Author Archives: admin

Webcurios 20/09/13

Reading Time: 22 minutes

[image missing]

Half a mile to Wham
Garudio Studiage photo of the week

Videogames, videogames, videogames. And fashion too. EXCITEMENT! That’s basically been this week, along with an awful lot of work – it turns out that helping people open a new venue is actually quite demanding. WHO KNEW?

Anyway, I have yet ANOTHER wedding to get to this weekend, this one in Wales of all places, so without further ado let plunge a sounding rod deep into the urethra of the web in search of anomalous findings (sorry) – it’s WEB CURIOS!

By Xooang Choi


  • How Machine Learning Will Make Glass Useful (and the future a terrifying dystopian nightmare): I’m starting with this one largely because it sort of scared the bejesus out of me, and in the spirit of SHARING I want it to scare the bejesus out of you too. Maybe everyone else had thought of this stuff already, but this piece about how machine learning (that is, pattern recognition, etc) will be applied to Google Glass is properly scary. The bits at the end about the tech being able to automatically detect when a user is looking at, say, a human face or something – HUGELY CREEPY for so many reasons. Not least the censorship / control stuff – let’s hope that wearable tech never takes off (and maybe that we all decide that everything past, say, bulletin boards was actually a terrible mistake and we go back to 1998 when everything was safe and we were young and my hair wasn’t falling out in clumps and my skin had the lustre of youth and OH MY GOD I FEEL SO OLD). 
  • Glass For Fashion: Seeing as we’re talking about it, and seeing as it was Fashion Week this week (impossible to miss – were aliens to have taken a cursory glance at media this week they would have been reasonably convinced that all we cared about were unfeasibly tall, skinny women wearing moderately ridiculous clothes, and videogames), this piece is about some Glass hacks which pertain particularly to fashion. Some clever ideas here, and if you think about them enough they almost make you forget the scary machine learning horror of the last link. Think of it as a mental palate-cleanser. 
  • Google Does Health: Just FYI, really – the CLEVER PEOPLE are looking into the healthcare market and pumping money into research to preemptively sort out the problems of 20 years hence. Do you know why they are doing this? SO THAT WE WILL NEVER DIE AND THEREFORE CAN BE SOLD ADVERTISING FOREVER. Trufact.
  • Watch YouTube Videos Offline: Come November, YouTube will let people watch videos offline for a short period. Details are sketchy, but I presume it will mean short-term downloads of stuff. Anyway, there’s the potential for some clever usage of this – I quite like the idea of fourth wall-breaking allusions to where something is being watched, or the creation of videos that are designed to be watched solely on the Tube, say. It’s probably a dreadful idea, though. 
  • Subway Dress: What’s the most Fashion Week thing you can think of? THAT’S RIGHT! Hypercalorific fast food with a strange and oddly unsettling chemical smell! Subway commissioned some designers at New York Fashion Week to design and make dresses using materials from the horrible chain restaurant. “THIS IS NOT INTERNETTY!”, I hear you cry…well, it sort of is, isn’t it – a prime example of someone, somewhere, thinking “Oh, ‘the internet’ (sorry Evgeny) will go nuts if we dress models up in sandwich wrappers – LET’S DO IT, and then webmongs will write about it in their webmongy blogs!”. And lo, it came to pass. 
  • People Are Quitting Facebook For Reasons of Privacy: Hey look! Some research you can quote to prove to people that they should spend their money in a certain way! This is moderately interesting, although it’s also important to note that the people who are surveyed here are, like me, 30somethings. Do THE KIDS care about the privacy stuff in the same way (clue: no)?.
  • Brand Pages Coming To Etsy: Crafty, folky marketplace Etsy is going to launch brand pages. I have literally no idea why this is happening, I have to say, and neither does the article I’ve linked to. Anyway, chuck this into your next presentation to any client whose target demographic is a little bit hipster. “Yeah, we’ll, like, pull together a collection of the best artisan craftsmanship to really anchor the brand identity to the craft movement, yeah?” stabstabstabstabstab.
  • Pinterest Ads Are Coming: This makes a bit more sense. Again, details are a little sketchy but this seems to be planned to work by placing promoted pins in search results and category feeds – so if you work for someone selling interior design stuff or anything to do with weddings then get on this now.
  • The Oddest Marketing Campaign I’ve Ever Seen For A Place: This is quite bizarre. Canadian island province Nova Scotia is promoting itself via a campaign which purports to be for a phone and then turns out to be for…er…a place. Leaving aside what they thought the link was between people who’d stumble across a phone called ‘Pomegranate’ and people who’d want to go to a snowy, cold, remote destination, you will finish this wanting the phone quite a lot, but feeling relatively ambivalent about Canada. The website’s quite nice, though – click on ‘release date’ for the big reveal.
  • The Specsavers Crime Novel: I do rather like this, though. Specsavers is running a campaign whereby they’ve commissioned some (fairly big name) crime authors to pen a series of tales based on fragments of plot suggestions sourced from the wider world through Twitter, etc. Apparently this is borne out of the ‘insight’ that ‘people realise their eyes are a bit messed up when they struggle to read’ – I love the way agencies do that! – which is obviously a bit tenuous, and frankly the benefit to Specsavers here is somewhat unclear, but there’s something really rather nice about how people are engaging with the concept online. Check out the Twitter search – it’s actually rather cool. 
  • Beer Brand Blocks Mobile Signal: I was in Regent’s Park the other week and was talking to someone about how long it would be before places with signalblocking fields would become an attractive thing – you know, the opportunity for proper disconnection, etc (actually, that’s quite a nice gimmick for a venue – signal near the entrance, where you can wait for others, text them to say you’ve arrived, etc, fading to no signal in the back where you head when you just want to talk to an actual person, face-to-face). Anyway, this beer brand’s made a beer holder thingy that blocks mobile signals within 1.5 metres, doubtless due to some total bollocks ‘INSIGHT’ that people want to drink their beer without interruptions from their phones (you know what, if they want that then they can TURN THE THINGS OFF). Cute, although KitKat did it with benches a year or so back, so no giant FIRST! award for these people.
  • 240+ Slides on ‘Native Advertising’: This is FAR TOO LONG, but actually quite a useful read – basically it’s a whole rationalisation of why it’s really important for brands to do editorial partnerships with Buzzfeed. Obviously there’s a bit more to it than that, but effectively that’s the big takeout. 
  • 160+ Slides on THE FUTURE OF MARKETING!: Again, far too long (why it couldn’t have been a Word doc escapes me), but not totally stupid and contains several examples of sensible stuff on brand behaviour online, etc, which you can lift – helpfully, it’s written in gratingly corporate language which means you can seamlessly integrate large swathes of it into your next meaningless presentation.
  • Significantly Less Slides On What ‘Digital’ Is: This, on the other hand, really is quite smart. Clever overview of what digital is within an agency / organisation – if you have anything to do with running or growing digital business within a company this is probably worth a quick look. It’s much shorter than the previous ones, I promise.
  • The Gif Is Dead: The United States Committee on Energy and Commerce has made this. I’m actually quite impressed with the creativity – you wait until the next election where EVERYTHING gets presented in Buzzfeed-style gif format. Including the manifestos. Seriously, you could actually start making these now. Labour, have this for free – “when the coalition first got into power, we were all like [INSERT RELEVANT ‘HUMOROUS’ REACTION SHOT OF SOMEONE LOOKING INCREDULOUS] and then they started with that austerity stuff and we were all like [INSERT RELEVANT ‘HUMOROUS’ REACTION SHOT OF AN INDIGNANT LOOKING CAT]…etc…etc…and that’s why we’re going to vote Labour – because AIN’T NONE OF US GOT TIME FOR THAT! [INSERT EMBEDDED SWEET BROWN VIDEO]”. You may think I’m joking, but I am TOTALLY going to be resurrecting this post come 2015.
  • The Living Piano: I really, really like this. Simple and well-done and strangely happymaking. Go on, steal it and make it tawdry and horrible. GO ON. 
By James Blair for National Geographic



  • A Small Piece Of Very ‘This Is The Future’ Graffiti From Twitter: Go on, save this in your ‘pics I am going to use in a presentation about digital sooner rather than later’ folder. I know you want to. 
  • No-upload Image Hosting: This is quite clever, and also quite a convenient idea. is, as far as I can tell, a service which allows online image hosting with no upload or account – you can just cut & paste an image onto the webpage, whereby it will MAGICALLY APPEAR with its own shareable URL. Quite good for a variety of purposes, some of them potentially nefarious…
  • Minimalist Football Team Logos: Some of these work better than others, but there’s something quite cool about the concept. You can make your own joke about Jonny Ive / Apple – I’ll just wait here til you’ve finished (judging you). 
  • This Is What It Looks Like When Insects Bite You: Entomophobes, I suggest you don’t click this one. Photographer Alex Wild specialises in taking pictures of insects in superHD close-up. This is a selection of pictures of those insects feeding from him. Even if you’re not entomophobic you’ll probably wince a bit, particularly at the ones of the massive pincers quite clearly embedded in skin. They’re technically awesome photos, though, honest – I fear I’ve put everyone off now, sorry.
  • Dating for Ghosts: As far as I can tell, this is just something that someone knocked up for fun, but there’s a surprising amount of depth to it for a single-serving joke site. Purporting to be a dating site for the ectoplasmic, it’s strangely compelling. A bit of digging revealed it to be one of a series of websites built for no visible purpose by some 39 year old mormon bloke – there may well be WEIRD religiosity buried in there somewhere.
  • Hugely Impressive Origami: I know that these come around comparatively often, but these really *are* spectacular, not just for the technical execution but also for the imagination behind some of the designs. Also, there’s an origami poo – if at least one of you doesn’t spend the afternoon hiding by the printers and secretly using reams of A4 to try and recreate it I will be VERY disappointed.
  • Posters For Villains: Scroll down a bit and you will find some great posters of film villains with apposite quotes. In fact the rest of the work on there’s pretty good too – take a look.
  • Great Fashion Week Webwork: This is excellent, and a really good example of webdesign. The New York Times fashion editor’s picks of the catwalk shows, arranged in a beautiful, navigable way. I particularly like the thematic annotations beneath each fashion house’s selection, and the way the hover-over works (I really hope I’ve used semi-recognisable terminology there, as otherwise that last sentence was largely incomprehensible). 
  • Totally Pointless But Rather Lovely: Move your mouse around. Then click, and HOLD. Keep holding. It’s lovely and will properly relax you, I promise. 
  • Decals For Escalators: It’s boring and cliche to talk, as a Londoner, about the unique anger inspired by people standing on the left on escalators (but OH MY GOD IT’S INFURIATING WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU DO YOU HAVE NO SELF-AWARENESS AT ALL YOU SELFISH GITS?) – instead, let’s all quietly get behind this wonderful design innovation by Yoni Alter and make it happen.
  • Drawing on Skin: Not tattoos, just ink drawings, but incredibly impressive technique. Maybe one of you who wants a tattoo can get this person to do the sketches? Go on. Get Thom Yorke on your left thigh, you know you want to.
  • Man Makes Infographic For Own Wedding: In fairness, it’s sort of what he does, but I’m still quite unsure about this. It’s maybe just a little bit too internet for its own good. Is that unfair? Am I a loveless curmudgeon? Quite possibly, BUT I DON’T CARE. 
  • YouTube Doubler: Tool to create YouTube mashups. Actually quite good, in a low-tech, ugly sort of way. The one linked to is a good example of how it works – community managers, that’s your Friday afternoon sorted. 
  • Looney Tunes Characters Made Of Typography: Erm, that, basically. Very nicely done, though, and were it not for the horrific rights / licensing issues, the sort of thing which would make a nice ad campaign for….er…something which I can’t at present quite identify but which I’m sure will come to me this afternoon in some sort of crap esprit de l’escalier moment. Oh well. 
  • Folding Is Like SETI But For Biology: Everyone should sign up to this. Much in the same way as SETI did with SETI@home, coopting the processing power of home computers to help the agency find aliens, this project aims to use collective computational resources to conduct data-intensive research into protein folding – the rearranging of proteins which, when it goes wrong, is a major cause of serious illness. I think that there should be a corporate charter thingy where large companies all sign up to this stuff automatically. Go on, WPP, BE THE CHANGE (ahahahahaha).
  • Wikipedia’s Guide To Internet Phenomena: A wikipedia page listing some of the biggest memes of recent years. If, like me, you spend far too much time looking at this sort of stuff this will be a lovely trip down memory lane full of nostalgia and long-forgotten earworms. By no means comprehensive (Y NO SCUMBAG STEVE?), but interesting – and actually potentially useful for any students of web culture, or people who want to see if they can define any common themes in what’s memeworthy (good luck with that, though).
  • Symmetrical People: Photograher Julian Wolkenstein takes portrait photos of people and then mirrors their faces on both sides. The results are as unsettling and borderline-creepy as you might expect.
  • Add Cookie Monster To Everything: Like that ‘Add Ryan Gosling to every website’ website from the start of the year, except with Cookie Monster. Surely there must be a fairly easy script which can make these on demand? Go on, make one for me (I keep on writing stuff like this – it NEVER happens. God you’re cruel).
  • Star Trek Next Generation vs Old School: A slightly odd project, largely because of the volume of pics and the quality of the photoshoppery – someone has taken the time to drop a load of characters from Star Trek: The Next Generation into stills from the original Shatner vehicle. No idea why – fans are STRANGE – but they’re actually rather well done. 
  • Miniature Pop Culture Paintings on Coins: Yes, I know this was on Us vs Th3m, LEAVE ME ALONE. Anyway, technically marvellous miniature pictures of pop culture icons painted onto coins. Does this mess with their status as legal tender? If not there’s a variety of ways in which you can take this as *ahem* inspiration for campaigns…
  • Generating Utopia: Interesting project creating shifting 3d maps of cities based on 4sq checkins. Its high concept is to imagine what cities would look like if their topography responded to a resident’s activity (leave out what it would look like, it would be TERRIFYING) – watch the video and read the blurb, it’s very clever indeed in an artytechcity sort of way.
  • Sylvia Plath In Comic Form: Another week, another link to Zen Pencils, whose work continues to impress. This time it’s a piece from Plath’s The Bell Jar, illustrated in poignant fashion. WARNING – it’s Plath, so unlikely to make you feel all that sunny and warm.
  • Multicolour Search for Flickr: Really clever search engine. Choose upto 5 colours, choose how much of each you want, and hit ‘search’ – the page then trawls Flickr for pictures that best match the colours and proportions you requested. Also it only searches Creative Commons images, so it’s properly useful too.
  •  The Encyclopaedia of Life: Huge and incredible resource which effectively acts like Wikipedia but for biology. The world’s flora and fauna, classified and arranged into a website. I had NO IDEA that this even existed until yesterday – things like this are why the internet is wonderful. If you have kids who are interested in animals and nature and stuff, this might be a useful thing to plug them into for a while.
  • Favimon – Pokemon With Websites: Erm, yes, that. Pick a web url and this site turns it into a Pokemon-type creature and lets you battle other websites. No idea why you’d want to do this, but Pokemon are still REALLY popular (no, really). My brother met his fiancee thanks to Pokemon, and they’re moving to Canada to live happily ever after, so it MUST be a good thing.
  • Code The Star Wars Opening Text: You’ve probably got a small window where this is ok to do. This website gives you step-by-step instructions on how to code the whole ‘A long time ago…’ scrolling text from the start of the Star Wars films. Brands – noone wants to see your ‘funny’ takes on this (or at least I don’t).
  • Meowmania: This week’s frivolous cat-related website. Click for cats and meows. Funnier than it ought to be.
  • Picasso Superheroes: Your favourite superheroes as they would have appeared had they been drawn by stumpy Spanish genius (has he ever been so dismissively described? Sorry, Pablo) Picasso. Also the website of a very talented graphic designer who might sell the prints to you if you ask nicely.
  • USB Condoms: Oh, the future, you give us so much. I had not even begun to imagine why such things will be necessary, but one day they will be – these are devices which will protect your device’s data integrity when you plug it into a ‘strange’ USB port. Makes perfect sense as we move towards a world in which we will use more and more public / shared USBs, but it’s also a bit sad.
  • Dreamspace: A clever, well-written little dystopian cyberpunk webcomic with some very nice artwork and gif-y animation. Takes about 5 minutes, and it’s really rather nicely made.
By Robert Longo



  • Google Mechview: Have you ever wondered what the world would look like as seen through the cockpit of a giant mechanical robot-type thing? OH GOOD. It’s weird how much superimposing a cockpit onto Google Street View images changes the way you see them.
  • The Most Hipster/Artwanker Sunglasses EVER: You will see someone wearing these soon, and you will want to hit them, but you will also secretly want to have a pair yourself and the sense of self-loathing which this will provoke in you will stay with you for several hours. 
  • Crime Scenes Then And Now: This is a brilliant photoproject taking old crime-scene photos of New York and seamlessly merging them with modern photos of the same locations. Very clever idea, and incredibly well-executed.
  • The Best Response To A Customer Complaint In A Restaurant I Have Seen In Ages: Just brilliant. Take a bow, Chester’s The Sticky Walnut (dreadful name, though). 
  • Make Better Websites: Inspiration, should you need some, for web design. Some very nice examples on the site; worth scrolling through to see if anything catches your eye.
  • Secret Images From The Stasi Archives: Incredible, and really rather sad, photographs from an upcoming book looking at the Stasi. Your first instinct will be to laugh at the disguises – you have never seen secret policemen in disguise who look quite so much like secret policemen in disguise – but the shot of the bed and the child’s toybox, and the accompanying text, is chilling. I prefer my surveillance to be faceless and inhuman, thankyou very much – thanks, NSA!
  • Speaking of the NSA, Get Caught By Them!: Another one of these – this week it’s Flagger, a Chrome plugin which automatically puts trigger keywords like ‘Semtex’, ‘Jihad’, etc, into the url of any web address you visit. Which I’m sure seems really funny now, but won’t be so much of a laugh riot when you’re serving year three of your infinite sentence in virtual Gitmo. 
  • Reading ALL of the Penguins: A laudable but slightly unhinged project to collect and read every single Penguin paperback of which there are 3000. MENTAL. There’s a blogpost about each book – it’s actually a great site to browse if you’re looking for new, high-calibre reading material.
  • Hulk’s Essential Reading List: As is this, actually – some very good recommendations in here. 
  • The Most Hipster Arts Grad Job EVER: Middle Class? Arts degree? No direction or ambition, but an overweaning sense that you deserve a good life? Oh hi, nice to meet you, we’re exactly the same. Also, you could be a book therapist, apparently. CRAZY.
  • Transmit Sound Through Touch: I don’t even pretend to understand how this works, but it seems to be tech, developed by The Mouse, which lets people transmit sounds to each other through touch alone. Or indeed can transform anything into a speaker with no need for modification of the object in question. The possibilities are HUGE – although the first thing I thought of was stuff that tells you off for touching it, which is really quite sad actually. I should have a word with myself.
  • Disney Princess Magazine Covers: Speaking of Disney, this made me temporarily quite angry when I found it. This is basically everything that’s wrong with female-oriented publishing / marketing – and a really horrible example of how small children get indoctrinated without anyone really noticing. 
  • Slyphone: Have an iPhone? Want to take pics of people without them knowing you’re doing so? You’re probably a pervert, in that case, but you may also like the Slyphone, which is a little clip on attachment which lets the phone take pics at 90 degrees. You can get one free by interacting with them on Twitter and telling them what you’d do with the tech (I’m guessing the most likely answer, ‘upskirts’, is probably not going to get you a freebie, though). 
  • Utopia: A short story told through text and sound and 8-bit animations. Rather lovely, and will only take you 5 minutes. 
  • Welcome To Fear City: In the 1970s, New York was quite a crime-ridden and scary place. This pamphlet, produced by the City in 1975, is intended to scare the living bejesus out of anyoe potentially visiting the city, and makes it sound like you would die within literally seconds of leaving your hotel room. Can someone paraody this for modern London, please? Thanks.
  • The Guccione Collection: The incredibly hubristic website collecting the GENIUS of pronographer and publishing magnate Bob Guccione. There’s actually a lot of really intreresting stuff on the site, but the tone’s pretty offputting. Great photography, though. Anyway, I only discovered it as a result of THIS piece on VICE, which is an eye-opening account of the alleged sexual appetites of Chuck Berry, and which I wouldn’t read whilst eating. 
  • A Quite Remarkable Obituary: Wow.
  • License This Picture, Turn It Into Cards, Make Millions: I will take 3% of lifetime earnings, thanks.
  • Keynes For Kids: This is AWESOME, and, it appears, just done for the love of it. An introduction to everyone’s favourite economist JM Keynes, designed for kids. It’s just brilliant, and made me spend a good 20 minutes playing around on it and dimly remembering the IB Economics I did 17 years ago (OH GOD 17 YEARS). Really well designed, the content is spot on…aside from your interest or otherwise in the subject matter, it’s worth a look from a design point of view alone.
  • Bicycles Made Of Lobster: No more, no less.
  • A Sick But Entertaining Ragdoll Sim Game: GTAV? PAH! THIS is a torture simulation. Also, really quite worryingly fun.
By Raphael Dallaporta



  • Bad Estate Agent Photos: If you have ever looked for property in London, this will resonate unpleasantly (and yes, I know you have already seen this this week GIVE ME A BREAK). 
  • Glitches: Daily glitch art. Nice, if you like that sort of thing (which I do).
  • Calvin And Dune: Another week, another pop cultuer Calvin & Hobbes mashup. This week it’s text from Frank Herbert’s Dune making the strip all DARK and EXISTENTIAL and stuff. 
  • Awesome Posters: It’s quite hardto glean anything about who’s behind this, but no matter – this Tumblr collects posters designed by…er…someone, and they are AWESOME. In particular, they’ve designed posters for each and every episode of Star Trek, which is mental (see mad fans comment passim) but also rather cool. 
  • Men Taking Up Too Much Space On The Train: I never do this, fyi. I am a lovely commuter. 
  • JS Apps Failing Horribly: This is a very, very geeky joke. Sorry.
  • Daily Otter: An otter a day to lift your mood and calm your nerves.
  • Poetry Mashups: you’ll have to look a bit to find them, but on this Tumblr are a selection of readings of classic poems mashed up with modern pop music. The person behind them suggests that the purpose is to highlight the lyrical quality of poetry to young people – whatever, the results are AWESOME. No, really – go and listen to Dylan Thomas vs Miley Cyrus (I am not shitting you) and then feel your world change forever. 
  • Things In Charlotte’s Mouth: I have literally NO IDEA.
  • Bartkira: Akira + The Simpsons = this. One for you, Adam
  • Sad Desk Lunch: Images of depressing food eaten at the desks of office monkeys. Go on, treat yourself today, you deserve it, you’ve had a long week. 
  • Project Unbreakable: This has been going for a couple of years now, but the Tumblr is, I think, newish. Project Unbreakable aims to highlight issues surrounding sexual abuse and public reaction to it – it collects images of women who’ve been victims of abuse, holding cards showing things which were said to them by friends, family, the police or the perpetrator. It’s often incredibly uncomfortable, as it should be, and it will probably make you want to go and donate to these people or someone simliar



  • Inside Nintendo’s Treehouse: An incredibly detailed look at how Nintendo make games, and the role of writers and translators in that process. Obviously if you like videogames this is going to be more interesting than if not, but the piece is actually worth reading as a more general look at the importance of integrating writers into each stage of the creative process. 
  • Ladies! Control Men’s Minds With Your Vaginas!: No, really. The Hairpin (which, as a man, I think is one of the best women’s interest blogs on the internet and which I heartily recommend) takes a look at Copulins, which are basically pheremones, and how these can be used to CONTROL MEN. Just…just weird, really.
  • On Being A Dominatrix: Really interesting piece on what it’s like to abuse and humiliate people for a living – or as it’s more commonly known, BEING THE CLIENT!!!! Oh God, I’m so sorry. 
  • The Papal Interview: An astonishingly long and detailed interview with Pope Francis. Whether or not you are Catholic, or Christian, or religious in any way at all (or if you think that the Pope’s the leader of some giant illuminati-style paedophile ring which has been going for centuries), this is worth a skim – if nothing else, the Pope is still one of the most powerful people in the world (whatever Richard Dawkins might want) and it’s useful to know in what sort of direction he’s likely to point his several hundred million followers. Contains some positive noises on women and gays, which is A Good Thing in general. 
  • Soho in 1983: Words and pictures from the seedy part of London back when it still was a bit seedy. An interesting slice of historyand OH MY GOD 1983 was 30 years ago. Jesus.
  • On Jim Henson and Making Money From Art: Fascinating not only as a look at Henson’s early life and work, but also as a discussion / meditation on how artists can and should make profit from their output, and in so doing how they can avoid diminishing the quality of the work. 
  • A Truly HUGE Piece On Post-Reagan/Bush/Clinton/Bush US Politics: Obviously if you’re in any way interested in US politics, this is a good read – even if not, though, it’s worth a look as a general look at what voters of a certain age are drawn to in terms of ideology, policy, etc, and the manner in which the terms ‘left’ and ‘right’ have shifted in meaning in the past 30-odd years. 
  •  The Boris Bike After The Apocalypse: A very weird piece of writing, imagining the role of Boris Bikes (well, actually Citibikes as it’s American) in a post-apocalyptic world. They do look sort of indestructible, come to think of it. 
  • The Life Of Joyce: A brilliant story about how a class of schoolkids uncovered the life story of a truly remarkable 20th Century man. Read it, and then go and take a look at the website they put together archiving all the materials from the story. It’s BRILLIANT. 
  • Do We Still Care About Syria?: This brilliant and slightly harrowing piece in the New Statesman is a convenient reminder of why we should, and why the whole place is such a potentially intractable mess.
  • A Portrait of a 10 Year Old Girl: A wonderful portrait of what it’s like being that age and gender in a Western country – in this case Canada, but I would imagine applicable to here too. Would be fascinated to hear the thoughts of those of you with kids on this one. 
  • The Cage Fighter, The Bad Debts and the Fake Death: Well this is a film waiting to be made. Also, the way the page is designed is wonderful – I love the HTML graphic novel-type panelling. 
  • On Why It’s Hard Not To Look Like A Hipster As A 30 Year Old Man: Not actually long, but quite funny. My tip for avoiding this problem, incidentally, is to dress really, really badly. 
  • The Poetry of the NYC Probation Department: This is a collection of verse by employees and clients of the New York City Probation Department. Some of it’s tripe, admittedly, but there are some genuinely affecting pieces in there and I am very much in favour of the idea (not that anyone cares what I think, but still). 
  • A Chat With Norman Spinrad: I’ve had a looooooooooong relaionship with the work of Norman Spinrad, sci fi novelist and contrarian who wrote some AWESOME books that you really should read, in particular Bug Jack Barron (which basically did reality TV in the late 60s and is like Big Brother crossed with Austin Powers crossed with Superfly (no, really, it is)), The Iron Dream (which is a sci fi novel written as if by Hitler and is brutally brilliant) and The Men in the Jungle which I read when I was 10 and I’m pretty sure scarred me in some fairly deep-seated fashion. Anyway, Spinrad is always an interesting read, and this interview with him’s got a lot of interesting observations in it. Go read. 
  • Why You’re Unhappy: If you’re in your 30s, at least. ENJOY!
By Andy Gillmore


1) First up, there’s a LOVELY montage of the final shots from a variety of films. Sounds boring, really isn’t – put on headphones and take 5 minutes to watch this through. Web Curios takes no responsibility for tears shed as a result (contains MASSIVELY EMO STRINGS): 

2) This is Majical Cloudz with their song ‘Bugs Don’t Buzz’. It’s a haunting and gorgeous track which I am 99% sure does some pretty serious ripping off of some other song, but no matter – it’s LOVELY. The video, on the other hand, gave me the formicating heebiejeebies and should only be watched if you’re not in any way creeped out by insects crawling all over people’s faces and similar stuff. Another one best avoided by the entomophobes :

3) Photographer Gioacchino Petronicce has taken a load of his photos and turned them into a video and it is a thing of gorgeousness and gorgeosity. Watch, it’s only 2 minutes and it will make you happy I promise:

4)  Yamantaka Sonic Titan is, apparently, a collective art project established in 2007. It’s largely baffling to me, but I stumbled across this song and video this week and fell in love with it. The music is really, really good, in a sort of dirty rock way and the video’s rather cool too what with all the dancing and slowmo and stuff. It’s called ‘One’:

5) This, on the other hand, is just a lovely slice of slightly jangly indiepop. Eleanor Friedberger, with ‘When I Knew’:

6) I think Kn1ght are French – it’s electro, anyway, and it seems to be something of a law that all electro artists must be French in 2013. Anyway, I LOVE the video for this – all 80s and neon, and it feels like a short action film which is never a bad thing. The song’s called ‘Last Moon’, should you care:

7) More electronica here, although this is a little more WARP than the above. The video is brilliant – glitchy, techy animation which gets progressively more angular and broken down as the song progresses. This is Aleph with Fourth Way:

8) I LOVE WATSKY. I keep saying it because it’s TRUE. Anyway, this is his new one, ‘Kill A Hipster’, from his very good album Cardboard Castles. I love him so much I’ll even forgive him for the zombies thing, as it sort of makes sense in this context:

9) Scarlet Chives are Danish, I think. This is their song Some Days Stay, which features a LOT of girl-on-girl and probably isn’t safe for work – the reason I’m including it is not, as some of you might be thinking, that I’m some sort of pathetic peddler of low-rent lesbongo, but more because the song’s lovely, and the video has the air of something which features two people who actually know and like each other rather than actresses, and has the sort of weirdly innocent vibe of 1960s documentaries on nudist camps:

10) Last up we have this, by FKA Twigs. It’s called Papi Pacify, and the video is beautifully shot and quite ambivalent about the relationship between the two protagonists and I think it’s gorgeous. I’m off to ANOTHER wedding now – bye, happy Friday, etc:

That’s it for now
See you next week. Please forward this onto as many people as your mail server can physically handle. If you’re reading this and have yet to subscribe, visit the Imperica newsletter page to do so.


Webcurios 26/07/13

Reading Time: 15 minutes

[image missing]

15.07.13 – Sawdust – Morrisons, Aylesham Centre, SE15
Garudio Studiage photo of the week

So, a THING happened this week. I’m going to have to mention it below, for which apologies, but really there’s only one thing you need to read about it and you can find it here.

Otherwise it’s been much as it ever is. Warm, busy, stressful, LONG, leavened by occasional moments of muddlesome confusion and cathartic, frightened laughter. LIFE IS WEIRD. I’m off to the SEASIDE in about an hour, which inevitably presages rain – you, though, have ALL AFTERNOON to slather yourselves in the moisturising, nourishing infocream that is this week’s WEB CURIOS!

