoji were globally in 2021. The headline here is that we are all still irredeemably basic, with the cry/laugh emoji accounting for a quite astonishing 5% of all global emoji usage (NOTHING IS THAT FUNNY! PARTICULARLY NOT NOW!). I won’t pretend that there are any GREAT INSIGHTS that you can derive from this (but, equally, I won’t stop you from pretending that there are – we’re all in the same boat, I won’t judge you), but there are some interesting points in the writeup about the sorts of emoji that might have reached saturation point, particularly should you be considering submitting your own (animal emoji are ‘at saturation level’, sadly, so don’t expect to see your application to add ‘axolotl’ to the menagerie be successful).
  • Electronicos Fantasticos: “”Electronicos Fantasticos!” Is a co-creation led by artist / musician Ei Wada, who revives the electric appliances that have finished their roles into new electronic musical instruments and gradually forms an orchestra. It is a project to go. Currently, we have established activity bases in three cities, Tokyo, Kyoto, and Hitachi, and with the participation of nearly 70 members, we have turned many home appliances such as CRT TVs, electric fans, ventilation fans, video cameras, eco-an, and telephones into musical instruments.” If you’re a fan of people making weird instruments out of old CRT televisions and calculators and stuff, then you will LOVE this – if anyone’s reading this from Hoover, Dyson or one of those companies, PLEASE click this link in particular and then commission these guys to create a bespoke wind orchestra from your appliances. PLEASE.
  • Hive: As a result of having a somewhat…reduced social life at present, I have found occasional minor solace in Twitch – there’s something oddly-soothing about using Nobody to browse the long, unwatched tail of the platform, a bit like a penis-free, game-heavy version of chatroulette. Anyway, that’s how I found this – a Twitch channel that streams a livefeed of a beehive, 24/7. You may not think that you need to see a few thousand bees doing their thing but, I guarantee you, this is mesmerising and therapeutic.

By Nickie Zimov



  •  The FBI Artifact of the Month: The FBI is not, it’s fair to say, an institution you would necessarily describe as ‘cute’ or ‘whimsical’, and yet there’s a touch of both in this regular feature on their website, where they present a variety of oddities from their archives for curious eyes. This month’s is a small, slightly-grubby-looking plastic statuette of ‘Alvin’ (lead singer of the Chipmunks, as any fule kno) which was once fitted with a mic as part of a long-running surveillance sting. Which is on the one hand quite interesting and sort-of cool, but I couldn’t help but note the aforementioned grubbiness and then go on to invent a slightly dark backstory that involved some BAD PEOPLE meeting STICKY ENDS. Basically this is just a way to humanise the Feds, is what I’m saying, and should be treated with slight suspicion as a result – alternatively, just treat it as a wonderful series of writing prompts for your ‘Write Detective Fiction In Just 12 Months!’ class.
  • Poly Pizza: Google recently shuttered its free 3d assets platform, but it’s popped up again in this guise, with literally thousands of models to download and use in your own creations. “Explore thousands of free, high quality assets. Ready to use in any Unity, Unreal, Godot, Blender or VR/AR project. Models are available in a variety of formats like OBJ, FBX and GLTF” – sounds good, right? This is one of the things that’s amazing about the future – the tools to create standalone 3d environments, games, worlds, all made by generous people for free use by the wider community. Remind me again what crypto brings to this party?
  • Women Of Rock: I put it to you that it’s near-impossible to read the words ‘Women of Rock’ without (at least mentally) making small devil horns with your fingers and doing a gentle headbang. This is a YouTube channel collecting videos about women in modern music history – “a collection of digital interviews and written transcripts, housed at the Sophia Smith Collection at Smith College—one of the oldest women’s history archives in the United States. Started by Tanya Pearson in December, 2014, WOROHP documents the lives and careers of women in rock whose work and careers have been underrepresented or omitted from rock journalism and historical scholarship. With a collection of publicized and accessible primary source documents, the Women of Rock Oral History Project seeks to facilitate a more comprehensive, inclusive, and accurate cultural history.” Featuring interviews and profiles of people like Peaches, Nina Gordon, Gail Ann Dorsey and more, this is super-interesting if you’re a student of musical history or, er, women in rock (DEVIL HORNS!).
  • The Gallery Companion: Started last year by lecturer Victoria Powell, The Gallery Companion is a (paid, but there are free options) membership organisation which aims to give people who are interested, but not experts in, art a place to discuss, explore, learn and generally enjoy the visual arts with other curious people. There are various online and offline events, talks, tours and things, which could be of interest for any of you who have decided that 2022 is the year in which you FINALLY learn the name of a contemporary artist that isn’t ‘Banksy’.
  • Ukrainian Murderers: A photoseries by David Tesinsky of portraits of people imprisoned for murder in Ukraine. These are…heavy, I suppose, feels like the best word to describe them, and I can’t pretend I didn’t find there to be something slightly odd about the fact that there are prints for sale (is there a profitshare with the subjects? Do proceeds go to charity? I don’t know what the ‘right’ thing is, here, but it feels…weird). Still, unless you’ve got a very specific sort of interior decoration vibe I can’t see them being the sort of things that you’d want hanging on your wall (“You know what would look nice over the mantel, Janet? That print of the man convicted of seven murders and serving a ton-stretch in Kharkiv! The sadness in his eyes!”).
  • Minimator: Oh this is nice. If you’re the sort of person whose doodles tend towards the regimented and geometric and gridlike (I AM NOT JUDGING YOU (but know that I am inferring things about your character)) then this little webtoy could prove very satisfying indeed. You get given a grid-based canvas which you can draw on with simple black lines, lines which can either be straight quarter-circles – with these limitations, you can make some quite detailed and complex designs, whether abstract patterns or simple cartoon-style illustrations, and I reckon this could be quite soothing if you’re less of a cack-handed no-talent aesthetic carcrash than I am.
  • Instaraid: “Make Instagram fun again!”, says this website, before then going on to suggest that it doesn’t really understand how ‘fun’ works. Instaraid is a platform/project that basically exists to create temporary, one-off Insta ‘pods’ (remember those, content marketers of long-standing? GREAT DAYS!) – “Every day, our algorithm randomly select an account that we’ll “raid” on Instagram: we follow them, give them likes, and comment positive things on their pictures. Every participant who uses the #instaraidsubmission on one of the pictures of the currently selected person will have a chance to be selected in the next round. You can participate even if you don’t want to be “raided”: just follow along and comment positive things with the #instaraid hashtag.” Now, on the one hand, this feels like a fun throwback to the days when people would rally round to attempt to boost each others’ accounts as a general ‘a rising tide lifts all ships’ sort-of mindset; on the other, though, this feels like it sort-of fails to appreciate the extent to which ‘suddenly going viral on Insta’ is no longer anything fun and is instead something to be feared and guarded against. OH WHAT WE HAVE LOST!
  • Relax: I normally have very little time for anything that claims to help me ‘relax’ via the medium of a screen (THAT’S WHY I TAKE DRUGS FFS), but I was honestly mesmerised by this. Click the link, click the button, and find yourself staring slack-jawed at a beautiful blue pool which will slowly calm to reveal the simple word ‘RELAX’ beneath the water and MY GOD does this work – seriously, I had a whole 90s of relative calm and tranquility as a result of this (before I remembered who and where I was, and the fantods started again).
  • Browser Shazam: I got quite excited about this when I found it, and then realised that it has…limited use cases – after all, doesn’t everyone likely to want to use Shazam likely to have it on their phones already? And isn’t it more likely that you’ll want to identify songs when you’re out and about and subject to the whims and tastes of others rather than when you’re at home listening to whatever you choose? Still, should you be the sort of person who has an innate distrust of putting apps on your phone (WE ARE BRETHREN!), or the sort of person who likes to put on random music on a tab in the background and who keeps their phone in another room when they work (locked in a box, in a cupboard, underground), then you might find Chrome extension, which lets you identify any song playing on your laptop, useful.
  • First Ascent: Some of the shine has been taken off the ‘Ascent of Everest’ experience in recent years, partly borne of the fact that technology has made it more accessible than ever which means that we now have far more first-hand accounts of the reality of Everest, which as far as I can tell is ‘too many tourists’ and ‘a distressing number of frozen corpses and turds’. Still, it’s undeniable that there’s a sense of romance associated with the first time anyone managed it, and so this little webproject telling the story of the first (official) ascent achieved by John Hunt. Edmund Hillary and Tenzing Norgay is pleasingly compelling, telling the history of people’s obsession with summitting (sorry – this is a horrible word but I am assured it’s appropriate) the mountain and how it was finally achieved.
  • The Trade Journal Cooperative: For several years, a particular favourite hipster gift has been one of those subscriptions that send you a different trends design/lifestyle magazine each month; you know the ones, all 2014-Insta-aesthetic photography and lumpy knitwear and hand-fired pottery and names like ‘Ecru’ and ‘Ennui’ and ‘Askance’. This week I learned of a way to improve upon that – The Trade Journal Cooperative “delivers a lovingly curated niche trade journal to your door every quarter. Our editors painstakingly comb through the back alleys of capitalism to bring you fascinating publications like Pasta Professional, American Funeral Director, and Plumber Magazine. Each issue comes complete with a newsletter from our Editorial Board that provides a wealth of insightful commentary, historical analysis, and various amusing tidbits from our explorations.” If you don’t want to read Pasta Professional, I don’t want you reading my newsletter.
  • Direct Trains: I LOVE that this exists – a small website which lets you click on any train station in the Europe and see how far you can get from it without changing trains. You may not think you want to know exactly how far you can get from Kidderminster without switching carriages, but you never know when this knowledge may come in handy. In particular, if you fancy dreamily planning some sort of pan-European rail journey, this is a wonderful way of imagining it into being.
  • The 101 Best Book Covers of 2021: Not my assessment, to be clear, but a selection pulled together by Literary Hub, as identified by a bunch of designers. These tend to be North American, so there’s a certain aesthetic distinction between the preferred style of publishers in the US and Canada and those in Europe, but it’s still fascinating to see the work and the prevailing trends in aesthetic that you can identify. Personally-speaking, I have a lot of time for the design of Sam Riviere’s Dead Souls (also a great book fwiw, if a bit ‘inside poetry’), but you pick your own (that’s MINE, leave off).
  • Planets: Remember that gorgeous little browser-based aquatic-town-building-simulator from the other week? Well this is sort of like that, except instead of a town you get to terraform your own planet, with trees and oceans and towns. It’s by the same person, Oskar Stalberg, and was a made a few years earlier, but it’s no less lovely and will have you imagining all sorts of intricate backstories for your floating lumps of galactic rock (or it will if you’re me).
  • Karawan: Finally this week, tiny pixellated ludic distraction (it’s a wonder they didn’t use that as a strapline, really) in the shape of Karawan, a tiny game made for Ludum Dare in 72h and SUCH a lovely game which I would love to see fleshed out into something a bit longer. Your task is simple – get your caravan from its starting point to the portal, across a landscape of weird hexagons floating in space which have a a disconcerting habit of disconnecting from the main landmass and floating off towards the Milky Way. Will you be able to guide your ragtag band to safety? Will you find the portal? Will you starve to death? WHO KNOWS???? This is a pretty stripped-back game experience, but a beautiful one, and the music in particular is hauntingly-brilliant.

