- Webcurios 03/05/24 - Reading Time: 37 minutes Hello everyone, hello hello! For those of us in the UK, this weekend is a GLORIOUS THREE-DAY WEEKEND, and oh look what a surprise it’s going to rain all weekend FFS BRITAIN CAN YOU DO NOTHING RIGHT?!?! Still, on the plus side, at least we get to watch some of the worst cnuts in the…
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- Webcurios 26/04/24 - Reading Time: 39 minutes Look, I probably ought to warn you upfront that I appear to have suffered a particularly violent attack of logorrhoea this morning and have somehow managed to break the 11k word barrier – this is your chance to just quietly delete this email/close this tab and get on with doing something better and more productive…
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- Webcurios 19/04/24 - Reading Time: 35 minutes You know what, gentle reader? It’s 11:52 am, I’m 18 pages of CurioB0llocks down and I’ve scrolled up top to write an intro…and, honestly, I have nothing. NOTHING. Not even a cursory gag about how I was right about how ‘all people who call themselves ‘Matty’ are obviously cnuts’ (thanks for the confirmation, Taylor!). I…
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- Webcurios 12/04/24 - Reading Time: 35 minutes I went on an open-top bus tour through London last weekend, and, honestly, it was FCUKING GREAT and you should all do one. That’s it, that’s basically all I’ve got for you this week, just a general sense of unbridled enthusiasm for taking a bus around some tourist attractions – seriously though, it is ACE…
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- Webcurios 05/04/24 - Reading Time: 37 minutes You know what, everyone? I…I really enjoyed having a week off. I know, I know, I’m supposed to say that I missed all the web and the links and stuff, but in actual fact it was really, really nice not to actually have to read 300 fcuking websites every day. Yes, I know that I…
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- Webcurios 22/03/24 - Reading Time: 33 minutes THEY MADE FOOTBALL WOKE, ALAN! THEY ONLY WENT AND DID IT! (As ever, this is an INTENSELY-anglocentric opening line which I can only apologise to any non-UK readers for; although, honestly, for any North Americans reading this, it feels like a reasonable exchange for having to hear so much about that tedious fcuking anti-Apple case)…
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- Webcurios 15/03/24 - Reading Time: 31 minutes This week in the UK, racism and monarchy – it’s just like old times! I imagine you’re probably all DESPERATE for something to read that isn’t about That Fcuking Family, in any case, so thank GOD for Web Curios, Republican (not in the American sense, for the avoidance of doubt) and largely-disinterested to the very…
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- Webcurios 08/03/24 - Reading Time: 38 minutes HELLO EVERYONE HAPPY BUDGET WEEK DO YOU FEEL RICH? Lol! Sorry, once again I have to remind myself that not everyone reading this is from the UK, and therefore not everyone will have had the uniquely-unpleasant experience of having a succession of millionaires appear on television to tell you that actually, contrary to every conceivable…
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- Webcurios 01/03/24 - Reading Time: 37 minutes I didn’t think that UK politics could be rendered more unpleasantly-risible, but the return of George Galloway to Parliament (and for those readers to whom this name means nothing, please do yourselves the favour of watching this, keeping in mind throughout that this man was just democratically selected by several thousand people as the best…
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- Webcurios 23/02/24 - Reading Time: 36 minutes Gah! I have a call in 24 minutes and I am still in my pants and need to wash! Gah! Apologies, you didn’t need that image – but then again, none of us needed the sight of our elected representatives competing to see who could demonstrate the most nakedly-self-serving and venal behaviour while ostensibly pretending…
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