(By the way, the “Photo of the week” which accompanies the web version of Web Curios comes to you by courtesy of Peckham artist collective Garudio Studiage. They’re behind a wealth of brilliantly funny, meaningful mixed-media work. You can meet them and many other Peckham-based artists and groups at the V&A’s “Friday Late” event, taking place tonight (26/07/13). Further info is here:

By Madame Peripetie


  • Brands And The R*y*l B*b*: Let’s get this out of the way and then never speak of it again (except maybe a little bit later on when we get to the Tumblrs). I blame Oreo – they’ve now made it mandatory for brands to think that they have to do some sort of ‘funny’ reactive response to real-world events. Here’s a hint – EVERYONE WAS SICK TO BLOODY DEATH OF THE LIZARDCHILD BY THE TIME IT EMERGED. NOONE WANTS TO SEE ‘FUNNY’ TOILET PAPER-RELATED CONTENT. Just…just…leave us alone, please. Please. Stop trying to become an integral part of the lives and conversations of real people. Just go back to making and selling stuff we neither really want nor need. You’re good at that. 
  • Facebook Results (It’s Still Growing)Much as we might like it not to be true, and much as London’s generic media wankers might say otherwise, Facebook is still the de facto social platform for most of the world, and it’s still getting bigger. And still making a LOT of money. Ho hum.
  • FB Takes User Feedback On Posts / AdsSo ostensibly this isn’t that big a deal – Facebook is set to allow users to give reasons for hiding posts and ads in their newsfeeds, to improve (they say) their ability to deliver stuff that people might actually want to see. BUT if we can all agree to mark EVERY SINGLE UPDATE from brands as boring, irrelevant, offensive, etc, then we will maybe end this whole sorry thing forever. Maybe. Oh God, it’s all too much of a wonderful utopian dream to ever become real, isn’t it? 
  • FB For BusinessIf you do this sort of stuff for a living, you may want to bookmark this. Facebook launched a new blog / website thing focusing on all the advermarketingpr-type stuff – there’s literally one very dull post on there right now, but I imagine they’ll throw some other things up soon enough.
  • Advertising on Foursquare Now ExistsI don’t really know why I’m including this seeing as, as I may have mentioned before, NOONE USES 4SQ, but who knows – maybe you have a rich client with money to burn who wants to try something new and innovative and pointless. If so, point them in the direction of 4sq ads – effectively vouchers / coupons which are delivered to users after checking in to a certain location. Interestingly, the coupons aren’t necessarily for the place you check into – the idea of related offers is actually quite a smart one.
  • Some Twitter Search HintsNone of this is particularly complicated or hard, but you may want to send it around your colleagues, particularly those who ask you repeated, stupid questions about how to find / track stuff on the internet and whose faces you have imagined pushing slowly through a colander whilst cackling maniacally.
  • Empathy On TwitterI’m staggered that this exists. There are whole swathes of this stuff on the Twitter website, telling users how to, basically, BE HUMAN BEINGS. It’s a strange and uncomfortable combination of weirdly funny and robotically awful.
  • Nice Time Out Stunt in ShanghaiThis is cute. Time Out (or, more accurately, their ad agency) in Shangai left a series of mobile phones in public places. When people picked them up, they received instructions to get into a cab, which then took them on a rather awesome-looking tour of the city. Not hugely original, but nicely executed. I do wonder, though, how many people dropped out at the first hurdle – after all, would you get into a strange car when instructed to do so by a phone you’d just found on the street?  
  • Lexus Instagram Video ThingNo, not that Instagram video. This is very smart – to launch some new car or another (sorry, I don’t really *get* cars), Toyota got 200 Instagram users, took them to a track to see the vehicle and take pictures of it – which were then composited together to make a stop-motion film from Instagram photos. The video contains a nice level of detail as to how they did it – what struck me, though, was the MASSIVE cost of this. I mean really – getting 200 people from across the States to one place, the 3-d modelling of the track, etc etc etc…seems a little much.
  • Nikon Facebook Photo ThingWHY? WHY DO BRANDS DO THIS? Nikon’s trying to create a community for photographers on Facebook. WHY???? There are plenty of communities / websites / forums / etc where photographers congregate (hello Flickr), so what is the point of trying to make another one, on Facebook, for lots of money. Oh, that’s right, THERE IS NO POINT.
  • QVC Pinterest Ripoff ThingSee above, but this time for QVC who for reasons known only to them (and, perhaps, some idiots at one agency or another) have decided that what they REALLY need to do is make a social platform to help them sell more tat. WHY DON’T YOU JUST USE THE ONES THAT NORMAL PEOPLE ALREADY USE YOU IDIOTS? Christ, this makes me cross. 
  • The Problem With Digital ProjectsIn fact, this excellent article (admittedly on Imperica, but would have linked to it even if it wasn’t, honest) basically encapsulates everything I find irritating / nonsensical about the previous two things and a whole lot more besides. It’s by Martha Henson, and I’m just going to quote you a bit of it here: “there are definitely massive howling alarm-bell-ringing clangers that should be sending up red flags right from the start. The “we need an app, never mind who for” people, the “we’ve got all this content, let’s just stick it online, people will come to us” people, the “let’s create a whole new portal for something that already exists” people, and so on. And sometimes it feels like we aren’t moving on from this; these whack-a-mole stupidities keep popping up over and over again and just will not die”. Well, quite.
By Roger Ballen


A Collection Of Things I Have Quite Enjoyed On The Internet This Week Which I Thought I Would Share With You On The Offchance That You Like Them To, Although You Are Of Course Under No Obligation To Do So, pt.1:

  • Flipboard Now Works On DesktopUseful to know, this – you can now read magazines created on Flipboard on desktop. Actually pretty big news in terms of expanding the potential audience for stuff made on the platform, although the fact that you still can’t make stuff on desktop is somewhat confusing and seems like a damaging limitation (to me, at least. You may not care).
  • Keep Your Details Private OnlineIf you don’t like giving out your email, phone number, address, etc, on the internet (what are you, some sort of CRIMINAL? WHAT ARE YOU TRYING TO HIDE, EH????) then this service is probably quite useful. Mask Me effectively provides randomised proxy details to websites whilst still ensuring that you can receive emails, etc, from services should you so desire. It’s a bugger to explain, so I suggest you click on the link and get the people who made it to tell you how it works as I’m obviously singularly incapable of doing so.
  • Disney Making Haptic Air ThingyThis is MENTAL. So Disney’s working on a system that produces targeted, shaped gusts of air to give you force feedback for gestural interfaces (that may be the most incomprehensibly future sentence I’ve ever written). I’ve always thought that the problem with mainstream takeup of stuff like Kinect has been the lack of haptic feedback; this could be an interesting work-around for that. Also, THINK OF THE HAUNTED HOUSE IMPLICATIONS! You could scare someone senseless with this stuff, seriously. 
  • FrontbackThis is quite odd – an app that takes simultaneous pictures from an iPhone’s front and back cameras and displays them simultaneously. I don’t really understand why anyone would need this, and I can only envisage all sorts of dreadful pr0nographic uses.
  • Glass Bongo!Speaking of pr0n (SEAMLESS!), it’s finally happened – a bloke from VICE lent everyone’s favourite fresh-faced-but-filthy bongo superstar James Deen (imminently set to become VERY famous, I think, when his ‘proper’ debut with Lindsay Lohan comes out) his pair of Google Glass, and the inevitable happened. The link back there isn’t PROPER filth, but I’d probably feel a little weird watching it in an office, fyi. You can read how it all came about here, should you be so inclined.
  • Gay Bikers From The 70sA wonderful collection of found photography of…er…a load of gay bikers from the 70s. 
  • Nuke Map 3DOn the offchance that you want to see what it would look like if you dropped a nuclear warhead on a particular place, this little plugin for Google Earth will do that very thing. I confess to having cackled somewhat disturbingly as I reduced Swindon to the sort of rubble that causes Geiger counters to melt (NB: I absolutely, definitely don’t actually want to nuke Swindon, honest).
  • Images Of People Sleeping In WarzonesStrange moments of innocence – really quite poignant pictures, and very beautiful photography overall.
  • The Tube In The 80sTo be honest I reckon most of you will have seen these already, but if you’ve somehow missed them then do take a look. These are some GREAT pictures of the London Underground (or, more accurately, people on it), and a reminder of how much less nice London was in the 1980s. Also, smoking on  the tube. Mental. WHY DID THEY LET PEOPLE DO THAT??? Oh, there’s a whole other load of photos here, too, if you want an extra fix.
  • Drawing The RoadA man travels around America and draws bits of it in a sketchbook. There’s something nice and homely about this sort of Americana – it really does make you want to get into a wide-bodied car and drive coast-to-coast, eating solely in grubby diners and having slightly frightening pool matches with a toothless man called Bubba whilst sneaking injudicious stolen glances at his unfeasibly attractive sister in a gingham shirt and sprayed-on jeans. Or maybe that’s just me.
  • The Covers Of Life Magazine in 1963A really interesting way of looking at history, this is every single cover of Life mag from 50 years ago. It’s quite remarkable how it charts the obsessions and styles of an age. Although, to be honest, I’m not sure that future historians will glean the same sort of degree of cultural insight from scrutinising the OK! covers from 2012.
  • The Pixar Theory – VisualisedThis was recently in the REALLY LONG THINGS section of Curios, or at least the written version was – now someone’s taken the mental ‘all the pixar films are connected in some sort of weird scifi way’ theory and made it pretty and visual and easily-digestible. Do take a look if you didn’t last time – it’s really quite astonishingly odd (although creepily plausible).
By Someone on Reddit Who I Don’t Know, Sorry

A Collection Of Things I Have Quite Enjoyed On The Internet This Week Which I Thought I Would Share With You On The Offchance That You Like Them To, Although You Are Of Course Under No Obligation To Do So, pt.2:

  • Sad YoutubeYou know how YouTube comments are basically just hives of idiocy and hatred that you should never look at if you want to maintain your sanity? Well occasionally they’re also strangely sad and poignant; this is a collection of some of those moments where people are moved to share personal stuff under cat videos. What it doesn’t show (probably for the best really) is all the reply comments of ‘DIE FAG LOL!!!!111’. Jesus Christ, the internet.
  • 180 Websites In 180 DaysJennifer Dewalt decided to teach herself to code. She then decided that as part of this she was going to make 180 websites in 180 days, which is a frankly mental undertaking which would drive most people mad. There’s a lot of really pointless but quite fun sites in this, so have a dig around.
  • Furniture Made From Old PlanesHave you ever wanted to have furniture in your house which is made out of old fighter planes? OH GOOD
  • The Most Romantic Thing You Will Read / Play All WeekPart short story, part game, part poem, all lovely. There are thousands of little branching threads to this, all taking as their startpoint a kiss which may or may not be about to happen. It’s very hard to describe, but I promise that it’s worth fiddling around with, particularly if you’re a wordy person or, like me, a crushing ponce.
  • Composite Faces in FilmsA selection of faces made from the aggregate of all the faces of actors in a selection of films. Haunting, ghostly and a bit horrible – I think the Amelie one will give me the night-terrors for weeks.
  • StereopublicDescribing itself as ‘a public health service for built environments’, Stereopublic is basically exactly what I was asking for last week – a project to find quiet places wherever they may be, and share photos, audio, etc, and then use these to make art. Potentially lovely stuff, though dependent largely on whether anyone uses it. So, er, use it.
  • Genetics Are RemarkableAwesome photoseries, this, taking pictures of two people who are related by blood and joining them, highlighting the insane degree to which familial resemblance maintains regardless of age, gender, etc. I personally now want someone to do this for my whole family (hint). 
  • The DefectorBrilliant piece of interactive storytelling, this is a sort of film/game/website thingy which looks at the horror of life in North Korea and the difficulties faced by those trying to get out. An excellent piece of webwork, this – have a play.
  • StoryscapesANOTHER lovely digital storytelling project (SEAMLESS!) – to quote the website, ‘Osh is a city in the heart of Central Asia. And a window into a little known region. Osh is recovering from trauma. Almost five hundred people were killed here in street violence in 2010. These pages explore that experience from different viewpoints, revealing a rich reality behind the headlines’. Again, very well-made and a beautiful interface here. 
  • Golf BallsCross-sections of golf balls which, it turns out, are a lot prettier than you’d probably have imagined. 
  • DJ CHEF!Having a party? Want a DJ and some top-notch catering? Well why not combine the two by booking DJ CHEF! This doesn’t appear to be a joke – LOOK AT HIS FACE HE IS AMAZING!
  • Slightly Odd Charlie Brooker Fan FictionTo be honest, if people were writing stuff like this about me I would never, ever log onto the internet ever again. Poor the Charlie Brooker.
  • Meet The Burka AvengerAmazing. A kids’/family cartoon featuring the exploits of the fabulously named BURKA AVENGER in his fight against the evil Baba Bandook. Looks fun, and it’s nice to see some slightly different superhero-type things. Frankly I am bored to tears of Batman and the others – don’t get me started on the bloody film they announced this weekend.
  • Typing Through Tin CansA lovely website collecting a variety of writing on modern communications and how the affect relationships, emotions, etc. Essential reading if you’ve ever spent any time thinking about what the internet and STUFF has done to our ability to relate to each other as HUMAN BEINGS, YEAH?
  • THERE IS A SECOND SERIES OF MYSTERIOUS CITIES OF GOLDI know, amazing right? Also, the theme tune sounds BRILLIANT in French, it turns out. 
  • The GrizcoatI know it’s summer at the moment, but it will be winter soon enough. The best way to prepare for winter, no doubt, is to purchase a big, heavy, hairy coat which will make you look like a small grizzly bear when you wear it. IT HAS TEETH AND CLAWS, FOR GOODNESS’ SAKES!
  • He Took His Skin Off For MeThis is a lovely looking project to make a short film out of Maria Hummer’s short story about a man who takes his skin off for his girlfriend (literally, not metaphorically), and how it turns out not to have been a great idea. The story itself is BEAUTIFUL, and very much worth checking out, and a film of it could be a truly beautiful thing. Donate!
  • Photographing BabestationA series of pictures by Bronia Stewart looking behind the scenes at Babestation. I’m amazed that this channel even exists, and even more amazed at how much money they make from a few very lonely men calling up and spending insane amounts of money for little cameraphone pics of naked women. A friend of mine used to work as a cameraman there – he has some truly jaw-dropping stories which I might see if I can get him to write up in the not-too-distant future…
  • Fcuking New YorkPeople having sex in NYC. Not quite pr0n, but still as NSFW as you would imagine from that description. Great photos, though.
  • 7th September is Cassette Store DayA lovely idea to celebrate the beauty of tapes, this will see events happening in London, NYC, Tokyo and elsewhere. You won’t be surprised to hear that Rough Trade is involved. 
  • Finally, thisNo idea what it’s about AT ALL. A hugely puzzling curio featuring Bjork and a cat. 

The Circus Of Tumblrs:

  • Rozes Are RedThe pleasingly sleazy art and photography of Rachel Roze.
  • Posing DJsA selection of pictures of DJs, posing. It is thanks to this site that I discovered the wonder of DJ CHEF!, for which it will forever have a place in my heart.
  • Singh Street StyleStylish Sikhs. As anyone who either is Sikh or has Sikh friends knows, there’s a LOT of technique involved in making a tight turban – some of these are awesome. Will be incomplete until it features my mate Verinder, but still rather good.
  • David CamerpornIn response to Dave’s frankly preposterous anti-bongo posturing, a website featuring stills from ‘adult’ productions with the naughty bits obscured with Dave’s face. Oddly compelling.
  • WLTM Tall Handsome StrangerIt’s been dormant for a couple of years, but this collection of things people say on online dating sites is fairly wonderful / utterly horrific (delete as applicable).
  • Beer Labels In MotionAnimated beer labels, for no reason at all that I can discern. 
  • Desperate Royal MarketingOk, I promise it’s the last mention of the R*y*l B*b* – you’ve almost certainly all seen this already, but in case you somehow missed it it’s an excellent collection of the most egregious examples of brand bandwaggoning from Monday / Tuesday.
By Antony Tudisco


  • Joe Biden For PresidentA really interesting look at a very powerful man about whom relatively little is known. US GQ really does excel at this sort of stuff, as does US Rolling Stone. 
  • The Most Sensible Thing I Have Read About Teenagers And Pr0nA teacher writes about her experience with kids and their attitudes to sex in a post-smartphone, post-web world. Level-headed, sensitive and a little bit scary – but also refreshing and sensible, in that it reasonably asserts that the best thing to do is not to attempt to BAN THE INTERNET but instead to have open, honest conversations with young people about this stuff. Jesus, I am so glad that I’m not a teenager.
  • Finding Matt DamonA lovely Storify collecting a series of tweets recounting the author’s attempt to find Matt Damon in Morocco into an epic yarn. Twitter can be really, really good for this sort of thing – you get a lovely sort of fireside chat feel to stories when told well.
  • Why The Social Media Generation Never Breaks UpOn a similar tip to the tech / relationships writing I linked to up there, this is a great piece about how you really can never leave people behind in the internet age, and the constant reminders of past loves which assail us, unbidden, at every turn. It’s not a bad thing – it just makes the experience of no longer being with someone very different and somewhat more haunting/ed.
  • Making The Mad Men Title SequenceIf you’re into Mad Men, or if you’re into animation or advertising and STUFF, this will fascinate you. Properly in-depth look at the creative process behind the now-iconic titles.
  • Brooklyn’s Smallest PenisNo, really. This was an actual contest that happened recently in Brooklyn – and this is the writeup. Really, really odd – but actually all very good-natured, and the interview with the ‘winner’ (my inverted commas – I mean, really, it’s hardly a victory) is surprisingly happy and maybe even a bit uplifting. Still, though, poor the micro-penised men :-(.
  • We Live Like Gods And We Don’t Even Know ItI had no idea there was even such a thing as the Los Angeles Review of Books (there is, obviously) until I stumbled across this EXCELLENT piece on how lucky we are to be alive now, and why a Keynesian solution to the current global mess is the obvious and correct one. Which I obviously agree with being a pinko leftie, but your mileage may vary.
  • The People Behind OFWGKTA A really interesting piece looking at the management team who discovered – and made – Tyler, The Creator and all the rest. Also gets a more articulate and interesting perspective on the artists themselves than I’ve read in other profile pieces. 
  • The Reason All Hollywood Films Are Basically The SameYou will read this and then wonder how you never noticed it before. Amazing (and a bit depressing really).
  • Tales From $20 HandoutsA lovely series of essays from New Yorkers about giving away $20, how you choose who to give it to, how it feels…pictures of a city in words, and each one is a small gem. 
  • A Phenomenal Prose Poem by Patricia LockwoodIt’s called ‘Rape Joke’ and it’s very, very good indeed. 
By Roger Weiss



1) This was on the list a month or so back and inexplicably dropped off, but then I heard it again and was reminded of what a cracking song it is. If you don’t tap your foot to this you’re quite possible dead. This is the (dreadfully named) The Preatures with ‘Is This How You Feel?’: 

2) I don’t really know how to describe this one. It’s sort of like underwater ballet and ink in water and sea anemones and beautiful, weird floaty choreography all in one, although according to the blurb “Cocoon is an aesthetic exploration in underwater movement”. So, er, there. Anyway, this is Cocoon:

3) This is gorgeous, stylistically, directorially…just the whole thing. An animation about Japan, called Shinjuku:

4) Fidlar are, it seems, an LA punk band. Nick Offerman is an actor who stars in apparently very funny US sitcom Parks & Recreation. This is a video featuring both of them, and a truly startling amount of urine. The song’s called ‘Cocaine’, by the way:

5) I don’t really know much about Fiona Apple – I mean, she’s really famous and all that, but I’ve never really paid attention to her music before. This is a great song, though, and the video (directed by Paul Thomas Anderson of PROPER FILMS fame) is simple but weirdly compelling. This is called Hot Knife:

6) This week’s UK hiphop offering comes from Million Dan and a whole host of other people including Sway who’s been a favourite of mine for aaaaaaaaaages. The chorus is annoying, but the verses are SO GOOD:

7) This is hypnotic and lovely. A series of timelapses of US cities, mirrored to the point of near-abstraction. Pleasing in a way I don’t really understand:

8) I’m a sucker for pencil animation, and this video for Cuushe’s single ‘Airy Me’ is a lovely example of it. Sort of Studio Ghibli-esque, if you know what I mean, without actually being anything like Studio Ghibli at all:

9) Finally, this is weird, loud and sort of scary and, inevitably, Japanese. BYE!:

That’s it for now

See you next week. Please forward this onto as many people as your mail server can physically handle. If you’re reading this and have yet to subscribe, visit the Imperica newsletter page to do so.


Webcurios 19/07/13

Reading Time: 19 minutes

[image missing]

World Domination Summit – SW Main Street, Portland
Garudio Studiage photo of the week

HOT. IT IS SO HOT. WE ARE ALL MELTING. And yet, somehow, we are still finding the strength to whinge about just how hot it is. Oh England, how do I love your schizophrenic approach to the weather and your appreciation thereof? Let me count the ways!


Hm, that was quick. Anyway, this week I am once again strapped for time, so without further ado let us plunge headlong into the cooling pond of internets (a pond which may, on closer inspection, be found to contain potentially fatally polluted water) which is this week’s WEB CURIOS!


No idea who first made this, sorry 🙁



  • Noone Looks At Your Facebook PostsSo the fact that Edgerank means that noone actually sees the crap that you spew out on The Social Network is nothing new, I don’t think, but this article on Buzzfeed was moderately interesting insofar as it highlighted the extent to which this is a problem for personal rather than professional users and the fact that it asks why Facebook won’t tell you, ever, what percentage of people who are your ‘friends’ have actually seen what you post. Anyway, this isn’t surprising in itself – what is AMAZING, though, is the insane article linked to in the heading which Techcrunch ran, which is effectively a puff-piece written by Facebook’s PR people saying ‘but people don’t want those numbers! It would make them sad!’. Journalism, eh? A dying art.
  • Channel 4 Use Twitter CardsAfter that insanely tedious furniture shop, this week we have something marginally more interesting (but only marginally) – C4 news using Twitter to allow people to sign up to John Snow’s daily ‘funny’ teatime email (I am aware of the insane lack of self-awareness contained within those inverted commas, fyi). I’m only including this as a final ‘look, you really ought to start using this stuff, it’s probably quite useful’ pointer – promise that it will never be alluded to EVER AGAIN. 
  • Google Glass – This Is How It Can WorkI didn’t know this, bit Sarah Willis is an INTERNATIONAL SUPERSTAR horn player, who plays with the Berlin Philharmonic. Anyway, she’s one of the Google Glass ‘explorers’ (sorry) and has a pair of the cyborg specs to play around with. This is a video which she made of her going on tour, and all of a sudden the whole thing just makes sense. There’s a very real, very exciting sense of being inside someone else’s head with this, and it’s the best example I’ve yet seen of why Glass is exciting from a storytelling point of view. Take a look. Oh, and as a bonus here’s a rather shonky but technically interesting example of how AR might work with glass. Ignore the UGLY visuals and think of the tech opportunities. If you want, obviously – alternatively just skip to the videos like everyone else. See if I care. 
  • The Newswires Are Quicker Than Twitter (sometimes)Look! Sometimes, just sometimes, we can all agree that TRADITIONAL MEDIA STILL WORKS!!!! Except obviously this is still on the internet, so not that traditional – but an interesting point nonetheless insofar as the spread of information and INFLUENCER HIERARCHIES go.
  • Twitter Verified Users – VisualisedSpeaking of ‘influencers’ (SEAMLESS!), this is a viualisation of the links between all of Twitter’s verified users. Eye candy rather than useful, but it does, if nothing else, highlight both the insanely incestuous / closed network of the FAMOUS, and also how many people you’ve never, ever heard of who have verified accounts. 
  • Use Instagram As A ShopfrontSo this should really be in the LONG STUFF bit at the bottom (it’s a really interesting interview with New York-based, Senegal-born and Kuwaiti-raised artist Fatima Al Qadiri), but I’m shoehorning it in here – basically there’s a VERY SMALL mention of people in Kuwait using Instagram as an e-commerce shopfront in para 3, which if none of you steal as a ‘WORLD’S FIRST’ brand exercise I am going to be very, very disappointed in you. You whelps. 
  • A Thing About Big DataA nice little website by Ogilvy which wangs on about BIG DATA (so bored of that term) and how people like you can use it to make more money for Sir Martin Sorrell. 
  • How Nordstrom Is Using Pinterest To Inform Real-World ShoppingThis is very clever, in a slightly evil sort of way – the piece looks at how retailer Nordstrom is using the popularity of certain articles on Pinterest to determine how they should window dress their shops. Simple, but an excellent example of using digital to inform the physical and applying digital data analysis to the pursuit of filthy real-world lucre. 
  • Why Paid Search Is A Waste Of Time – LOOK, ACADEMICS!Do you work for an advermarketingpr agency whose clients are increasingly choosing to spend their budgets on search ads rather than your AMAZING creativity? FEAR NOT! Just send them this link to a dry-but-still-interesting paper on why paid search ads don’t work, at all, and then watch the pennies roll in (Web Curios accepts no responsibility for the non-arrival of aforementioned pennies). 
  • A Load Of Slides With Stats And Case StudiesNext time you need to do a presentation with loads of numbers and examples of AMAZING SOCIAL MEDIA, take a long, hard look at your life / career – and then steal everything from this one. Valid for at least a month, I reckon, before it’s all hopelessly out of date.
  • Tinder Now Being Hijacked By BrandsTinder is the latest HOT dating app, which basically uses FB pics to let you make snap-judgements on the attractiveness or otherwise of complete strangers based on nothing more than the fleeting glimpse of one photo of them. Anyway, this is the latest platform to get people all sweaty with venal excitement about how they can use it to SELL MORE STUFF – TV networks in the US are starting to experiment with marketing through it. Look, this won’t work – noone wants to be sold television when they’re casually scrolling through a list of people who they could quite possibly have a really tawdry, disappointing and empty sexual experience with in a matter of hours. Can people not browse for partners for casual sex in peace, without being sold crap? OH GOD THE HUMANITY.
  • Bet On Breaking BadSeeing as we’re talking about TV (SEAMLESS!), here’s a genius little app which will no doubt be ripped off by a betting company in the not-too-distant. This basically allows people to place bets with their friends as to what will happen in the final series of Breaking Bad – no actual money changes hands, but you can very easily see this being coopted by a big gambling conglomorate (Bob, this one’s for you).
  • The Best Advermarketingpr Thing I Saw All WeekJust amazing by WWF – such a clever idea, brilliantly executed. LOOK AT THE ANTS! CARRYING BRANDED MESSAGES! WATCH AS WE BEND NATURE TO OUR WILL!!!!! Actually, on reflection, maybe it’s not that nice after all.
By Ben Dehaan


A Miscellany Of Summer Curios, Pt.1:

  • The First Posts: A cute little Wayback Machine variant, this takes you waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay back in time and shows you the first EVER posts on a variety of BIG NAME websites. A strangely melancholic little bit of time travel, which has served to remind me just how old I am and how young the internet is.
  • What 3 Words: A really clever solution to the problem of sharing map-links and directions online. Each and every location on a map corresponds to three words, which you can then share with someone else to give them the exact directions of where to be. Which, if you’re having an affair and think that someone’s on to you and want to arrange secret assignations with the object of your desire without anyone knowing where you’re meeting (look, it was the first thing that sprang to mind, ok?), could be really useful.
  • How A Wife Should UndressFrom LIFE magazine in the 30s. Go on, married men, send this to your wife and see exactly how well it goes down. 
  • Rent Arcade MachinesAs pointed out to me by someone when I linked this on Twitter, it’s an annoying tease as it’s only available in the US. BUT! Come on, kids – we can make this happen here! This service allows users to rent arcade cabinets – the whole things, delivered to you in your home – for a month at a time, for the incredible price of $75 per month. For men (look, we all know it’s most likely to be men, it’s ok) of a certain age, this is possibly one of the best things ever invented and a surefire passport to singledom / divorce. 
  • Share Hotel Rooms With StrangersTravelling alone? Want to save money on the exorbitant rates that hotels charge for single rooms? Well, why not use this website to find a complete stranger to share your hotel room with? What’s that you say? BECAUSE THEY MIGHT TURN OUT TO BE A PSYCHOPATH???? Fie on you, you paranoid ninny! When I posted this earlier this week, the people behind it got in touch rather sniffily suggesting that I was being unfair and misrepresenting the service. I felt bad for a bit, but then remembered that this was a truly dreadful idea which screams “HELLO DAHMER, PLEASE EAT ME”.
  • The Art of PiThis is gorgeous, if mathematical – some beautiful visualisations of Pi and the numerology around it. In the interests of honesty, I’m going to have to confess that I don’t really understand how they make the pretty pictures; the more numerologically-inclined of you may fare better. But look, PRETTY COLOURS!
  • The Best Maths Website EverStaying on the mathematical tip (SEAMLESS!), this is a truly BEAUTIFUL website (also available as a mobile app) which takes you through 30 of the most exciting concepts in maths. Really, really clever, beautifully designed, and comprehensible even to a mathtard like myself. Worth a look.
  • Probably The Worst Tshirt In The WorldI don’t really have anything to add to this.
  • Encrypted, Secure Phone is a clever little app which provides secure, untraceable phone-to-phone messaging, which is delivered in a really user-friendly and simple manner and with a friendly interface. Noteworthy as it delivers a service which is only usually available if you’re a bit techy and can cope with a properly hardcore UI; if you’re doing something you shouldn’t and are a bit of a luddite, this may well be of use to you. 
  • Font ComparatorFor those of you who LOVE your typography, this may be of interest. A neat little site which allows you to compare different fonts and see what the practical differences between them are. 
  • London In FlickrAnd, in fact, a whole load of other cities too. This is a wonderful project, and a total timesink if you let it be. Taking publicly visible Flickr images and mapping them across cities, this lets you see what people have snapped where. A really lovely way of seeing the city in which you live through someone else’s eyes, and there are some great photos on there too. Go, play, lose yourself for the rest of the afternoon.
  • Picture Of Animals In Snappy OutfitsNo, really, that’s EXACTLY what these are. No more, no less. Available to purchase too, should you suddenly decide that what your home really needs is a portrait of a parakeet wearing an orange velour hoodie. 
  • Life In 5 SecondsA cute project which takes some of our greatest stories / legends and reduces them to very, very short infographical representations. Some work better than others, but if these haven’t already been used in an ad (they have, haven’t they?) it can only be a matter of time. 
  • SuperEmoFriendsSmall, sad portraits of characters from popular culture. Far more affecting than it really has any right to be. LOOK AT SAD RONALD MCDONALD! 
  • The Worst Portfolio EverAn astute takedown of the current trend for online portfolios for designers, and the most egregious examples of their crapness. To be honest, this could be applied to all industries and the increasing propensity towards ‘clever’ online CVs. Although maybe I’m just bitter as I can neither design nor code. USELESS ME. 
  • Beautiful Old Photos of Cincinatti’s Public LibraryYou can almost smell the dust. Takes you back to a happier time, when the internet hadn’t even been thought of yet and there was…er…malnutrition, sexism, racism and homophobia everywhere. God, it’s saddening when you look back and realise that being born any time much before the past 50 years would have been genuinely dreadful. 
  • The New York Bench Library: Another book-based thing (SEAMLESS!), this is a gorgeous bench / library hybrid in New York that made me very happy when I saw it. Here’s an idea – brands, why don;t you just do loads of stuff like this with a little logo on it. Bollocks to the idea of whether it ‘fits’ with your ‘strategy’ – it will be a nice thing that people appreciate and like you for, and will be a whole load more valuable than a bunch of CONTENT that noone needs, wants or cares about. Go on. Do it. You arseholes.
  • DJs, Back This KickstarterI don’t DJ (Jesus, this is turning into a litany of personal inadequacy), but for those of you that do this pocket mixer on Kickstarter might be just the thing that you want to pledge a lot of money to. 
  • Snow TunnelsI have literally NO idea what the text on these pictures says, but they are amazing. Some sort of crazy snow tunnel, somewhere in the world (look, I know that this is a dreadful description but my knowledge of Cyrillic is pretty patchy at the best of times).
  • Eel SlappingA small, pointless website which allows you to slap a man in the face with an eel. Cathartic (also, screencaps of this will be ENDLESSLY useful in what I believe we’re now honour-bound to call OFFICE BANTS!).
By Flora Borsi