By Tristan Eaton



  • Liquial: A Tumblr collecting water-related media – gifs, graphics, videos – for no discernible purpose that I can identify, which is just the way we like it round here.


  •  Salvage Design: Hugely-satisfying collage art by Kristen Meyer, which sees her take bits of..well, bits of stuff, basically, which she then arranges into ordered shapes. So imagine a perfect circle formed from differently-hued eggshell fragments, for example. Or from biscuits. This is exactly the sort of thing that you will look at and go ‘oh, what an excellent and simple crafting idea that I can replicate at home!’ and which will then see you sitting in your livingroom surrounded by smashed eggs and sticky albumen, crying to yourself.
  • Kev Craven: A modern cartoonist drawing in the classic 40s/50s ‘Rubber Hose’ style of cartooning, Craven’s insta feed is brilliant and modern-nostalgic and, if you’re anything like me, will make you wish that stuff that you doodled look like this rather than the by product of Helen Keller’s less-successful hobbyist leanings.
  • Watergate Living: Sharing advertising photography from the 1970s; this is all North American, I think, but you will all recognise the slightly-brown aesthetic at play here, as though all the pictures have been given a quick once-over with gravy, or varnished or something. This is very much what I believe was briefly known as ‘a mood’ last year before vocabulary moved on at whiplash-speed once more.
  • Caffs Not Cafes: This is missing an accent over the ‘e’ in ‘Cafes’, but despite living in Italy for 6 months now I am still fcuked if I can work out the keyboard commands for such FOREIGN MADNESS. Anyway, that’s fine because this is a PROUDLY BRITISH account (albeit not in that way), which celebrates the traditional CAFF beloved of the cabby and the builder and the tradesman and the young middle-classes cosplaying at class solidarity – so if you want a succession of photographs of slightly-anaemic chips and sausages which you just know are approximately 90% rusk and 10% pig, and whose only contact with the exotic world of ‘spicing’ is ‘too much white pepper’ then you are absolutely in the right place.
  • Beautiful Pints: Specifically, beautiful pints of Guinness – this is a companion account to the one featuring awful pints of Guinness which I featured a few years ago, and, honestly, for someone living in a country in which the pint doesn’t exist as a unit of measurement (and 330ml is NOT ENOUGH BEER FFS) this is basically like bongo/torture.


