- Webcurios 16/02/24 - Reading Time: 35 minutes HELLO AGAIN CONGRATULATIONS ON NOT BEING DEAD! (Presuming, of course, that you do in fact consider continued existence to be a general positive – I’m currently ambivalent) It’s a lovely day here in London and I would quite like to spend at least some of it not staring into the digital abyss – so you’re…
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- Webcurios 09/02/24 - Reading Time: 35 minutes In the 90s, did people in the US have to suffer through endless coverage of David and Victoria, their courtship and their eventual nuptials and the outfits and and and? Presuming that the answer to that question is ‘lol no you fcuking loser’, can someone please tell me why the fcuk it is that we…
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- Webcurios 02/02/24 - Reading Time: 36 minutes February is the worst month of the year. January gets all the attention and the opprobrium, true, but it’s February that’s the real cnut – all of the misery of January with none of the sympathy. BUT I AM SYMPATHETIC! I FEEL YOUR PAIN! Still, WE CAN GET THROUGH IT TOGETHER! Here’s the deal –…
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- Webcurios 26/01/24 - Reading Time: 39 minutes How is it possible that a company whose last recorded profits were over $5bn needs to sack 10% of its workforce? How is it possible that literally none of the galaxy-brained investors that have taken turns worrying at the increasingly-ripe corpse of media with their private equity spoons have managed to work out how to…
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- Webcurios 19/01/24 - Reading Time: 32 minutes MY GOD IT IS SO FCUKING COLD. And yes, I know that there are few things more tedious than making banal, obvious observations about meteorological conditions, but I’m afraid the part of my brain that normally spaffs out the intro section has frozen solid and as such this is all you’re getting this week. I…
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- Webcurios 12/01/24 - Reading Time: 32 minutes NEW YEAR, NEW CURIOS! Or, more accurately, EXACTLY THE SAME TIRED OLD FORMAT YOU KNOW AND ARE LARGELY INDIFFERENT TO! Yes, while other newsletters may start the year with grandiose talk of ‘projects’ and ‘plans’ and ‘changes and improvements’, you can rest safe in the knowledge that the only thing that is likely to change…
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- Webcurios 15/12/23 - Reading Time: 38 minutes 43 editions and some unconscionably-vast number of links later, HERE WE ARE AT LAST! We stand on the precipice of the FINAL WEB CURIOS OF 2023 – or at least you do, I have just finished writing the thing and as such, if we’re going to overextend this metaphor to beyond breaking point as tends…
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- Webcurios 08/12/23 - Reading Time: 35 minutes HELLO EVERYONE HELLO! I did what I am reasonably certain is my last bit of work before Christmas yesterday – call me Stakhanov! – and as such it’s frankly a miracle I could be bothered to drag myself from my pit at 6am this morning to spaff this out. THANK ME! BE GRATEFUL! Ahem. I…
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- Webcurios 01/12/23 - Reading Time: 32 minutes JESUS IT’S FREEZING. Or at least it is in London – I have no idea if it’s balmy and tropical where you are, and frankly I don’t care. POOR MATTY’S COLD. Which is why this intro’s going to be short and sweet – I want to get this done so I can go and sit…
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- Webcurios 24/11/23 - Reading Time: 30 minutes ONE MONTH TO GO! ONE MONTH TO GO! Of course, if you’re in North America right now you’ll already be in the middle of an extended period of having a bad time with people you don’t like who you’re nevertheless compelled to spend time with by accidents of birth, but for the rest of us…
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