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A Miscellany Of Summer Curios, Pt.2:

  • Quiet Places in NYCI’m in two minds about this. On the one hand, it’s a lovely thing to get people to share their favourite quiet places in a large metropolitan city; on the other, by so doing you’re basically killing them. I think there should be some sort of secret version of this for London, which basically only my girlfriend and I have access to. That would be nice. Maybe I’ll let you in too, I’ve not decided yet. We’ll see.
  • Worried About Aging, Wrinkles? TRY THISThis is apparently a real thing. I think I’m going to buy it and see how it works.
  • Course Texts For A Porn PostgradA wonderful imagined collection of 70s-style academic textbook covers for imagined tomes which might be used as part of a University course on the theory of pornography. I really, really want to read ‘New Directions In Squirt Sociology’.
  • Hire My FriendA great idea, this – taking the whole ‘My Single Friend’ concept (by the way, WHY isn’t that site called ‘Date My Mate’? SO MUCH BETTER) and applying it to the world of work and allowing people to advertise themselves for hire without actually advertising themselves, if you see what I mean. Currently skews towards tech, unsurprisingly given its genesis in East London, but still smart.
  • The Best Wikipedia Entry Ever, No JokeLook, you have to read this one. Really. Just incredible, and proof if it were needed that your life really is fundamentally unexciting and beige compared to that of Adrian Carton de Wiart, who is probably the greatest boy’s own hero ever to have lived. I’m going to paste one of the opening bits as a teaser – seriously, do take a look: “He served in the Boer WarFirst World War, and Second World War; was shot in the face, head, stomach, ankle, leg, hip, and ear; survived a plane crash; tunnelled out of a POW camp; and bit off his own fingers when a doctor refused to amputate them. He later wrote that “Frankly I had enjoyed the war” when describing his service in the WWI.”
  • Sand As An Executive ToyI don’t doubt that the chemistry behind this is mind-boggling, but all I can think is how much I want some. Just MENTAL.
  • Crosswords. Really Hard, Inexplicable CrosswordsI don’t really ‘get’ these, I have to say, but they look interesting and I think that if you’re a logician or similarly mindeed then it may all make sense to you. Anyway, the crossword clues are defined using regular expressions – if that means something to you then congratulations!
  • See Your FolksNeed a website to make you feel guilty about how long it’s been since you spoke to your parents? OH GOOD! This is a brilliant thing to send to a sibling to make them feel really, really bad about themselves. Or, in fact, your kids if you have any. Go on, troll your family.
  • Missing Kids On StampsThis is a heartrending little project, encouraging Canadians to take advantage of their postal service’s ‘Custom Stamps’ service to put pictures of missing children on your stamps. The sound effects on the website almost reduce me to tears each time (I’m not ashamed of this AT ALL). 
  • Air Freshener FOR MENAre you upset because Glade or Airwick or whatever other sickly olfactory horror show you use to mask your home’s miasmic funk isn’t quite masculine enough for you? Help is at hand in the shape of Archer, the apparently-not-a-joke air freshener for MEN. With MANLY SCENTS. It looks like a parody, it smells like a parody, but it appears that they really do offer sprays with the scent of ‘Hunting Lodge’, ‘European Sports Car’ and, er, ‘Distillery’. Weird.
  • Photos of NYC’s Drag Queens: Just wonderfully happy-making pictures. Each image links to its own slideshow, so have an explore as there are some great shots in there.
  • Universal’s Kickstarter For VinylI can’t remember if I linked to the Ninja Tune version of this earlier this year (OH MY GOD I DID); anyhow, now Universal are doing a similar thing but BIGGER. Interesting trend here for back-catalogue stuff being resurrected due to popular demand – watch this extend to food, etc, in the next year or so. Seriously – you think, say, Cadbury’s wouldn’t run a Kickstarter around bringing back some sort of limited edition thing? GUARANTEED MONEY, KIDS.
  • Visualising Texan ExecutionsFollowing on from the Texan Last Words database from the other week, this is a project visualising the stats behind the deaths. As miserable as you’d imagine, really. HAPPY FRIDAY!
  • Men Who Visit BrothelsAnother one from the cheery side of the web, this is an excellent photoseries taking portraits of German men in the brothel they frequent, with short interviews with them as to why they’re there. Actually less depressing than you might have initially thought, honest. 
  • FudsI like this. Mocking foodie idiocy in simple fashion. The menu is almost credible.


  • Bad Kids’ Jokes: I think that this one’s quite old, and I’m pretty sure I’ve seen it before, but it make me laugh so fuckit. Bad jokes from a moderator of a kids’ jokes website. 
  • My Old ManA new project collecting essays and thoughts about people’s fathers. You can submit stuff, if you’re so minded – it could develop into something rather lovely. 
  • The First Vine ‘Album’Lucky Pierre is Aidan Moffat’s solo project (it’s also a slang phrase for the middle-man in an all-guy three-way, but we won’t worry about that right now). Aidan used to be in Arab Strap and this is his take on what purports to be the first Vine ‘album’. It’s not quite an album, of course, what with the restrictions of the medium and all that, but it’s an interesting idea and some of the music is LOVELY, particularly with Vine’s autolooping which I suppose is the point. BONUS! Have what is apparently the first ACTUAL Vine song which is all about Ben Fogle’s involuntary acid trip and is pretty weird.
  • What’s Your Ex Doing NowWant to be reassured about how badly your ex-partner is doing without you, but in a softly whimsical fashion? OH GOOD!
  • Epic PukesPablo Iranzo has put together a collection of pictures of musicians, screaming, and painted massive jets of technicolour vomit emerging from their gaping maws. The ned result if vastly more aesthetically pleasing than it has any right to be. 
  • Super MagritteThe paintings of Rene Magritte, recreated through the graphical style of Super Mario Brothers. What the everliving fcuk did we do before the endless creative outlet afforded us by the internet, eh?
  • Famouses Wearing Black Flag TeesYou now how it’s now de rigeur for any famous who wants to appear a bit rock’n’roll to wear a Ramones tshirt or similar? Here’s a whole site dedicated to photoshopping Black Flag logos onto famouses tshirts. WHY NOT, EH?
  • Visual PoetryErm, well, that really. It’s visual textual mashup poetry STUFF. Depending on your level of pretentious pseudery you will either love or hate this (clue: I love it).
  • This Is Thin PrivilegeBecause being life-threateningly obese and having people perhaps react to that is simply ANOTHER example of how thin people ruin EVERYTHING. This privilege stuff would be funny were it not so deeply depressing.
  • Sleeping ModelsMale models snapped with their eyes closed. Basically a collection of really, really ridiculously good-looking people looking a tiny bit silly.
  • Tinder RejectionsI mentioned Tinder up there (SEAMLESS!) – here’s a nice collection of screenshots of one person’s failed chat-up attempts on it. Basically it proves that being facile works on online fcukbuddymatching sites.
  • One Star Reviews of Strip ClubsGenerally just a little disheartening, but the line about being thrown out for being deaf made me laugh like a donkey for about 5 minutes. 
  • Your Barrister BoyfriendCurrently doing the rounds of every Chambers in the UK, this frankly incredible (in the ‘is this a parody? Oh sweet Christ it’s not, is it?’ sense) site collects London’s ‘hottest’ barristers in one convenient place. And rates them, in prose which is a bit creepily damp-palmed. Oh, who am I kidding – I’m just jealous because I’m nowhere near as successful, rich or handsome as these people. If anyone wants to set up ‘Your Webmong Boyfriend’ then feel free.
By Johannes Grutzke



  • On The Society Of SpectacleWow. One of those pieces that makes you realise that there’s nothing new under the Sun, and that we’re all simply racing around in circles around the same fundamental principles as we always have (maybe just racing a bit faster, and looking at stuff through different prisms). This is an essay by Guy Debord from 1967, looking at how society is focused more on the representation of things than the things themselves. Leaving aside the Platonic elements, this is incredible – look how little things have moved on (or, if you prefer, how incredibly prescient Debord was). Oh, and I know that this is Marxist philosophy but come on, THINK for once. 
  • A Really Nice Interview With The Lovely Dave GrohlBecause if you read the above, you deserve it. Really interesting interview, though, and proof positive (if any further were needed) that Grohl really does come across as the nicest man in music.
  • And Daniel Craig Interviews Thom YorkeWell, yes, quite. I have no idea why this happened, but it’s actually a surprisingly good read if you discount the slightly ‘oh, we’re both kind of amazing’ vibe which permeates the whole thing.
  • Russell Brand Is Quite CleverI never really ‘got’ Russell Brand – his whole ‘Dick Emery meets Dot Cotton’ schtick always left me cold, and I found the serial shagger stuff very tedious indeed (again, probably jealousy). Increasingly, though, I’ve been forced to concede that he’s a very smart man – recent essays on drugs, race, politics, liberalism and Islam have been well-thought out and cogently argued. This piece looks at the man as a commentator rather than a comedian, and is a decent overview of why he maybe deserves a little more respect from useless armchair critics like me. 
  • What Foxconn Workers Do In Their DowntimeHow Apple’s slaves ‘enjoy’ their time off. Look, I know that no commissioning editors read this (WHY NOT??? Rhetorical, btw), but on the offchance can we all agree that this is a wonderful photo essay waiting to happen? Good. Now go and make it happen.
  • The Prancersise LadyYou remember Prancersise, don’t you? You all got really excited about it a couple of months ago. This is a profile piece on the woman behind it, and what happened to her when she went megafamous. As per the norm with these sorts of stories, it will make you really hope that you never become internet famous (unless you’re a mental). 
  • A Series Of Things On Trayvon Martin: There’s nothing funny to say about any of this. Here’s an interesting piece in the Atlantic looking at the whole thing from a PURELY legal perspective; here’s a piece on the whole affair with some really, really interesting comments (I know, this is UNHEARD OF on the internet, but they really are worth reading through), and this is Questlove of The Roots’ take on the whole thing, which is probably the saddest thing I’ve read all week. God, what a mess.
  • Peggy PaulaThe best short fiction I have read in a long, long time. Save, read, enjoy. 
  • The Theory of PixarHave you ever, when watching Pixar’s films, thought to yourself ‘Hm, I think that there’s an overarching narrative superstructure here with a fairly bleak post-apocalyptic narrative at its core’? No? More fool you, then. This VERY LONG essay is either genius or madness (I think I’m leaning to the latter), but its comprehensive knowledge of the films is insane. I would love to see pictures of Pixar people’s reactions on reading this.
  • The Confusing Merry-go-round Of Gay Identity Politics And NomenclatureThis is actually an essay about the word ‘Twink’ and its pejorative meaning, but sort of segues into a whole load of other stuff about gay subcultures and identity. I only found this because I had a haircut this week which basically makes me look incredibly twinky. 
  • Clive James Takes Down Dan BrownOk, so it’s not really a fair fight but James, as ever, writes like God. 
  • We Get The Films Which We DeserveOn Asylum, the film studio which is responsible for Sharknado (LOL!!!) and other memetastic favourites. Basically this is a pointer to a future in which EVERY SINGLE FILM EVER PRODUCED is ‘Snakes On A Plane’. Hi, future!
  • The Third Golden Age of TelevisionWe’re currently living through the third golden age of television, or so this article posits. A really interesting look at why this might be.
  • The Bad Things Kids DoA Reddit thread collecting examples of the worst things that people did as kids. The best argument for sterilisation I’ve read all week (but also dreadfully, awfully, guiltily funny in places).
By Dina Litovski



1) Corey Feldman! Have you ever done porn, Corey Feldman? (sorry, that’s a line from this AMAZING interview that I know I’ve linked to about 30-odd times but which I will never tire of) Anyway, 80s teen heartthrob Corey Feldman now makes MUSIC, of a sort. This is the awe-inspiring video for his latest track ‘Ascension Millennium’. There is SO much WTFery in here that it’s hard to know where to begin. Just watch. Oh, and if you want to make yourself feel a bit sad, this is the website for Corey’s…er…well I’m not sure what it is, but it seems to be his attempt to do a Hugh Hefner with ‘Corey’s Angels’. SO GRUBBY and you can almost smell the coke sweat: 

2) A wonderful Swedish short taking interviews with people about the first time they had sex and then animating their tales. Stylistically wonderful, and the stories are as captivating as you’d imagine (although, warning, the third one is dark):

3) Pussy Riot ACTUALLY make music. This is what their brand of agit-prop Soviet punk sounds / looks like. Quite like this, I have to say:

4) Ok, so this is basically just a video full of naked women. They all look like they’re having fun, though, and the song’s good – Is Tropical, with ‘Lover’s Cave’ (I don’t doubt that the title is some sort of NUDGE NUDGE vagina reference, but I don’t care). Oh, I wasn’t lying when I said naked – they are VERY NAKED:

5) Earl Sweatshirt just keeps getting better and better. This is latest, and it’s as syrupily (not a word, I know) brilliant as his previous work. Noone better at the moment, imho:

6) Keeping the hiphop thing going, this is YC The Cynic with Molotovs at Poseidon. The video’s TERRIBLE – I mean really, really crap in that sort of generic hiphop gun fantasy porn way – but the song’s much, much better than that. Also does actually contain the ‘molotovs at poseidon’ line, for which a degree of appreciation is due:

7) Oh, and seeing as we’re in that vein have some MORE hiphop, this time of the slightly weird variety, with Khing Khan King and ‘Metal On Oxtongue’. It’s as odd as the name would suggest, but weirdly lyrically pleasing. Also the video’s a bit like some sort of weird 1970s art porn-type thing, which gives bonus points:

8) Ola Ray was, apparently, the girl in the video for Thriller. Now she’s released a song all of her own. I don’t think I can adequately describe the horror of this, but it’s also sort of compelling in ways I don’t really understand:

9) Finally, Louis CK on racism. He’s just SO GOOD. Happy Friday, everyone, and enjoy the sunshine:

That’s it for now

See you next week. Please forward this onto as many people as your mail server can physically handle. If you’re reading this and have yet to subscribe, visit the Imperica newsletter page to do so.

Webcurios 12/07/13

Reading Time: 19 minutes

[image missing]

Tragic Life Stories. WH Smith, Rye Lane, London SE15
Garudio Studiage photo of the week

Right, I have about 10 minutes to write this bit before I have to put some pants on and go to Slough for a meeting. You’re getting off lightly.

Think of me this afternoon, drinking bitterly alone in the Wernham Hogg, as you get to gorge yourself on the rich buffet of high-quality internet canapes I have lovingly collected for you. The least you could do is pretend to be grateful.

By the way, there is no mention of either the bloody cricket or the sodding royal baby in what follows, so treat it as some sort of temporary respite from what appear to be the only two things that anyone cares about at the moment. Oh, apart from the cat on the tube – we all liked that, didn’t we? JESUS WHEN DID WE ALL STOP BEING ABLE TO PROCESS PROPER NEWS? Oh, right, I forgot, it was when people like me started firing information at us from all directions, like some sort of strange and dreadful knowledge-bukkake.

Oh dear, that’s a horrible image to end on. I’m really sorry. I probably deserve Slough, after that. HAPPY FRIDAY AFTERNOON, WEBMONGS!

By some bloke off Reddit



  • As is now de rigeur for any large scale sporting event, or so it seems, the aftermath is a desperate statistical scramble as platforms and brands seek to demonstrate that it was THEY who won (it wasn’t, you didn’t, your involvement is incidental, go AWAY). This year we had both Facebook and Twitter getting frothily excited at the volume of chat (and, let’s be honest, mouth-breathing idiocy) taking place on each respective platform over the course of the final. I find Facebook’s post slightly less upsetting, largely as Twitter’s own writeup suggests that ‘One of the most amazing things about Twitter is watching celebrities talk to other celebrities’, as though the ability of two famouses (or their typing-monkeys) to type in semi-coherent, conversational 140-character bursts is something that we, the lumpenproletariat mass of humanity, should be grateful to have the chance to witness. Anyway, I hope we’re moving towards a point where we no longer have to have these “Look! Now near-ubiquitous conversational platform is really popular for people to have conversations on about an event which will, inevitably, spark loads of conversations” posts, as they are DULL. As a bonus, have this post which shows that literally NOONE cares if you sponsor Wimbledon.  



  • Twitter For Media BlogOf course, if you disagree with my Wimbledon point above and actually want to read more posts which dazzle you with numbers with lots of 0s at the end, you could do worse than look at Twitter’s recently launched media blog, which collects posts about ‘notworthy’ uses of Twitter in and around news, sports, journalism, etc. 
  • Tips On Being Better At Vine, Using DataOr Instagram, or in fact any sort of platform that assists with visual story telling. A few nice examples and some decent first principles around the creation of interesting data-led visuals. 
  • Someone Actually Uses Twitter Cards In The UKNot sexy, not in any way glamorous, but a decent in-the-wild example of how it could work. Who knew furniture retailers could be so digitally forward-thinking?


  • Social Media Investment Provides 3 to 1 ReturnahahahahahahahaThe only sensible response to this is to laugh and maybe shed a little simultaneous tear. According to research carried out by the Internet Advertising Bureau, who one would have to be some sort of crazy conspiracy theorist to suggest have some sort of vested interest in the results, brands investing £1 in activity on social media can expect to recoup £3.34 in poorly-specified ‘value’. Amazing. Try passing that off as a rationale next time you ask for a budget extension. Oh, and don’t even get me started on the lack of clear distinction between additionality and substitutability in all this. Jesus wept
  • Google DataboardAnother week, another new, useful product from the company we’re all increasingly scared of but don’t really know how to live without. This time it’s Google Databoard, a whole resource of planner-friendly information about consumer habits as relating to digital consumption, etc, which you can cut and scrape in all sorts of ways – and through which you can create your own infographic-type things to chuck on slides and things. Depending on how much data they add, and how regularly they update the sets, this is potentially very useful indeed. 
  • Digital Strategy 101If you work in this sort of stuff, you really need to read this. You may know a lot of it already (frankly, you ought to), but you may not have seen it articulated as cogently as this before. A superb, user-friendly rundown of all the steps, terminology, components, etc, of a campaign (in this case digital specifically, but the stuff in here is applicable to non-internet-specific stuff too) – all put together by the insanely altruisitic Bud Caddell. Oh, and if you regularly have people pitching this stuff at you, why not print out a copy and keep it with you when being sold to so you can keep track of how many agencies lift stuff from this line-for-line?
  • Lynx Uses SnapchatFollowing Geordie Shore the other week, this time its another HIGHBROW property using Snapchat, in this instance Lynx. I can’t be bothered to rewrite the explanation from the agency rag, so: “it leaked exclusive content about a secret Lynx launch party to core fans. Behind-the-scenes pictures of host and television presenter Charlie Webster on a photo shoot were sent alongside photographs of the celebrity completing a “space-themed assault course”. According to one of the people behind it, “We got several hundred people add us on the first day, and are getting 20 new requests a day and have over a thousand now. We got shedloadsof snaps on the first day and still get a dozen or so pictures a day. We get a few people rating our lynx girls and we get one or too slightly racier pics a day but it’s actually mostly vanilla. No breasts of penises yet”. Wow, that was perilously close to REAL industry journalism. Mental.
  • McDonald’s Makes A Nice Website But Their Food Is Still Disgusting(the food comment is pure editorial opinion, by the way) A lovely site by McDonald’s, collecting people’s memorable ‘McDonald’s Moments’. Leaving aside the issue of whether such a thing could possibly actually exist in the mind of a real human being, this is well-made. Although I’m not 11% convinced that ‘Bonquisha’ from Brixton is actually a real person. 
  • Community Management Disappears Up Its Own Fundament / Becomes OuroborosI don’t want to dwell on this, but a pair of community managers having a ‘comedy rap battle’ on Twitter is not comedy social media genius, it’s a circlejerk for industry wankers. Particularly when you can clearly see actual customers saying things like “JUST MAKE MY PHONE WORK” amidst the HILARIOUS BANTS. See also, dogpicgate. *SIGHS*.
  • The Best Branded Filmy Thingy I’ve Ever SeenSo technically this has to go up here, being as it is an example of advermarketingpr, but I would have no hesitation in recommending it as something you should actually watch as a real person. This is actually about a year old, but I think it was a US campaign so I don’t feel too shabby about being late to it. It’s called The Beauty Inside, and it’s a series of 6 short films of between 4-9 minutes long, telling the story of Alex, who each morning wakes up in a completely different body for reasons that he, and we, are never told. It is BEAUTIFUL – the central conceit is not a new one, and is an amalgam of at least 2 scifi short stories I once read, but it’s written and performed really, really well and the soundtrack is GORGEOUS. Oh, it’s for Intel / Toshiba, hence a few over-lingering laptop shots, and the social ‘element’ involved people filming themselves delivering lines on webcam and being inserted into the film as previous versions of Alex, but that’s frankly immaterial. Go and watch, please.
By Odile Potpovitny



  • Sweary Twitter CounterWant to keep track of people’s use of profanity on Twitter? Oh good! Here’s a little counter which does exactly that, for the 7 baddest of bad words. Made by the very puerile, but good at coding, Matt Northam.
  • Tattoo MarketplaceThis is a really good idea. A website which acts to put tattoo artists online, and help them showcase their work, whilst also helping people who are interested in getting tattoos browse designs and artists to find something they want. It seems to be US-only at the moment, but there’s no reason why it should stay like that. Aside from anything else, if you’re into inkwork this provides a great source of inspiration.
  • Bands+Cameras=PhotosThe latest in the series of ‘let’s give disposable cameras to people and get them to mail them back and see what they’ve done’ projects, this one seeks to get punk bands to document their tours using disposables. I like this sort of project anway, almost regardless of subject, but this one’s producing some very cool shots.
  • The DissolveBasically Pitchfork for films, but if you do like Pitchfork’s overly serious, semi-academic, doubtless well-written but often toe-curlingly pretentious editorial style on music, this will be right up your street. The writing is, as you’d expect, uniformly high-quality, and as per Pitchfork’s standard M.O. they’re not scared of longform, which is A Good Thing.
  • Terms & Conditions May Apply: If you’re getting the ‘oh god they know EVERYTHING about me, EVERYTHING, where is this all going to END???’ fear a lot these days, then this film will resonate (and perhaps push you over the edge). A documentary taking as its starting point the fact that noone in the history of the internet has ever, ever read the Ts&Cs of any website before blithely clicking ‘I Agree’, and what the potential implications are. Worth keeping an eye on if this is one of your personal paranoia points (ALLITERATION!). 
  • LUMIAnd then, following SEAMLESSLY on, we come to Lumi, a new service by the founders of which, in exchange for access to your browser history, seeks to serve up tailored recommendations for stuff you might be interested in. I’ve been using it for 36hrs or so, and it’s actually really, really impressive in terms of the things its serving up. As a caveat, of course, it now knows all about my slightly recherche tastes in bongo, but that’s got to be a small price to pay, right? *hires lawyers, just in case*
  • The Planetarium For Your BathYou want your kids to turn out to be astronomers? Get them this thing, then. Or maybe just get it for yourself, but WHO has time to have baths these days? God, that’s a depressing observation. Make time this weekend to have a bath, webmongs, let’s RECLAIM OUR LIVES.
  • NYC Transit TimesA simple, clever execution showing, based on existing public transport links, how long it should take you to get from one part NYC to another. Like a really simple, visual, not-broken version of the TFL journeyplanner – TFL, can you add this, please (except for London, obviously)? Thanks. 
  • Information Is Beautiful Sharing Their Skills (sort-of)David McCandless has a lot to answer for (not least the endless stream of dreadful, not-actually-infographics foisted on the world by every two-bit brand and agency in the world over the past 4 years). Anyway, they’re currently trialling a suite of visualisation tools called, imaginatively, VizSweet, which they’ll make available (probably at vast cost) to the rest of us ‘soon-ish’. So, you know, wait. Watch. ANTICIPATE.
  • Your Very Own Killer WhaleIt follows your mouse, for no other reason than it can, and it’s cutely soothing. It’s hard to be angry when there’s a digital killerwhale responding to your every mouse-based whim.
  • The David Brent MachineYou all, obviously, all know about Instant Rimshot. This is like that, but with EVERY SOUND IN THE WORLD. Have you ever wanted to give each of your proximate colleagues their very own set of ‘comedy’ sound effects, that you can deploy to hilarious effect each time they do / say one of their signature ‘wacky’ things? WELL LUCKY YOU. This has got literally every single sound effect you could ever possibly want – go on, spend the afternoon playing with it. Everyone will find it HILARIOUS and you will be the toast of your colleagues. GO ON. 
  • Create Your Own Bespoke ViewmasterYou remember those red plastic ViewMaster toy things, where you plugged in little circles of cardboard to the ‘viewer’ and then looked in wide-eyed childish wonderment as 3d scenes from films, TV shows, etc, appeared before your young eyes as if by the magic of the Wookey Hole Witch? No, you probably don’t, do you, because you are YOUNG and NUBILE and were too busy playing Tomb Raider from the age of about 4 to bother with this sort of sweet, innocent, past-tech pursuit OH GOD I HATE YOU. Ahem. Anyway, now you can order your own, which is quite mental really and might make a truly lovely present for someone. Also, for the right sort of couple this is the best proposal-mechanic in waiting.
  • Poems Ruthlessly Mangled By Google Translate(links to a PDF, fyi) A surprisingly cool little word/tech project, which takes poetry and runs it through Google translate a few times and then back into English. Going from 1/2/3 languages and then back to English again produces a variety of interestingly broken results – and, on more than one occasion, an end-product which is in many respects accidentally more linguistically beautiful than the original. Which, if you’re the poet, is probably a little bit of a kick in the teeth.
  • Minimal Posters Depicting Musical Genres: So beautiful. Click ‘next image’ (I know that sounds patronising, but it’s oddly easy to miss on the page).
  • Geometric Rap PostersMore posters (SEAMLESS!), this time showing a selection of hiphop artists depicted in minimal, geometric fashion. Again, there are some gorgeous pieces of work here.
  • Sochi 2014 Protest PostersRussian artist Vasily Slonov has created a series of posters (SEAMLESS!) which take a broad, satirical swipe at next year’s Winter Olympics in Sochi. Some pretty brutal stuff in here…
  • Posters for CyclistsDo you cycle? Do you know people who cycle? Do you have a bike obsessive in your life? WELL MERRY CHRISTMAS THEN. These posters (SEAMLESS!) are beautiful, beautiful pieces of design which look at different sorts of bikes with beautiful illustrations and typography. Very designer-y, quite hipster-y, totally lovely, and significantly cheaper than ANYTHING by Rapha.  
  • Superheroes Past & PresentThe last of this week’s selection of posters (SEAMLESS!) depicts superheroes with their young selves. Hard to explain how they’re designed / drawn, but trust me, they’re worth a click. And you can buy them here, if you’d like to
  • Dance In A YearKaren Cheng decided that she wanted to learn to be good at dancing in a year. So she trained and practiced and documented the process, and this is her little website all about it. It’s a tiny bit “YOU CAN DO ANYTHING YOU PUT YOUR MIND TO” (clue: that’s A LIE), but the video showing her improvement is genuinely impressive, and there’s something very likable about her cast-iron determination. 
  • A Shorthand Symbol For ‘The’I don’t really see the need for this, but perhaps you will feel differently and become semi-evangelical about ending the tyrannical prioritisation of ‘at’ over ‘the’. The symbol, though, looks UGLY. Can someone make a better one, please? Thanks.
  • Portraits of Transgender MenNo more, no less. Lovely photos and, if you read the text, an interesting ethos behind the project as a whole. 
  • PullquoteA very clever little tool, still in beta but possibly worth signing up for. Allows you to link directly to a highlighted paragraph or chunnk of text within an article, which is potentially very useful when seeking 3rd-party backup for that pointless line of argument you’re pursuing with a stranger on Twitter during Question Time (or, er, if you’re a journalist or something). 
By Andrew Miksys


  • The Bill Cosby Sweater PollBill Cosby is asking his fans to vote for the BEST EVER Cosby sweater as worn on the Cosby Show. They’ve gone through a few rounds already, but voting on the next round opens in the next 12 hours or so, should you care (AND WHY WOULDN’T YOU?). 
  • SketchplanationsA sketch, each day, which purports to explain something. Like Clarissa, but potentially less comprehensive. 
  • The South Korean Sex ParkThere’s a park in South Korea dedicated to the sexual act, and containing lots, and lots, and lots, of sculptures, etc, depicting said act. This is a collection of photos on it. Once again I feel I ought to do the NSFW thing, but really – if you work somewhere that’s going to get uppity about you looking at a picture of a smiling middle-aged Asian woman gleefully climbing a 6-foot plaster model of a phallus, then take a LONG, HARD (sorry) look at them and yourself. 
  • How To Be David BlaineOr at least Blaine before he stopped doing the stuff that made people think he was anything other than a slightly creepy oddity. Anyway, this is a pretty exhaustive list of fancy sleight-of-hand / misdirection tricks, which if you have young kids will help convince them that you’re God (because that’s what parenting is meant to be about, right? No?). 
  • The Best Photos of Jellyfish You Will Ever SeeBehind that potentially hyperbolic statement lies a link to some really, really cool pictures. Honest. 
  • Computer Viruses As Beautiful ThingsVisualising malware. Turns out that these are also available to buy as prints, so I could have got another one of those HILARIOUS gags up in the posters section about my SEAMLESS segue-ing. Damnation. 
  • 40 Days Of DatingTim & Jessica are close friends who have never dated. As they were both single, they decided to date each other – every day, for 40 days, they would go on dates and document the process. This is the website about the project. Yes, yes, I know that this is toe-curlingly hipster and oh-so-NYC-arts-scene, but it’s also quite cute and, after 4 days, I am weirdly emotionally invested in seeing what happens (I will doubtless forget that this ever existed by this time next week). Take a look. 
  • The DIY Tattoo Rigs of Prison InmatesA photoproject documenting the quite frankly mental bits of kit that US prisoners jury-rig together to tattoo each other. Grimly fascinating.
  • Turn Random Quotes Into ARTFile under ‘funny’ things you can do in the office, pt2 – this site allows you to put in a phrase or two and format them into some sort of poster-y typographical beauty. Immortalise the HILARIOUS things your coworkers say on a daily basis. Or, you know, do what you like. I don’t care.
  • Gendered HTML: Obscure little art project allowing people to upload HTML pages as either ‘boy’ or ‘girl’. If you’re interested in digiart, it’s worth poking around – the quality of out put varies, but there are some rather interesting things lurking behind the links. 
  • PenbeatsI had no idea that making beats with biros was a ‘thing’, but here we are. A bit like that cup song craze, this takes the same principle but uses pens. Surprisingly compelling if you fall down the rabbithole…
  • The Museum of Food and DrinkThey’re making this in NYC, and I want one in London. Given the fact that as a species we’re ever-more disconnected from the source, production, manufacture, etc, of the foodstuffs we consume, there’s a decent argument for these being a reasonable public need for such a thing. That said, if it’s going to be sponsored by Tesco’s (which, let’s face it, on some level it inevitably would be), then maybe we should just forget the whole thing.
  • The Anagram Tube MapWhere do you live and work?
  • Pinterest for Web GamesBasically a Pinterest clone that collects links to playable browser-based games. Kiss goodbye to your working life. 
  • The Best (Worst) Centenarian EverThe audio on this is entirely NSFW, but strangely heartwarming. A woman turning 100 who is very much certain of what she wants for her birthday. Why there is yet to be the near-inevitable Autotune remix of this is baffling. 