  • Have We Forgotten How To Read Critically?: In many ways my favourite article of the week, this, which takes as its starting point one of the first big DISCOURSE-y reads of the year at least in US media circles (specifically, that book excerpt in which the woman talked in evidently ironic fashion about ‘hating’ her husband) and uses it to ask a series of questions about the changing way in which the way readers relate to texts in the post-web era, and, specifically, the extent to which the reader has any right to expect engagement from an author of a work around once said author considers said work finished and final, and whether or not it’s…ok for us to demand that the creators of what we consume accommodate our discussions about what they’ve created. Written by Kate Harding, this is both a really smart essay which tackles all sorts of complicated questions about The Nature of The Text but is also at the same time hugely-stylish and very funny. Also it contains this line, which struck me as one of the more true observations about What It Is Like To Observe The Day’s Discoure On Twitter: “Reading can make you feel close to someone without actually knowing them, a precious gift in a lonely world. But if the pleasure of reading is feeling connected to a distant stranger, then the pain of watching people read badly is its opposite: a severing of shared humanity. A cold, demoralizing reminder that we never can look inside each other’s minds, no matter how we try.”
  • Every Bad Bill The Tories Are Trying To Pass In 2022: Web Curios is not, as a rule, a political organ, but I think I’ve said before that I think people who vote Tory are, in the main, cnuts, and I would like to state on record that I believe that to be doubly true for anyone who voted for this current incarnation of the Party. Non-Anglos can skip this, but if you happen to be a happy citizen of ‘Great’ Britain then you might want to give this a quick read just to get a full picture of the sorts of legislative horror being shovelled our way by Priti, Michael, Nadine, Liz and the rest.
  • More Reasons Why Web3 Might Be Bunkum: This has been everywhere this week, and it’s quite technical, but it’s also a really cogent explanation as to why the ‘there’ that we are being promised with Web3 (specifically, DECENTRALISATION AND FREEDOM FROM THE TYRANNY OF BIG PLATFORMS AND BIG BUSINESS!) may not in fact exist. This is by Moxie Marlinspike, both the best-named person currently working in tech and the founder of Signal, who here collects his initial thoughts about Web3 after having dug around the concept for a while – even if you’re not huge on how API calls work and server connections and on- and off-chain data storage (and trust me, I really am not), this still gives a decent enough explanation of why exactly some of the much-touted benefits of Web3 don’t seem to actually exist yet, and may not in fact exist at all. In particular, the creation of an NFT whose visual representation changes depending on who’s looking at it is both a very clever little hack and a superb way of demonstrating some of the…er…flaws inherent in a lot of how this stuff is presented and sold.
  • CryptoJustice: Take a moment to think of everything you know about cryptostuff and, as you ruminate on it, speculate as to whether there are any areas of life, based on that knowledge, that wouldn’t benefit from a lovely injection of TOKEN-RELATED MADNESS. Did you come up with anything? Did…did you maybe think ‘well, I can’t see an obvious benefit to the criminal justice system in putting it on the blockchain’? WELL MORE FOOL YOU! This is a not-insignificantly-depressing piece which profiles a company called Ryval (no, me neither), which promises to create a system which lets anyone “Buy and sell tokens that represent shares in a litigation and access a multi-billion dollar investment class previously unavailable to the public.” Which, in English, means ‘you can basically invest in a legal case and through that investment seek to secure a return on that investment through any profits made by said case’. Is this how ‘justice’ ought to work (this is a rhetorical question; this is after all an American company operating within the Americal judicial system, where ‘justice’ long since forked off into its own, US-only meaning which doesn’t seem to bear much relation to how it works elsewhere)? It doesn’t feel like it, but, on the plus side, just think how rich you’ll be when that investment you make in the inevitable ‘TikTok Made Us Stupid’ class-action lawsuits of the mid-20s comes in!
  • Is Bored Ape Yacht Club A Big Racist ‘Joke’?: Full disclosure – my response to that question, were it not obviously rhetorical, would very much have been ‘I have no idea, because this incredibly long Twitter thread (which I have here collected for you via threadreader, because I’m nice like that) is one of those classic examples of internet detectivework which contains so many inferences and cross-references and suppositions and assumptions and bits of DEEP INTERNET KNOWLEDGE that it’s a bit dazzling and does rather feel as though you could use it to prove just about anything’, but it’s certainly true that there do seem to be an awful lot of suspiciously-Nazi-ish elements in the BAYC aesthetic when you drill down into it. EVEN THE CARTOON APES ARE A RIGHT-WING TOOL OF MEMETIC CULTURE WARFARE, IS NOTHING SAFE OR SACRED ANY MORE?!?!!?
  • How To Trademark The Metaverse: This isn’t, to be clear, a great article – I am including it mainly because I found the headline so crushingly-depressing that I had to sit down for a moment and try and imagine a better, different future in which the digital playgrounds we’re being ushered towards hadn’t all been sold and parcelled out to the highest bidders before we got to them. A BOY CAN DREAM.
  • Moribund Podcasts: I don’t mean to say I told you so, but, well. This is a bit of analysis by Bloomberg which points out that there basically hasn’t been a bing breakout podcasting hit for fcuking years, and that basically it’s still only the big ones from a few years back (pituitary meathead Rogan and some others) that get any BIG numbers (when was the last breakout hit even in the relatively-small UK market? Elizabeth Day’s ‘How To Fail’, maybe?). The reason? THERE ARE TOO MANY FCUKING PODCASTS. I don’t mean to be a downer, kids, but it’s worth looking at this example – low barriers to entry into a medium lead to oversaturation and noone makes and money, SUPPLY AND DEMAND ECONOMICS 101 – and then thinking again, hard, about the promise of how exactly the ‘creator economy’ is going to work out for all of us, CREATING AWAY using the same suite of off-the-shelf tools.
  • Nostalgia For Nostalgia: Or, ‘why do stories never end, and what does that mean for the way we tell them and the way we relate to each other and ourselves?’ (their title is better tbf). “The very structure of our most prevalent plot devices indicates a cultural atmosphere of temporal erosion. Fictional plots today may be taking our increased continual connectivity into account, eschewing the tight contours of the singular, removed adventure narrative that once defined youth media.” I found this really interesting, particularly in terms of the way in which the lack of defined ‘endings’ to things contributes to (what I think is) the increased degree to which we all see ourselves as HEROES on JOURNEYS. Bring back beginnings and endings, seriously – they’re good for us, and if nothing else you’ll have the element of surprise on your side if you unexpectedly decide not to string something out for all eternity.
  • What We Got Stuck In Our Rectums In 2021: To be clear – this is not an inclusive ‘we’. I got nothing stuck in my rectum in 2021, and would like to be quite open about that. I can’t, of course, speak for any of you – perhaps one of you, dear readers, was the person admitted to hospital with a rolling pin lodged uncomfortably in their bottom? Anyway, this isn’t just the stuff found through bumspelunking – there’s stuff that got stuck in ears, noses and, er, penises and vaginas! Special shout out this year to the guy who went to hospital and delivered this story with what one presumes was a straight face: “STATES HE AND HIS FRIENDS HAD A PRACTICAL JOKE GOING ON EACH OTHER. THIS TIME, HE WAS SLEEPING WHEN HIS FRIEND PUT A DILDO IN HIS RECTUM AND NOW UNABLE TO GET IT OUT”
  • What Happened To Colours?: Specifically, what happened to colours in film and TV shows, and where did they go, and why is everything basically sludge-coloured these days? It’s an interesting shift from the 2010-ish era in which all films had to be graded to be as blue/orange as possible (it was the law – seriously, if you don’t remember then read this), and the reasons are more technical now than they were then (“JUST MAKE IT POP”). There are multiple potential reasons cited here as to why ‘sludge’ is the prevailing aesthetic of 2022, but I think my favourite is ‘it helps cover up all the sh1tty CG work’ which simply feels true even if it’s not.
  • Plastics: A brilliant article looking at plastics and why the fcuk we use so many of them – spoiler, it’s ANOTHER SIDE EFFECT OF MASS-CAPITALISM! Honestly, I was captivated by this – it’s one of those great pieces which feels like it lifts a veil and shows you How The World Really Works, and how incredibly complex everything is and how interrelated and how if you think the butterfly flapping its wings has some unexpected distant consequences you ain’t seen nothing yet. It’s probably also worth pointing out that this isn’t exactly a cheering read from an environmental point of view, although there’s an argument to suggest that one of the big takeaways from this is ‘it’s not our fault’ – once again, the real blame for Where We Are Now And How Badly It’s Fcuking The Planet With Knives rests with the chemical manufacturers and…yes, that’s right, THE ADMEN! Do…do you ever think that there’s one day going to be a big reckoning where everyone suddenly realises that one of the main side-effects of the 20th Century has been giving us terrible, species-wide habits that are killing us, and that the people responsible were those much-derided advermarketingprmongs, and that maybe they should pay? Because I’m increasingly of that opinion myself, and I am one. In case you’re in the market for it, by the way, here’s another piece along similar lines – complementary imho.
  • Future Food: Fascinating piece by Eater which looks at the way in which food service and delivery is developing and changing, thanks to technology and the pandemic, and what the next 5-10 years in the sector might look like. If you’ve any interest in urban living, how we live and how we eat, this is a must-read – if nothing else it’s a decent and incredibly-fcuking-important reminder that we’re currently living in a period of time where there are no magic machines, scarcity still exists, human labour is still necessary, and in which every single minor convenience granted with you is almost always sweated for by another human being who’s probably being paid minimum wage (if they’re lucky), and we ought to get better at keeping that front-of-mind when we make decisions about how we want to live now and in the future (he said, like some sort of fcuking beacon of moral rectitude – sorry, that was a bit insufferable, will try and be less of a preachy w4nker).
  • Being In A Band: Read this para, and then go and read the whole thing: “For a brief moment in the mid 00s, we were everywhere. We were on the cover of the NME when humans wrote it and actual people read it to learn about bands not just to be sold shoes; we were touring the world as the support act for a big Hollywood band called 30 Seconds To Mars, fronted by arguably the fourth best Joker, Jared Leto. We had people turning up to our gigs cosplaying as us. We had a fan club, believe it or not. We had been touted as ‘the most perfect new band ever’. But as quickly as that ascent had come, it disappeared and I became me. I’d forgotten.” This is such a wonderful piece of writing, which is more about their manager than the experience of being in a band itself – I want to read a whole book of this, so get on with it Michael M.
  • Sonny’s Blues: Finally in the longreads this week, a short (30-odd pages) short story by James Baldwin, which I’d not read before and you might not have done either. It’s Baldwin, so doesn’t need me to sell it – you know that this is going to be good, and you’re right. Make a pot of tea and enjoy it.

By Wa Unpis


Webcurios 07/01/22

Reading Time: 37 minutes


Did you all have nice breaks? Did you all have nice Christmases? I do hope so, because that’s OVER and all there is to look forward to now is basically darkness and cold and root vegetables for the foreseeable.

Thanks heavens, then, for Web Curios, which, like a harder-working Santa Claus, comes WEEKLY to empty its sack of webspaff all over the place for your pleasure and delight. 2022 is a BRAND NEW YEAR, but rest assured you can look forward to exactly the same sort of low-quality prose and overabundant links that you’ve become grudgingly accustomed to over the past however long you’ve resisted hitting ‘unsubscribe’ for.

So, then, let’s prepare to do it all again for another 12 months of links – links which in some small, weird, patchwork way tell the story of where we are and where we are going. Or at least a story – which is good enough, I suppose.

Web Curios – a guide to the now, or at least this week’s version of the now, or at least my viewpoint on this week’s version of the now, or at least my viewpoint on this week’s version of the now at this specific point in time.

You’ve missed this, haven’t you? I can tell.

