all curios

  • Webcurios 10/03/23 - Reading Time: 36 minutes Do you feel UNDER THREAT? Do you feel like your sovereignty and security is being compromised by a bunch of poor fcuks so desperate to escape their current circumstances that they’re willing to risk life and limb to end up in THIS fcuking country? Do you believe that a certain BBC sports presenter shouldn’t have…

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  • Webcurios 03/03/23 - Reading Time: 36 minutes You know what the only thing worse than being governed by absolute cnuts? Being governed by stupid cnuts. Why is it that every time a tranche of texts belonging to the powerful get released they only serve to demonstrate what total and utter fcuking intellectual pygmies said powerful are? It happened with the Musktexts last…

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  • Webcurios 24/02/23 - Reading Time: 34 minutes TURNIPS! TURNIPS FOR ALL! It would be funny were it not so spleen-fcukingly enraging, wouldn’t it? Still, it meant the Star could do a funny frontpage again so that’s ok. Aside from anything else, Therese, when was the last time you ate a turnip? They are FCUKING DISGUSTING. Has anyone done that hilarious thing where they share…

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  • Webcurios 17/02/23 - Reading Time: 34 minutes I can’t help but feel a slight sense of disappointment at the fact that we haven’t, it turns out, been visited by extraterrestrial forces beyond our ken (or, if we have, we’re as ignorant of it as ever) – mainly because I was quite looking forward to the inevitable pitched battles between the inevitable Cult…

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  • Webcurios 10/02/23 - Reading Time: 32 minutes Hello everyone! HELLO! One on the one hand it was fun this week watching Google’s PR fcukup with the whole ‘your AI search engine’s a liar LOL’ story; on the other, I can’t help but think that none of the serious coverage of this I have read in the media has spent quite enough time…

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  • Webcurios 03/02/23 - Reading Time: 28 minutes Have you had good weeks? I suppose the answer to that will depend on how much Shell stock you all own – LOL! – but I sincerely hope that regardless of your portfolio performance – LOL! – you’re all feeling relatively content and not too burnt out from another week of staggering cognitive dissonance (my…

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  • Webcurios 27/01/23 - Reading Time: 36 minutes Hi everyone! Hi! How are you! You know what, I feel…alright this week! The sun is shining, the heating is on, the days are getting longer and I have done my tax return – it’s all going to be ok! (On the subject of tax, by the way, a brief note on the Nadhim Zahawi…

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  • Webcurios 20/01/23 - Reading Time: 30 minutes Jesus, it’s COLD, isn’t it? Did I used to put up with this every January? Fcuk knows how. Basically I haven’t felt temperatures like this for two years and I DO NOT LIKE IT. I am running a bit late today – possibly due to the icy cold making it increasingly hard for me to…

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  • Webcurios 13/01/23 - Reading Time: 34 minutes NEW YEAR NEW YOU! You look great and I love what you’ve done with your hair/wardrobe/septum piercing/new gym regimen! I, though, remain sadly unaltered, despite the benefit of a month’s absence and a whole three weeks spent not really looking at the internet AT ALL (what did I learn? That without the internet I spend…

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  • Webcurios 09/12/22 - Reading Time: 37 minutes MERRY CHRISTMAS EVERYONE! Yes, I know that it’s over two weeks to go until That Special Day, but tomorrow I turn off the internet for a few weeks and as a result this is the FINAL WEB CURIOS OF 2023! I am going to take a brief moment for some tediously-self-indulgent navelgazing, if that’s ok,…

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