  • Simpsigns: Collecting the humorous signs of The Simpsons, in one place.
  • Rap Poems: Celebrating the poetic beauty of rap lyrics by framing them like motivational posters. Deeply funny (in both senses).
  • Daily PangramI didn’t know this, but a Pangram is apparently a sentence which includes every sentence in the alphabet, like that lazy dog / brown dog thingy. Anyway, here’s a load of them, for those of you who like your word games
  • AnagramatronA Twitter bot which finds and matches tweets which are anagrams of each other. There are some uncannily good ones in there. 
  • The Best Bits From Medieval BooksErik Kwakkel is a medieval book historian from the Netherlands. This is a tumblr collecting some of the cool / odd stuff he finds in old manuscripts. Geekily, historically lovely.
  • 100 Books Which Should Be WrittenWhat it says on the tin. SATIRE!
  • Ruining Thomas KinkadeThomas Kincade is, apparently, a very popular (populist) painter in the US, a bit Vettriano-esque in terms of ubiquity. This is a Tumblr dedicated to poorly photoshopped additions to his pictures. Possibly an improvement on the originals. 
  • Actual Teens Adult TeensComparing what actors look like when they are teenagers to what they look like when they play teenagers.
  • A Black Man Eats A Lot Of ChickenThe frankly insanely obsessional quest of one Londoner to prove that they are the greatest Nando’s fan in the whole world EVER. I am tweeting this at Nando’s marketing people as soon as I’m done writing this bloody blog.
  • Casting Call Woe: Being an actor must be really depressing, at least if this series of excerpts from casting call requests is anything to go by. 
  • Stock Photos ViolinistsHighlighting, amongst other things, how snarky musicians can get when they feel their craft is being trivialised…
  • Wretched RefuseShowcasing the ugliest and least-appealing examples of our current trend towards reusing / repurposing ‘junk’ and turning it into art or furniture or…oh, no, hang on, it’s still junk.
By Thomas Saliot


  • The Tech City Story: Ok, so this is self-indulgent but I don’t care. I worked on the PR for all this from April 2011-November 2012, and this is a good overview of what is one of the more interesting policy+press combinations of the current administration. Makes all the abuse I got on Twitter for ‘being’ TCIO seem almost worthwhile. Almost. 
  • What It Was Like To Be Part of Jay-Z’s Abramovich-esque Art ProjectIf you don’t know what this is referring to, you can see an overview here, but then go and read the piece and marvel at a 50something NYC art critic being reduced to being little more than a fawning hagiographer in the face of stratosphere-level fame. BONUS – a really good review of Magna Carta Holy Grail.
  • On Being A Freelance War ReporterThis isn’t a particularly happy piece of writing, but at the end of it you do find yourself asking why anybody in their right mind would do any of this. A really scary look at what a dangerous, cheap, cold and competitive world freelance war reporting is – and how little we value the people who practice it. As a bonus, you can have this piece from UK GQ which takes a slightly (but not much) less bleak look at the topic.  
  • Reddit Self Analyses, Feels AshamedAh, reddit! Where memes start and celebrities do AMAs and Barack Obama proves what an all-round stand-up cool guy he is (or, more accurately, the researchers and messaging experts)…and where a whole load of soul-shrivellingly dreadful stuff happens on a daily basis. This thread, Redditors look back at some of the less glorious moments in the site’s history – if you’re a writer or a TV person and you’re looking for ‘dreadful things that happen online’ as plot points, you have everything you need right here.
  • The Evolution of PlaygirlOr rather, its covers. Really interesting, and the accompanying text commentary is occasionally hilarious. The Jon Voight one is the TRULY TERRIFYING face of death. 
  • What It Was Like Working On The WireI have never seen The Wire. I appreciate that this makes me some sort of pariah, so sorry about that. Even for me, though, this piece about the behind-the-scenes relationships and personalities of the cast and crew was fascinating – for fanboys and girls, I imagine it will be tumescence-inducing.
  • Jay McInerny on Chloe Sevigny, from 1994You will feel like the least cool person in the world reading this, but it’s a great piece of journalism, a look back at a period of culture which shaped quite a lot of the rest of the 90s/early 2000s, and a reminder of what an excellent writer McInerny is (if you doubt this, reconsider the opening line of ‘Bright Lights, Big City’ and come back to me repentant). 
  • Amazing, Mad Piece on Kundalini Yoga CampsI know, I know, you don’t want to read about yoga. Neither do I, trust me, but this piece is a properly odd combination of self-excoriating confessional, hate-piece about spritual hpisterism, skeptics guide to yoga and a whole lot more besides. You will enjoy it, I promise you. 
  • The 100 Greatest Writers of All TimeAt least one entry or omission on this list will make you angry, so be warned.
  • On Satire and the UKA great read in the London Review of Books on politics, humour, satire and how it all works (and sometimes doesn’t). John Lanchester again on very fine form indeed (and if you’ve never read The Debt to Pleasure, do so NOW).
By Vittorio Ciccarelli

1) We’re opening with the trailer for a project that’s very close to my heart, not least because the man behind it is, as I have mentioned multiple times before, one of my favourite writers and lyricists. sTaTe is the new project from Steven ‘Polarbear’ Camden and his company Bearheart, and it will tell the story of what really goes on behind the scenes at near-future educational academy Wakens Tip. Using all sorts of narrative forms, the project will let kids get involved with shaping the story, adding their own twists and flourishes and textures and elements through their own creative input. It is going to be GREAT. Watch the trailer below and get excited (oh, and I should probably say that I have ‘consulted’ on this but no money ever changed hands although Steven did buy me peppermint tea): 

2) Wish List is a short, funny animation looking at what a small cast of characters would wish for, given the chance. Charming, and pleasingly dark in places:

3) Asia Argento is another one of those irritatingly poymathic artists who seems to do EVERYTHING (though I might argue that she’s still nowhere near her Dad in terms of ability, although obsiously that’s a pretty churlish comparison so SORRY ASIA). Anyway, this is the video for her industrial electro-type song Sexodrome:

4) MSMR are a New York band, and this video is pretty much the apotheosis of glitchy art loveliness. The song’s pretty good too, in an 80s-channeling sort of fashion:

5) Speaking of the 80s (SEAMLESS!), this is by jviewz and it’s called Far Too Close, and it’s really annoyingly stuck in my head and so I am going to inflict it on you too. The video gets bonus points for double denim and invisible staircases:

6) Until this week I had never heard of Adian Coker, and now I see him EVERYWHERE (I suppose I really should understand how marketing works by now, eh?). Anyway, this is a great cong called ‘Cream’, and the video’s rather cool too. Bonus points for the line about his success being tantric – listen out for it:

7) When I was a kid, Strangelove were an incredibly miserable and introspective shoegazy/britpop band who achieved minor indie success but who had a devoted fanbase of eyeliner-wearing misunderstood teens. Now, it’s these people. Quite different really, but I like this a lot – the production and beats are pleasantly bouncy and ‘up’, and I love the fact that they basically both look like the kids from the Inbetweeners:

8) What if Superman was real, but he killed people. Lots. With prejudice. Would that make us see him differently? The basic premise of this stunning 9-minute short. I would wathc a film based around this, no question:

9) Last but in no way least, gay San Francisco protests at the increasing gentrification and corporatisation of some of its home turf in the only way it knows how – with a massive tranny banger of a club track called ‘Google Google Apps Apps’. Try getting this out of your head all weekend. BYE!:

That’s it for now

See you next week. Please forward this onto as many people as your mail server can physically handle. If you’re reading this and have yet to subscribe, visit the Imperica newsletter page to do so.


Webcurios 05/07/13

Reading Time: 18 minutes

[image missing]

TAT. Borough High Street, London SE1
Garudio Studiage, photo of the week

DEAR GOD, WHAT A MESS THE WORLD’S IN. No, not the people who are currently STILL suffering from Glastonbury (my friend Dave had to come to my house to borrow a towel at 9am this morning on his way to work – this is the behaviour of a man who’s still feeling the aftereffects of some HARD PARTYING in a field last weekend), just everything else. If you want a microcosmic representation of everything that’s wrong with society RIGHT NOW, here it is

Anyway, you don’t need me to tell you that. You don’t come here for scaremongering and a world-view so dark it’s practically painful to look at – NO! You come here for webmongery of the highest order, and each week I disappoint you with a mediocre collection of rubbish filched from other people’s websites. Sorry about that. So, with little further ado, let the weekly litany of mediocre prose and recycled links commence – OPEN WIDE, CHILDREN, WE’RE GOING IN. 

By John William Keedy



  • Facebook To Introduce ChatroomsWell, potentially. If it does well in testing. The idea being that they’ll (potentially, again) introduce a feature which allows Page owners to create ‘chatrooms’ which, in theory, anyone who is friends with them can join and participate in. There’s also talk of friends-of-friends being able to gt involved, which the article describes as a GREAT WAY TO MEET NEW PEOPLE, but seems to me to usher in the sort of schizophrenically disparate shouty ‘ASL?’-type (NB – if you don’t know what those three letters mean in this context, you’ve probably lived a more fulfilling life than I have) atmosphere seen in late-90s community chat websites. Obviously (OBVIOUSLY!) there are potential implications for brands here – you can see the potential for live chats with celebrity ambassadors, etc, although it will need a LOT of pre-moderation and gating of participants to make it useful. Anyway, this may never happen. Let’s forget we ever mentioned it. 
  • Your Ads Will No Longer Appear Next To Pages Advocating Infanticide Or SimilarUnless, that is, you want them to. Briefly, this is FB’s response to the ongoing furore about brands being upset that their averts occasionally appear on Pages featuring less-than-ON-BRAND! content. You’ll now be able to manually ensure that your adverts for your business no longer show up on, for example, any of these pages. So that’s good. 

Stuff About Short Videos (Really? Still?):

  • Instagram Is Apparently Now Outperforming VineI’ll be honest, I have about as much enthusiasm for this as I do for people arguing about the relative merits of different games machines, but I probably ought to mention it. Here’s some analysis of how the number of Vines being produced has fallen since the launch of Instagram video, which OBVIOUSLY means that Twitter’s fcuked. Obviously. 
  • Instagram Uses Half Its Active Users In A MonthHang on, wait, scrap that. It’s Instagram that’s fcuked. Poor the Instagram!
  • Why Making These Sorts Of Comparisons / Judgments Is STUPIDA welcome note of reasonable commentary in an otherwise impossibly hyperbolic maelstrom of cant and worthless rhetoric. Look, can we all agree that the platform ISN’T THAT IMPORTANT. And you know what? They’re short videos. PUT THEM ON BOTH IF YOU’RE THAT WORRIED ABOUT IT. Can we stop talking about this now, please? Good.
  • Updates For VineOh, ok, well after this then. Vine’s been updated a bit – technical updates in part, but also (more significantly) the inclusion of better tools for the discovery of videos, sorted by category, and with the ability to now track stuff under the heading of ‘on the rise’. Expect the junior editorial staff of Buzzfeed to be staring at this for 12 hours a a day looking for the latest 6-second viral extravaganza. He says, like the massive, stinking, hypocritical webmong he is. 
  • The Top 50 Brands On InstagramYes, yes, I know, this isn’t JUST video. Go with it. Here’s a list of the top 50 brands on Instagram (obviously dominated by US companies, but think this is worldwide). You shouldn’t be surprised to see that these are all brands related to stuff that people like looking at anyway (clothes! sport! cars!), regardless of the internet (although the presence of that disgusting Monster energy drink does baffle me rather).  


  • G+ Is 2 Years OldTime, surely does it fly. I don’t know whether Google have been doing some serious PR work around their little-loved social/notsocial/noonereallyknows platform, but I’ve seen increasing numbers of people online over the past 10 days or so writing ‘why G+ is actually quite good’ posts. Now, I still don’t really know anyone who uses it that much, not that that means anything, but this piece is a decent look at the platforms best / most useful features. Oh, there are some new plugins as well if you want to plaster G+ buttons and STUFF all over your website, which frankly you may as well
  • Why Google+ Is Now Part Of The Comms LandscapeUgh, ‘comms landscape’. Anyway, this is one of those aforementioned pieces about how actually it’s quite useful dontchaknow. Most interesting here are the examples – there are a few rather good public sector / internal comms-y things here which are worth a look if that’s the sort of thing that your mortgage repayments force you to concern yourself with. 
  • G+ Is Good For SearchYou knew this, but if you want to squeeze another few k a month from your clients by suggesting a G+ presence then this might help. SO CYNICAL, I know, sorry. 

Other Things I Find It Hard To Group Into A Semi-Coherent Whole:

Twitter To Launch More Tailored AdsBlah, blah, blah, browser history, cookies, etc etc etc. You can opt out, which is something at least. Go and opt-out NOW. Obviously this is great for advertisers – plus ca change. 

We Await The Arrival Of The Paid-for Brand Armies: Oh. Oh dear. I thought that this stuff had gone away a bit, but evidently not. About 7/8 years ago there was a big boom in companies like BzzAgent offering Word Of Mouth marketing services – which effectively equated to paying people to go around saying how awesome your stuff was (a little like a slightly-less-dishonest version of ‘Soft’ by Rupert Thomson). Now it’s BACK (doubtless it never left). Thee are so, so many grey areas around this – not just about ethics and transparency, but also how these paid-for agents of BUZZ are found and recruited. I can’t help but think that this will basically end up like those market research companies who promise to do focus groups full of your TARGET AUDIENCE and KEY INFLUENCERS, but which end up delivering information based on the lies told to them by a bunch of bored students and ‘between jobs’ actors who will say literally ANYTHING for £50 and a free sandwich. Anyway, let’s accept the fact that everyone’s opinion and advocacy is essentially purchasable, and that you should never take anyone’s endorsement of anything at face value, and move brightly on into the glorious branded future.

  • The History Of AdvertisingThis is HUGE, but very interesting (and it’s still Powerpoint, so don’t worry – you won’t have to read too much). A great look back at the evolution of advertising – it really does go into detail, and covers the past 200 years (and beyond). If you study this stuff, or are just interested in it, you might want to take a look.
  • Alastair Campbell On The Evolution Of PRThis is one of the smartest things I’ve read about objectives, strategy and tactics (yes, I hate those words too) – if you do comms, make everyone you work with read this. If they don’t understand, sack them.
  • Social Media Sells NOTHINGBrilliant. Piece in Wired US quoting research which suggests that email is vastly more important in terms of driving sales than Facebook or Twitter – by some sort of massive factor. PUGS IN PARTY HATS DO NOT EQUAL BUSINESS BENEFIT. Put that on a slide, GO ON. 
  • A Decent Look At Free Social Media Monitoring ToolsThe best thing about this is that it acknowledges how useful / important Google is for this sort of stuff. Another one to send round your agency with the appended instruction: “Learn”.

Some Campaign-type Stuff:

  • Tweeting BadgerThis is rather cute. Johannesburg Zoo have wired up their Honey Badger (yes, that one) enclosure with NFC, so as to allow the animal to ‘tweet’ about what it’s getting up to depending on where it is in the cage. You can follow it at should you so desire – it’s better-written and less annoying than it ought to be, and a really clever use of tech. 
  • Feed The PigsReally nicely executed by charitable organisation Compassion in World Farming, which combines a big screen, Westfield shopping centre, a webcam and some REAL LIVE PIGS to create a cute ‘feed the pigs, donate some money’ game. If I were going to be critical / snarky, I might question the cost vs impact of this, but that would be mean. LOOK AT THEIR LITTLE PIGGY FACES!
  • Coors SlapshotAnother shopping centre activation, this sort of thing would work beautifully for football. Has anyone done it yet? If not, why not?
  • Yelp’s Map of London HipstersSuch a clever (if internet-baiting) idea – Yelp maps the concentration of hipsters in a variety of cities (I’ve evidently chosen to link to the London version) based on the frequency of the word ‘hipster’ in reviews. Obviously in no way anything other than a piece of linkbait, it’s annoyingly interesting to look at. If you live in London, it’s unlikely you’ll be surprised by where the apparent concentrations are.
  • IKEA Spoof Pr0n SiteDo you recall a few weeks back when I featured a website highlighting IKEA furniture’s appearances in actual bongo clips (no, I know you don’t)? It seems that IKEA saw that and created their own, slightly more SFW variant. Simultaneously funny and slightly disturbing when you realise how closely they’ve followed the copy style of certan websites. Ahem. 


By Macoto Murayama



  • The Editorial Guidelines of the Washington PostYes, I know that this sounds dull, but I promise it’s more interesting than you’d think. Honest. Take a look at this list, and then create your own for your workplace, with a list of suitable fines for people should they slip up. No really, it will make you REALLY popular at work!
  • Children’s Nightmares, VisualisedA really, really creepy selection of photos, turning the monster under the bed into a real, terrifying threat. I’m not a parent (which is probably for the best), but I’d guess that it’s probably advisable not to show these to small children unless you’re of a particularly sadistic (or, if they’re your own, masochistic) bent. 
  • Cars From FilmsIf you like cars and films, this selection of film posters illustrating the iconic vehicles featured in the named movies might appeal – they’re available to buy as posters too, should you so desire (on reflection, ‘iconic’ is DEFINITELY going on my list of banned words as of the now). 
  • 3d Pictures From WWI: Amazing. The French army in the First World War apparently had a Richard Verascope stereo camera (no, me neither) – a device which allowed the taking of stereoscopic pictures. These have been collected here – a fascinating look back in time.
  • PhototrailsA really interesting project, whose description I am going to shamelessly lift from their site – it looks at the ‘visual patterns, dynamics and structures of planetry-scale user-generated shared photos. Using a sample of 2.3 million Instagram photos from 13 cities around the world, we show how temporal changes in number of shared photos, their locations, and visual characteristics can uncover social, cultural and political insights about people’s activity around the world’. So there. There are some very cool visualisations here, and it’s an interesting example of how to cut visual data – and potentially inspirational if you’ve got a shedload of pictures at your disposal (there’s a Facebook app which totally rips this off in this for the right brand, for example).
  • Google FlightsThis is just getting silly now. Go on, just try it. Mental. Poor the Expedia. There’s all sorts of directions they could go with this – I’m imagining a future in which airlines offer (potentially) preferential deals to people who are flying to destinations where they hav more G+ connections, for example. Maybe. 
  • Barbie As A Real WomanEveryone’s favourite anatomically improbably blonde gets the 3d printed treatment, this time demonstrating what she’d look like if she had the proportions of your average American 19 year old. What’s oddest about this is how oddly chunky/stumpy ‘real-life’ Barbie looks vs her Mattel-designed counterpart – a far better reflection of the weird, messed up effect that this stuff has on our perceptions of what is aesthetically ‘right’ or ‘normal’ than you often see with this sort of stuff. 
  • Choose Your Own Adventure Phone SexHmmmmmmmmmm. So this service effectively allows you to create a series of branching, recorded…’erotic’ (and I really do use that word advisedly) stories to share with your loved one (or whoever you’re currently rubbing mucous mebranes with, frankly – love is optional). You can either create your own story or, if you’re a little prudish or lacking in imagination, you can use one of their pre-prepared scripts. Here’s one, for example. I will pay CASH MONEY to anyone who can provide proof that they have used any of these lines with a real person over the course of this weekend – seriously, you can’t understand the horror of this until you’ve read the script. “Press 1 if you want me to suck your nipples”? REALLY??? *boggles*
  • Incredibly Evil Alarm ClockA clever but diabolical idea. You can set up this alarm clock to automatically donate a set sum of money to a cause of your choosing every time you hit snooze – the idea being that you create, say, a direct debit of £10 to the EDL each time you grab another 10 minutes of lazytime in the morning. Depending on your levels of self-control, this could get quite expensive quite quickly. Also, you could end up funding something really dreadful, just by sleeping. AMAZING!
  • Beautiful Browser Lightbox Rendering Thing: A very impressive piece of HTML coding (taken from this excellent rundown of impressive pieces of HTML coding) which plays with light and shadows in a very pretty fashion. You can make some gorgeous little patternpictures with this – have a play.
  • PRISM (No, Not That One)This is an interactive visualisation of content removal requests to Google from governments worldwide. Not only a nice piece of visualisation, but also shows quite how mentally request-heavy the UK government is (look at the scale). 
  • 3d Print Your Own DroneWell, almost. As it points out, it’s not technically a drone, and you will need to pull together the wiring, motors, etc, yourself, but STILL, this is quite cool. What’s even more interesting is that the kit allows you to attach the rotors, etc, to basically ANYTHING – so perhaps a dronephone for easy high-quality moving camerawork. Or, er, a drone gun. That’s less fun-sounding, in all honesty. 
  • Cheapest 3d Printer In The WorldSEAMLESS! If you would like to make your own flying camerasurveillacegunboatthing then you might want to bookmark this page – thanks to Kickstarter, this should be going on sale in a few months. $350 is nothing, really. I reckon when we see the first sub-£200 domestic maker this stuff is properly going to take off – can’t be long now, surely?
  • Draw Stuff Which Then Rotates In 3dWhat it says there. I have literally no idea why, but it’s sort of fun in a pointless kind of way. 
  • Rain SimulatorAnother in the series of ‘pointless but fun’ (SEAMLESS!) webthings, this is a webpage which simulates the sound of rain, varying depending on where your cursor is on the page. In fact, it’s a gateway to all sorts of other frivolous webarty things – click the buttons on the top and see where they take you. 
  • Book Titles With One Letter MissingPictorial representations of titles gleaned from the popular hashtag game (Jesus, I sound like Mashable).
Photgraph by Ajay Koli



  • Analyse Your EmailsThis is interesting, particularly if you’re a bit of a narcissist who’s used Gmail a LOT over the past 8 years or so (*waves at self in the mirror*). A project by MIT, this takes the metadata from your Gmail account and analyses it, churning out a whole load of stats about who you’ve emailed most, who’s connected you to whom, etc. Weirdly fascinating – I learnt that I’ve emailed my girlfriend nearly 5,000 times in the 10 years since we met. Which doesn’t say anything good about our relationship, frankly.
  • Fake User InterfacesA massive database of fake user interfaces from films. Searchable by director, designer, etc, and if you do UI / design stuff then potentially really interesting. Otherwise probably a bit niche for the rest of you, unless you have a hitherto undiscovered passion for the computer interfaces used in the cinema of James Cameron. 
  • Vintage Airline Attendant FashionsAs may have been noted previously on Web Curios, I am not a fashion-conscious person (I know that this may come as a surprise). Still, though, some of these are MENTAL. 
  • PayPal, In SpaceI’ve checked repeatedly and this doesn’t seem to be a joke, so PayPal really is doing research into making payments work in space. There’s something deeply depressing about this – we’ve not even come up with commercially feasible mass-market space travel yet, and we’re already trying to work out how to let people buy sodding perfume from the intergalactic equivalent of SkyMall.
  • Men Wearing Their Girlfriends’ ClothesNot really much more to say about this, other than that there’s a certain poignant quality to these that II can’t really put my finger on. 
  • Container MagazineProbably the most-hipsterish thing in here this week, Container is a ‘magazine’ which isn’t really a magazine. Instead, for £200 per ‘issue’, you get sent a box full of limited edition arty-type stuff. Utterly self-indulgent, but I confess to really quite wanting one. If anyone fancies buying it for me, that would be LOVELY. 
  • If Your iPod Was VinylIf the music on your iPod (or other generic MP3 player) was on vinyl, this is what it would look like (clue: TALL). 
  • Cyberpunk Dystopia, In LEGOWonderful Gibson-esque model. Click left to see more pictures.
  • Sex Toy Reviews In Comicbook Form: Erica Moen draws this wonderful blog which looks at sex, contraception, etc, in comicbook form. Technically NSFW, but really quite hard to imagine anyone getting upset by this. 
  • This, On The Other HandReally is NSFW – the best / worst tattooed penis you will ever see. Technically very, very impressive, but let me just reiterate – this is a FULL-PENIS tattoo. Men – take a moment and think exactly how much this must have hurt.
  • AI Decides Peace Is BestWhat happens when you leave computer AIs from an FPS game running for a few years? They turn into pacifists, basically. Really interesting, particularly if you think in terms of game theory, and a little bit frightening if you think too hard. 
  • Idiots Fighting ThingsA whole Reddit thread dedicated to the joy of watching stupid (often drunk) humans attacking inanimate objects and coming off worst. Absolute timesink, but you will not fail to feel better about yourself as a result of watching a few of these. Unless you recognise yourself (SEGUE: When I was about 15, a mate of mine got so drunk he tried to fight a leisure centre and injured his hand quite badly – the Link Centre in Swindon, fact fans. I haven’t spoken to him in about 18 years, but Graeme Bailey – if you google yourself and find this, feel proud).
  • Visualising the NBA DraftSo apparently this is about basketball and the college draft. It’s a very nice way of presenting quite a lot of information in intuitive fashion. Even I, who cares less than little about basketball, managed to understand what it was telling me and how to cut the data. 
  • The Best Parties In Music Video HistoryAn annoyingly laid-out list, but there are some great bits of nostalgia here (if, like me, you’re were a teen in the 90s. If not, you’ll probably just look at these and sigh and roll your eyes at how everyone’s OBSESSED with OLD STUFF and OH GOD IT’S SO BORING). ALSO, this list of the 100 best albums of the 80s is RETRO GOLD, and there are plenty of streaming links which is always nice. Check it out. Oh, and this is very clever indeed, particularly if you’re a musicologist or music historian or just interested, really – an illustrated history of music in 7 minutes
  • A Duck Has An Adventure!Almost certainly the best choose-your-own-adventure game about the life of an anonymous waterfowl you will play all week. More fun that it sounds, and a really nice example of design for this sort of thing – very simple, visual storytelling style which works very well. Have a play.
  • Final Statements of Death Row PrisonersThis has been everywhere this week, but in case you missed it – a database of the final statements of prisoners on Death Row in Texas. You will cry a bit – don’t worry, it’s normal. Here’s a blog collecting them, should you not want to trawl through the full archive. Really, really sad (again, I’m not selling this but really do recommend having a flick through). 
  • Racist History: An incredible example of racism from 60s Louisiana – a n impossible-to-complete literacy test given to black voters to determine their eligibility to vote.
  • HarkiveMy favourite project of the week. Effectively acting as a ‘Life In A Day’ for music, Harkive seeks to collect thoughts, feelings, experiences and reminiscences from one day (Tuesday 9th July, in fact) of music consumption. The project will take information about what people are listening to, when, how, where, etc, which will pull together a picture of how we relate to music and what it means to us RIGHT NOW. The intention is to make it a regular, tracking thing – can I suggest that a music-related brand jumps on this and sponsors it please? Thanks.
  • Underwater Pinups From The 50sLiterally no idea why these exist, but I am glad that they do. Available for sale too, should you like to buy one. 
Photograph by Silja Magg


  • Geometry Games: More fun than they sound. Honest. Although it will probably help if you’re a bit maths-y.
  • Responsive Design GameIf you’re a web designer, you may find this fun. 
  • MegaBreakoutEVERYONE should play this. Brilliant, slightly headfcuky idea – a standard game of Breakout (you know, that ‘smash the bricks with the bouncing ball’ game), with the one difference that each block is its own miniature game of Breakout. Pretty much impossible to visualise unless you play it. So play it. 


  • Illustrated Aliens: A new alien each day, culminating in the monthly creation of a planet for a whole month’s worth of extraterrestrials to live on. Lovely illustration style.
  • Dogs I Have SeenRandom photos of dogs with excellent sweary captions.
  • Other People’s Shopping ListsIf the eyes are the windows to the soul, the shopping list must certainly be the storm drain to the ID. Or something like that.
  • Filter FakesI don’t use Instagram as a) I have a deliberately terrible not-very-smart-phone; and b) I take photographs like Helen Keller. Nonetheless, apparently tagging your pictorial output with #nofilter is a ‘thing’ – this blog outs people who have committed the heinous crime of LYING about the #nofilter thing. Jesus, everyone’s an arsehole, aren’t they?
  • FraszierPlot synopses for unfilmed episodes of what is still one of the best sitcoms ever. Whoever’s writing these has seen a LOT of episodes. BONUS – LASER FRASIER!


  • Nostalgia Songs: A New York Time piece asking readers to share the songs that make them nostalgic. Oh man, some of the comments. All of the feels, right there. 
  • I Recognised My Ex In Pr0nDespite the rather salacious title, this is a more sensitive and interesting read than you might think. Interesting on modern relationships and sexual mores and that weird, indefinable line between the arousing abstract and the emotionally painful specific. Worth reading. 
  • You’re One In 8millionIt’s an oft-quoted truism that cities can be lonely places. This is a beautiful sad-then-happy piece about that feeling of moving to a new place and not really knowing anyone and having to start again and not really knowing how or where or when you might start to feel a little bit less like a lonely, unloved speck in a cold, impersonal and fundamentally Godless universe (you may never, fyi). 
  • The Future of Online SurveillanceThis is paranoiainducing but worth a read if you’re interested in Snowden, PRISM, Google, Facebook and the like. Take a look at the comments, too, as there’s a lot of informed commentary and reaction in there which broadens out the scope of the article somewhat. TL;DR version: we’re all going to be watched, everywhere, forever.
  • We Need New SwearwordsAs someone who by nature of their use of language has pretty much exhausted all existing profanities, I am 100% behind this. 
  • When The War On Terror Met Burning ManThe weirdest story of the week, by a massive, massive length. This is the tale of how a bunch of hippies hacked the war on terror, and brought Burner principles to Afghanistan. Really, properly into ‘Men Who Stare At Goats’ territory, this. You really couldn’t make it up. 
  • Trinity Mirror and Us vs Th3mI sort of don’t think I should link to Us vs Th3m, as basically they do a daily version of Curios and if you subscribe to their stuff you will have seen a lot of the preceding already. The GITS. Nonetheless this is a REALLY interesting piece by Martin Belam, one of the founders, on why they are doing it, why Trinity Mirror are backing them, how it works, how noone knows what makes something go ‘viral’ (AGAIN), and all sorts of other stuff. Required reading if you’re interested in content making, publishing, new media (can we still call it that?) and the like. 
By Alexandre Borderau

1) I’m going to put this at the top, as then maybe at least one of you will bother watching it. Look, I know it’s 17mins long but it is BRILLIANT – a short film called ‘Jonah’, about fame and tourism and how the two things affect the developing world. Also, just mesmerisingly good CGI, and some really strong central performances. Watch over lunch, or tea, or on Sunday evening or something. It really is VERY good indeed: 

2) Do you remember Travis? I’ll confess to having completely forgotten about them until this week when their new video temporarily surfaced online. I was AMAZED by the technique it used, but really dismayed that it was a band so tediously MOR who employed it. Fortunately it now seems to have disappeared from the internet, so I can show you this instead – which is where they got the technique from, and loads better, and doesn’t feature Fran Healey:

3) Best animation I’ve seen all week. This is called ‘Paper City’ and will almost certainly be co-opted to sell us stuff VERY SOON, so watch it now before its indelibly associated with bank accounts or beer or insurance or something:

4) Although this animation’s pretty clever too. More a series of interlinking stills than animation, but I’m a sucker for this sort of infinitely zoomy visual style. This is Moderat with ‘Bad Kingdom’, which is, conveniently, also a great song:

5) This week’s slice of ‘no, really, WTAF?’ comes in the form of this. ‘Taste You Like Yoghurt’:

6) On the other hand, this is the happiest thing I have seen all week. Brilliant video document NYC’s transvestite community having what looks to be a pretty awesome time, against the backdrop of Stars singing ‘Hold On When You Get Love, And Let Go When You Give It’. Big and camp and overproduced and FUN:

7) And this may be the saddest, sort of. The video for ‘Home and Consequence’ by Tropics is all about sad men visiting prostitutes, and it’s all a bit bleak. SFW, but just empty and sad. Nice song, though, if continuing the aforementioned ’empty and sad’ theme:

8) My friend Alex has been banging on about CHVRCHES for ages. I finally bothered to check them out and blimey they are GOOD. This is the video for their rather excellent and dreadfully earwormish track ‘Gun’:

9) Have you ever wondered how they do overdubs for bongo movies. This, apparently, is how:

10) And finally, I’m putting this at the end as I know noone will watch it. Still, though, if you fancy a 30-minute journey through maths, science, musical history, philosophy and art, all presented by one of the most curious minds I’ve encountered in years of doing this, I leave you in the capable hands of Web Curios perennial favourite Vi Hart. So, SO CLEVER:

That’s it for now

See you next week. Please forward this onto as many people as your mail server can physically handle. If you’re reading this and have yet to subscribe, visit the Imperica newsletter page to do so.