By Jennie Mejan



  • JWT and the Metaverse: AH THE METAVERSE! It’s only been 6 days, but I can confidently predict that this is a word we’re all going to be heartily sick of by February, at least if this selection of quite astonishing instances of it at this year’s CES are anything to go by (special mention for the stand which claims ‘Time Travel Is Now Possible’). Of course, the BIG PLAYERS of agencyland are getting frothy about all this – and why not? Based on the level of hype, the lack of definition of what the hype is actually about, and a rich, old clientbase which has spent the past 2 years existing almost entirely online and which therefore feels like it understands the digital space whilst at the same time really not understanding it at all, this feels like absolutely the perfect moment in time to make an awful lot of cash by selling useless-but-shiny solutions to morons. And so, with this in mind, I logged onto the JWT Metaverse (look, I’m going to have to keep using this word, so let’s all accept that it’s meaningless and fluid and will at any given moment serve to mean whatever I choose it to mean, ok? Good) last night to see what they were peddling. OH ME OH MY. Let’s kick off with the positives – the tech, supplied by a company called Odyssey, really is very good – the environment you experience is shiny and feels reasonably ‘premium’ (ie like a mediocre 3rd-person action adventure title from 2017), and even with my appalling broadband I was able to ‘experience the metaverse’ with little difficulty. Of course, what that also meant that it was very apparent that what had been set up was JUST ANOTHER FCUKING AVATAR-LED CHATROOM WITH SPATIAL AUDIO, so just like literally two-dozen other platforms or services which you could spin up for free in 15m and without needing to pay a handling fee to your massively expensive ad agency. What could you do in this amazing space? Well! Let me tell you! You could change your avatars clothes! You could click on things to read textual descriptions! You could interact with your fellow visitors via voice or videochat, or through CUTE GESTURES! There was a game (it involved clicking something, once)! And there were an awful lot of very nice JWT staffers wandering round who all seemed very nice and, in the main, totally at a loss as to what they were meant to be doing there. Incredible quotes I overheard included “We can build you your own metaverse” (which, er, sort of seems to fundamentally misunderstand what this is all about), “who needs psychedelics when you have the metaverse?” (said by a middle-aged man who I am reasonably-certain has never ingested psychedelics in their life, or if they think they have was sold a placebo – sorry man), and the slightly-chilling “we are able to direct where the metaverse will be heading” (oh good, a digital future determined by soulless account automata and their intellectually-moribund paymasters, just what I always dreamed of!). There was also a presentation, summarising JWT’s ‘State of the Metaverse’ report from last year (LOL IT’S A FCUKING CONCEPTUAL FRAMEWORK IT DOESN’T FCUKING EXIST IN ANY MEANINGFUL WAY, THE STATE OF YOU MORELIKE!), which included this quote, which I had to write down twice because it was so, so perfect: “So the metaverse is a concept which we are still really trying to shape and define…is it time to hire a chief Metaverse Officer? Yeah!”. The other thing that I enjoyed most about this was the incredible opportunities that this sort of space affords for corporate espionage – I particularly enjoyed listening in to a conversation between a JWT person and a woman representing an upscale Mumbai property developer (I checked – apartments start at £500k), who was waxing lyrical about a new 5* hotel and resort that she wanted to ‘create a metaverse for’ (see? Fish in a barrel, you can’t even blame the admen here) but which was as yet unannounced and TOP SECRET. I was able to get three people’s personal email addresses just by standing around behind them and listening to them being pitched, which feels like…something of a security vulnerability. Special shout out to a nice man called Gavin who spent time chatting to me about all this and who was far more patient with my slightly-aggressive tone than he needed to be – this experience is apparently running throughout CES, so do drop in and say hi to the JWT people and take a moment to imagine how much that property developer is going to get fleeced for to build something that’s literally no different to what you could do in Second Life 15 years ago.
  • You, Only Virtual: Second link of the year, and it’s about death – HAPPY 2022 EVERYONE! If you happen to recall the (excellent) SF Chronicle article from last year about the man who tried to recreate his girlfriend in AI after her death then You, Only Virtual will be familiar to you. The company offers a paid-for service (one-off fee and then monthly subscription) which lets you create digital versions of loved ones for you to continue interacting with after their death, based on whatever records of them and your interactions that you can dredge up. The quality of the resulting bot is dependent on the source material – so if you have a decade’s worth of emails you’ll likely get a better, richer result than if you’re working from two weeks’ worth of emoji-laden Whatsapps – but let’s just say that I am…skeptical as to the extent to which you’ll be able to create a passable version of your dear old mum or dad from their textual remains (also, there’s a sourcing problem here – the nature of most modern communication means that for the majority of people their textual interactions are the most mechanical and practical – do you really want to train the post-mortem foreverbot of your nearest and dearest on a corpus which is basically all ‘can you pick up some fags?’ and ‘we’re out of skins’ and ‘so hungover bring Dairylea’? Anyway, this sounds like an awful idea but I suppose the quality of these things depend on how much you have to feed them with, so perhaps the only solution is to start archiving all of our conversations with everyone RIGHT NOW and start the digital ghost birthing process early.
  • Neuro Symbolic AI: “Neuro Symbolic Lab is an innovation lab with a vision”, this website burbles, “Bringing Consciousness to Machine”. Sounds…chilling, but don’t worry, as literally nothing else on this site will make any sense to you whatsoever. I am including this because it’s indicative of something we’re going to see more and more of around AI (and the fcuking metaverse, and basically everything else to do with leading-edge technology). Why are you dragging and dropping lumps of brain around the screen? Why is the sinister music playing? WHAT IS THE FUTURE TRYING TO TELL ME??? No clue, but this is by Alibaba Group and so therefore there’s a lot of money behind it and whilst I haven’t got the faintest clue what it’s about I am willing to accept that people smarter than me probably do.
  • Better Images of AI: This is A Good Idea – Better Images of AI is a non-profit collaboration which is working to improve the quality of visual representation used in popular media when talking about artificial intelligence – because all the blue-glowing neon outlines and TRON-ish imagery isn’t, turns out, hugely helpful when trying to apply this stuff practically or talk about it in ways which are more about the here and now and less about the future of the fcuking metaverse. “Abstract, futuristic or science-fiction-inspired images of AI hinder the understanding of the technology’s already significant societal and environmental impacts. Images relating machine intelligence to human intelligence set unrealistic expectations and misstate the capabilities of AI. Images representing AI as sentient robots mask the accountability of the humans actually developing the technology, and can suggest the presence of robots where there are none. Such images potentially sow fear, and research shows they can be laden with historical assumptions about gender, ethnicity and religion.” If you or your clients work in or around this stuff, this could be worth getting on board with.
  • Every Second Song: A Twitter account which is tweeting songs of every possible length, til it runs out, one by one. It started in July last year by tweeting a link to a one-second long track; at the time of writing, it’s most-recently shared a song called ‘Black Butter, Present’ by Strawberry Alarm Clock which lasts for 2:06 seconds. This is utterly pointless, other than as an exercise in coding, but it’s IMMENSELY pleasing and a nice way of discovering what’s likely to be a completely novel piece of music each day (and of course knowing that it’s exactly ONE SECOND MORE MUSIC than you got the day before – small, incremental gains, kids!).
  • Renault Originals: It sort of feels like all the big brands with decent heritage have finally cottoned on to the fact that ‘making online museums of your brand’s history is a sensible use of all those old assets’ but, once again, MAKING ONLINE MUSEUMS OF YOUR BRAND’S HISTORY IS A SENSIBLE USE OF ALL THOSE OLD ASSETS. This is Renault’s celebration of several decades of vehicle-design – if you’re into cars (specifically, if you’re into slightly-boxy French cars from the 60s, 70s and 80s) then this is great, and even if not there’s a lot to appreciate here from a design point of view. Each model has its own dedicated section, where you can explore images and copy detailing the car’s history, explore a CG 3d render of the model in question, listen to a playlist of car sounds (look, car people are weird, I don’t understand them either) and even buy die-cast models of the vintage bangers (the lack of NFTs on sale is perhaps my favourite thing about this whole site) – basically this is near-perfect, so well done everyone involved. Now get JWT to make it IN THE METAVERSE! (sorry Gavin).
  • Animate Your Kids Drawings: This did the rounds pre-Christmas, but, presuming that you haven’t all killed your children in a fit of festive rage, it’s potentially still of use/interest even now that you’ve consigned your lumps of chopped-up pine to the end of the garden. Upload a drawing and the software will attempt to identify its individual constituent parts (you can help it pick out heads, arms, etc, if it’s struggling) to then let you animate it in simple-but-surprisingly-cute fashion, like some sort of intensely-brown 1970s papercraft animation which you might half-remember from feverish sick days of your youth. Fun and nicely-made, although it’s worth pointing out that it’s made by the Zuckerbergian Misery Factory and so there’s no guarantee that your children’s scrawlings won’t be used as part of a pre-election radicalisation campaign in the second world or something. Caveat Usor.
  • Earth’s Black Box: I…I don’t quite know what this is. Details are a touch on the sketchy side, but reports I’ve dug out suggest that this is basically an environmental/art installation which is designed to meticulously record the steps we take on the way to irrevocably fcuking the planet beyond all hope – so anyone stumbling across the wreckage of Earth in the millennia hence will be able to see exactly how we botched our domestic responsibilities in our relatively-short species timeline. Oh, hang on, it’s an ADLAND THING! It’s BBDO! Oh, I am all of a sudden slightly less interested. Still, here: “The solar-powered vault will be roughly the length of a school bus and the shape of an upside-down curb stop, and the entire thing will be encased in 3-inch-thick (7.5 centimeters) steel designed to withstand catastrophe, just as an airplane’s black box is built to withstand an impact. And just like a black box is tucked away in the safest part of a plane, Earth’s Black Box will be placed in the most secure location on Earth, which is Tasmania, apparently. When it goes online, Earth’s Black Box will be filled with hard drives recording and storing climate-related information,” So now we know.
  • Portmanteaur: If you work in advermarketingpr then a) sorry; and b) it’s not too late to stop; but also c) you know that everything is about having clever names for things. EVERYTHING. Coming up with a nice combined name for an idea or concept can turn an otherwise-moribund meeting into a triumphant orgy of self-congratulation and backslapping – which is where Portmanteaur comes in. Feed it whichever words you fancy and this site will spit back at you a bunch of suggestions for making NEW words out of combinations of the originals – which, fine, isn’t hugely useful, but if you’re stuck in a naming session for a new, I don’t know, fish-based sausage product, who wouldn’t be grateful for a website which can within seconds lead you to the nomenclature gold that is ‘fasausage’? NO FCUKER, that’s who!
  • Meaning on a Lamp Post: A blogpost by Paul Slade about the stickers you find on London lampposts. Particularly focusing on the way in which this public real estate has been used by opposing sides (ie morons vs non-morons) in the Great Covid Vaccine Debate, this is a small-but-fascinating look at a tiny piece of culture and society that most of us probably don’t pay attention to at all: “I’m always fascinated by the street art I find when I’m out walking around London. I’m thinking here not just of graffiti – though there’s certainly plenty of that – but also the home-made notices people display in their windows and the protest stickers attached to every available surface along the pavement. Lamp-posts and the poles supporting traffic signs carry the bulk of these stickers, I think because they offer a smooth surface at eye level where the sticker will adhere well and remain in place for months to come. Once you start noticing them, they become like a muttered conversation you can overhear the city having with itself, always there as a background hum but only occasionally grabbing your full attention. Once in a while, this conversation flares into an angry argument as someone frantically scratches out a sticker they disagree with or covers it up with an opposing one of their own.” I love this.
  • Cryptobatz: I don’t make New Year’s Resolutions – that would involve an ability to look to the future which I simply don’t possess (and also, why the fcuk would I want to set myself up for failure? NEVER TRY, NEVER FAIL, RIGHT KIDS???) – but if I did, one would have been to try and feature less obviously-moronic cryptoprojects in Curios in 2022. Which I promise I will try and do, but there are some which are too beautifully-stupid to ignore – such as CRYPTOBATZ BY OZZY OSBORNE! I think that anyone with even a passing knowledge of Osborne’s life and general demeanour can be reasonably certain that the genesis for this series of poorly-drawn pixellated bats (GEDDIT????!!!!) did not come from the Black Country mammal-decapitator, Still, PIXELLATED BATS! These will definitely be worth at least whatever you pay for them in six month’s time, honest! Still, maybe you can use them in the metaverse that JWT can build for you (sorry Gavin).
  • Griftcoin: This is a project by Web Curios readers (HELLO!), who sent this to me with the following inducement: “if you’d like to own some of the world’s most beloved cryptocurrency we’d be positively overjoyed to send you some 1,000,000+ of the things.” Consider this my formal acceptance of the offer – I look forward to HODLING to the moon with you all! What’s particularly nice about this is the fact that, aside from the name, there is very little here that would alert you to the fact that this is all bullsh1t – the language is indistinguishable from that found on 99% of all nascent crypto-coin projects, even down to the focus on COMMUNITY (of schmucks) – well done everyone involved. Except, hang on, they ARE actually selling stuff on Opensea, so maybe it’s all real after all…oh God, it’s January and we have a whole year of this stuff still to come, I am so so so so tired.
  •  Oncyber: One of the big questions about NFTs is what to do with your multi-million pound collection of poorly-rendered cartoon avatars and bad pixelart – now we have the answer! Oncyber lets anyone connect their NFT collection held on Opensea or wherever to a virtual gallery space, letting them wander through ghostly corridors ‘admiring’ their ‘art’ on the digital walls. There’s something quite interesting about being able to browse the collections that people have assembled and are here displaying, not least because of the birds-eye view it gives your of the scene’s prevailing aesthetics, but also something quite strange about how…oddly-dated this all feels. Also, why use this when you can get JWT to build you a gallery in your own metaverse? (sorry Gavin).
  • Web3 Is Going Great: A wonderful project which collects news articles and reports from the fringes of the web3/NFT/crypto movement to illustrate how it’s all DEFINITELY NOT BEING PUSHED BY CROOKS. Obviously this will all look very sill when I am minting Curios on the blockchain and you’re all paying me fractional quantities of ETH through metamask for the privilege of being PART OF THE CURIOS COMMUNITY, but until then I am going to enjoy laughing at headlines like “Digiconomist Reports That Bitcoin Used About As Much Energy As Argentina in 2021”.
  • The Postcard Maven: Postcards…As A Service! I can’t, I confess, quite see how this is a viable business model, but well done to whoever’s behind it for giving it a go. You can use this site to buy collections of curated postcards which you can then send on to anyone you like – or, if you’re the sort of person who really like epistolary correspondence, subscribe to get a regular pack of postcards sent to you each month. I very much like the fact that this exists, even if I can’t work out who the target market is.
  • Amazing RC Cars: This is the YouTube channel of one Danny Huynh, who makes amazing remote control cars (and trucks, and other things that go) which have a rather wonderful Mad Max-y vibe to them, and which are articulated in all sorts of impressive ways, and which, if you’re me at least, will flash you back to being 9 years old when the prospect of owning a proper remote controlled vehicle and racing it was the most impossibly-cool thing in the world.
  • Mini Tokyo 3d: This isn’t the first visualisation of the Tokyo underground I’ve seen, but it’s certainly the prettiest – this is a wonderful live map of all the trains currently moving through the Tokyo subway system, letting you see where the individual trains are on the network and how the whole complex machinery of mass underground transit functions in realtime. Fascinating, in a proper ‘like a human antfarm’ sort of way.

By Samplerman



  •  Ceefax: This isn’t the first ‘Ceefax, but for now!’ project I’ve seen, but it’s really nicely-done by what I think is a single-person hobbyist called Nathan – it basically takes the current BBC News site and runs it through an interface to let you experience it as through through Ceefax back in the 80s/90s. For any of you who are too young to know what Ceefax was then a) OH MY GOD YOU DON’T EVEN KNOW YOU’RE BORN FFS; and b) this was basically the internet in The Past. I might use this to give myself a pure hit of uncut nostalgia tomorrow and watch the FA Cup games on this, waiting for the pages to refresh just like it’s 1993 all over again.
  • River Runner: I featured this site, by Sam Learner, when it first came out a year or so ago, but it’s now been updated and it’s SO GOOD it deserves a re-up. River Runner lets you click anywhere on a map of the world, and then calculates the likely route a drop of rain would take to the sea where it to fall where you clicked – and then generates a flythrough from Google Maps which takes you on an eagle’s eye trip along the raindrop’s route to the ocean. This is so, so, so good – perfectly-executed, lightweight and endlessly-fascinating – seriously, just pick a point somewhere in the alps and see where it takes you. Glorious stuff, and 100% the most lovely thing in here this week.
  • Floating Motors: Is this real? I think it’s real. Floating Motors is a company which offers you the chance to take any classic car model of your choosing and refit it to turn it into…a boat! As far as I can tell this basically involves welding some floaters and an outboard onto a chassis and praying quite hard (but, equally, I am not an engineer and don’t really understand this sort of thing), but if you’ve ever dreamed of having, I don’t know, a Morris Allegra you could take down the Thames then these people might be the answer to your prayers. Prices are on application, and there’s an opportunity for investment which…yes! THERE’S A CRYPTO ANGLE! Praise be, is there nothing that will remain untouched by the infinite grift of crypto in 2022? Almost certainly not, is the infinitely-depressing answer.
  • Charachorder: This is interesting – the link here takes you to a TikTok account, owned by someone who’s promoting their quite astonishing-looking new typing innovation. The CharaChorder is a device which changes how you type – rather than a standard keyboard input, this instead has about 12 or so keys which your fingers are always resting on, meaning you don’t have to lift-drop-lift to type and instead can theoretically output characters significantly faster. Obviously you have to completely relearn how to type, which might be offputting, but the videos on display here of people using the kit are astonishing. There’s obviously no way of telling whether this is a massive fake or not, but the speeds here are about 3 times faster than standard keyboard inputs and this feels like something really quite interesting. Of course, we’re all moving towards a world in which we communicate solely via images of our faces rather than the written word and as such this might end up being entirely obsolete before it gets off the ground, but it’s an interesting example of innovation in a space where relatively-little has existed for quite a long time.
  • The Data Sonification Archive: A repository of data sonification projects for you to peruse should you desire – “This curated collection is part of a broader research endeavor in which data, sonification and design converge to explore the potential of sound in complementing other modes of representation and broadening the publics of data. With visualization still being one of the prominent forms of data transformation, we believe that sound can both enrich the experience of data and build new publics.” This is a superb resource if you’re interested in thinking about different and creative ways of using data beyond ‘let’s make an infographic!’ which, really, you ought to be doing, because noone has made a good infographic since approximately 2013.
  • Uncivil Religion: This is an interesting project, touching on a curious bit of cultural overlap I’ve seen more of over the past 24m or so – specifically, the links between religion and the alt-right/conspiracy movement, and in particular how these links manifested on the day of the Capitol assault in 2021. “Religious symbols, rituals, identities, banners, signs, and sounds suffused the events surrounding the U.S. Capitol on January 6, 2021. This project begins to trace the thread of religion that wound throughout that day through pieces of digital media. It does this in two ways. First, there is a collection of essays that analyze individual pieces of media from January 6 in order to explain the role religion played that day. Second, there is a series of galleries that contain pieces of media that represent the variety of ways religion “showed up” on January 6.” It feels rather like there’s something here to investigate and unpack, particularly if you expand this sort of thinking to the ‘trad values’ wing of the right and its increasing retreat to ‘kinder, kuche, kirche’-type tropes.
  • Relingo: This is a really smart idea, and a potentially useful one if you have ‘learn another language so I can finally escape plague island for good’ on your list of plans for 2022. Relingo is a Chrome plugin which lets you pick the language you’re trying to learn and your level of competence and then uses that information to gently teach you vocab as you browse the web, offering you translations of words as you read them based on its understanding of your language level. I can imagine this needs a bit of tweaking and training to hit its stride, but the idea of getting regular vocab topups as you go about your regular browsing business seams like a seamless and smart one.
  • Frank Force: I love me a good personal portfolio site, and this – by the mysterious Frank Force – is a lovely example of the genre. Packed with games, bits of digital generative art and general oddities, this is a wonderful window into Frank’s mind and creative output. “I love generative art and making interactive experiences. Over the years I’ve produced thousands of pieces of art, games, tools, etc. This website is just a small window into what I’ve been tinkering with.” There are LOADS of fun things to play with and discover in here, and the faux-Windows interface is really nicely done – thanks, Frank!
  • Synchron: This is quite amazing science, and very much not a standard Web Curios link (insofar as it’s not odd, inexplicable, disgusting, stupid or wrong). Synchron is a company that’s working on systems to help allow those suffering from neurodegenerative disorders to continue to interact with the world, despite their condition. I can’t pretend to understand more than about 10% of the science here, but as someone with a partial personal interest in this area of medicine and treatment I find the whole field fascinating and pleasingly-hopeful.
  • When Can I Reuse This Calendar?: Whereas this is very much a typical Web Curios link. Have you ever gotten to the end of the year and thought “well, this calendar is now useless but I simply can’t get rid of Mr October, however crusty and clotted his image has become through overappreciation!”? No, you probably haven’t, but, just in case, here’s a website which lets you helpfully calculate the years in which calendars from the past will become reusable (you will be able to reuse Mr October 2021 in 2027, FYI).
  • Corrupt My File: I was sorely-tempted to avail myself of this this week (there is a special circle of hell reserved for people who request proposals in the first week back of January, curse you you fcukers), and I offer it to you as a sort of ultimate ‘get out of jail free’ card for 6pm on a Friday afternoon. Upload any file you like to this site and it promises to corrupt it and render it unreadable and unrecoverable – perfect for those times when you simply can’t be fcuked to paraphrase Matthew Ball again and just want to go home.
  • Vortex: A browser-based synthtoy! But a really, really slick one – simple interface (tap keys to add or remove musical elements), tightly-coded (everything sounds pretty good, and it’s so far been impossible even for a cloth-eared no-talent wastrel like me to make something vaguely-melodic), and, most importantly, lots of fun to mess around with. Made by this very capable student at Gobelins, who gets a special congratulations for being the first person in 2022 to make me feel old and talentless (but certainly not the last).
  • X-Ray A Day: A Twitter account sharing a different image of an interesting X-Ray each day (which you could probably have gleaned from the title to be honest – this prose really does add value!). This tends to focus on electronic goods – your mileage will obviously vary, but if you’ve ever itched to know what, I don’t know, a PS2 controller would look like through an X-Ray machine then WOW are you in luck.
  • Redditbests: This is SUCH a good idea for a website, let down by slightly sub-optimal UX/UI – the basic premise is that it scrapes subReddits to pull out the products that are most-recommended by the community, letting you easily see what the wisdom of the expert crowd has decreed are the ‘best’ things in any given category. Obviously the quality of the recommendation will vary hugely depending on the profile of the sub, but the idea is SO GOOD – Reddit’s long been the bets place to go for expert recommendations on specific, often technical, topics, so the idea of scraping that expertise for product recs feels spot-on. Sadly the navigation on the site leaves a bit to be desired – there are obviously categories and tags in the back-end which taxonomise the products, but there’s no clear way to access those, meaning there’s no easy way of clicking straight through to, I don’t know, the top buttplugs as recommended by /r/upmybum. Still, fix that and this becomes an absolute goldmine (and, if I’m honest, this is all based on scraping and public data, so it wouldn’t be hard to make your own version – I mean, I say that, but obviously I couldn’t do it; still, maybe you can!).