Webcurios 28/06/13

Reading Time: 18 minutes

[image missing]

Bin with Skull – CIP House, Peckham
Garudio Studiage, photo of the week

Blimey, this week has been LONG – I think that this .gif most adequately represents my state of mind for much of it. Look, let’s be honest, most of you are at that bloody festival which I am too bitter about not attending to even name (AND WHY ISN’T IT RAINING? It’s especially rubbish when you aren’t at TBFWIATBANATEN and you don’t even get to indulge in mudswampschadenfreudeporn) and noone really reads this upfront bit anyway. Let’s all agree to forget I even started writing this bit, in fact, and get straight on with the important work of READING ALL OF THE INTERNET (that’s a lie, by the way – read all of the internet so that you don’t have to). All you kids who didn’t get tickets to TBFWIATBANATEN and are faced with the prospect of people telling you how AMAZING it was for the next month – join me and blot out the world with the great psychic muffler of webmongery that is WEB CURIOS!


Oh Terry! From a Tumblr – no idea who by, sorry.



  • Facebook knows so much more about you than you think it doesSo this was a bit awkward for them last week. The whole ‘someone may have seen your phone number on Facebook – SORRY!’ thing is actually less of an issue, here; the big story is about the data which Facebook has about you and the connections in your life which you really have no idea about whatsoever. It raises all sorts of questions about the amount of data about users’ personal information which the site is harvesting from the aforementioned users’ interactions with third parties – basically, is Facebook snooping on who you message most, chat with most, etc? The answer, for any of you still struggling with the horrifically surveilled dystopian future we’re currently rushing headlong into with nary a care, is a resounding ‘yes’. THANKS, FACEBOOK!
  • ‘Like’ Replies for MobileThis is hugely interesting from a linguistic point of view; if you think about the lasting and very real communications changes which Facebook and the rest have engendered, not only behaviorally but in terms of language, etc, this can be seen as another significant step in the modification of the manner in which we communicate by the services we use. To quote the piece, because I’m lazy and strapped for time, ‘Facebook’s iOS and Android apps have rolled out the option in messages to reply with a one-tap thumbs-up Like button sticker’. Let’s all look forward to a future in which we ask people questions in REAL LIFE and they respond in the affirmative by saying ‘LIKE!’ and we stab them to death and are left rotting away in a jail cell knowing, deep down, that we did the right thing. 
  • Facebook Developing ‘Reader’ (apparently)Just worth noting. Apparently they’re working on a Flipboard-esque product for mobiles/tablets. Should this be the case (it will be the case), it will give extra weight to the platform when it comes to CONTENT SHARING and REACH and all those other horrible words which you people continue to use despite them being total bunkum. 
  • Related HashtagsThey launched hashtags the other week; this has now been extended to mobile, and they’ve also rolled out the ‘related hashtags’ feature, which will suggest additional often-used hashtags when you search another hashtag (it’s rapidly coming to the point where the word ‘hashtag’ has lost all meaning for me, in the way that words are wont to do when repeated too much). Another Twitter-esque feature, but one which potentially has a bit of a negative implication for brands (or at least it will if I can persuade everyone using Facebook to start posting things about brands in the same sentence as, say #kiddiebongo. Not sure it will work, but I live in hope). 
  • Better Advertising Performance ReportingYawn. Still, some of you may care. Basically you now get to know exactly how many people, where, when, and how, failed to give anything resembling a *ahem* fig about your promoted post. 
  • The Bits About Instagram Video: So this is still a thing, a week after launch. It’s actually been quite interesting to watch the reaction; I still personally think that the lack of current Twitter compatibility, and the problems with embedding, are things they need to fix, but what do I know? Rhetorical, by the way. Anyhow, this is a decent piece about why the service is going to work (DUH!), and this is actually a really smart, in-depth comparison of the two services which is worth reading if you’re interested in the whole thing, and this is a direct head-to-head opinion from a professional Vine-maker (I know! That’s actually a job!!!!), and this is a silly-but-fun webthingy which gives you a rolling head-to-head between Instagram videos and Vine videos, and which will steal the rest of your day if you’re not careful so BE CAREFUL


  • The Amazing Price of TV-linked Ads on TwitterA few weeks ago I mentioned the new Twitter service which will allow advertisers to show promoted tweets to people who’ve been tweeting about a show in which their TV ad has also appeared. Now details emerge about the minimum spend associated with it. $100k!!!! I know that this obviously isn’t a fixed rate card, and there will be bulk-buy ad bundles available to the big boys (HELLO SIR MARTIN!!!), but still – that’s a LOT of money. Although, I suppose, when you compare it to the sort of costs of a TV campaign, etc, it’s still small beer. Nonetheless, the nice men and women at Twitter HQ are unlikely to be going hungry any time soon. 
  • Twitter To Launch Live Events PlatformThis is interesting. The basic premise is that Twitter is considering creating a new service within the platform which will allow people to track reaction to live events in better fashion. At the moment you’re limited to using search within Tweetdeck, or similar; this sounds a little more like a Radian6-type overview for people watching things later, which show peaks and troughs in conversations, hot topics at varying points, etc. So, for example, you’ll be able to see that the bit that got everyone excited in your favourite TV show occurred 47:32 minutes in, and skip straight to it, and see what everyone was saying about it on the internet STRAIGHT AWAY without having to go through the tedious rigmarole of actually watching the whole thing, and without that whole pesky ‘element of surprise and unpredictability’ thing. Oh, hang on, THAT SOUNDS GHASTLY. Welcome to a future in which we all only consume the best bits of anything (‘best bits’ as defined by the idiotic lumpenproletariat of the internetzzzz) – basically reducing all media and experience to a YouTube highlights reel. THANKS, INTERNET!
  • Geotargeted AdsWould you like the opportunity to see promotional messages from brands, retailers, etc, whenever you fire up Twitter near one of their shops / billboards / sponsored Tube stations / etc? No? Tough, ‘cos that’s what’s going to happen whether you like it or not. STOP SNIVELLING.

Other Stuff About Advermarketingpr:

  • Noone Cares About You, Food Brand On ‘Social Media’I’m only including this because it made me LAUGH. To quote, “A study of 85 of the UK’s leading food brands reveals that just 10 brands account for 96% of all social media food conversations”. Which is AMAZING. Even for those 10 brands who make up that 96%, the conversations are largely ones that NOONE WANTS TO HAVE WITH THEM. Can this please be a wake-up call, please, to the fact that REAL PEOPLE DON’T WANT TO TALK TO BISCUITS ON THE INTERNET? Thanks x
  • Grindr Was The Most-Used App at CannesBut only because Apple’s stringent policies mean that there’s currently no ‘FindADealer’ app for iPhone.
  • Mint Sells StickygramI’m including this partly because I like the people at Mint who’ve always been unfailingly lovely, but also because it’s an interesting example of agencies making things JUST FOR THEMSELVES and doing well out of it. Well done, people at Mint.
  • Coke Do Another SuperClever ThingzzzzLook, I’m getting bored of Coke being so good too. I know, it’s tedious. This, though, is just LOVELY. Taking the clever webvideo trend of using photography for stop-motion animation, this is a beautiful idea, executed perfectly, and SO SIMPLE. Aside from the tshirt printing and mailing, it’s also pretty damn cheap. Watch this be done by someone else significantly less impressively in about a month.
  • Diesel Outsource Their TumblrUnder the ostensible guise of ‘tell us what inspires you, cool people of the internet!’, Diesel have effectively outsourced the content curation for their Tumblr to their fanbase. Which is really smart on several levels – other people, who don’t want to pay agencies shedloads to make ‘content calendars’ and other such rubbish, LEARN (NB – will only work if you’re a brand which people for some reason care about. Biscuits probably need not apply. Except maybe digestives, or Rich Tea. Mmmmm, Rich Tea. Web Curios is open to gift parcels from adverprmarketeers).
  • Nike Skatepark ON A BARGELast Saturday was, apparently, world skateboarding day or somesuch. To celebrate, Nike made a skatepark. On a barge, floating off Manhattan. This is really quite impressive – as is the manner in which they allowed people access to it.
  • The Musical Magazine, by BillboardThe now-obligatory ‘thing done by an agency in Brazil’, this is for Billboard magazine which uses NFC chips embedded in the magazine covers to allow readers (or just randoms in a newsagent’s, if the video’s to be believed) the opportunity to hear the music written about in the mag on their smartphone. Really slick (and, I imagine, pretty expensive). 
  • Geordie Shore Uses SnapchatI’ve never seen Geordie Shore, but I imagine it to be the televisual equivalent of Chlamydia. Anyway, they’re promoting ‘saucy’ behind-the-scenes content using Snapchat. Clever them. Am I the only person who’s expecting a full ‘reality TV show with proper hardcore bongo internet sideline’-type thing in the next year? Eh? Oh.
  • Watch Dogs Promo Website: Watch Dogs is a videogame coming out later this year, all about data and surveillance and STUFF. This is a super-clever promo website for it, which tracks publicly available information in real-time across 3 European cities (London, Paris and Berlin), pointing out very cleverly both one of the game’s central conceits (ie that information is everywhere and accessing it is easy) and also the proliferation of available data which exists in the real world. It’s got a nice glitchy aesthetic about it and the webwork is pretty slick too: overall this ticks a LOT of internet-friendly boxes and will doubtless go everywhere – kudos to the developers.
  • Adecco’s Marketing / Advertising / PR People Are Thieves And ScumI mean REALLY. That’s so, so shoddy on many levels. The follow-up post from earlier this week about how they’ve not even acknowledged this is also worth reading. Ugh, some people.
  • JG Ballard Predicts the FutureIt saddened me that Ballard never really got to grips with the web in his later works; anyway, this is an incredible piece of predictive futurology from 1977 in which he basically nails the concept of our reflective, narcissistic digital existences. Yay, us!
  • Korean Anti-Suicide Bridge ThingyTo close out this section on something resembling a high, have this Lion-winning effort. Really good work, for a good cause.

A MESSAGE FROM OUR SPONSORS: Silicon Beach is a fantastic conference taking place in September in Bournemouth. With speakers from organisations including Havas, Rewired State, Code Club and Dare, there’s a world-class line-up of marketing, tech, and creative folks. Imperica readers benefit from a significant discount on the ticket prices for Silicon Beach. The sooner you book, the more you save. We’ll be interviewing and profiling some of the event’s speakers in coming weeks, but for now, click here for your cheapo tickets.

Photo by Thongdee Varunyoo


  • Kickstarter ApologisesThis is a bit comms-y, so perhaps should go up there but WHAT-EVER. Kickstarter last week got a lot of flack for hosting a funding bid from a self-confessed PUA for an advice book which was basically quite rapey. This is their apology for that, which is a case study in how companies REALLY CAN admit they were wrong. It’s possible – maybe everyone should try it every now and again. 
  • Using Adverts for WhistleblowingThis is superclever, if a little technical (don’t worry, you don’t actually need to understand how it works). A service which allows people to anonymously submit information through a central source using banner ads as the input / exchange mechanism. REALLY sneaky…
  • The Fcuk You TapestryChildish-but-lovely, this is Modern Toss doing a long, continuous comic around one central theme (you may be able to guess what the theme is from the title). Sweary and childish and depressingly true and funny.
  • Weird, Tiny Japanese SweetsThis is all in Japanese, so obviously I understanding NOTHING of it, but it seems to be a blog dedicated to those weird Japanese sweets that are designed to look like something else (ie hamburgers). THERE IS ONE WHICH LOOKS LIKE A TOILET. Madness.
  • The Art of VaginaSpeaking of odd Japanese things (SEAMLESS!), this is Japanese artist Rokudenashiko’s work which focuses on recontextualising and demystifying the female genitalia. The link is totally SFW, I promise. I can’t deny that it’s a little strange, though.
  • MarblesContinuing the genital theme (SEAMLESS!), this is a blog which collects pictures of the testicles of classical sculptures. That’s it. WHAT MORE DO YOU WANT?
  • (Another) Lifelogging CameraI’ve been watching this stuff for a while now, since I first stumbled across the Viconrevue about 4 years ago. This is the latest in the line of ‘cameras which you can wear round your neck and will take pictures of your entire life’-things, and it’s called Memoto, and it takes 2 photos a minute and automatically uploads them to the cloud and makes them searchable, and I don’t know WHAT to think about this sort of thing any more. Effectively it’s all going to be obsolete-d by Google Glass or its successors, but perhaps this is ARTIER and therefore better. Or it’s actually sneakier and more covert. Not sure really. Confused. Fingers hurt. TYPING.
  • Track Your Child’s PhoneThis is an app which effectively acts as a Trojan on a kid’s phone so that a parent can know where they are (and what they’re texting) ALL THE TIME. It’s unclear how exactly you install it, and whether it requires an consent from the surveillee, but it’s an horrific idea in any case. Just a thought, but if you think that you need to keep tabs on your children like this then perhaps, just perhaps, there are some other steps you might want to think about taking instead of passive snooping. Also, thanks to BBM, Whatsapp, etc, it’s functionally sort of useless. IN YOUR FACE, SPYPARENTS!
  • Pr0nography From The 8-bit EraA great site collecting 8-bit bongo from the C64 era. This really is pr0n, so usual NSFW labels apply, but really, I don’t think anyone could possibly get off on this (or indeed really be offended by it – then again, as has been proven time and time again to my inevitable detriment, I possibly have different offence thresholds to other people). 
  • Charge Your Phone With FIREThis is just incredible (or at least it is to a man with a very rudimentary grasp of physics like me). These products combine wood-burning stoves with power for mobiles and LED lights – so you can cook you dinner whilst using the excess heat to, say light your campsite or power your laptop or something. Ingenious, and HUGELY potentially valuable for the developing world. 
  • Fund The Poetry DroneA project to pay for a military drone to be used to drop poetry rather than shoot people. Silly, whimsical and absolutely necessary (well, ok, perhaps not in the grans scheme of things, but, you know, RIGHT ON, KIDS!).
  • Appalling ‘Anti-Jihadist’ AmmunitionI’ve had a bit of a dig around this, and I don’t think it’s a spoof or a joke. So what this means is that there really are people (with, as you’d expect, a poor grasp of grammar and punctuation) who think that pork-infused ammunition to use against the GROWING JIHADIST THREAT is A Good Thing. Thanks, America!
By Keita Morimoto


  • Posters From Your FB PicsOr Instagram, or Flickr. Anyway, this is a cool looking service which will make beautiful-looking posters from your pictures on social media. There’s a brand thing here, somewhere, for the right people. Think about it. 
  • CatflakesSnowflake modelling + cats = HOURS (well, ok, minutes) of fun. Really a lot more hypnotic than it has any right to be.
  • Thug NotesJust brilliant. Literary criticism from the ghetto. Like Cliff Notes, but funny and (really) actually really, really smart. If you have a kid or nephew or something who’s doing English, you might want to bookmark this.
  • The Art of the World CupWho cares about the protests? BUY A PRINT! There are some quite cool pieces on here, but the prices are another thing for Brazil’s poor to get angry about (along with, you know, all the other stuff)
  • PikinisAre you the sort of creepy pervert who spends hours sweaty-palmed on Facebook looking through the photos of all your friends and acquaintances for a flash of bare flesh? Well you’re in luck, as this disquieting app will basically automate the process for you, thereby leaving you with more time to take a long, hard look at yourself. The best thing about this is the level of unintentional trauma that will be inflicted upon people who are Facebook friends with their family members.
  • The Anti-NSA FontA font which is, supposedly, incapable of being read by spiders and bots. There’s been quite a lot of skepticism about whether or not this would actually work, but I applaud the theory behind its creation.
  • The Internet Movie Firearms DatabaseHave you ever seen a film and thought ‘Hm, I wish there was a place online where I could find out more about exactly which type of gun the one-man zen army Steven Seagal used to inflict high-velocity justice on the bad people’? OH GOOD – here is that very website. You’re welcome. 
  • Cross-sections of AmmunitionBeautiful photos of ammo, cut in half (also, SEAMLESS!).
  • Pictures of the Solstice & SupermoonJust beautiful. The Atlantic as ever giving good photo.
  • The Flatpack Rowing BoatIn the whimsical world which exists in my head, where fathers and sons play together happily and make treehouses and learn stuff and share interests and OH GOD I’M GOING TO START CRYING, this is the most popular present in the world. Just how much fun would it be to make this and then go boating? 
  • Buy Invisible InkAnother from the Boys’ Own school of things (SEAMLESS!), this is an online shop which sells all sorts of high-end inks, the best being the invisible stuff. Can we go back to sending each other secret messages and things, IN REAL LIFE? Without wishing to tarnish this with the toilet brish of commerce, there’s a lovely campaign-based thing for a brand here. Maybe something for INFLUENCERS (ugh) or SUPERFANS (double-ugh) or OH GOD I’VE RUINED IT HAVEN’T I?
  • Paparazzi ProposalsI think that this is really, really weird – but then again I’m not 100% sold on the idea of matrimony in the first place, so I’m not target audience I guess. This is a service from the US that will help you plan an elabroate wedding proposal, and then provide photographers to hide in the bushes and take CANDID SNAPSHOTS of the whole event. Which means you have to be pretty certain that the answer’s going to be yes if you want to avoid a whole load of pictures of weeping and embarrassment and passers-by trying to hide their schadenfreude. BONUS FACT – I know someone who was once proposed to in a crowded restaurant in Washington DC. She said ‘no’. It was, I am led to believe, not a little awkward (they are now very happily married though, happy-ending fans, so don’t feel too bad about the whole thing). 
  • Lorem Gibson: Filler text based on the works of William Gibson. 
  • Introversion: A beautiful, short comic extolling the virtues of quiet. 
  • Ultimate 0s and XsFind someone in your office / house / field / train carriage to play this with NOW. 
  • Gorgeous Photographs of IndiaOne of the best Flickr sets I’ve seen in ages, these are truly beautiful and worth taking a 10 minute eyestroll through.
  • The Box-art of Psygnosis: There are about 6 of you for whom this is going to give huge, warm, fuzzy flashbacks. ENJOY! (if you need an explanation as to what the link is about you are not one of those people and you can probably skip this one). 
  • The Internet K-holeThis is an incredible (and quite NSFW-ish) collection of vintage WTF-ish pictures. WARNING: There is a dead, gutted bear in one of the pictures which a couple of people got upset about when I tweeted this. Sorry, sensitive animal lovers. 
  • HollowFinally, the best webthing of the week. This is a gorgeous online project which is part website, part documentary, part art project, and all wonderful. It tells the story of a dying town in the US, and it is so beautifully made and told. Set aside 15 minutes and really do pay attention – I promise it will reward you. Made by the very talented Elaine McMillion.
By Nir Arieli

The Circus of Tumblrs:

  • Fcuk No Internet Dating: A tumbr highlighting all the bad things about internet dating. Starts off sort of funny and then you get the crushing realisation that this is someone’s reality and internal monologue, and you get a little bit sad inside (EDIT it is by Amelia, fyi, and is in no way a reflection of the inside of her head).
  • Exploding Actresses: This has been everywhere in the past few days, but in case it’s passed you by this is a selection of gifs featuring actresses from iconic films whose heads, at certain points, explode for no apparent reason. Just…just look, ok?
  • Bad Hairdressers’ NamesThe crap names of hair salons. You thought ‘A Cut Above’ was a nadir? OHNONONONO!
  • My Startup Has 30 Days To LiveA somewhat sobering antidote to the FCUK YEAH STARTUPS! attitude which prevails at the moment. It sounds HARD and SAD.
  • Tiny Pantone Matching: Small things which match Pantone colour swatches. Oddly lovely, though I don’t quite know why.
  • Thumbs & AmmoStills from movies in which the guns have been replaced with cheery thumbs-ups. 
  • Rap PostersOne of the best things I’ve seen all week. A new poster each day, depicting classic hiphop albums in minimalist fashion, by the super-talented Zaven Najjar, a Paris-based designed. Amazed he’s not selling them.


  • Signing At Rap Gigs: Holly Maniatti achieved minor internet fame last week when a video of her signing along at a Wu Tang gig went everywhere. This is a lovely piece looking at her craft, and how it works – it makes me really, really want to learn how to swear in sign language, which I am aware is childish. Sorry.
  • Me And My MonkeyThis really IS long, but it’s an incredible read. If you’ve ever read, this may ring some bells – confessions of a white-collar junkie, from a 1995 Washington Post. Awesome writing and really worth the effort. 
  • What Words Are WorthThis is an excellent piece of writing about journalism and freelancing in the internet age, and what words are worth. If you do any sort of writing for a living, and particularly if you work on a ‘payment per article’ basis rather than being a staffer, this will resonate. Also, there’s a lot of stuff I didn’t previously know about the differential payment rates offered by different publications (there’s a LOT of difference).
  • The Kanye CollageI read this and my jaw dropped. I don’t think that this is getting the recognition it deserves. A collage of excerpts from Kanye West interviews, edited into a coherent whole, which absolutely nails his whole narcissistic messiah complex schtick and how unpleasant it often seems. I am so impressed at the craft behind this. Maybe that makes me an idiot. BONUS KANYE: here’s a piece in defence of his hubris, from Buzzfeed (but it’s the decent bit of Buzzfeed, so I don’t feel so bad about linking it). 
  • What Winning Looks LikeSeemingly-obligatory VICE link of the week, this one looking at the mess which everyone has made of Afghanistan. Sobering, but excellent journalism. 
  • Samuel Pepys Favourite Bongo MagA fascinating look at a sex manual from the 17th Century. I believe the term to use here is ‘bawdy’. A little NSFW, but in a really Olde Worlde fashion which probably makes it ok. Not sure how HR would look at it, but worth a gamble I reckon.
  • What It Might Be Like To Be An OctopusTaking Nagel’s famous ‘bat’ question as its starting point, this is a decent and accessible look at an interesting philosophical problem which is pleasingly accessible even to people like me who remember about 3 things from the two philosophy degrees we did 15 years ago.
  • Big Narstie vs Game Of ThronesFollowing from the Eastenders critique which I linked to a few months back, this is London grime PERSONALITY Big Narstie waxing lyrical about popular sex’n’death series Game of Thrones. I don’t even watch the show, but this had me crying in parts. 
  • London AppsNot really a long read as such, but a good list of apps which are useful to Londoners, put together by app developer and professional Beard Michael Hobson
  • DetritusA beautiful experiment in interactive fiction which I’ve put here because it’s probably a 10 minute playthrough and requires quite a bit of reading. It’s worth it, though – it’s quite the lovely thing, and rewards your time.
By Jen Mann

NOW, FINALLY, MOVING PICTURES AND SOUNDS! (Not including the Dawkins meme thing by Saatchi at Cannes last week (oh, ok, it’s here) because you’ve all seen it already and also it basically screws itself by not working properly as a meme which sort of undermines the whole point of it):

1) I’m a big fan of actor, rapper, general agitator and all-round clever man Riz MC. This is him doing some properly good spoken word at a recent bookslam event. The audio’s not great, but do listen – it’s not only technically excellent but it’s smart and funny too: 

2) By miles and miles the most beautiful thing videowise I’ve seen all week. This is a ‘dance’ with a killer shark, and it is MESMERISING. Gave me proper shivers, this, in a good good way…:

3) Keeping with the ‘beautiful’ theme, this is an incredible hyperspeed journey through Tokyo, mirrored for psychedelic effect. Hyperspeed – beautiful. Put your headphones on and lose yourself for 4.5 minutes:

4) Have you ever wondered what sort of difference being drunk will make to a band’s performance? Now you get to see, thanks to this rather odd video from UK band Moons, which lets you compare 4 different versions of the smae track being performed after 0, 20, 40, 60 and 80 beers. Unsurprisingly the 80 beer performance is…different:

5) This is a man called Andrew Huang, rapping in 5 languages in one song and flipping backwards and forwards mid-flow. Incredibly impressive, technically speaking:

6) I don’t know who Paul the Trombonist is, but I do know that this has been haunting my nightmares for 5 days now and I WANT IT TO STOP:

7) What would you do if you were on a routine camping trip and aliens invaded? I have no idea either, but it’s exactly the scenario posited in this clip for Stepdad’s song ‘Pick and Choose’ (which, by the way, is a great song):

8) The man known on the internet as Sadeagle has had this made. It is a theremin crossed with a dead, stuffed owl. If the expression on the bird’s face doesn’t make you laugh out loud then there is possibly something wrong with you:

9) Have you ever wondered whether you have a somewhat bizarre or unusual fetish that you’ve never discovered? Well if you do, this video may well unearth it. Very odd exploration of different people’s ideas of ‘sexy’ by Jenny Hval, this is the SFW but really rather odd ‘Innocence is Kinky’:


10) Finally, a proper labour of love from my good friend and  renaissance man Akira The Don. This is his epic tribute to Game of Thrones, featuring the aforementioned Big Narstie and a whole load of superhighqualitygreenscreen action. This is Games For The Thrones and it is EPIC:


That’s it for now

See you next week. Please forward this onto as many people as your mail server can physically handle. If you’re reading this and have yet to subscribe, visit the Imperica newsletter page to do so.


Webcurios 21/06/13

Reading Time: 17 minutes

[image missing]

28.01.13 – Missing Circumstances. Rye Lane, London SE15
Garudio Studiage, Photo of the week

GAH! SO MUCH TO DO! I am meant to be going on a stag do in about 2 hours; that’s not going to happen. I simply don’t have TIME to do a linky recap of stuff that’s been going on this week – look, BrazilSaatchiSyriaInternetpr0nVICEGraffitiStuartHallCannesLions…there you go. There’s been other stuff too but that’s probably covered below. Happy Friday, EVERYONE – read, enjoy and bask in the skin-flaying intensity that is a full week’s worth of Web Curios. I’m off to soak my typing fingers in a waterbath for a bit.


By Henry Faber



  • Look! They Done Made Video!: Well, not them exactly, but hipster subsidiary Instagram. This has been massively overtrailed and discussed, so we don’t need to spend too much time on it here. Suffice it to say that it’s a direct response to, and competitor for, Vine (you can read the head-to-head feature comparison-list here, but the main differences are based around editing (better on Vinestagram) and embeddability (you can only do it on Vine, so far)), and that you’re going to get incredibly bored of seeing people’s shoddily made videos of their cake-smeared progeny clogging up your Facebook feed over the next few months (and indeed for the rest of your natural life). This is, as per the norm with Facebook, MASSIVE for advertisers and brands (some of whom have already started making CONTENT, for which I for one am oh-so-grateful) – watch the branded videos start getting made and then promoted MERCILESSLY through FB promoted posts, etc. Not to mention the extension of Instagram’s offering to advertisers which can only be a short while away. Here’s some thoughts by someone more professionally interested in this topic than I am (it’s not hard) on what this means for all you ad folk – read this whilst enjoying the tooth-grinding post-Cannes comedown!
  • New Analytics!Look! Slightly different numbers you can use to prove to your clients that spending £72,000 per year, excluding VAT, on a bunch of graduates to post pictures of sullen cats on their Facebook pages really is a good idea! This slight update to FB analytics will (eventually) give Page admins more details beyond ‘People Talking About This’, and show broken down numbers for ‘Likes’, ‘Shares’, clicks, etc, on a per-post basis. So you can all try and ignore the fact that everyone stops caring when brands talk about anything to do with their actual business or products. BACK TO THE CATS!!!!
  • Photos in Comments!And you will imminently be able to use photos in comments. Which is going to lead to a load of HILARIOUS meme-led conversations as everyone else discovers rage faces 3 years after 4chan and reddit got bored of them. I really do hope that some FORWARD THINKING (read: happy to get fired) community manager institutes a ‘we are only responding to Facebook comments in pictures’ policy. DO IT. 
  • They’ve Made Ads Linking to non-Facebook Pages BetterI’m so bored by this that I literally can’t bring myself to type any mo
  • An Interesting Look at Why FB Doesn’t Really Do Ads Very WellIn a week when it basically admitted that it owes its million+ advertisers EVERYTHING, this is a decent overview of why Facebook’s ad products really aren’t as good as they ought to be.
  • Another Year, Another Spurious Figure Placed on the Value of a ‘Fan’I’m including this because it’s so utterly ridiculous it’s funny. If you want to read the whole ‘study’ you’ll need tto sacrifice your email address and download a PDF, but it’s almost worth it. Apparently a Facebook fan’s value “has increased 28% to $174.1”!!!! WHO ARE THE IDIOTS WHO BELIEVE THIS RUBBISH?!?!?! With any luck, your clients!


  • No, Wait, Come Back, We’re Making Vines Better!Hm. A short, speculative piece on some apparent improvements to Vine which Twitter may roll out soonish. Will it be enough? Which platform is going to WIN THE SHORTFORM VIDEO WARS? Oh dear God, is this what we have become?
  • Who’s Tweeting From What, WhereVery cool map visualisation showing tweets posted, worldwide, and the mobile devices they’re posted from. Aside from being oddly visually compelling, I can imagine how this might be quite useful in terms of seeing geographical concentrations of Twitter users, and device adoption. Maybe.
  • What People Tweet About, WhereSome information about what people share on Twitter. Useful from a stats point of view, and interesting in regard to the amount of tweets linking to social media vs news. 