  • AtariXP: Nostalgia is a powerful force, and one seemingly immune to facts. An example – this company, which is releasing BRAND NEW GAMES for the Atari2600 videogame system, last popular in approximately 1983 and which, objectively, is NO FUN AT ALL to play in 2022. Still, if you’ve inexplicably held on to your original Atari console and have some way of connecting it to a modern television, and fancy dropping 50 quid on a BRAND NEW GAME EXPERIENCE for it (which will arrive at…some point in the future), then you’re in luck. Credit to the developers, it’s clear from the game trailers that their ability to manipulate the creaking old tech in graphically-impressive ways is not to be sniffed at (this looks a bit more impressive than, say, Pole Position), but one does wonder exactly how many people there are out there with the kit to play these games on. Still, you can pick up a 2600 on ebay for £100-150 quid, so should you want to remind yourself of how rubbish videogames used to be in the past then fill your boots.
  • Magic Poser: I think this tool is designed to let you create posed humanoid scenes for subsequent sketching – like a digital version of those little wooden mannequins they sell in art shops, and which are invariably all arranged in slightly-camp poses by customers within 5m of the shop opening – but I have just spent 10 minutes arranging a series of male models in some appallingly-demeaning positions and have therefore decided that that’s what its real purpose is. There’s some rather dark joy to be found in the manipulation here – or, er, there is for me. Your mileage may of course vary (but I will be amazed if you don’t spend longer than you’d care to admit fiddling with their hips).
  • Tape Fear: This is EXCELLENT – riffing on the same idea as Nobody (the platform that lets you find streamers who noone’s watching) and all those services that pull YouTube vids with no views, Tape Fear lets you pull artists that noone listens to from Spotify to expand your listening horizons. Choose your genre and dive in – this is a lovely way of finding new artists to listen to, and the site keeps a record of those tracks and albums it’s pointed you at to help you keep a record of your discoveries. Wonderful internet music-spelunking, this.
  • Processed World: This site is pretty much PURE CURIOS (insofar as I find it confusing and a bit unsettling). Processed World was a countercultural art project/magazine/protest movement/running gag (delete as applicable – at the time of writing I think all of the labels apply, though) – in fact, here, read this: “founded in 1981 by a small group of dissidents, mostly in their twenties, who were then working in San Francisco’s financial district. The magazine’s creators found themselves using their only marketable skill after years of university education: “handling information.” In spite of being employed in offices as “temps,” few really thought of themselves as “office workers.” More common was the hopeful assertion that they were  photographers, writers, artists, dancers, historians or philosophers. Beyond these creative ambitions, the choice to work “temp” was also a refusal to join the rush toward business/yuppie professionalism. Instead of 40-70 hour weeks at thankless corporate career climbing, they sought more free time to pursue their creative instincts. Nevertheless, day after day, they found themselves cramming into public transit en route to the ever-expanding Abusement Park of the financial district. Thus, from the start, the project’s expressed purpose was twofold: to serve as a contact point and forum for malcontent office workers (and wage-workers in general) and to provide a creative outlet for people whose talents were blocked by what they were doing for money. The idea for a new magazine struck one of these people, Chris Carlsson, while he was on vacation in the summer of 1980. The sources of this brainstorm were simultaneously a certain socio-economic layer of late twentieth century U.S. society, a group of friends, and certain obscure artistic and political tendencies comprising both post-New Left, post-situationist libertarian radicalism and the dissident cultural movement whose most public expression was punk and new wave music.” This is the archive of the magazine’s contents over its run, and it’s incredible to read this stuff in 2022 because it all feels terrifyingly modern. All the stuff about the role of the worker and ‘work’ itself in an age of creeping technological change and digital automation eerily predates our modern conversations about ‘bullsh1t jobs’ and redundancies of effort, and it’s simultaneously heartening and really quite depressing how little has changed in the questions we’re (not enough of us) asking about How This Is All Working Out For Us.
  • Busy Simulator: Yes, you’ll all have seen this already as it did the rounds before Christmas, but seeing as you’re all back at work now I feel honour-bound to point out that an EXCELLENT use case for this is to put it on in the background when you’re on a call, turn ALL the notification sounds on, and then go out til the call’s over. You’re welcome.
  • CathodeTV: VERY OLD STYLE MEDIA IS THE NEW MEDIA HOTNESS! Well, actually, it’s probably not, but I do like seeing THE PAST repackaged for THE FUTURE like this. CathodeTV is a very cool project – basically a sort of cult-y TV station, but online, broadcasting a daily selection of curated shows and films pulled from public domain YouTube. It’s from the US and so programming runs 7pm-7am Pacific Standard Time, but for European insomniacs (or, you know, any North, Central or South Americans reading this) it’s a really lovely service – not least the chat which runs in parallel to the screening and which is seemingly a really nice community of cinephiliac oddballs. To give you an idea of programming, last night’s output included What’s Up, Doc? from 1972, and Paper Moon from 1973 – seriously, if you’re the sort of person who finds themselves up late at night struggling to sleep and in need of some sort of communal viewing experience this feels like it might be some sort of lifesaver. I would be fascinated to see something like this done for anglo sensibilities/timezones – feels like a project to me.
  • Ampie: This is either a hugely-useful research tool or a portal to madness, depending on how you look at it. The idea is super-smart – Ampie’s a Chrome plugin which lets you do a quick, one-button search for any discussion or commentary anywhere on the web which links to the page you’re currently on. So, for example, if you were on a Page relating to a particular product or service you could click the Ampie button and get an overview of what people linking to that product or service are saying about it. Which is great! Except obviously what this will also do is open you up to a view of what EVERYONE IS SAYING ABOUT EVERYTHING, which obviously has all sorts of negative side effects in terms of the general likelihood of its exposing you to some of the worst opinions and perspectives known to humanity. Still, as a way of getting a quick insight into varying perspectives and opinions around a THING, this could be super-useful – I can totally see how this could be useful for journalists, for example (not, please note, necessarily the same as being useful for journalism).
  • The Mushroom Colour Atlas: I LOVE THIS. “The Mushroom Color Atlas is a resource and reference for everyone curious about mushrooms and the beautiful and subtle colors derived from them. But it is also the start of a journey and a point of departure, introducing you to the kaleidoscopic fungi kingdom and our connection to it. My hope is that through this Atlas everyone will be inspired to learn more about the mycological world, and begin to understand the importance of the networks, connections and symbiotic relationships that live in our forests. Most importantly, understanding our impact on these delicate networks and our role as stewards of the land, bringing positive change to our local environments and our planet.” Honestly, I had NO IDEA I was so into mycology until I saw this website – if nothing else, if you’ve got a home decoration project planned for 2022 you could ‘enjoy’ yourselves by doing in in shades which allow you to have a complementary fungal meal at the end of it (NB I think that a lot of the ‘shrooms here referenced are in fact hugely poisonous, so maybe think twice before doing that meal pairing thing, on reflection).
  • Blocks: This is a simple block-arranging game – Tangram, basically, arrange the shapes so they fill the square perfectly – with the simple addition of an incredibly sexualised sigh/moan of satisfaction every time you successfully complete a level. You may not think you want to hear your machine groan orgasmically to mark your minor ludic successes, but you are wrong.
  • Prince of Persia: This link made me happier than almost anything else this week (it’s been a…low-key start to the year here in Rome) – Prince of Persia, for those of you too young to recall, was, in its day, a truly groundbreaking game, being one of (if not the) first to attempt realistic character animation of its titular prince. You can play the whole game on this site in your browser – it may not look like much now, but the natural way the prince ran, skidded, jumped, swung his sword, got stabbed, fell to his death, was impaled by spiked pits…well, it was properly amazing, in a real ‘THIS IS JUST LIKE REAL LIFE!!!’ sort of way. Modern eyes may be…less impressed, but the game is still a lot of fun. Arrow keys to move, hold shift to take small steps and to hang off ledges (VERY IMPORTANT), DON’T RUSH! I promise you, this is really very good indeed. Also, that music gave me proper Proustian flashbacks.

By Jochen Muehlenbrink



  • ReachAI: A Tumblr collecting a selection of AI artworks based on different prompts and models. A nice overview of what sort of stuff’s getting produced at the moment and what’s currently vogue-ish / possible.
  • Mouses Houses: This is a selection of photographs of, er, felt toy mice, posed in various situations and scenarios. Plaid shirt-clad mountain mice scaling a peak? CHECK! Opera singer mouse on stage with equally rodenty pianist? CHECK! Truly, all of mousey life is here (and dressed up).
  • James Spader Forever: Basically a perfect Tumblr, this – existing solely to celebrate the perceived sexiness of slightly-faded sleazy 80s Hollywood heartthrob James Spader (not that Spader himself was ever sleazy, to my knowledge, more that he tended to play characters who were a bit on the iffy side). A deep and seemingly long-standing obsession with a slightly obscure pop culture figure from the past? INJECT IT INTO MY VEINS, TUMBLR! (I appreciate that Spader might have found a career re-up through some cable show or another but, well, I can’t be bothered to Google him and check. THIS is(one of the many reasons) why I’m not a journalist.


  • The Plastic Bag Museum: The Insta feed of the online museum, celebrating plastic bag design through the years (and given we’re going to be living with the fcuking things til the heat death of the universe, why not celebrate them?). You may not realise the extent to which your childhood memories are tied up in visual signifiers from high street shop plastic carrier bags but WOW is the nostalgia rush from some of these strong. The Les Miserables one is a particular favourite, but you may want to pick your own.
  • The Paper Bag Archive: This is by the Imperial War Museum (not quite sure why the preservation of paper bags should be the purview of a museum about violent conflict, but, then again, why not?) and contains more images of paper bags than you can ever imagine needing (and if you can imagine needing more images than this, WHAT ARE YOU IMAGINING???).
  • Brikfont: Typography, rendered in LEGO bricks. No idea why, but it looks fabulous (also, taught be about the existence of loads of properly-weird types of LEGO that I had never known existed, which may or may not be a compelling additional reason to click).