Report-y Industry-y-type Things

A Load Of Other Things, Including Some Campaigny Things You May Already Have Seen at Cannes But Were Too Messed Up To Remember:

  • MySpace Relaunches!*tumbleweed*
  • Campaign at CannesA minute-by-minute rundown of the past week’s backslapping, should you wish to read all about it.
  • Foursquare + NY Public Library = TIME MACHINE!: This is clever, and I am surprised it’s not been done before (but maybe it has). 4sq has partnered with the New York Public Library to serve historical images and information to people who check in near to certain locations around Manhattan. This should just become a standard thing that people can do, I think – it would be lovely to be able to zoom back in time a few hundred years wherever you where and whenever you wanted (basically I want an actual time machine).
  • Heineken IgniteNice little techy hack for Heineken bottles in a Dutch (I think) club. Now combine this with the Buddy Cup thing that Budweiser did and you have a rather nice thingy.
  • Renault – Single Tank DestinationsRenault have developed a web app to promote some car or another (look, I don’t drive, I barely understand how cars work) which apparently goes very far on one tank of petrol. The app shows you all the places you could go from your current destination on one tank, tells you how to get there and gives you info about the places you could go. Cute. 
  • Surrender Your SayThis has been everywhere amongst UK advermarketingpr folk over the past couple of days. A campaign from Canada to raise awareness of Tourettes, which allows people to hand over their Twitter feed to their website for a day; users’ who participate will see themselves tweeting unexpectedly Tourettic things to their followers, with the hashtag #surrenderyoursay and a link to the site. Nicely done, although the main takeaway from this is that we are as a nation still childishly obsessed with the condition (although it does give me yet another excuse to link to this, which sort of proves that point really). 
  • True Blood’s Bad ThingsYou know the famed webart project Post Secret, which asks people to send in their deepest, darkest anonymous secrets on a postcard? Well HBO TOTALLY ripped it off as part of their campaign for sex-and-vampires series True Blood. Well, almost – people submitted anonymous confessions and the advermarketingpr folk paired them with images from the show and then squeezed them out through social media. Dispiriting.
  • Hell Is Other PeopleA Foursquare hack which allows you to see where your friends have checked in recently and so avoid them. Brilliant an useful, and surely to be coopted in some fashion by one of those ‘why not have a secret affair?’ dating websites. 
  • Gum HeroDo you find people chewing loudly and visibly upsetting, rude or just a bit gross? Skip this one, then. This is a promo for a chewing gum brand, who created their own bespoke version of Guitar Hero in which players were required to chew in-time to win PRIZES!
  • Donate Your Mobile ChargeSmart little promo to encourage blood donation in (I think) Brazil – why is it that there’s so much good work coming from that country at the moment?
  • Cleverest Thing Of The WeekA really ingenious music promo, creating the virtual stylus for mobiles. It’s hard to explain; just watch the damn thing and wish you’d thought of it. 
  • Finally, Red Bull AgainDanny MacAskill is a Scottish BMX person (it would appear). This is a short film made by Red Bull showing him being amazing at being on a bike. It’s so, so good – really worth watching the whole thing, as it shows all the reasons why Red Bull are good at this sort of thing. Also, please note, that it was 2 years in the making. GOOD STUFF TAKES TIME AND MONEY. Now send it to your client and wait for them to tell you that they want one too, next week, for £500. 
Happy Death, by Maurice Heesen


A Miscellany Of Interesting Curios From This Week’s Internet, Pt.1:

  • Deletionist PluginTurn any webpage into a piece of erasure poetry with this little plugin. You can make some accidentally rather beautiful things with this, have a play.
  • Protests in Sao PaoloA great set of pictures from this week’s huge protests in Brazil. It’s amazing to think that this was all started by a proposed increase in bus fares – straws, camels, backs, etc. Oh, and this Vine gives an idea of the scale of the demonstrations – impressive.
  • The Edges of the World on Google MapsThere are places on this earth where even the Google Streetview car cannot go beyond. These are the pictures of those places – literally the ends of the earth – makes me want to go away and just WALK. 
  • The Periodic Table of MuppetsThis didn’t really need to be a periodic table, but whoever designed it evidently knows how to get stuff shared on the internet. LOOK, MUPPETS! ALL OF THE MUPPETS!
  • A Potentially Useful Colour Matching Palette-tool ThingyWebsite which lets people fiddle around and match colours, palettes and the like. It’s quite fun, and I imagine quite useful if you’re a web designer or brand person or, perhaps, if you’re decorating your house and want to know which particular shade of puce the dado rail should be. 
  • Google Colour Theory[SEAMLESS!] Google image searches for certain terms, boiled down to won colour. Ever wanted to know what colour the official arbiter of everything (that is, Google) dictates is the official shade of, say, ‘business’? Now you can. 
  • The Chromatic Typewriter[SO SEAMLESS!] An old-school typewriter (now I come to think of it, a tautological statement, but hey ho) which has been doctored so that it types colours rather than letters. The results are beautiful. I think every home should have one. 
  • A Guide to Safer CommunicationOr, ‘A Webmong’s Guide To Stopping THEM Snooping On You’. A whole list of tools and websites which you can use to encrypt or hide your communications from the snooping eyes of the NSA or indeed anyone else who you might not want to see it. Contains the obligatory reference to TOR, which I feel a duty of care to point out is the gateway to everything that is REALLY WRONG AND SCARY on the internet (Maria Miller may be amazed to know that there are other places to find BAD STUFF other than Google). 
  • The Mobile BreathalyserMany years ago, I came up with an idea to have breathalysers in pubs to let drunk people have official ‘let’s see who’s drunkeshhhhhht!’ competition with each other (I was a teenage genius, evidently). Now that glorious idea has practically become a reality with this add-on for smartphones which allows inebriates to guage the exact level of their drunkenness. This will, I am sure, ONLY be used responsibly. Hmm.
  • NYC Partners with NextdoorI think that this is REALLY interesting. Nextdoor’s a hyperlocal social network, designed for small communities – the city of New York is working with them in an as-yet-unclear fashion, but probably experimenting as to how to use such micronetworks to deliver very targeted local information to residents in a personal fashion. I think that this could really catch on – oi, Boris, copy this please.
  • My Daughter QuinoaA Pinterest board collecting images of the author’s imaginary well-dressed toddler, Quinoa, along with captions detailing her inner fashionista monologue. Funnier than it has any right to be.
  • Fretboard HeatmapsFamous guitarists’ most-used notes, depicted on fretboards. Not only a cool project, particularly if you’re a guitar fanatic, but also the graphics are rather nice and, I think, would make rather lovely minimal posters. 
  • There’s An Irish Die Antwoord Tribute Band Called ‘Die Antrim’A pointless fact that pleased me this week.
Paint, by the fabulously-named Marcel Christ

A Miscellany Of Interesting Curios From This Week’s Internet, Pt.2:

  • Taxidermist and Their Dead, Stuffed FriendsMike McGregor took this series of pictures of taxidermists with the creatures they work with. It’s hard to tell who’s got the creepier dead eyes. I once met a man in Fort Louden, Pennsylvania, who freeze-dried cats for a living. He was an odd man, who insisted that he’s received several requests from people to freeze-dry them after their deaths. I wonder what happened to him? OH MY GOD THE ARTICLE STILL EXISTS – I took these pictures (they are terrible).
  • Classical Sculptures Dressed As HipstersYes, that. What’s brilliant about this is that it draws out how beautifully human the faces, poses and attitudes of some of the best sculptures of antiquity were / are (cf these ones). And the fact that, you know, HIPSTERZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ.
  • Hovertrax!You know how people look really stupid riding Segways, except the police who instead simply look incredibly futuristically sinister and oppressive? Well get ready to usher in a whole new era of stupid-looking transport options with Hovertrax, something which looks so ridiculous and dangerous that it can’t possibly catch on. Can it?
  • The Gay Vatican Cabal’s Favourite WebsiteVenerabilis is, it would appear, a community dedicated to ‘homo-sensible’ Roman Catholic priests. You will only get the most out of this if you speak Italian, but it really is quite remarkable. Also, the ‘we are being watched, communicate ONLY via SMS’ Twitter feed is really quite the thing.
  • Vintage Superheroes In The Style of PixarJust excellent work.
  • Kill Online SlideshowsYou know how annoying it is when you click on that link you’ve seen with the description ‘The 50 hottest Kate Upton GIFS’ and it turns out to be a bloody slideshow that you have to click through and you get all frustrated? Er, yes, yes you do. This is a brilliant service which lets you plug in the url of any web slideshow and automatically turns it into a single page. SO GOOD. 
  • The New York City Municipal ArchiveNYC has put its municipal archives online. You can lose yourselves in a truly immense collection of images, videos, audio, maps and all sorts of other things – a truly amazing piece of digital archiving and an incredible resource.
  • So You Think You’re An Athlete?You’re not. Marathon Des Sables? PAH! This takes 52 days and is about 2.5k miles and sounds frankly MENTAL. 
  • BlaBlaBlaBla is part interactive film, part art project, part ‘game’, but isn’t really any of those things at all. It’s an interactive animation project which uses a variety of techniques and styles to tell a series of short vignette-based stories about LIFE and human interaction and stuff. Go and have a play.
  • The Mars Rover Megapixel PictureMars! A really, really high-res picture of Mars! It looks a bit cold and lonely, to be honest.
  • Airport Carpets – The Archive: Mapping the carpets of the world’s airports, because it’s important that we have an adequate archive of these things so future civilisations can marvel at our artistry.
  • “Elmo, Where Did Daddy Go?”Heartbreaking. A Sesame Street toolkit helping explain the incarceration of a loved one to small children. I’ve got a really awful gag knocking about in my head about The Count going from one to LIFE :-(.
  • The Vine DatabaseThis is an awesome tool which allows you to search through ALL OF THE VINES by hashtag, keywords, etc. This is SO MUCH MORE than a really useful tool to find 6-second bongo clips. No really, it is. As this piece about the making of it states, Vine is about memories – I’d actually not thought about it like this before, but it rather resonated with me as a theory. Oh, and as a bonus, have the new, revamped VinePeek (which is now called VPeeker, and is still a MASSIVE timesink).
  • WeMojisPeople replicating the expressions seen in Emojis. Silly, but fun, and you can add your own to the database if you want your face to be immortalised looking really silly for strangers to laugh at. 
  • The Best Origami In The World, EverIt’s so good that it’s hard to believe that there’s not some cheating going on here somewhere. Astoundingly skillful. 
  • Portraits of Mysterious-looking DogsOstensibly a series of pictures of dogs, this photoseries by Martin Usborne is about depression and all sorts of other things. Gorgeous pictures and, once you read the description of why they were taken, a thought-provoking project.
  • Incredible Photographs of Mexican Gang Culture: Carlos Alvarez Montero is a photrographer who originates from Mexico City. These are a selection of his pictures of Mexican gang members. I wouldn’t mess.
  • Make the NSA Follow You On Twitter: Triggertreat is a website which autogenerates a series of words and phrases which are on the NSA’s ‘watch list’ of trigger terms and lets you tweet a sample selection of them. The theory being that the feds (there is NOTHING more silly than a British person using this term, I have just realised – sorry) will IMMEDIATELY spot this and start tailing you online. OH THE LULZ!
  • My Dad Was In A BandActually this should probably be up the top, being as it is a smart piece of marketing for a documentary about a band called ‘Death’ (called, conveniently, A Band Called Death), but I like it enough to chuck it in alongside the REAL stuff. Anyway, a nice little blog asking people to submit pictures of their parents in bands. Some cool nostalgia here, and also an object lesson in clever advermarketingpr.
  • BBC Radio4 in 4 MinutesIf you listen to R4 as much as I do, then this will be FRIGHTENINGLY resonant. Has catapulted itself to the top of my list of middle-class litmus tests…
This is ‘Vessel’ a hammock/bath designed by Splinter Works. WANT.


  • Cartoons From Police ScannersA series of short cartoons inspired by the stuff you overhear listening in to police scanners. Makes me quite glad I’m not a policeman.
  • ContainerisationA collection of pictures showcasing the weird industrial beauty of containers. Industrial art pr0n, basically. 
  • Justin GigerWhat would you get if you crossed ‘troubled’ multi-millionaire pop-cyborg Justin Bieber with the insectile and biologically obsessed art of HR Giger? This tumblr, is what.
  • The Bieber ComicSpeaking of Justin Bieber, here’s a comic about him. It’s…odd, and contains hand-drawn Bieber-wiener. 
  • Game Design TipsYep, those. A selection of not-dumb thoughts about game designe. Videogame types should take a look.
  • Britpop TextsPictures pf Britpop stars of yesteryear (see if you can name them all!), captioned with Texts From Last Night. Occasional gold. 
  • Kanye Vs CannesWho said it – narcissistic millionaire egomaniac and now-babyfather Kanye ‘Yeezy’ West, or some schlub from the advertising industry living it up on Le Croisette? YOUR CALL!
  • Food ReplicatorStar Trek-themed recipes. This is possibly the geekiest thing on here this week, which frankly really is saying something. The food doesn’t actually look too bad, though, if you ignore the Trekkie rubbish (SORRY).
  • Reasons My Son Is CryingPictures of crying kids, with explanations. Man, being small is HARD,
  • Mean Mad MenStills from Mad Men, captions from Mean Girls. Fits almost too well.


  • My Addiction To IronyOh McSweeney’s how do I love thee? SO MANY WAYS. This isn’t actually very long at all, but it is an excellent piece of writing and brilliantly captures a recurring conversation I’ve had with my mate Jim which will mean nothing to you. THIS IS A PROBLEM FOR ALL OF US.
  • The Credit Rating Agencies Are ScumYou know how it felt through large swathes of the GFC that the credit agencies were just fcuking with us? OH LOOK THAT’S EXACTLY WHAT THEY WERE DOING! I honestly think that this should be a bigger story than it is – so much of this mess was exacerbated by their actions, after all. Although, having said that, I don’t know who I expect to do anything about it (or care, really).
  • The Dragonmaster of Central Park: I’m not going to lie, I almost cried at this – there was a proper huge intake of breath at the end type-of-thing. It’s not sad in the conventional sense, but there’s something really poignant about the story of Blackwolf (nee Richard), the Wizard of New York. Read this one if none of the others – it’s really worth it. 
  • The NYT On InnovationA really interesting NYT feature, looking at the nature of innovation and the 48 greatest innovations as they see them. Not only a fascinating read, but nicely laid out in a webdesign sort of way.
  • Gary Winogrand and the Art of PhotographyBrilliant (but VERY long) piece about photographer extraordinaire Gary Winogrand, whose name will probably be familiar to you if you’re into the medium.  Looks at his life, his works, his obsession with taking pictures (he left over 1/2million exposures when he died in 1984, which in the analogue age is an astounding number) and his incredible body of work. Some great photos in there, as you’d imagine. 
  • Hunter S Thompson and the Art of JournalismThe Paris Review gives us one of the greatest invterviews with Thompson I’ve ever read. Such a good piece of writing and journalism. As a bonus, have the 60-second speedrun animation of Fear & Loathing. You’re welcome!
  • The Irritating Stylistic Tics of TwitterAn article looking at the annoying phrases and stylistic conventions which have become popular on Twitter. There are some in here which are rage inducing, and some which I’m pretty sure I have done myself. You will recognise and, potentially, cringe. 
  • On Twitter and WritingExcellent thinkpiece in the NYT about how Twitter interacts with the writing process and what using it means for people who write for a living, or want to, and how it fits with the creative process, and all sorts of other things besides. One of those great pieces which makes you think about something we’ve sort of normalised (ie Twitter) in a fresh way. 
  • Leaving The Internet (sort of, for a month)After that bloke who left the internet for a year and found that doing so didn’t magically cure him of all the internal personal issues he’d been struggling with, comes this story of Baratunde Thurston, a terrifyingly alpha and successful human being who I imagine MAXIMISES HIS LIFE and repeats motivational mantras to himself in the mirror and probably isn’t afflicted with any of the self-doubt and night-terrors that the rest of us (oh, ok, me) get, who left the internet for A WHOLE MONTH! I KNOW! Actually more interesting than you’d think, and a broader look at how to unplug from stuff even if you’re HYPERBUSY and successful and stuff. 
  • On Stealing Jokes, Heckling and Rape GagsPatton Oswalt on the aforementioned issues. A really interesting perspective from a pro comedian, and some deep thinking (man) on the culture and mores of comedy.
  • A Night Out In MagalufNot a great week for VICE, really, but they’ve in part redeemed themselves by featuring ANOTHER excellent piece of writing by Clive Martin, who’s rapidly becoming my favourite person writing about anything in the English language at the moment. So, so good


1) I’m going to ease you into this week’s selection of videos with a cute, soothing little piece of pseudo-pschedelia – the LSD alphabet. Beautifully made: 

2) So, so, so clever, this. An animation using over 1,600 Instagram pictures to create this stop-motion clip, which is not only technically clever but shows a degree of wit and imagination not always visible in these things. The only down side is the title – I’m not totally sure that ‘Instagramimation’ is forgivable:

3) I don’t really understand why this exists, although I get the feeling it was done as part of some Norwegian charity telethon. Nonetheless, who needs explanations when you have a cast of minor celebrities from around the world, selected with no apparent unifying criteria, singing along to ‘Let It Be’? NOONE, THAT’S WHO! Also, look, it’s the bloke who played Carlton in the Fresh Prince!:

4) Who is John Mayer? Did he used to date poor Jennifer Aniston? I don’t really know and I don’t care enough to Google it (IN YOUR FACE, CELEBRITY CULTURE). Anyway, he makes music. I find this song a bit so-so, but it’s salvaged by the video which is a true piece of craftsmanship and contains all sorts of brilliant techniques, and lenticulars which I’m a sucker for, and it’s lovely. WATCH:

5) I never thought I’d get so enthused by a video that effectively repeats the same pull-back tracking shot over and over again whilst what I perceive to be a fairly tedious piece of electo, but then it got to 1 minute in and I sort of got transfixed (and no, not because of the naked woman who appears at that point, I promise). Really, really well-made and stylish and just sort of cool – this is Gesaffelstein with ‘Pursuit’:

6) Yung Lean is the most hipster musician IN THE WORLD right now. That doesn’t mean that I don’t rather like his video for ‘Hurt’, which is all sorts of flavours of teen emo mashed together into one glitched-out, Pokemon-infused mess. No idea what’s going on with the song, mind:

7) This is the hairiest music video you will ever see, ever. Breach, with ‘Jack’:

8) Oh, Die Antwoord. I was apparently wrong when I thought they’d stopped doing their thing, for here is a BRAND NEW SINGLE called Cookie Thumper. The video’s as odd as we’ve come to expect, and the song…well, the song’s about anal sex. Some other stuff too, but mostly that:

9) My favourite song of the week comes from Robots Don’t Sleep, with Don’t Wake Me. A filmic, summery video with all the standard KIDS WANT FREEDOM AND ESCAPE tropes, but most significantly a lovely tune:

10) Last one for this week, and I’m going to have to do something very un-Curios here and warn you that it contains some pretty nasty / distressing scenes, and woman-on-woman violence (not in any sort of sexualised, voyeuristic or pervy way, but still). There’s a bit in here that still makes me recoil, and I’ve seen it a few times and know it’s coming. Still, I think it’s an excellent piece of work, and that it has something to say so I’m including it. Caveat emptor, and all that. This is ‘Tiff’ by Polica, featuring Bon Iver: 


That’s it for now

See you next week. Please forward this onto as many people as your mail server can physically handle. If you’re reading this and have yet to subscribe, visit the Imperica newsletter page to do so.


Webcurios 07/06/13

Reading Time: 20 minutes

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John Lewis Sale. Rye Lane, London SE15
Garudio Studiage photo of the week

Another week, another 7 days to get reacquainted with the feeling that there is simply too much stuff happening all the time and there is simply NO WAY we can keep up and God it’s stressful I JUST WANT TO SLOW DOWN FOR A SECOND. 

Ahem. Obviously the big thing this week has been Turkey, and assorted issues around the protests there and how they are being received by society and media. It was also the week, though, when we were given a heartbreaking reminder of Bradley Manning‘s continued existence, we learnt that romance REALLY IS now dead (although perhaps less so if you are an anarchist), that American PSAs really do give the best life advice, that you can make surprisingly effective points whilst wearing a watermelon bra, and that some people are REALLY good at YoYoing

Yes, that’s right – from popular protest at the intersection of Europe and Asia to men doing tricks with bits of string and plastic. WHICH OTHER OVERLONG WEEKLY MISCELLANY GIVES YOU THAT, EH???? Whether you want it or not is immaterial. 

Anyway, kids. Strap in, sit back, pour yourselves a stiff drink and prepare for the imminent trepanning that is a trip through Web Curios. ENJOY!

By Andrew Lyman



  • Facebook Simplifies Ad OfferingIt’s about time, frankly, given that (as I learned from this news) there are currently 27(!) separate Facebook ad products. There won’t be, by the end of the year – they’re killing more than half of them in favour of a simplified, streamlined system which combines the functionality of multiple ad products to eliminate overlap, etc. Obliquely it’s an interesting insight into the big blue Satan’s iterative design processes when it comes to the stuff that really matters (ie making all of the money).
  • This Is What Verified Pages Look LikeLook, here’s McDonald’s! They have a TICK. AMAZING! I for one am far happier interacting with the vapid, anodyne voice of a brand dedicated to selling me crap food with all the nutritional value of an iPad when I know that it REALLY IS that brand and not a stealthy scammer.
  • It Doesn’t Matter If We Hate It, We’re Stuck With ItInteresting – and clever – piece by Reuters as to why Facebook is not going anywhere, whether or not we like it. Which sort of makes you wonder WHO IS IN CHARGE HERE? There’s a lot of interesting thought-food in there about its service offering and how it may develop in light of recent misstep.
  • But That Doesn’t Mean It’s Not A Bit CrapA great, long, look at how Facebook is effectively edging towards being little more than a spam graveyard, based on the evolution of Open Graph and the gradual prioritisation of algorithmically-preferred content. Actually want to know what it is that your friends have been doing? TOUGH, LOOK AT THIS BRAND’S PICTURE OF A PUG IN A PARTY HAT INSTEAD. Actually this is less of an issue if you just take the simple step of not using Facebook for communicating with commercial entities, although you would obviously be a FOOL and a COMMUNIST to suggest that.


  • Lists Get Bigger & More UsefulThis was meant to go in last week, but I forgot about it (which says more about my priorities than it does about the significance of the announcement). Twitter has expanded the functionality of its ‘Lists’ service, to the point where they are now really, really useful (particularly for anyone who’s doing Twitter PROFESSIONALLY). You can now make up to 1,000 lists from a single account, each containing up to 5,000 Twitter profiles. Which really is useful if you need to do stuff with media or INFLUENCERS, although I still hate you for believing that INFLUENCERS is actually a proper word you are allowed to use. 
  • Twitter Gets Into Bed With The ManSuch a big story, this (I think). WPP, the advertising/communications behemoth and, ultimately, the people whose fault it is that this screed exists, announced yesterday that they have entered into a global strategic partnership with Twitter. Details are, at present, sketchy, but this can’t be anything other than a massive databuy, allowing all of Sir Martin’s multifarious corporate tentacles access to a violently large amount of information about what we’re all saying and thinking, which will then be used to try and sell us stuff more effectively. I’m presuming a degree of exclusivity on this, which surely is huge for the advertising / media buying industry as a whole. Or maybe it’s not, and I’m simply still in thrall to the strange charms of a stumpy plutocrat. WHO KNOWS?
  • The Best Vine Person EVERThis is sort of frivolous so probably should go down there (*gestures*), but it’s all about Vine, so sod it. This man works for Twitter, and therefore has almost certainly had more time to play with the product than anyone else, but his use of the platform is BRILLIANT. Brands, LEARN.  
  • Although This Is Also A Clever Use Of VineReally simple and clever, this site uses Vine to collect brilliant examples of UX design from around the web. An excellent example of what it is really useful for, and something that you should think about ripping off. IKEA – timelapse vines showing key points in the assembly of flatpack furniture? Foodie people – vines showing how certain things should look during the cooking process? You get the idea(s).
  • The Most Engaged Twitter Account IN THE WORLD: Someone ran the numbers – more RTs, favourites, @replies than ANY OTHER ACCOUNT. And all it does is tweet intellectually subnormal platitudes. Yep, this is what you need to do to ‘engage’ people. Talk like an idiot who’s read a lot of self-help manuals. This is both funny and immensely saddening. Community managers – go on, tweet like this for a week and watch your (largely meaningless) numbers SOAR.
  • Visualisations of Twitter Use Across The WorldNo London, sadly, but very beautiful nonetheless. 


  • No Bongo For GlassGoogle have clarified their developer policies for building stuff on the scary, face-wearable computing device of dreams / nightmares; sadly for the onanists out there (ok, ok, all of us), they have imposed a ban on pr0n-y apps. Which is a real shame for the people behind the brilliantly-named ‘Tits and Glass‘ app, which was announced about 24 hours before Google made this announcement. 
  • Google+ Is The MatrixClever piece of writing by Charles Arthur in the Guardian, which takes a look at what Google+ is actually for; nothing that wasn’t alluded to when it launched a few years back, but benefits enormously from the benefit of hindsight and the more zoomed-out view of the online ecosystem we are afforded in 2013. Basically what it says is that G+ is a gigantic datagathering tool which sits across all Google’s other gigantic datagathering tools. I still reckon there’s a possible future in which everyone is given a Google ID at birth and they ‘own’ the universal login thing. Maybe. Perhaps. 
  • It Can Tell The Future TooI was talking with someone about data analysis, predictions and government this week (because I’m SO ALONE); this ties into that, a bit. Just a bit of info from a Google research project mapping its data against the box office takings of films. We’ve all heard stuff about how social media is remarkably accurate when it comes to predicting 1st weekend box office receipts, but this is quite remarkable – to quote the study: “trailer search volume on Google coupled with both the franchise status of the movie and seasonality can predict opening weekend box office revenue with 94% accuracy”. That’s incredible. No wonder Goldman Sachs are working on scrapers to play the stockmarket based on Twitter, Facebook and Google data. Everything we write on the internet helps make rich companies richer, and this is only going to become more true. 


  • Niche Networks ‘On The Rise’This story’s been bubbling around recently, in parallel to the much-exaggerated DECLINE OF FACEBOOK. Anyway, an interesting look at smaller, more specialist social networks, all of which are set to be ruined by brands attempting to co-opt them for their own ends and effectively crushing all the things that made them special in the first place.
  • Internet Usage Trends – Some graphsA whole load of graphs and data looking at how the manner in which we use the web will change over the next few years. Basically it says that video usage online will continue to grow exponentially, particularly on mobile. Unsurprising, but useful if you need to justify a position to a client with 3rd party data and important-looking lines, which you probably will do at some point. 
  • How Digital Is Modifying MarketingThis is a really good presentation. Tells the truth, largely, and you could do worse than have a read and appropriate some of the thinking. It’s by a man called Gregory Pouy, so all credit to him. 
  • Coub – Like Vine But For YouTube VidsThat’s sort of all you need to know. Lets you create 10-second looping videos from any YouTube clips you like (or indeed your own footage). Hugely useful if you need to make a high volume of ‘funny’, ‘original’ content and don’t want to do it all off a mobile device. 
  • Simon’s Dating ChallengeA better-than-expected effort from BT, who’ve created this game to promote…er…some stuff that they do (again proving the questionable utility of this stuff as a campaign marketing tool, but let’s disregard that). It’s retro, it’s fun enough to waste 5 minutes on…hang on, I’m reading this back to myself and realising quite how low my standards are when it comes to this stuff. Basically, IT’S NOT DREADFUL. Huzzah!
  • Etihad x LinkedInThis, though, really is clever. A LinkedIn mashup which lets you see your primary and secondary contacts on a map, look at where you might be travelling to and work out who’s in the area who it might be useful to meet, message them, etc. Actually a potentially useful service, which is pretty rare.
  • Storytime HangoutI really like this. Google+ thingy by Penguin / Ladybird, which does an AR-style overlay on your Google+ hangout allowing you to roleplay the story you’re telling your kids. Although the fact that you’re telling your kids a story over the internet makes me a little sad, now I think about it. 
  • How GE Uses Data VisualisationA good, and comprehensive, look at what GE are doing with their data and how they are making it work in a communications sense. Required reading for any of you who’ve wanged on about BIG DATA in a client meeting without really knowing what you mean. 
  • If This Is Real It’s TERRIFYINGThis road safety stunt (part of the DfT’s THINK! campaign) is PROPERLY unsettling. Or, rather, it must have been for the people in the video, although they all look a little bit too goodlooking for me to 100% believe that they’re not actors. Real people don’t look that good in public lavatories, surely. 
  • The Domino’s Pizza DroneDomino’s gets a PR first (I think) using drone technology to deliver pizzas in this short video. Anyone familiar with the Bill Hicks skit about shooting bananas at hungry people should be getting weird little ‘living in the future’ tracers right about now.
  • The Dollar Shave Club People Do Video Well, AgainI almost don’t mind being advertised at when it’s this well written. It takes a lot of effort to put together something which looks this slapdash.
The hyperrealistic painting of Omar Ortiz



  • What Is Going Viral RIGHT is built by Buzzfeed and links to the 50 stories / pages which are being most-shared on the web RIGHT NOW. The font size denotes traffic to that page, the ranking denotes how quickly that traffic is accruing. It’s obviously not ALL of the web, just a selection of curated sites, but it’s an interesting snapshot-generator nonetheless. Man, we like frivolous list-based articles. 
  • Making Sense of Large Numbers With ChromeHave you ever been confronted by a large figure in an article and thought ‘Yes, fine, but what I really want to know is how that compares to, say, the size of Wales?’ (it is a little-remarked fact that all spatial size comparisons in the UK are based on the idea that ‘a Wales’ is the most comprehensible large unit of space which exists, hence everything being described as being ‘an area X times the size of Wales’). Lucky you – this Google Chrome plugin will automatically do exactly that sort of thing, translating large numbers into theoretically easier-to-understand analogues. 
  • My Current Favourite 404 PageYou can play Space Invaders on it, which I think should be made standard practice for all these markers of failure and disappointment across the web. 
  • LOLCAT LoansJust an amazingly awful thing. A loanshark using the cuddly LOLCAT meme to peddle sub-prime lending solutions with a terrifying level of vig which will in all likelihood leave poor people penniless, homeless, and generally banjaxed. BUT IT’S OK BECAUSE CATS! A cursory bit of online research suggests that the company’s registered in Panama, along with a whole load of parallel businesses registered to the same parent company which also sells an awful lot of knock-off pharmaceuticals. Who better to borrow money from? Thanks to Chris Owen for finding this one. 
  • Great Photography From This Week in Turkey: A collection of awesome photos from The Atlantic.
  • A Love Letter To The Early Webthink that this is just a search engine which mines the Wayback Machine for old internet results. It’s a lovely nostalgic timesink, though, if you’re a webmong of long-standing. 
  • Everything You Always Wanted To Know About Marijuana StrainsThere’s a lot of really interesting stuff happening in the moment, particularly in the US, as a result of changes in legislation around the legality of marijuana (foreshadowing) – this is the internet side-effect. Leafly is a US startup which effectively acts as a cross between Wikipedia and Erowid and tells you all you could ever want to know about the difference between Black Domina and Bubblegum, and everything in between. I give it less then a year before the weed world has its own Jilly Goolden-style superstar, poncily reviewing different strains on YouTube. 
  • People Laughing Between Takes On Film SetsA lovely collection of candid snaps of film stars enjoying themselves on-set. Makes working on a film look FUN, when I am reliably informed that the reality is in fact a hellish carousel of tedium. 
  • Spoiler SilencerUnhappy at how you don’t have the self-control to ignore people talking about plot details from your favourite overblown US TV production? Oh good, then this is for you. Silencer is a plugin which purports to block mentions of…well, whatever you want, on Twitter, Facebook and elsewhere. Not a new idea, but they have pre-set bundles that will remove EVERYTHING pertaining to certain shows (so ‘Game Of Thrones’, #got, #gameofthrones, #redwedding, #jesusfuckingchristwhatiswrongwithyougetasenseofperspective, etc).
  • Amazing Pictures Of The SkyJust incredible photographs by a Japanese person by the name of Yu Yamauichi. My lack of Japanese means that this is literally ALL I know about these, but they are lovely and very much worth perusing. 
  • Music Label Logos ExplainedThis is from Red Bull, but I don’t care as it’s actually quite interesting. A look at the logos of a load of classic record labels (mostly US) and how / why they came to be. Music geeks will like this, I think, as may other people (literally the vaguest endorsement EVER). 
  • GIANT DUCKS FOR SALEYou remember that giant yellow duck which did the world tour recently to promote something or other that noone really paid any attention to because LOOK IT’S A GIANT YELLOW DUCK? Well you can now buy your very own, in whichever colour you like. Amazing service by the ever-industrious Chinese manufacturing sector, who will make one which is 20m tall for a mere £16k, which is cheap by anyone’s standards. Seriously compared to the agency and media-buy costs of billboard ads, this almost makes sense. Almost. 
  • US Population CounterNice work by the US Census Bureau, which produced this population clock to track world and US population growth in (projected) realtime based on census data. Nice, user-friendly and interesting (and, obviously, pointless and linkbaity, but still).
  • Photographs of Crisis-hit GreeceBrilliant, and really sad, photography of Greek citizens living through the slow collapse of their economy. Taken by Iakovos Hatzistavrou, who is evidently a very talented man. 
  • Map Your 4sq CheckinsThere will come a point where I stop referencing Foursquare because NOONE CARES, but while I still see people’s checkins appearing in my timeline on Twitter then I’ll keep dropping the odd thing in. This one’s actually nice arty idea, printing you a map of whichever city you’re in with data overlaid about where you checkin; effectively a visualisation of your LIFE (or at least the bit of it which you choose to vaildate through the medium of checking in to Foursquare). Also potentially INCREDIBLY sad for some people (Home-Office-Gym-Home-Office-Gym-Home-Office-Gym-Home-Morgue).
  • Jacques Green Interactive Music Video: Another one of those ‘drag the boxes, make your own EXPERIENCE’ things, but nicely done (and bonus points for the garage-y music). 
Isabelle Wenzel, Objectification, With Céline Shoes And Vase, 2013 © Isabelle Wenzel



  • The Insane Tetris Art AlgorithmAs someone who’s a bit math-blind, my only reaction to the insane mathematics behind this is actual naked fear. I don’t really know how to explain it – someone basically made a programme which works out how to draw using Tetris. Just take a look.
  • Nathan Fielder Messes With People’s Heads AgainModerate hilarity once again ensues. Is this currently being ripped off by a breakfast radio show? It really feels like it should be. BONUS – human STI Hunter Moore rips it off in naked teenager-style.
  • London’s Abandoned Tube Stations, MappedTaking the many lost underground stations of London and placing them on the existing map. Really interesting, and the result of an initial project by the terrifyingly impressive Dylan Maryk, who I have met and confidently predict will be running at least a small part of the world in the next 10 years. Also brought to you by the new Rob Manuel-and-others project Us vs Th3m, which is a really good timewaster-y website, a bit like Buzzfeed but with more lots more brains. 
  • The Starbucks of MarijuanaOr at least that’s the idea. As mentioned above, there is a whole industry waiting to explode internationally – smart people are going to get VERY RICH. These people want to be the world’s largest legal weed brand – read more here
  • Starbucks Vs Dunkin Donuts: SEAMLESS! Well, sort of. This is included less for the content than for the beuatiful page design which I was really impressed by in an odd, geeky fashion. 
  • The Cleverest Sign In The WorldThis is BRILLIANT. A signpost which connects to the internet, meaning it’s dynamic and can be made to display and point to different things depending on user commands. Also, the prototype displayed on the website will show your tweets and point in the direction of where you’re tweeting from if you use a certain hashtag, which is a nice proof-of-concept. 
  • How To Pronounce IKEA Product NamesAnother website which is disappointingly not by IKEA but should be. Pronunciation guides to the more esoterically-named products from the Swedish meatball suppliers with the furniture sideline. Upsettingly doesn’t include any hints as to pronounce ‘Billy’ properly. 
  • Paris Is Getting A New Forest Next YearI WANT A FOREST ON A SKY WALKWAY. Can someone send this to Boris, please? Thanks.
  • Winners of the 2013 Underwater Photography ContestThis is an annual thing by the University of Miami, apparently. Great pictures of cool / weird undersea stuff. 
  • The Recording of Under PressureA great post looking back at the Bowie/Mercury collaboration. You may not be surprised to learn that a LOT of cocaine was involved. As a bonus, there’s also a recording of their isolated vocals embedded in the piece, which is brilliant. From Dangerous Minds, which is a great blog you should all read. 
  • Tennis, VisualisedVery cool, if a bit headache-inducing in terms of the volume of stuff, this is technically a piece of BRANDED CONTENT, but given the fact that I can’t understand why a beer brand has made it I am going ignore the branding. It’s a load of data from a series of ATP matches last year, visualised. The sort of stuff that I imagine tennis coaches use, and, if you play, probably actually really interesting. For the less physically ept (ie me), it’s just a clever example of how to make large datasets accessible. Wimbledon, do this NOW (or, more realistically, next year).
  • Someone’s Designing An ‘Improved’ Version Of ChessIt’s called Chess 2. It’s quite mind-melty.
  • Star Trek WineAfter last week’s Hannibal Lecter vintage comes Star Trek wine. We’ve basically reached the point where we’re all infantilised to the point where chucking some pop-culture references onto literally ANY product will have us clapping and gawping like idiots and reaching for our wallets. Go society!
  • Runed By FansSpeaking of popular culture (SEAMLESS!), this is a website which looks over a (very) wide range of stuff and tries to quantify exactly how much each has been ruined by the rabid endorsement of its fan base. We’re all part of the problem.
  • A 3d Virtual Universe: Sadly this only seems to work on Macs, but if you worship at the Church of Steve then it may work for you. A very cool tool that lets you zoom through space however you want – science geeks should love this. 
  • When 3d Printing Goes WrongObviously 3d printing is THE FUTURE and all that, but it’s not always perfect. This is a collection of pictures of what happens when the machines get a bit confused. Don’t know why, but I found it quite pleasing and oddly poignant. Perhaps its reassuring that our creations are still capable of mechanical imperfection (although perhaps we should be more worried than heartened). 
  • Will Love Tear Us Apart?I love this. A ‘game’, which isn’t really a game, based on the Joy Division song ‘Love Will Tear Us Apart’. Such gorgeous design and animation, and the whole thing really does give you sad, despairing chills. Which sounds horrid, I admit, but it’s very much worth playing with. Just don’t think of it as a game, per se.


  • The Unintentional Poetry Of ZazzleZazzle is an online retailer that sells an unconscionalble number of items of clothing, with image / slogan combinations which are algorithmically generated and therefore almost totally random. This can lead to some odd and occasionally lyrical slogans, some of the best of which are collected here. I basically want a lot of what is pictured on here, but I feel quite guilty about it. Weirdly, I also found this this week, which is another Tumblr doing much the same thing but slightly differently
  • This is Popular PrivilegeCheck your priviliege! YES YOU! Or, er, don’t. I must confess to thinking that this rubbish (because, really) was confined to the insanely twisty world of CIS/non-CIS tumblr arguments, but it seems not. Anyway, the latest iteration of this appears to be the concept of POPULAR PRIVILEGE – that is, the unfair advantages enjoyed by the COOL KIDS. The author of this Tumblr insists that this is not a parody, and its a concept which they believe applicable in the real world, not just school. As a society we really do have too much time and not enough real problems, seriously. 
  • Awkward PintsStock photos of people holding pints of beer in less-than-comfortable fashion.
  • Phones Replaced With SandwichesWhoever’s maintaining this will surely get bored and stop soon. I sort of hope they do, anyway, as if not it suggests something of a lack of other stimuli and interest in their life. 
  • Film GifsI’m pretty sure I’ve featured something very like this before, but here’s a Tumblr collecting a series of nice, hi-res gif-ed film stills. Good work, ready to be spoiled with captions and inclusions in ‘…and then I was all like:’ industry-specific joke tumblrs.
  • Gezi, Minus The ViolenceInteresting. Takes pictures of protestors clashing with police (and each other) from this week’s Turkish protests ad airbrushes out the violence. Decide for yourselves exactly which high concept you want to apply to this. 
  • Gays Of South London: No idea why I’ve not put this in before, it’s AWESOME. Also, South London.
Literally no idea who to attribute this to, sorry.



  • Profile of a Porn StarMarcus London is, apparently, a big star in the world of bongo. He is also, it would seem, a really odd man and not a particularly pleasant one. This profile of him on NSFW Corp is further proof that they are producing some of the best longform writing anywhere on the web at the moment – I know I keep on saying it, but it’s true. 
  • Italy, Football, Race and CultureSo obviously being half Italian with a mum who lives in Rome makes me naturally inclined to be interested in anything to do with the place, but regardless of your connection (or lack thereof) to the country, this is a stellar piece of writing, and explores some of the oddities of Italian political culture, the country’s uneasy relationship with extreme politics and racial integration, and its football culture. Really, really good. 
  • The Suicide EpidemicThis is very long and not a very cheering piece, but it’s also interesting and important. A look at the people who are investigating the reasons behind why suicide is now a greater killer of people than war, and why suicide figures have risen unchecked year-on-year since 1999. Read it and then go and donate some money to MIND.  
  • What It’s Like Being A Minor Actor in a Cult Film: Bit of light relief – this isn’t HUGELY long, but it’s a cute piece by a man who played an irritating TGI Friday-type employee in Office Space (SUCH A GOOD FILM) and how the one role continues to define him. Interesting to read about what it’s like to be someone who is by no means a superstar in a world dominated by them. 
  • The History of the UK Garage SceneI have a slight author-crush on the writer of this piece, who for my money is head and shoulders above everyone else writing for VICE at the minute (go and read through his other stuff, it’s uniformly excellent). This is an illustrated memory-lane-trip back the days when garage was bubbling under – great photos, too.
  • The Legend of Buster SmithOk, so this one really is epic, but it’s a great example of the sort of journalism that US outlets do really well and which, for reasons I don’t quite get, we don’t seem to produce here. A look at a Chicago icon and ‘the greatest checkers player ever’, it’s a wonderful story about a city and the communities within it, and not really about checkers at all (except it sort of is). Like reading a really good documentary film, if that makes any sense to you. 
  • Reviewing Tao Lin’s ‘Taipei’Tao Lin is an internet phenomenon and possibly the most weird authorial ‘construct’ ever seen. His strange, utterly blank prose is divisive, and the ultra-meta nature of his persona coupled with his other artistic activities / pretensions (delete as applicable) make him a hipster cult figure and an object of derision in equal measure. Whatever your opinion, this review of his latest novel is a brilliant piece of writing, and an interesting exploration as to what a book review can and should be. I think. 
  • Making Sushi for Kim Jong IlAbsolutely the best thing I read all week. The crazy, yet apparently true, story of the Korean dictator’s personal sushi chef. JUST MENTAL.
  • GamesMaster – The Inside StoryIf you’re in your late 20s/early 30s and grew up in the UK (and, probably, a man), this will be like a soothing nostalgiabath for you. A great long-form look at everyone’s favourite shonky games show featuring curmudgeonly racist Sir Patrick Moore. Worth reading if only for having your memory nudged about exactly how innuendo-filled it was.
  • The Annual Kid Rock CruiseEvery year, a bunch of middle-aged white people, largely from middle-America, pay to get on a big boat for a few days and hang out with redneck superstar Kid Rock whilst getting unconscionably drunk. This is the story of that cruise. Quite incredible. 
  • The Silicon Valley of MarijuanaContinuing this week’s theme of a hemp-based future, this is a great two-parter looking at the emergent legal marijuana industry in the States. The money involved is, potentially, astonishing.  
  • The Evolution of the Star Wars LogoHonestly, this is more interesting than you would expect, particularly if you’re into design, typography, marketing / branding or (obviously) Star Wars.


Calvin & Hobbes – SECRET AGENTS! By Coran Kizer Stone


1) After all the attention being lavished on the stupid EDL racists in the past few weeks, this is a lovely counterpoint. A few months old, and it’s got over 1million views so apologies if you’ve already seen it, but this is a great piece of spoken work by Hollie Mcnish, called ‘Mathematics’, all about the mistaken assumptions behind the ‘coming over here, taking our jobs’ rhetoric often spouted by the aforementioned stupid racists:

2) I reckon some of you will love this (and some of you will be bored to tears by it; sorry about that). This is effectively an animation / art piece to accompany Midnight Juggernauts’ latest single ‘Memoriam’, which tracks the history and evolution of CGI technology. If you’ve been a computer geek for a while, this will hit a lot of buttons:

3) This is such a good animation. Stop motion work for Professor Kliq’s song ‘Plastic and Flashing Lights’. The use of wire to make the figure is inspired, and allows all sorts of cool flourishes. Really slick:

4) People imitating animals off the internet! Better than it has any right to be, though the song leaves me COLD – the attention to detail on some of these is brilliant, though. ‘Humanity’ by I Am Un Chien:

5) Don’t really understand why this doesn’t have more views. Another one of those videos made from animated collections of stills (LIKE ALL VIDEOS BASICALLY ARE) – the craft that’s gone into this one, though, is crazily impressive – it was all shot over 1 24h period, which logistically is pretty punch. Also features Kelis, which is a pleasant bonus. Dan Black, with ‘Hearts’:

6) UK Hiphop corner! This week, have the fantastically named Stig Of The Dump, with ‘One’. Great sample – you’ll be humming this one, guaranteed (BONUS UK HIPHOP – I discovered this this week, it is brilliant. Skittles – Poor With £100 Trainers):

7) This is Marika. I think she is going to be FAMOUS. This is the video for her song ‘The Bath is Black’ and it is ODD, but beautifully shot:

8) A pleasing touch of whimsy to follow, with the latest video and single from The Boy Least Likely To, who are LOVELY and underrated. If you like Belle & Sebastian you will like this, and the video’s really cute and beautifully shot. WATCH:

9) Bruton Strouse are, I think, some sort of video agency. They are going to get SO MUCH BUSINESS as a result of this slomo showreel. So, so good:

10) Portugal. The Man are shooting up my list of ‘bands who I am expecting huge fame for which basically means they’re destined for anonymity’. Consistently good songs and videos; the faces here are great. This is Atomic Man: 

11) Finally, this, because it’s scarred my dreams this week and so I see no reason why it shouldn’t do the same to you. BYE!


That’s it for now

See you next week. Please forward this onto as many people as your mail server can physically handle. If you’re reading this and have yet to subscribe, visit the Imperica newsletter page to do so.


Webcurios 31/05/13

Reading Time: 18 minutes

[image missing]

Snail Heaven. Glengall Road, London SE15
Garudio Studiage, photo of the week

HELLO WEBMONGS! Things are somewhat more cheery this week, helped in no small part by the 4-day week. God love the 4-day week (admittedly I worked on Monday, but you get the point). Anyway, it’s been a decent few days – I went to Field Day and saw some bands, along with several thousand people who ALL LOOKED THE SAME, I saw THEATRE, did really, really badly in a pub quiz but redeemed myself with unexpected knowledge of the lyrics to this masterpiece, and found this great little video of an amorous giraffe. Nobel Prizes have been awarded for less. 

In less solipsistic news, we learned that London is really quite odd sometimes, that apparently this is considered to be a job in 2013 (I am so overqualified), that people do this on the subway in New York, that romance is finally dead and that the internet killed it, that we finally have the cross-dressing superhero we’ve been calling for, and that The Guardian’s now beyond parody…AND A LOT MORE BESIDES. Gird your loins, loosen your limbs, regulate your breathing and RELAX as we submerge ourselves into the blood-warm infoliquid that is this week’s Web Curios…

Image by Mark Kilner



  • Facebook and Misogynistic ContentSo I’m sure you already know about this, what with it having been MAINSTREAM NEWS and all over the past week or so. Facebook are making appeasing noises at people, promising to do more to eliminate ‘hate speech’ from the site. Obviously this is A Good Thing – but can we all just be clear that it wasn’t popular protest which led to this, but instead the threat advertisers made to withdraw their spend? Will be interesting to see the extent to which this works and how it’s implemented – at the very least, watching people try and define the slightly grey and fuzzy boundaries of what constitutes hate speech will be interesting. Also, is this some sort of a mini-watershed in terms of the unregulated internet? Oh, I don’t know. 
  • Facebook Offers Verified PagesErm, that. Taking a leaf out of Twitter’s book, and pandering to the desire of brands and celebrities to be defined as a SOMETHING by the faceless internet behemoth du jour. It’s unclear as yet what perks beyond a smug feeling of validation this will give to Pages; and of course if you’d like a TICK then be prepared to shell out on ads (just like Twitter). Here’s a fun game – try and work out what Facebook can sell next! The options, terrifyingly, are near-infinite.
  • Facebook Music Data VisualisationOh look, here’s a thing! This is actually a rather nice idea, taking information about what people are listening to on Facebook over time. Currently US-only (although I don’t think there’s any reason why this couldn’t be extended elsewhere), and the ability to watch the spread of a track’s popularity over a geographical area is oddly compelling; you can imagine how artists and labels could use this to target promotions, etc, geographically (in a weird, unpleasant future). 
  • Target Adverts by Recency of ActivityThis should have been in last week’s. SORRY. Anyhow, another flavour of Facebook ads is now available, allowing brands to target users based on when they last did a certain thing on the site. So, for example, if you want to target people who are technically fans of your Page but who haven’t visited it in over a year with a message which says ‘WHY DON’T YOU LOVE US ANYMORE?’, you can. Actually, someone should do that. 

A Selection of Other Things Which Have No Real Commonality Other Than That I have Chosen To Group Them Together:

  • Slowmo YouTube Videos Automatically: You can now turn any video you upload to YouTube into a slowmo version. Which is a nice thing in theory, but in practice will lead to a whole load of brands making interminably tedious shorts which they attempt to ART UP by making them reeeaaaaalllllly slooooooooooow. I reckon food brands will be the first ones to really, really overuse this – O LOOK IT’S A CREME EGG CRACKING IN SLOWMO OMG AMAZE *stab stab stab*
  • Look! It’s The First Trailer for ‘Pornography’ On Glass!Totally SFW, but utterly creepy; raises the horrendous question of whether EVERYONE you are speaking to in the future is only half-listening to you and instead devoting the remainder of their attention to watching people in various states of undress rubbing mucous membranes with each other. Basically in the future we will all only be able to devote at most 40% of our attention to anything at all, due to the ruinous amount of hardcore we’ll all be able to consume, in secret, 24/7, beamed direct to our eyeballs. There’s a gag here about Google Glass turning you blind, but it’s not funny.
  • Google, Big Data and TV AdvertisingInteresting thinkpiece exploring what Google could do with all the data at its disposal to ‘disrupt’ (hate that word) TV advertising and TAKE OVER THE WORLD (more). Basically what it’s all about is a greater degree of data-driven contextual advertising, targeting you with sales-messages in between episodes of whatever mind-draining crap it is that you choose to watch. Everything you search for will be used to serve you EVEN MORE advertising. GREAT! 
  • Buzzfeed Partners With CNNI’m sort of amazed that more people aren’t squawking about Buzzfeed’s seemingly inexorable (but quiet and stealthy) ascent to the top table of ‘news’ media, and the inevitably deleterious effect that this is going to have on the quality of what is often-laughably called ‘reporting’ in the 21st Century. This deal is all about Buzzfeed producing videos for CNN which are designed to be ‘shareable’ – or, if you want to put it another way, designed for people with an IQ in double-figures to gawp at in slack-jawed, like-clicking amazement. You want to watch ‘7 Reasons Why Genocide is Bad – IN KITTENS!’? I hope you die. 
  • Mary Meeker’s Internet TrendsMary Meeker is a bit of a hero to a lot of people who work in advermarketingpr, what with her annual gift of helpful statistics packaged in an authoritative-seeming slide presentation. This year’s set of data is upon us, and as ever it’s a combination of the interesting, insightful and soul-shatteringly banal. If you want a bunch of peer-ratified numbers with which to justify your campaign, though, you need look no further. Oh, FYI, I was saying the ‘sound’ thing 18 months ago – and yet here I am sitting in my pants in my kitchen, writing a blog to literally TENS of webmongs, whilst Mary is an internationally respected expert in her field. WHY, GOD, WHY??? If you’re interested in this sort of stuff (the stats, not my own professional failure), you could do worse than watch her presentation here.
  • Hyperbolic Adidas VideoI saw this on Twitter, being touted as THE FUTURE OF ONLINE VIDEO, and I got almost sort-of excited (in a very low-key way). Imagine my disappointment when I saw that it was just A N Other branded video but with the addition of embedded in-vid links to external sites. I mean, really, no wonder Nike is winning.
  • Ford Branded Content: Whoever it was first started that whole ‘content marketing’ bandwagon, I do not thank you. Thanks to you, we now have stuff like this – Ford spending God-knows-how-much to badge a regular live online broadcast from Sports Illustrated. WHY ARE THEY DOING THIS??? Either it’s going to be the online equivalent of brand sponsoring TV shows, with an ‘amusing’ ident to open and close the show, or it’s going to be a hideous mismash of poorly executed brand-focused links designed to ‘place the brand at the heart of the viewer’s sporting experience’. Either way, will it make anyone buy more car? Oh I don’t know, leave us alone
  • Korean Flying Online ShopsThat’s a really crap description, for which apologies. Once again via Robven comes this rather nice execution from Korea, encouraging people to buy stuff through online shops via the medium of floating, roaming wifi signals. That doesn’t really make any sense, I realise, but take a look at the video and let PROPER STORYTELLERS explain it to you. It’s smart. 
  • The Book That Made MeThis is a really nice project by Waterstones, inviting people to discuss books which had an impact on their lives. No more, no less – just a lovely use of digital to enable people to have conversations about stuff they care about, in a loose, brand-affiliated sort of way. To be honest, if this were anything other than books I would probably hate it, but I’m a snob like that. Sorry. 
  • Free Storyboard IllustrationsNeed to sell a creative idea to people who won’t understand anything unless you’ve drawn them a pretty picture? This may be a useful resource, in that case.
  • The 90s R&B Guide To SEOI’ll be honest with you, this might be the worst advice in the world – but it’s all delivered via the medium of 90s music, and it ticks a massive nostalgia box, so in it goes. If you ever had your own dance to ‘Two Can Play At That Game’ by Bobby Brown that you used to perform at Cairo’s nightclub in Swindon when you were 14 (oh, what, only me and my mate Phil?) then this will make you very happy. 
Image by Manuel Alvarez Bravo



  • Beauty Recovery Room: South Korea is one of the plastic surgery capitals of the world (along with Venezuela, fact fans). This is a photoseries capturing images of women post-surgery (not in a creepy way), and is both an arresting collection and a really compelling argument for not wanting to ever go under the knife (until I get fat, at which point I am totally having liposuction). 
  • The Fast FTAn interesting move from the Finanical Times, who’ve created this version of their site which takes a Twitter-style approach to the moving news agenda, with live breaking stories updating in short-but-expandable form. It’s really nicely done, and a clever service – now can everyone else in news launch a similar service, and can we aggregate all the feeds onto one page? Thanks, everyone!
  • The Disney ‘Magic Band’Another week, another bit of wearable tech. This week it’s Disney’s turn, announcing the MAGIC BAND which will, apparently, track your progress around Disney parks, allowing you to sign into rides, buy food, etc, with contactless stuff. And, apparently, they will also somehow alert the staff at Disney resorts as to what your kids are called, allowing Mickey and his permagrinning chums to address your LITTLE ONES by name. Er, hang on, what? How? Anyway, this is all very weird and future, but becomes sort of interesting if you extend it a bit and imagine the way in which this can be applied across Disney’s entertainment propertiies; expanded benefits at Disney resorts for people who, say, have played a certain number of Disney XBox games, or who’ve sat through Finding Nemo more than 30 times with their children without killing either themselves or their offspring. Welcome to a future in which brand loyalty can TRULY be rewarded. Isn’t it nice? Eh? Oh. 
  • Recovering The ClassicsA wonderful project which seeks to crowdsource new, original cover art for out-of-copyright ebooks which are no longer owned by publishers. There’s some great design in there, whether or not you’re of a literary bent. 
  • Bicycle Wheel LED Display Art ThingyThis is very cool indeed, or at least it will be when the Kickstarter gets its funding. Using the same tech which you can see on these high-tech pois, this will let people display LED art on the moving wheels of bikes. There’s all sorts of very cool performance things which could be done with this, leaving aside the inevitable advertising applications.
  • Someone In Brazil Made A Judo FontNo idea why, though. 
  • Chrome RollitAnother in the long line of clever, technically astounding Chrome experiments – this time a game that seamlessly crosses from your computer to mobile and back again. Have a play (if you can – you obviously need an Android phone) and marvel at how well-made this is. Kind of like the same sort of concept behind the Wii-U, except something that people might actually one day use
  • The Mood Recognition LampSO CLEVER! Using a combination of face recognition technology and an IKEA lamp, this piece of design/art takes a standard light fitting from the ubiquitous Swedish retailer and couples it with a camera to make a piece of furniture which responds to how happy/sad you are. Smile, and the light becomes more pink; frown, and shades of blue dominate. Obviously this is incredibly simple, but I can’t help but see it as a first step on the road towards the Sirius Cybernetics Corporation and lifts which make small talk with you and react to your moods. God, that sounds ghastly now I come to think of it. 
  • Twitter Exquisite CorpseTwexquisite corpse! AHAHAHA. Ahem, sorry. This is taking place as of tomorrow, as part of the London Literary Festival, and is a nice experiment in online storytelling and interactive narrative. Taking the base premise of exquisite corpse (‘consequences’ to the uninitiated) – or at least a variation on it – this will see Twitter users given a daily starting point for a story which they can then take wherever they want – these daily collaborative stories are then massaged into coherence by a team of professional writers and  placed on Storify. There’s a nice combination of the crowdsourced and structured here; will be interesting to see what the output looks like.
  • Vertigo Pictures of Hong KongRemarkable photographs, gazing up at the sky through the urban jungle of Hong Kong. You will get a small crick in your neck looking at these, but it will be worth it – vertigo-inducing and very cool.
  • The New Rijksmuseum WebsiteThis got a lot of love online this week, and rightly so. It’s not so much that it does anything spectacular, but rather that it doe everything it needs to do so damn well. Clean navigation, great visuals, the opportunity to create a personalised museum experience online…it ticks all the boxes. Not flashy or showy, just really, really good. 
  • Dual Purpose JewelleryHave you ever wanted to buy a ring which also doubles as a masturbatory aid? OH GOOD! Now, I’m obviously not a woman (OBVIOUSLY) but I must confess to being a little confused by these. I mean, really?
  • Most Shared Pictures on WeiboA clever website scraping Weibo for the most-shared posts containing images over the past 24h. An interesting look at what is occupying the minds of the Chinese people at any given time (or, at least, the stuff that they can share online without fear of reprisal), although obviously my lack of even a passing understanding of Madarin or Cantonese means that I have no context whatsoever for any of the stuff on there. I am particularly puzzled as to why, at the time of writing, a picture of Margaret Thatcher is the 99th most shared picture of the day. Anyone?
  • My PrivacyFederico is a New Yorker. Like many of us, he has realised that there is an awful lot of his personal data on the web, which other people are making an awful lot of money from. Federico has therefore decided to try and monetise his own data – you can buy all of it directly from him. Information about where he’s been, the websites he’s visited, everything you can quantify – all available. He’s compiled all of this into a truly lovely series of web projects – go ad check them out, they really are beautifully crafted (it may not surprise you to learn that Federico lives in Brooklyn). 
  • What’s My Startup PitchHave a startup? Need a pitch? This may help.
  • The Abandoned SanatoriumAbsolutely the creepiest set of photographs you are likely to see today, these are of an abandoned TB sanatorium outside Berlin. Hitler was once treated there, apparently – in any case, it’s the greatest setting for a videogame I’ve seen in ages. Oh, and here’s a whole other set – again, creepily impressive with some rather nice effects applied. 
  • The Giant Kinder Egg Birthday SurpriseThis is what happens when you attempt to make your girlfriend a giant Kinder Surprise for her birthday, but don’t really have the adequate skills or equipment.
  • Nike Ballet ShoesI was sceptical as to whether these were a real thing, but I’m assured that they are – really gorgeous design from Nike, although I’m in no position to judge their quality when it comes to performing a perfectly-executed pas-de-deux (as obviously I perform all my ballet barefoot like a purist). 
Image by Sayaka Maruyama


  • Who Wore It BetterDepending on your point of view, this is either ‘an ongoing visual research project presenting associations and common practices in contemporary art’, or a really interesting look at the massive degree of plagiarism inherent in the art world. Quite incredible at points. 
  • The Social RadioHave you ever wanted to have your tweets read back to you by a disembodied robotic voice, while tinny muzak plays in the background? No, of course you haven’t. And yet, now you can thanks to this bafflingly-pointless-yet-endearing little web project. What would make this better would be the ability to select voices – I personally would like to have Beyonce’s tweets, for example, read to me in the style of the lead singer of Napalm Death
  • Glitched Google MapsA collection of Google Maps images which are glitched so as to show contradictory seasons within the same frame. Someone really should do an exhibition collating all the examples of accidental art created by Google (OR IS IT ACCIDENTAL??? Jesus, it’s so hard to tell. Maybe it’s all just one big conceptual art project, like some sort of infinitely wealthy, all-knowing Gilbert & George).
  • One Mexican Town’s Fight Against The CartelsA great series of pictures depicting the Mexican town of Cherán, which a few years ago threw out its council and police and opted to stand up to the drug cartels independently. An astonishingly ballsy thing to do, well-documented in this great piece of photojournalism in Wired.
  • You Think Your Favourite Bar Is ‘Cool’?It really isn’t. This is something SO hipster that there isn’t even a name for it yet. The most secret bar you will ever see, from NYC. This will doubtless be replicated in Deptford within the year, except our version will have more dead pigeons and will almost certainly be accompanied by a bloody pop-up chicken shack because those are the RULES in 2013 London. 
  • Matches With Faces Drawn On ThemI’m sure that if you’re Japanese this makes some sort of sense, but I’m baffled. Someone appears to have made a whole website featuring images of books of matches with tiny faces. THIS IS SOMEONE’S LIFE, RIGHT HERE.
  • The Perfect Present For Your Loved OneHave you ever wanted to suprise your partner with a gift which speaks to the unique romantic bond you share, and which acknowledges the coruscating passion you have for each other? Have you considered putting pen to paper and writing your very own piece of erotica dedicated to them, but are unsure where to start? HELP IS AT HAND! This is a remarkable service which will, for a nominal fee, produce one of a series of cookie-cutter ‘erotic’ novels featuring the names of you and your significant other. There are so many things wrong with this, not least the fact that a cursory explanation of the site suggests that you’re not even getting proper bongo for your money – at best there will be a few heaving bosoms and perhaps a desultory reference to ‘his firmness’. Disappointing, but almost certainly comedy gold for the right couple (you’re out there somewhere). 
  • A Pinterest Board Collating Crap Quotes People Post on PinterestErm, that. If you have any stupid and annoying colleagues who are fans of the meaningless, inspirational aphorism, this will keep them happy and distracted for hours while you fetch the waterproofs and the flensing knife. 
  • Beautiful Pictures From The Upper NileA blog collecting pictures from an aid worker’s trip to the Upper Nile. Some gorgeous photography.
  •  La Petite MelancholieA blog collecting pictures of vintage (and not-so-vintage) nudes and other assorted ephemera. NSFW, but, y’know, it’s ART. Tell them that as you’re escorted from the building.
  • #なぜ描いたかわからないイラスト晒So this is a Japanese hashtag trend, apparently. The characters to the left apparently mean something like ‘Stuff I drew for no reason that I can adequately explain’ – searching for this throws up some baffling examples of Japanese doodling, some of which is really impressive and others of which make you want to go and have a bit of a lie down as you contemplate the mysteries of the inscrutable orient (not a euphemism). 
  • I Haven’t Been Fully Honest With YouWhat would you do if some random famous person on the internet suggested that you text this to your significant other and then not respond, whatever they do / say, for an hour? You’d do it, of course, and hang the consequences! The responses are occasionally funny, but you do wonder at what sort of people will do things just because the internet told them to. These people, amongst others
Le Dernier Homme, by Francois Bard


The Circus Of Tumblrs:

  • You Were HereA nice idea by creative agency Creature in the US, posting pics from a photobooth direct to this Tumblr. I sort of think that there’s a nice tourist promotion thing to be done with something like this, maybe on the banks of the Thames opposite Parliament or something. Maybe.
  • Animated AlbumsAlbum covers, animated.
  • Awkward Poses: People posing, awkwardly.
  • Cat TongingCats being prodded (gently) with tongs. Definitely not tongues. The cats don’t seem to mind, although you do wonder whether they are simply biding their time to exact some sort of terrible revenge (of course they’re not; they’re cats, for crying out loud). 
  • Bad AdviceTerrible (but in many cases strangely honest and true) responses to real letters to magazine advice columns. 
  • Screenshots of DespairA series of existentially bleak screenshots / pictures of the blankly unemotive utterances of machines. Guaranteed to  empty your soul.
  • Cops & NobbersOn the one hand, this is a one-note gag stretched to paper thinness which also makes light of some unpleasant instances of extreme police force against protesters. On the other hand, it may be puerile but it did make me laugh. 
  • Local People With Their Arms CrossedRemarkably consistent selection of photographs from local newspapers. From the same series as angry people, grumpy councillors, etc.
  • Just Another IKEA CatalogueNB THIS REALLY ISN’T SAFE FOR WORK, UNLESS YOUR EMPLOYERS HAVE A LIBERAL ATTITUDE TO WORKPLACE BONGO CONSUMPTION. I really, really wish that this was official marketing by IKEA – after all, they are Swedish and therefore obviously have no problem with pr0n. I don’t think it is, sadly. Anyway, this is a blog collecting gifs from pr0n movies in which IKEA furniture features in the background. Is there a piece of furniture in the IKEA catalogue called ‘bongo’? There should be.