  • The State of the World 2022: As I have done in January for several years now, let me kick off the first longreads section of 2022 with a link to the annual ‘State of the World’ discussion thread in long-standing community The Well, chaired as ever by Bruce Sterling and Jon Lebkowsky and featuring contributions from all sorts of people, both named and anonymous, from the site and the wider technofuturistcommentatorworld. As ever, this is slow-moving (it’s a work-in-progress forum thread, effectively, so it’s probably worth checking in every couple of days for the next week or so to see where it ends up) but VERY interesting – each year I get a slightly different perspective from this than I find anywhere else online, and so far this year’s discussion is as interesting as ever (if, unsurprisingly, not exactly hugely optimistic). This, for example, from Vinay Gupta struck me as more ‘true’ than much of the rest of what I’ve read in this year’s ‘look ahead’ writeups: “I feel that for me what’s missing is *buzz*. Here we are, building the future, but nobody is excited about it because online excitement doesn’t feel real to me. Maybe I’m too analogue, didn’t get internet until I was maybe 19, but I just don’t get emotional about Twitter.Zoom calls leave me cold. There’s a sort of emotional damper on everything because I guess humans vary in their ability to emotionally respond to online socialization. And that has huge network effects: if 20% of the emotional oomph is lost at every link as something ripples across a graph, it’s not going far. Maybe the big conspiracy theory cultures are signal amplifying until you can actually feel something.”
  • How Britain Falls Apart: Or, more accurately, “A portrait of the current state of the Union as written for a largely North American audience and which presents Great Britain as on the cusp of fragmentation but also not quite that close to it really”. This is an interesting piece insofar as it’s always fascinating to read stuff about the (objectively, quite mad) way in which England, Scotland, Wales, the Republic of Ireland and Northern Ireland all interrelate to each other as presented to non-Anglos. Tom McTague’s piece does a decent job of summarising Where We Are Now with regards to national identity and post-Brexit confusion over Who We Are And How It All Works, though I don’t think it quite merits the sweeping ‘STATE OF THE NATION’ vibes it seems to be giving off. Your mileage will vary depending on how interested you are in navel-gazing disquisitions about the eternally-nebulous concept of ‘Britishness’, but this section sums up the central thesis neatly: “It is for this reason that Brexit acts as both an irritant and a potential bandage for the union. At root, Brexit was an assertion of nation—the British nation—but one mostly made by the English. Herein lies its essential paradox. It is a revolution that has the potential to accelerate the breakup of the nation by revealing its Englishness, but also one that carries within it the potential to slowly rebuild a sense of Britishness by creating a new national distinctiveness from the other: Europe.”
  • Play-to-Earn and Bullsh1t Jobs: The first of what I concede are probably too many pieces in this week’s longreads about web3 and crypto and THE FUTURE – I am sorry, and I will try and keep them to a relative minimum over the coming 12m, but, equally, this stuff is interesting beyond the scamming and the grifting, and it is in some sense a future, even if not the future, so, well, suck it up is what I’m saying, basically – this piece looks closely at the idea of ‘play to earn’ mechanics within games, as made internationally famous by Axie Infinity at the tail end of 2021, and concludes (this may come as a shock) that there may not in fact be a model there after all. As the author Paul Butler concludes, “Ultimately, in-game labour is just a re-branding of gameplay designed to be dull enough that rich players will pay to outsource it to poor players. In spite of being presented as the future of work by some venture capitalists, the incentives just don’t make sense. Floors don’t have to be swept in the metaverse unless they’re designed to need sweeping.”
  • How Blockchain Might Change The Music Industry: I am trying to read more hopeful – or at least less cynical- takes on web3cryptoNFTwank at the moment, if only to try and develop a better understanding of why I instinctively feel all of said takes are wrong; I very much enjoyed this post by Ted Gioia which explores some of the ways (positive and negative) in which this nascent tech could work in the music industry. Gioia’s not a technologist, but he is someone who intimately understands the way the music business currently operates and how the economics of musical creation work, and his ideas as to the potential application of tokens and the blockchain to the creation of work and its subsequent monetisation are nt only interesting but also applicable beyond music to all sorts of other arenas. Again, as with much of this stuff, I find the fundamental stumbling block to my getting excited about it being that it’s all basically, at its heart, about money, and I simply don’t find money very interesting (useful, yes; interesting no).
  • Zitron On NFTs: Ed Zitron has gone from being a slightly-odd US-based UK PR person with a…slightly confrontational Twitter style to being a widely-read commenter about What It Means To Live And Work In The Now – not quite sure how, but fair play to him. This essay, from his newsletter, on what he sees to be the problems with NFTs and the whole idea of them as a movement, doesn’t say anything particularly new or novel, but does a very good job of articulating the structural reasons why a lot of the promises being made about How This Will Change Everything are perhaps somewhat emptier than they may at first appear. “The consistent pro-crypto argument is that big companies control the platforms we use every day, and decentralization is the only way for us to be truly “free.” The problem is that there is no real difference between a web3 company that has transferrable ‘votes’ and a regular company – those with the money still have the power, except they have the ability to directly monetize each vote. Democracy is quite literally for sale by the company (and regularly sold to wealthy investors before anyone else!), and those buying votes under the auspices of ‘democracy’ and ‘freedom’ are really just participating in an even more corrupt and punishing system than we have in the real world.” Er, what he said.
  • Crypto: The Good, The Bad and the Ugly: This is great – for anyone confused and on the fence about all this stuff, Laurie Voss presents a really nicely-laid-out series of pro and contra arguments for it as THE FUTURE, from the very real potential positives for greater financial access afforded by (the idea of) cryptocurrencies, to the obvious and much-discussed environmental negatives. It’s not exhaustive, but it’s a decent overview of some of the main points of debate – and Voss’s conclusion mirrors mine, above, when she considers that perhaps this is ‘just’ a money thing, and maybe that’s enough for it to be significant without all the associated cult-woo.
  • Money In The Metaverse: Continuing the theme of ‘it’s JUST ABOUT CASH FFS’ is this rather good piece of normie-facing journalism in the New Yorker, which offers both a ‘what is the metaverse 101’-type primer for its readers, and then goes into a far more interesting set of discussions about the way in which one might argue that this represents the final dissolution of any remaining (nanoparticle-thin) barriers between capital and culture that might still have existed.
  • Meet Mr Meta: A profile of Vivek Sharma, who runs the Horizon team at Meta and who’s basically in charge of part of building out the Zuckebergian vision of our   digital collective experience. This is on the one hand AN Other bland corporate profile interspersed with colourless ‘colour’ anecdotes, but I found it interesting for the (slightly bleak) picture it painted of how the people creating our digital future envisage us using it. I read this and came away from it oddly hopeful that Meta is not going to succeed here, that despite the obvious advantages of scale the company has which will give it the ability to make this work by brute force of numbers we will somehow end up refusing to buy into a digital sandbox whose walls are build by companies like this and whose idea of ‘infinite creativity and expression’ is ‘build what you like (from this list) however you want (with this finite selection of tools we have granted you access to). Basically this piece makes the vision of the Metametaverse (I am coining this now, feel free to use it) sound like ORGANISED FUN of the worse sort, and a place for people with dusts where their souls should be.
  • TekFog: It’s been a while since we’ve had a decent ‘bad actors using social media to enact mass political manipulation of a populace’ (about 12 months, in fact!), so it’s good to see these stories still exist. This is an exceptional piece of journalist by Indian outlet The Wire, pieced together over two years and which should, if there’s any justice, make international headlines – it’s all about how India’s ruling party has access to a software kit which lets them effectively conduct mass-scale manipulation of Facebook and Twitter accounts, enabling party apparatchiks to create trending topics, scam movements and dogpiles at the touch of a few buttons, all to control the behaviour of the tens of millions of Indians for whom the internet is social media. “Over a series of tweets in April 2020, an anonymous Twitter account @Aarthisharma08 claiming to be a disgruntled employee of the Bharatiya Janata Party’s (BJP’s) Information Technology Cell (IT Cell) alleged the existence of a highly sophisticated and secret app called ‘Tek Fog’. They claimed this app is used by political operatives affiliated with the ruling party to artificially inflate the popularity of the party, harass its critics and manipulate public perceptions at scale across major social media platforms.” This is quite a hard-to-follow piece in places, but there’s no doubting the seismic nature of the findings – this feels like very big news indeed, and one to watch as it develops.
  • Digital Retouching: Now that we can train AIs on the past corpus of works by any major artist we like (presuming said corpus is large enough), and that said AIs can then be set to work on perhaps touching up old works to restore their lost glories, or to create new works from posthumous sketch fragments, say, shouldn’t we let them just crack on? This piece raises the interesting question of the extent to which we can or should ‘trust’ these sorts of digital ‘ghosts’ of major artists, using as its central example the case of a work by Klimt which is lost to history and which exists only as a series of black and white photos from the early 20th-Century – an AI trained on Klimt’s back catalogue has been used to create a colourised version of the image for modern audiences, ‘rescuing’ it from historical limbo. But how do we know it’s ‘right’? Truly fascinating, not only on the technology and its applications but also on questions of ‘truth’ and beauty (ah, the big ones!).
  • Millennials and GenZ Are The Same: I did wonder slightly whether this article was generated by a bot specifically to generate SPICY INTERGENERATIONAL DISCOURSE, but on reading it I actually found myself agreeing with some of the points it was making – to whit, the difference in experience in the formative years of Millennials and GenZ are so small as to render meaningful generational difference between the two cohorts impossible. On the one hand, this is ALL SILLY – as I have bored enough people with for enough time, making sweeping statements about ‘generations’ is fcuking stupid. On the other hand, though, I totally believe this article’s central premise to be true.
  • The Most Scathing Book Review of 2021: There’s nothing like a good hatchet job, and there are some GREAT ones in this selection, compiled by LitHub. Find your own favourites – my personal winner is this absolutely devastating closer to the Harper’s review of Hanya Yanagihara’s latest: “if the antidote to dangerous ideas is didactic storytelling, I have to wonder (apparently with Yanagihara) whether the cure is worse than the disease.”
  • The Plastic Surgery Rock’n’Roll Tour: One of those occasional articles which you read and which you have to occasionally pause whilst so doing to contemplate exactly how much cocaine everyone was doing in the 1970s. Imagine how much blow you’d need to have ingested to think that the following pitch was a good idea: “we’ll take a bunch of singers who sound quite like a few recently-deceased rockstars and then plastic surgery them so that they look like burns victim versions of said rockstars and then take them on tour!” And yet that is exactly what happened – it may not surprise you to learn that the whole thing was not the incredible success its creator had hoped, nor indeed that not all the people involved were what you might call entirely stable, but it’s a great story and proof that however odd we think life and society is now it is NOTHING compared to some of the dark stuff that happened in the cocaine heyday of 1970s America.
  • A Venetian Poltroon: A wonderfully-entertaining review of a book about the history of dueling, taken from the LRB. This is so, so interesting, and full of great vignettes, like this one: “When Jonah Barrington arrived to meet the appointment for his first duel, he realised he had never met his opponent, who, when quizzed, asserted his right not to explain anything. Since Rule 7 stated that ‘no apology can be accepted after the parties meet, without a fire,’ the men were obliged to shoot at each other.” I think we should bring back the duel, personally – not to the death, obviously, but with some sort of lightly-humiliating punishment to the loser – so challengers, form an orderly queue.
  • The Scholarly Pursuit of Shrek: In which Jamie Loftus goes to a convention devoted to academic papers written about the film series Shrek. This is very long, and obviously quite silly, but also far funnier and far more thoughtful than it really needs to be. The style is very much of that ‘hypercaffeinated reporter shares details of assignment-induced breakdown in realtime’-ilk (you know what I mean, right?), but it’s a well-done riff on the trope – basically if you can get on board with sentences like “I feel like I have smoked bad weed, but I’ve actually just had two cold brews and am face-down on a carpet that probably needs to be… shampooed? How does that work? Why do I know what “extra-textual intertextual Easter eggs” are and not how to shampoo a carpet?” then you will feel right at home here.
  • Achewood: Achewood is to a certain type of person one of the most significant cultural properties of the modern world – to most of the planet, though, it’s a badly-drawn MS-Paint comic they have never heard of before. This is all of Achewood in one place, as a PDF. If you know it already, you’re welcome; if you don’t, I can only urge you to give it a try and see what you think – to my mind it’s both hugely funny and an incredible sort-of explainer about how modern web culture works (but mainly it’s very funny).
  • Strap On An Ox Head: Patricia Lockwood is always brilliant, and this essay – on Karl Ove Knaussgard, in the LRB – is no exception. It’s a bit of a roast, but an affectionate one, and is all rendered in Lockwood’s super-literary, super-contemporary, super-pop-cultural style. She is basically infallible at present, and it’s almost painful to read – how are you this good all the time, damn you? “It is all happening to Karl Ove, but as long as we read we are at the centre of the universe too. The scapegoat’s role is to cast collective shame out of the people, but here we are seeing a curious thing: the scapegoat casting shame out of himself, while feeling himself to be all people at once. It’s like watching a drunken man streak through the town square, wearing a model of the solar system on his head. An emperor whose nakedness surpasses royal finery. Jesus, Superman, Chaplin’s tramp. I’m Garfield! I’m Garfield!”
  • Gay Talese On Journalism: I really enjoyed this – Gay Talese, writing about how he penned the all-time classic profile piece ‘Frank Sinatra Has A Cold’, and why it would never get commissioned now (expense, and quite honestly the…somewhat idiosyncratic approach to factual reporting employed by Talese throughout) – and it made me wonder whether the demis of this sort of journalism is A Good Thing. We simply don’t get the novelistic, impressionistic meander that Talese gives us in a modern profile, but then again Talese is quite clearly providing 10% content and 90% colour with this piece, which raises the question of what ‘journalism’ is, and if something’s nothing more than a reporter’s (admittedly beautifully-crafted) idealised recollections whether it is in fact worthy of the name. Thought-provoking, but mainly a joy to read.
  • A Neuroscientist Prepares for Death: On what it’s like knowing you have six months to live, and observing how your mind responds to the literal unthinkable. This is heartbreaking, but very beautiful indeed.
  • The Jacques Lacan Foundation: Finally this week, an extract from a forthcoming novel written by Susan Finlay, which struck me more than anything I’ve read in quite some time for reasons I can’t quite articulate. I really enjoyed this and very much want to read more – the section here’s just a scene in a bar, but there’s something about the author’s brutal use of italics that I really like and drew me in (you’ll see what I mean). See what you think – I am quite looking forward to reading this when it comes out.

By Romain Veillon