  • Do You Ever Listen To Full Albums Any More?: A short piece on the NPR website posing the question as to whether anyone really sits down and listens to whole albums from start to finish any more. The comments, though, are where the meat is – interesting comments on how people listen to music nowadays, along with a host of recommendations of music which deserves to be listened to in a single sitting. 
  • In Defence of Small TalkFascinating look at what it is that small talk actually means, and why we as a species sort of need it, mentally and emotionally, and what it means in terms of commonality of terminology and therefore communication. It quotes Heidegger and everything, so it must be smart.
  • The Transformational Power of SpiceIf you’re into food, this is brilliant. An in-depth look at spicing and cuisine, and how proper spicing can have a transformative effect on flavour. Will make you want to go and have a really, really good dinner. 
  • The Final Days of ‘Macho Man’ Randy SavageThis one’s probably only worth reading if you know who Randy Savage is. If you do know (Hulk Hogan! Legion of Doom! Ultimate Warrior! RIC FLAIR!!!! (OH MY GOD I HAVE JUST FOUND HIS WEBSITE IT IS AMAZING CLICK ON THIS NOW), then this will be an awesome trip down memory lane. He had a very weird life, did Savage, and this is a rally interesting look at the oddity of the wrestling scene in the US at about the point when it started getting really big. 
  • The Oddly Poignant Story of 3d-Printed Sad KeanuThis is obviously really silly, but perhaps I’m feeling a bit hormonal or something as it made me feel a little bit *funny* (not in a sex way). 
  • How The Internet Is Using Us AllA piece from the London Review of Books looking at the central theses of the recent books by Evgeny Morozov and Jaron Lanier. A nice, gentle introduction to a couple of texts which it really is worth reading if you have even a passing interest in internet culture (sorry, Evgeny – ‘internet’ culture. 
  • Behind The Lines With The EDLReally interesting blogpost by a woman who, attending an anti-EDL protest near Downing Street, found herself in conversation with an EDL member. She recorded the conversation and transcribed it – makes for fascinating reading, if obviously a little unsettling. 
  • Twi-FiSORRY! This is a great little short story about a Twitter bot. Read it. 
  • How Social Mobility Got StuckSo obviously I like and agree with this because I’m a pinko liberal leftie. Nonetheless, this is an interesting-if-obviously-partial look back at the growth in income inequality in the UK since the Thatcher years, and the quiet emergence of an underclass who, whilst not on the breadline, are increasingly economically incapable of engaging with society in a manner which might be described as fulfilling.
  • The Unexotic UnderclassIn what almost sort-of works as a segue, this piece looks at that very section of society (from a US perspective), and asks why it is that entrepreneurs seem unwilling or incapable of focusing their innovative efforts on solving problems which apply to anyone other than reasonably privileged people (clue: MONEY!). 
  • Spine-chilling Reddit Thread: Reddit users share anecdotes and reminiscences about the scariest things they have ever experienced. Don’t have nightmares (you might, though). 
The beautiful work of Alana Dee Haynes


1) We kick off with some unusually high culture (don’t worry, we’ll get back to smut and oddities shortly). Wednesday was the 100th anniversary of the premiere performance of Stravinsky’s Rite of Spring, apparently – below is a gorgeous visualisation of the piece. Whack it in fullscreen an relaaaaaaaaaaax:

2) I have just learned that ‘rapper’ in French is spelled ‘rappeur’, which made me very happy. Anyway, this man is called ‘Flynt‘ – his latest single is called ‘Mon Pote’, and I have literally no idea whatsoever what it’s about. I hope it’s nice and not about murdering people or anything. The reason it’s featured is that the video’s a wonderful selection of classic film clips into which Mr Flynt has placed himself. Slickly done – see if you can name them all (and watch it now before the inevitable copyright police clampdown):

3) As part of my continuing commitment to bringing you ODD THINGS OFF THE INTERNET, I feel sort of compelled to include this; can I add, though, that I’m not 100% sure about this one, and it just strikes me as a little gratuitous and bottom-heavy, without the wit it needs to properly stand out. The first minute, though – WEIRD. Major Lazer – Bubblebutt:

4) As I’ve been writing this I’ve started to realise that there’s quite a lot of smut in here this week. Sorry about that. Continuing the theme, though, here’s a great little video – real lesbians watching lesbian pr0n. Totally SFW (everyone is fully clothed) though the audio isn’t, and very, very funny – you may be surprised to learn that what’s peddled as lesbian pr0n is *whispers* actually just made for men! I KNOW!!!:

5) I absolutely adore this. Lipsynching and choreography and just some great face acting, along with a lovely little pop song AND OH LOOK THE SUN’S OUT! This is Holy Roller, by Thao and the Get Down Stay Down:

6) Ricky Hil is a rapper, apparently. His slurry delivery on Sarah’s Song, combined with the lyrics, is very unsettling. Erm, enjoy!:

7) Back to the summery stuff now – Lou Marco is a French musician, this is apparently his debut single which is called Don’t Care, and the video for it is pure Saul Bass. Enjoy:

8) Whether Die Antwoord are/were a band, an art project or some sort of weird hybrid of the two, they’ve certainly been one of the more visually interesting projects of the past few years. This is collaboration between them and Gary Baseman called The Buckingham Warrior – to quote them: “The Buckingham Warrior [is] a tale inspired by Gary Baseman’s father Ben Baseman who survived the holocaust, fighting the Nazi invasion in Ukraine’s birch tree forests for almost 4 years. Baseman and Director David Charles transformed his father’s harsh reality into a whimsical story of survival and hope”. So there. Watch:

9) Last, and possibly least, we have this tourettic audio/animation combo by these people (the French are dominating this week). Enjoy, have fun, and have a LOVELY weekend. You especially:

That’s it for now

See you next week. Please forward this onto as many people as your mail server can physically handle. If you’re reading this and have yet to subscribe, visit the Imperica newsletter page to do so.

Webcurios 24/05/13

Reading Time: 16 minutes

[image missing]

Life Snails, Rye Lane, SE15
Garudio Studiage photo of the week

I had a whole thing worked out for this first bit, featuring a really romantic story that cannot fail to warm your heart, a couple of gags about the new XBox, the best reaction to classrooom criticism you’ll ever see, and the best wrong number text message conversation you will ever see

And then Wednesday happened, and I sort of lost the appetite for it somewhat. It would be funny to see idiots all over the internet blaming otherwise-blameless fabrics ‘muslins’ for everything were it not so incredibly depressing. 

Anyway, onwards with the stuff. Thank heavens for the bank holiday.
*looks outside*


Navesh Chitrakar/Reuters

The Section Which For Some Of You Will Actually Be Of Some Small Professional Relevance But Which For Others Is Mogadon And Of Which There’s Quite A Lot This Week Sorry:


  • Twitter Adds Lead GenerationWhat it’s technically done is add Lead Generation Cards, but you (and indeed I) don’t need to know that. This is a very significant innovation, in what has been a whole week of pretty big innovations from Twitter. This means that, in time when it’s rolled out to everyone, brands will be able to pay to have lead generation stuff attached to their tweets. Which means, in practice, that if you see a Tweet from, say, a restaurant talking about an exciting new menu item, if you click on the tweet it could give you the option to get access to a discount or free sample next time you visit. Which is, obviously, also giving said restaurant (potentially) your contact details (email, etc) and the tacit right to contact you about WHATEVER IT WANTS for perpetuity. The potential really is huge, though, and a very big thing indeed. The fundraising applications for charities in particular are huge, as they are for political parties (as pointed out by someone cleverer than me). Watch that space. Yes, that one there. 
  • Also Adds TV Ad TargetingThis is also HUGE, I tell you. They’ve also added the functionality (which is really clever and not a little spooky) to track what is being advertised on TV where and when, and serve content on Twitter to people tweeting about the programme within which the ad aired. So, to give a THRILLING EXAMPLE, imagine you are at home watching Jeremy Kyle in London; Twitter could know that London viewers were served an advert for the new Danny Dyer film; it could also know that you tweeted about the Jeremy Kyle show during the programme, thus meaning you were an ENGAGED AUDIENCE MEMBER who’d probably seen the ad; it could then serve you a tweet relating to said cinematic masterpiece. Which is amazing really, and if you combine it with the idea above leads to a situation where the Danny Dyer people could tweet discount coupons to users who had probably seen the ad for the film. Or, alternatively and if you’re more dystopian in your futuregazing, a future in which we get served horrifically intrusive contextual adverts based on ANYTHING we do or see. Ho hum.
  • Use Twitter to Record TV ShowsIn Brazil, at least. I can’t be bothered to explain the tech here – click the link, go on, if you care that much – but by syncing your Twitter account with your Sky account you can record shows by using the hashtag #Skyrec. The mechanic involves RTing content from the Sky feed, which makes it not only technically smart but also a nice, in-built promotion. 
  • 2-step verificationIt’s a security thing. Not that exciting, but if you run a branded account or if you’re concerned about EVIL people thieving your online identity then you should turn it on. Also, this should at last put an end to the ridiculous ‘oh, our account was hacked’ excuse from brands and sportspeople. No, it wasn’t hacked. You just said something you regretted, or tweeted from the wrong account. NO ONE HERE IS FOOLED. Hear that, Sky? DO YOU???
  • Charts For MusicYou can now see charts of what people are listening to through the Music service. Which is interesting from a media point of view – there’s surely a story in ‘within minutes the leaked Daft Punk album was the most-listened to music across Twitter’, etc. Or maybe it’s not, it’s quite hard to tell right now. 

Pinterest Adds More Stuff For Brands Too!: Tell you what, all this extra brand stuff on the internet really is going to make our day-to-day interactions with each other so much BETTER! This is a small-but-big addition to Pinterest which allows brands to attach more information to images they pin – so perhaps info about which particular shop an article of clothing is sold in, fore example. 

4sq Search Changes, Now More Like TripadvisorErm, what it says there. Effectively you can now search for stuff near you based on all sorts of parameters – food which it serves, price, how many of your friends have been there (or, perhaps more interestingly for those conducting illicit affairs, places where noone you know has ever checked in), etc. Let’s see if this helps make the service socially acceptable to the mainstream of humanity (it won’t). 

An Interview With David Karp The Tumblr ManSo that was a big thing this week. This interview’s from 2009, and is a nice look back. He seems like a nice man, for what it’s worth (nothing at all, fact fans). This is also worth reading – it provides an explanation as to why the deal happened, why it cost so much (CLUE: advertising to The Kids!), and why it might not actually work. Which neatly segues into this rather wonderful piece by The Onion on why branded content really is what we ALL want more of *feeds biscuit to machine*

Facebook (SADFACE)

  • Teens Hate FacebookThis did the rounds a lot this week, under a variety of headings which mostly took the angle that teenagers were deserting The Social Network in droves as they tired of the DRAMA surrounding their interactions on it, and the fact that too many of their older family members were now on it and harshing their buzz (I believe this is how The Kids talk). Actually bothering to read the bloody research, though, shows that teens aren’t actually leaving the site – they are just diversifying their presence across multiple networks. Oh, and the survey was of a MASSIVE and doubtless statistically significant 804 people. Oh (again), and does anyone really believe that all teenagers don’t have secret profiles with aliases which their family members know nothing about? 
  • Everyone Hates FacebookYear on year use in the UK is down 9%, say YouGov. My favourite part of this research is this, which I reproduce in full here: The number of UK internet users who have quit social media sites because of social media marketing promotions is up 28 per cent points from April last year
  • Brands Getting Flak For Ad PlacementHeaven forfend that I defend brands on here, but this really isn’t their fault. Hey ho. People have been getting upset about ads for reputable companies showing up on pages containing questionable content and suggesting that the brands should be ASHAMED for advertising on these pages. Which fundamentally misunderstands the way in which advertising online works. Well done, people.  
  • As a bonus, have some more stats about Facebook (and other platform) usage amongst teens here and here.


  • Creepy Sentient Computers Get CloserGoogle can now tell what things are in photos. No, seriously. IT CAN RECOGNISE CATS AND JEWELLERY AND STUFF WITHOUT BEING TOLD. I don’t think anyone is getting as scared / freaked out by this as they perhaps ought to be. OH HELLO NIGHTMARE DYSTOPIAN SURVEILLANCE FUTURE (NB – I am not actually a mad, paranoid conspiracy theorist, although I accept it might read like that sometimes). 
  • And CloserGoogle conversational search lets you talk to the search engine and ask it stuff (the same tech as used in Glass, I imagine). This examination of how it works is impressive, particularly its ability to contextualise questions and remember the sequence of queries and make inferences based on said sequence. 
  • Google Trends VisualisationA slightly pointless but hypnotic and compelling ever-shifting visualisation of the top search terms on Google where you are at any given time. This week it makes for slightly depressing reading, in the UK at least.
  • Google Knows EverythingThis is an internal parody by Microsoft, a company famed for being loving and caring and cuddly. As such it’s scaremongery, but not actually untrue.


  • A Nice, Simple Look at The Internet Of ThingsIf you’re not 100% sure what all that internet of things stuff is about, you could do worse than read this rather clear explanation. Useful.
  • What Amazon Might Do NextClue – sell lots and lots of information about our buying habits to third parties. Maybe.
  • How Stuff Spreads – Gangnam vs Harlem ShakeThis is by a new agency and as such is a piece of linkbait (which I have totally fallen for). In fairness there are some interesting observations there as to some of the qualities which can affect the manner in which a piece of content is shared or otherwise; it totally fails to mention the MASSIVE amounts of cash invested by record companies in promoting Psy’s global earworm, though. 
  • Why Your Fan Count Doesn’t MatterA decent presentation by Mat Morrison on what you should be looking at instead of fans on social media (really, we’re still having to talk about this?)
  • Bespoke BalladsBy Barclays. Can we all agree that we are bored of the ‘here’s a bespoke thing made JUST FOR YOU by a brand on social media’ thing, please? Please? I know there’s no such thing as a new idea, but it’s been 3 years now and I’m tired.
  • Coke Stunt #1So, so clever – giving teens the opportunity to help each other out by donating battery life to each other via th medium of a little Coke-branded dongle. This is excellent because THEY MADE A REALLY COOL THING. Learn, people.
  • Coke Stunt #2Again, clever – giving the opportunity for people in India and Pakistan to interact with each other thanks to Coke. Taps into the whole ‘teach the world to sing’ schtick which they’ve been doing since forever, as well as the happiness thing. And, if you leave aside the fact that it’s still just a stunt to shill sugarwater, another Basically Decent Thing to do. 
  • Day Off GeneratorThis is also very smart indeed; an app for an outdoorsy magazine which works to help fool people you work with into thinking you’re sick when instead you are doing OUTDOOR PURSUITS. What’s cleverest about it is the newsfeed takeover stuff which it does through Facebook (although it does make me question how many people actually go to the hospital with a cold). 
  • Anti-crack PSA Billboard ThingThe billboard gets eaten by insects to demonstrate the destructive effects of crack. Oh, bum, I totally ruined the surprise. Nontheless, take a look – the execution is very good indeed. 
Don’t ask



Other Things I Have Found Interesting This Week, Pt.1:

  • A List of Crowdfunding SitesA useful overview of places on the internet where you can persuade people to give you money so that you can make that model of Chewbacca out of cat hair like you always wanted.
  • Justice League FamiliesVery cute and pleasingly whimsical illustrations of superheroes with their kids. Nice illustrations for a child’s bedroom, perhaps. Just a suggestion.
  • The Perceptive RadioI really, really like this. Very clever project by Mudlark (who have made some really good stuff in the past) and the BBC, to create a radio which can take data about the environment around it (relating to location, say, and local weather) and then modify the content dependent on that data. In the test example, they created a radio play in which details changed depending on whether the listener was, say, somewhere where it was raining or not. This is kind of like the benign flipside of some of the Twitter/Google stuff up there – imagine the possibilities in terms of bespoke storytelling you might explore with this stuff. Plug in the internet of things idea and it becomes really, really interesting. Or maybe it just becomes horrible – maybe your fridge will tell your radio that it doesn’t have any Coke in it, and then the people on the Archers will start ostentatiously DRINKING Coke really loud to make you want it and then you will go out and buy some and OH GOD IT’S ALL GOING TO BE HORRIBLE ISN’T IT? *cries*
  • Make 360 Degree Videos On iPhones: What it says there <—–. Quite a cool looking little toy, although due to the endless reports about kids being ruined by exposure to pr0n on the radio this morning, I can only think of this in bongo terms. Thanks, radio!
  • Add Clippy To Your WebsiteRemember Clippy? He was fun, wasn’t he? Well now you can bring back the 90s EVEN MORE with this excellent little pointless webhack which allows you to add Clippy (or any of his helpful chums) to your website. I don’t think I can stress enough how much I want someone to combine this with the farting scroll hack from a few weeks ago in a massive, blaze-of-glory IT’S MY LAST DAY act of idiocy. Please?
  • 90s IslandSpeaking of 90s revivalism (SEAMLESS SEGUE KLAXON), this is a website promoting a (doubtless dreadful) novel all about the era. However bad the book looks (and I can’t stress enough that it looks really, really bad), the website’s a spot-on parody of bad early web design.
  • ReverseGif: Leaving aside the tedious non-issue of the pronunciation of the bloody word, this is a cute (and pointless) little tool which allows you to reverse the animation of any gif; amusing results, particularly when you take stuff of people eating.
  • A Great Collection of Behind-the-Scenes Film ShotsI’ve just realised how horrifically inconsistent my capitalisation is. Sorry about that. Anyway, some cast and crew shots from a whole load of films. The one of Joe Pesci and Macauley Culkin is weirdly chilling.
  • University of RedditSo apparently this has existed for a few years now. WHO KNEW? Perhaps my ignorance of it is due to the fact that I don’t move in the same glorious, rarefied circles as its graduates. Perhaps. There’s some really esoteric knowledge on here, in any case, if you fancy having a root around. I’ll let you know how I get on with Shamanism 101.
  • TaxheavenA nice website to accompany a petition against tax havens, made by Torchbox.
  • Odd Digital Art Project #1The Pirate Cinema takes frames from the most popular files being downloaded on torrent sites and streams a collage of them, formed out of the choices of entertainment being made by the faceless and unknowing mob. There’s an interview with the creator at the link; his observation about how much the project has taught him about the aesthetic similarities between pr0n and mainstream media is sort of chilling in a casual, throwaway fashion. 
  • Odd Digital Art Project #2A clever music remix-y website to accompany Haroon Mirza’s current installation at the Lisson. Move the images around to affect the composition, and upload your own in collaborative fashion.
  • The Pentagram BikiniKnow any female goths who like sunbathing? They might like this, then (NB – Web Curios accepts no responsibility if in fact they really don’t like it at all). 
  • Typewriter RobotsJeremy Mayer makes robots out of old junk and they are really rather cool.
“Marilyn Monroe at Philippe Halsman’s Studio” (1959), by Philippe Halsman/Magnum

Other Things I Have Found Interesting This Week, Pt.2:

  • Dumbsto.reThis is really good. A mobile app development platform which allows you to code for non-smartphones. There’s not a whole lot there at the moment, but the potential is huge – there’ a weather app and a directions app, and if you start thinking about the potential to develop tools to enable people without internet access to take advantage of online information then it gets very exciting indeed. Charities working in the developing world should definitely take a look.
  • Nazi Hunter AlanI don’t know why this exists, but am quite glad it does. I don’t think Alan is real, but the music on his website is strangely soothing.
  • Time Magazine’s Top Websites of 2013Not quite sure as to the criteria by which they select these, but there are a few interesting ones, and it’s nice to see This Is My Jam getting a bit of big media love. 
  • Google Earth FacesThere’s a lot of interesting stuff being done around machine facial recognition at the moment; this project uses that tech to look at Google Maps and pull out faces from cityscapes, natural geography and the like, with pleasing results. 
  • CloudPartyRemember Second Life? IT WAS GOING TO BE HUGE (until all of a sudden it wasn’t). There are still a lot of people who use it, though, with their funny avatars and virtual marriages and real-life affairs and STUFF. Anyway, CloudParty seems to be like SL, except browser-based. I’m only mentioning it because they are running a $1000 virtual art prize, of which more details here, and frankly I reckon there will be about 3 entries so you’ve got a pretty decent chance of winning if you’re into that sort of thing.
  • I Love Your WorkMy favourite webarty thing of the week, this project has collected over 2,000 ten-second video clips recorded by adult film actresses over a 10-day period. The footage is available to watch, for a fee – each day ten ‘tickets’ are sold to access the video, for $10. No more. It’s not pr0n, although it might feature some; it’s a lot more interesting than that. Watch the trailer-type video on the website; it really is very good.
  • Visiting The Shot Locations of Album CoversNo more, no less. Lovely little project.
  • Nothing But A MovieA superb piece of storytelling merging comic art, animation and sound to excellent effect. In particular the audio is brillant. Takes 5 mins, do take a look.
  • More Interactive Storytelling: Another nice piece of digital work, showing how you can use video in slightly more creative ways online to improve interactivity, enrich content and just narrate a bit better. Sadly this example’s about the US healthcare system and not exactly scintillating, but it’s worth a couple of minutes’ play just to get the ideas behind it. 
  • A Deflatable Sex CubeSurely one of you will want to buy this, won’t you? SFW, just so you know. 


The Circus of Tumblrs:

  • Sexts From Marxists: Combining the dialectic with come-to-bed-eyes.
  • Mansplained MarxistA look at some of the sexist things said to one particular female academic. With Gifs.
  • Baguette Me NotsI don’t really understand what’s going on here, but there appear to be a reasonable number of moderately famous people (Matthew Broderick!) posing with bits of French bread. Whatever makes them happy, I guess.
  • Web2HellSome of the more egregious taglines of digital ‘businesses’ in the Web 2.0 era. 
  • Des Hommes Et Des ChatonsA Tumblr of attractive men and cats. Oh, and it’s French too. I’m sure there are some of you for whom this will probably be the best thing on here this week, so ENJOY. 
  • Eagles That Look Like Arsene WengerYes, really, there are LOTS of them. 

Games! Free Games! To PLAY!:

  • Cardboard Box Assembler: So obviously this sounds like the worst game ever, but let me reassure you that the amount of time you will spend actually assembling cardboard boxes is in fact very small, and instead you’ll play a very clever braintwisty 3d puzzler instead, which has elements of Fez
  • CanonA very small, very simple, very hard music/rhythm game. You will hate it, but it will compel you to play it. 
  • You Must EscapeAtmospheric and scary and based around echolocation and trying to find your way in the dark. Play with the lights out for extra effect (at nighttime. It won’t really work if the lights are off but it’s broad daylight, OBVIOUSLY).
Image by Denis Darzacq


  • On Music Cloning and Spamming on iTunes and Beyond: A brilliant exploration of how people game the system on music sites and get you to listen to dreadful knock-off covers rather than the real thing. On which point, you really, really need to hear this example of someone scamming Macklemore’s Thrift Shop. Personally prefer it to the oiginal.
  • On Consent and Acceptable BehaviourVery smart piece in the Atlantic about the degree to which certain sexual behaviour should or shouldn’t be acceptable, even between consenting adults. Particularly pertinent in the UK in the light of all the Spanner Trust stuff. Obviously this is not about whether you’re into this stuff or not – it’s about whether people who are should ever be stopped from doing it.
  • Benji Lanyado’s Startup BlogBenji Lanyado is doing a startup, and blogging about it. Interesting even if you’re not in that sort of space; doubly so, I would imagine, if you are.
  • Prospect on FarageA really good profile of omnipresent grinning jackanapes Nigel Farage by novelist Edward Docx in Prospect. Makes me almost feel sorry for Nigel, almost, nearly. Certainly shines a spotlight on the unique horror that is being a professional politician. 
  • Street ChildrenNot a happy read, this one, but worth reading; a look into the plight of street kids worldwide. The pictures will make you sad, in particular.
  • On Cats and Japan and the InternetAn incredibly in-depth look at the internet’s obsession with cats, and the peculiar manner in which in Japan they appear to be used as a mask behind which their owners can hide. It certainly does seem that many of the owners of YouTube’s most famous felines are little more than life support systems for their more famous pets. 
  • Looking Back at BiggieI was never that into hiphop when Biggie was…er…big, and even now I’m not a huge fan, but this piece is an awesome slice of oral history, piecing together quotes from those close to him across his career to paint a very vivid picture of a talented artist and the odd soap opera that surrounded him and his death.
  • The Best Thing About Poker You Will Ever Read: Speaking of oral histories…this one pieces together the tales of the main players in 2003’s World Series of Poker, widely credited as the event which took the game to the masses like never before. It’s a truly incredible tale, featuring as it does the story of an unknown amateur who went from having $39 to his name to winning $2.5million. You don’t even have to understand poker (although it will help) to enjoy it. Get a cup of tea, this is filmic.
  • The Women Who Painted PinupsA fascinating look back at the life stories of the women who invented the American pin-up as we remember it. Also, loads of great illustrations. 
  • Visiting A Competitive Scrabble TournamentIf you liked Spellbound, you’ll love this. The weird, weird world of the people who are PROPERLY good at Scrabble. Contains far more allegations of cheating than I would have expected.
  • Why The New Star Trek Film Is CrapAn exhaustive and completely spoiler-ish examination of every single thing (and there are LOTS) that is wrong with the new Star Trek film.  
  • American Assassinations For DummiesMark Ames is one of my favourite journalists, and this is some sterling reporting for NSFWCorp. Particularly pertinent given the recent debates in the US about drone use, this is a slightly scary investigation into the fact that the CIA has been assassinating people around the world for years. Proper journalism, done well.
  • Playing In A Band Noone LikesFinally, the poignant story of a man deciding to call his band quite because noone liked them. They weren’t dreadful, apparently, just unlovable. An interesting look at when perseverance in the face of adversity just isn’t viable any more; sometimes, giving up is the only option. POSITIVITY! Anyway, you can hear them here.


1) First up, 60 seconds of animated brilliance in the form of the aptly-named Aliens In 60 Seconds which is…er…the film, Aliens, condensed into a 60-second animation. Cute, and makes me want to play it as a videogame:

2) Bit more of a sombre tone for the next one, which is a remarkable video made using 600+pinhole cameras and a lot of painstaking effort. This is London Grammar with ‘Wasting My Young Years’:

3) This is a gorgeous animation about a sad-eyed robot escaping a factory. It is called Obsolete:

4) If you have ever been a little boy, this video will make you regress hugely. This is basically what you wanted car chases with your toys to be like, and they NEVER WEAR and so childhood was always fundamentally disappointing. No matter – this is awesome, you should watch it:

5) I don’t know who’s responsible for this or what it’s about other than that it features a lot of melted icecream and that it unsettled me to an extent that I now want to inflict that on you too:

6) Hiphop slot this week is here more to illustrate quality than because I think the song is anything special. The track’s by a guy called Lyrican, and it’s a bit generic-UK-scene overall, but the guest verses from Web Curios favourite Harry Shotta really are impressive:

7) I haven’t featured anything by High 5 Collective for a while now, but they are still churning out brilliant, filmic videos for other artists’ songs. Am slightly amazed that they’ve not been picked up to make something a bit bigger. In any case, this is their short film (music video seems a bit reductive) for Tokimonsta’s song ‘Go With It’:

8) Ai Wei Wei is, it would appear, not only a legendary visual artist and political campaigner but also a musician. This is the obviously hugely allegorical and political video for his new song ‘Dumbass’ – I’m not sure I quite ‘get’ Chinese rock music, but I applaud the man’s creativity:

9) Finally, we have out-and-proud gay rapper Nicky da B, with his video for the song ‘Go Loko’. It’s…well…it’s certainly memorable, and I don’t think I’m likely to have cause to write the phrase ‘bum kaleidoscope’ again any time soon. WATCH:


That’s it for now

See you next week. Please forward this onto as many people as your mail server can physically handle. If you’re reading this and have yet to subscribe, visit the Imperica newsletter page to do so.